My place is on fire

Chapter 901 Kryptonian’s advantage!

Chapter 901 Kryptonian’s advantage!
Sensing the 'sense of Qi' and introducing Qi into the body for the first time is the most critical step.

Because the billions of cells in the human body have never absorbed cosmic energy before.

The process of absorbing cosmic energy for the first time is also the longest and longest one.

Under Luo Yanning's guidance, Mu Wei and Gao Yaling quickly entered a state of 'sedation'.

The two began to train their bodies according to the method Luo Yanning taught them.

Among the few people, only Shi Mingsheng had not yet sensed the 'qi sense', and the pressure suddenly came to him.

Seeing the senior sister and junior brother succeed, their faces were full of envy.

Luo Yanning smiled and comforted Shi Mingsheng and said, "Old Shi, you don't have to be stressed. With your physique, you will feel the Qi sooner or later."

"Ahem, thank you, master, for enlightening me. I know, but..."

Shi Mingsheng pondered for a few seconds, as if he had made up his mind, looked at Luo Yanning and said:
"Master, I also want to buy a Spirit of Plants and Trees to try."

Although Shi Mingsheng is also a rich man with a net worth of over 100 million, but...

Compared with Muwei, the prince of the Abu Dhabi royal family, and Gao Yaling, who has a net worth of more than 20 billion, his little assets are not enough.

Since Shi Mingsheng was diagnosed with liver cancer, he has retreated behind the scenes and handed over all the family business to his son.

He only holds about 13% of the shares of Shi Group, which is equivalent to about 20 billion in market value!
Compared to the high selling price of [Spirit of Plants and Plants], his little assets are even more pitiful. He has to spend almost all his family wealth to afford one!
Therefore, for this period of time, Shi Mingsheng has been hesitating whether to buy [Spirit of Grass and Trees], which is indeed a major decision for him.

Luo Yanning could give free things like Tianxin Pill and Tianyang Pill to a group of disciples.

But for something as valuable as [Spirit of Plants and Plants], he himself needs to buy it from the system mall, so naturally he will not forcefully give it away to a group of disciples.

It’s not that his master is stingy, it’s just that he doesn’t have much leftover food!
If conditions permit, Luo Xuning still encourages his disciples to buy a [Spirit of Plants and Trees].

After all, when the end of the world breaks out in a few years, all the money in hand will become useless paper.

It's better to buy some supplies to strengthen yourself while the money is still valuable.

This can also be regarded as an investment in yourself.

The stronger you are, the better you will be able to survive in the apocalypse in the future, and the more secure your life will be.

"Yes, just like your senior sister and junior brother, I can give you a 9% discount, 18 billion."

Luo Yanning would never persuade people who wanted to buy [Spirit of Plants and Plants] to think twice, so she readily nodded and agreed.

Purchasing [Spirit of Plants and Plants] is definitely a very wise and cost-effective investment. Anyone who buys Luo Yanning will sell it. Not only will he not be discouraged, but he will be encouraged!

Shi Mingsheng said: "Now I only have about 4 million in cash, and the remaining 14 billion, I will collect it for the master as soon as possible!"

"Don't be too anxious, just take your time. You can take the spirit of the vegetation first."

While Luo Yanning was speaking, she stretched out her hand and took out a spirit of vegetation from the ring on her finger and handed it to Shi Mingsheng.

Shi Mingsheng's eyes widened when he saw this. He really didn't expect that the master would carry such a valuable item with him!

"Is this the spirit of vegetation? It is indeed a good thing. I can clearly feel the strong vitality it contains."

After Shi Mingsheng reached out and took the spirit of vegetation from his master's hand, he liked it more and more as he looked at it. In his mind, he began to imagine how he would become stronger after taking it.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "The vitality of vegetation is so strong, it only needs simple sunlight, rain, dew, and soil to survive.

At the same time, it also has strong regeneration ability. Even if it is damaged or cut down, the grass and trees can quickly grow back through tillering and sprouting.

In addition, plants and trees also have efficient energy utilization and material recycling mechanisms. They can convert solar energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis, and use this energy to synthesize organic matter to provide a material basis for their own growth.

At the same time, plants and trees can also absorb water and nutrients from the soil through their roots, and through their own metabolic processes, convert these substances into nutrients needed for plant growth.

This spirit of vegetation contains the core functions of vegetation. It is the essence of the essence. It may even... It may swallow cancer cells in your body and completely cure your liver cancer. Give it a try and benefit from it early. "

"Okay master!" Shi Mingsheng became even more excited and enthusiastic after hearing his master's brief introduction to the spirit of plants and trees!

Shi Mingsheng's liver cancer surgery was quite successful. After long-term and unremitting exercise and taking various drugs, he recovered well and there was no recurrence.

However, the reason why liver cancer is called cancer is because the current medical level does not have the possibility of complete cure. Even if the operation is successful, it may still relapse again. It is equivalent to a bomb in the human body. You don’t know it. When will it explode?

In addition to strengthening the body's constitution, the spirit of plants and trees can also increase the activity of cells and eliminate cells that are useless or even harmful to the human body. Among them, including cancer cells, Luo Yanning is not so sure.

After all, he has no experience in this area, so it is just a speculation on his part. The specific effect depends on the specific effects of taking it.

Different people have different reactions and changes after taking the spirit of plants and trees, and no one can compare with others.

Following Luo Yanning's instructions, Shi Mingsheng cut open the shell of the Spirit of Plants and Trees, swallowed the essence inside in one gulp, and then, like Marx, entered a state of 'trance' to absorb the effects of the medicine.

Gao Yaling and Mu Wei were guiding the cosmic energy to forge their bodies, while Shi Mingsheng and Marx were absorbing the medicinal effects of the spirit of vegetation. All four of them had entered a state similar to 'trance', and only Luo Yanning was left awake.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz--!

The phone in her pocket vibrated a few times, and Luo Yanning took it out. The name on the caller ID was 'County Magistrate Cui'.

Luo Yanning stood up from the futon, raised her legs and walked towards the door.

"Hey County Magistrate Cui..."

In order not to disturb the practice of several people, Luo Yanning opened the door and left the practice room before answering Cui Xiaodong's call.

"Yes, Mr. Marx is still in our scenic spot right now."

"I guess I won't be free this afternoon. Otherwise, I'll ask him for his opinion later. If he agrees, I'll set up a bureau in the evening and we can all sit together and get to know each other."

"Haha, County Magistrate Cui said something serious. I am also a member of our Wanshan County. If I can make some contribution to the county, I would love it."

"Okay, that's it for now. I'm still entertaining Max here, so I'm sorry for neglecting you. I'll come and apologize in person another day."

"Hahaha, okay, let's do that for now, hang up, and wait for my good news." After answering the phone, he said a few words briefly on the phone, and then Luo Yanning hung up.

What Cui Xiaodong meant was that no matter what Marx was doing in the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area this time, as a host, he should entertain others well and not neglect them, so he asked Luo Yanning to help connect people and ask for Marx's opinions. .

If there were no connections like Luo Jinning, and it was just an invitation from a group of leaders of the Wanshan County Party Committee, Marx would most likely not give him face. The county magistrate's position in front of him was a bit small.

But with Luo Yanning's relationship, the probability of success is very high!

In any case, whether there is a cooperation project or not, being able to sit and have a meal with a world-class rich man like Marx is something worth showing off.

After finishing the call with County Magistrate Cui, Luo Yanning returned to the training room. It seemed that the others would not wake up for a while, so Luo Yanning walked to the door of the gravity training room.

After passing the pupil test, a door in the gravity training room that was half a meter thick and made of an unknown material slowly opened.

After Luo Yanning raised her legs to enter, the door slowly closed. The gravity training room was surrounded by a silvery tone, and she didn't know what kind of metal it was made of.

Even if Luo Yanning turns on the [Unstoppable] state and goes all out, she can't leave any traces on the wall. Even the Crow alloy flying knife that cuts iron like mud loses its sharpness in front of this silver wall.

After Luo Yanning entered the door, she walked to a futon placed in the center of the gravity training room, sat down in a sitting position with five hearts facing the sky, and then said: "Adjust to 18 times the gravity of the earth."

"Modulating, please wait!" After hearing Luo Yanning's instructions, the voice assistant that came with the gravity training room began to work, and according to his instructions, the gravity in the gravity training room was adjusted to 18 times the earth's gravity.

Luo Yanning's body can now withstand a maximum gravity of 18 times. Under this gravity, his practice is generally not affected and the benefits can be maximized.

If it is doubled, he will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, extremely depressed, and the pressure will make him unable to breathe.

Not to mention practicing [Cosmic Original Guidance Technique], I can't do anything in there, I can't even last a minute!

Nothing is too much, and finding the ratio that best suits you is the best and most efficient.

"The gravity value in the gravity training room has been adjusted to 18 times the value of the earth. I wish the host a happy life and progress in cultivation!"

After the smart voice assistant prompted that the gravity had been adjusted to the prescribed gravity, Luo Yanning clearly felt the gradually increasing pressure on her shoulders, back, waist, abdomen, and legs.

It was like diving to a depth of several thousand meters, feeling extremely oppressive.

The efficiency of practicing in an environment with 18 times the gravity of the earth is naturally much greater than the ordinary gravity environment on the earth.

The original energy of the universe is consumed and absorbed much faster.

Luo Yanning sat down cross-legged, in a sitting position with five hearts facing the sky, and began to use the cosmic energy guidance technique.

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

If the cosmic energy guidance technique is practiced in the outside world, the absorption speed of the human body is like injecting an intravenous drip. Under an environment of eighteen times gravity, it is like directly injecting with a syringe!
Moreover, when practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique in the gravity training room, the billions of cells in the human body can also absorb more cosmic energy.

In less than half an hour, Luo Yanning felt that her whole body was full of strength, like a sponge that had absorbed water, unable to absorb even a drop of water.

"Huh~ turn off the simulated gravity!"

"Luo Yanning ended today's exercise with a long sigh of relief. After hearing his instructions, the smart assistant quickly turned off the simulated gravity environment in the gravity training room and returned to the normal gravity of the earth.

After returning to normal gravity from an environment with eighteen times the gravity of the earth, Luo Yanning felt that her body was as light as a feather, as if she could take off with a gust of wind.

"Training in this gravity training room is really efficient. Half an hour of training is more effective than the usual training of ten days and a half!"

Luo Yanning stood up from the futon, feeling that the 200 billion spent to buy the gravity training room was quite worth it!

When he walked to the door, the smart assistant automatically opened the door for him.

As soon as Luo Yanning went out, she found that Max had come out of his trance and was observing the changes in himself with a look of joy.

"Luo! This spirit of grass and trees is so amazing! I feel like my whole body is full of power!"

After Marx saw Luo Yanning walking out of a strange room, he stood up and faced him, describing his current feelings with excitement.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "Congratulations, Mr. Marx, it seems this is a pleasant cooperation."

"Yes, Luo! It's very pleasant! You are a genius! You can actually develop such a magical elixir!"

Even the world's top boss like Marx was so excited after experiencing the magic of the spirit of plants and trees that he directly changed the name of the spirit of plants and trees to elixir!

"Luo, that wall over there is a boxing strength testing machine?"

Marx glanced around and saw a boxing strength testing machine placed against the wall in the northwest corner of the practice room, and he suddenly looked eager to try it.

"Yes, do you want to go over and try? Please."

Luo Yanning smiled and made an invitation gesture, turned around and led the way, leading Max towards the boxing strength testing machine.

Like everyone else, after taking the Spirit of Plants and Trees, Marx's first thought was to test his current strength!

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, and his muscles felt much stronger. He was eager to know what changes he had made in himself now!
Standing in front of the boxing strength testing machine, Max took a deep breath and adjusted his posture. Luo Yanning helped him open the boxing strength testing machine.

After the boxing strength test machine is started, four "0"s are displayed on it, which is the initial state.

Luo Yanning pointed at a red bullseye in the center of the boxing strength testing machine and said:

"Okay Max, just hit the target hard and hit the target."

"OK." Max nodded in agreement, made a mistake in his steps, twisted his body, his spine drove his body, his body drove his arms, his arms drove his fist, and with a loud bang, he punched the bullseye!

Max usually likes boxing, so this punching posture is very standard.

This punch also brought out 60% to 70% of his full strength, and his power skills are considered to be qualified.

The punching power of Marx's punch was quickly displayed on the punching strength testing machine.


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