My place is on fire

Chapter 899 It is finally Wanshan County’s turn to be rich and wealthy!

A person like Marx whose status is transcendent and respected.

His every move will attract attention from many aspects.

The last time he visited China was last year, and he was received by three big bosses in one day.

The content of the meeting involved business cooperation and even political issues.

This also shows his important position in international relations.

This visit to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area without any warning really surprised all parties and also took it very seriously.

Even if we can't negotiate any substantive cooperation, we can't leave a bad impression!

The pressure came to a group of leaders from Wanshan County and a group of leaders from Beiqi Township.

How have they ever received a global boss like Marx? They have no experience in this area at all.

After Cui Xiaodong, the county magistrate of Wanshan County, received the news about Marx's visit, he immediately brought all the county leaders on duty to the scenic spot.

"County Magistrate Cui! You are here!"

Beiqi Township Mayor Dong Haiqing and Luojiazhuang Village Party Secretary Luo Haifeng saw the county magistrate arriving in person and hurried forward to greet him.

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Luo, is the news reliable? Is it really Marx?"

On the way here, Cui Xiaodong had confirmed it to Dong Haiqing eight times, but he still couldn't believe it was true.

Wanshan County is just a small county town, and there is nothing remarkable among the thousands of administrative counties across the country. How could it attract such a big Buddha!

Dong Haiqing affirmed: "Yes, County Magistrate Cui! The news is 100% reliable. It is indeed Elon Marx himself. I have confirmed it with the office of the scenic spot and got an accurate answer from Mr. Shui!"

Cui Xiaodong continued to ask: "What did Mr. Marx do in the scenic spot? What is the purpose?"

Dong Haiqing said: "It seems... just here for a trip? According to Mr. Shui, Marx was brought here by one of Mr. Luo's apprentices."

The purpose of Marx's trip was to buy medicine from Luo Yanning. However, this was obviously not suitable to be mentioned on the table, so he announced that he was visiting a scenic spot.

Although this reason is a bit far-fetched, there is nothing wrong with it. Who said that the world's richest man can't travel to the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area?
"The tour is coming?" After Cui Xiaodong heard this reply, he turned and looked at Hou Yongfeng aside, "Yongfeng! Did you hear what Xiao Cui said? That guy is coming to our Wanshan County for a tour! He wants to throw wealth and wealth into the sky. It’s on your head, let’s see if you can catch it!”

"I know the county magistrate! I have asked the New Media Propaganda Department to seize the time to customize a publicity strategy!" Hou Yongfeng's face flushed with excitement.

As Cui Xiaodong said, Marx’s trip to the Heilongshan Scenic Area is undoubtedly an opportunity for Wanshan County’s tourism industry!
If we can seize this opportunity and vigorously promote it, maybe Wanshan County will become another popular tourist destination in the country after ZB BBQ and HEB Ice and Snow World!

As County Magistrate Cui said, this is indeed overwhelming wealth, it all depends on how much you can catch!

While Cui Xiaodong, Dong Haiqing and others were talking, many news media, self-media, and even personal anchors who had learned about Marx's visit to the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area also came to the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

Today, at the entrance of Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, there are obviously many more media workers than usual, holding various shooting equipment, there are nearly a thousand people at least!

Upon seeing this, Cui Xiaodong quickly mobilized more than 50 police officers from the county to cooperate with hundreds of security guards at the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area to maintain order at the scene.

"Let me go, what's going on today! Why are so many reporters here!"

"Is there some big star coming? But this is too exaggerated! There are so many security personnel!"

"Don't you know yet? The world's richest man, Marx, has come to Heilongshan Scenic Area!"

"The richest man in the world! The kind who will be welcomed by the leaders of any country he goes to!"

“Now the popular posts on Kuaishou in Wanshan County are full of videos of Marx and the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area. They are so popular!”

"Heilongshan Scenic Area is going to be famous all over the world this time! It's so awesome, this time it is firmly established as the No. 1 scenic spot in Wanshan County!"

"Heilongshan Scenic Area is already very famous on the Internet, right? You haven't seen so many foreigners coming to check in at the scenic spot every day!"

"It is true that there are so many scenic spots in Wanshan County and it is rare to see foreign tourists, but here in the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, you can see a foreigner within two steps. It is too exaggerated!"

At the entrance of the scenic spot, ordinary tourists were also talking a lot, and the topics they talked about were all about Marx and the Heilong Mountain Scenic Spot.

At the same time, as some tourists said, Wanshan County’s Kuaishou is full of popular videos about Marx’s visit to the Heilongshan scenic spot.

The most viewed video, which captures Musk's face, has exceeded 1000 million views in just over an hour, and is still growing at a rapid rate!

More and more people know about Marx's visit to the Heilongshan Scenic Area, and it has even alerted the leaders of the city and province.

Cui Xiaodong received more than 20 calls from leaders of various departments at his superiors. After confirming to him that the news was true, each department also sent personnel to the scenic spot to report.


Heilongshan Scenic Spot Office Area, Conference Room No. 1.

"Luo, what kind of tea is this? I've drunk a lot of tea from China, but I've never tasted such delicious tea!"

Marx picked up the tea cup, took a sip of the tea in the cup, looked at Luo Yanning with a surprised look on his face, and gave him a thumbs up.

Luo Yanning smiled and explained: "These are new tea leaves picked from the Dahongpao mother tree this spring. If Mr. Marx likes it, I will bring some for you when I leave."

After hearing the master's explanation, Mu Wei smiled and joked: "Hahaha, master, good tea is one thing, but you didn't say the most important thing!"

"Oh? The most critical part?" Elon Marx looked at Mulvey with a curious look on his face.

Mulvey did not show off to Marx. He pointed at the water in the teapot and said:

“Elon, only the master’s Black Dragon Mountain Spring, a specialty of his scenic spot, can brew such delicious tea.

The reason why this tea has such a good taste is not only the tea leaves, but the Black Dragon Mountain Spring is the key. "

"The Black Dragon Spring is the key?" Elon Marx followed Mulvey's gaze and looked at the boiling water in the teapot with a thoughtful expression on his face. Mu Wei turned to look at Shui Miaomiao who was standing aside and said, "Mr. Shui, could you please get Elon a bottle of Heilong Mountain Spring at room temperature? Thank you."

"Of course, please wait." Shui Miaomiao nodded in agreement, turned around and took out three bottles of Black Dragon Spring from a box at the door, and placed them in front of Luo Yanning, Mu Wei and Marx respectively.

"Elon, try it, you will definitely like it." Mulvey has absolute confidence in Heilong Spring.

He only drinks water from Heilong Mountain Spring now. Whether he is at the base camp in Abu Dhabi or on a business trip during his childhood, he will ask Luo Yanning to airlift some Heilong Mountain Spring to him.

Of course, as long as the relationship is good, Mulvey would not use Heilong Spring for nothing, and would pay Corning Drinking Water Co., Ltd.

Marx picked up a bottle of Black Dragon Spring with a curious look on his face, gently unscrewed the lid, put it to his mouth and took a sip, then took another big sip, and then actually drank the bottle of Black Dragon Spring in one breath.

"Mu Wei, Luo, is this Black Dragon Spring the mountain spring water from your scenic spot? Didn't you add anything to it?"

After drinking a bottle of Black Dragon Spring, Marx instantly fell in love with the taste.

When drinking, you can feel the cool ice-like touch gently sliding over the tip of your tongue, instantly awakening every cell on your taste buds.

The sweet taste of Heilong Mountain Spring is like the dew in the mountains in the morning, or the freshness of the clear sky after the rain. It makes people intoxicated and will not be forgotten for a long time.

Heilong Mountain Spring is not only a drink, but also a kind of enjoyment. It is a deep gratitude for the gifts of nature. Every mouthful of mountain spring water is like nature whispering in the ear, telling its purity and beauty.

This Black Dragon Mountain Spring is so delicious that it seems to wash away the dust in the soul, bringing a kind of freshness and tranquility from the inside out. It is a gift from nature and a rare delicious food in life.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "It is just a simple sterilization and essence, retaining the original flavor of the mountain spring as much as possible."

In fact, Heilong Mountain Spring can be drunk directly, and there is no need for purification and sterilization. It is very pure, clean and hygienic.

However, in order to be more consistent with common sense and respond to the safety and health inspections of superior departments, some sterilization and disinfection equipment must still be available, and the process must be fake.

Marx said happily: "This Heilong Mountain Spring is so delicious! I have never drunk such delicious mineral water! No wonder Mulvey likes the mineral water in your scenic spot so much."

"Elon, master, the Black Dragon Mountain Spring in their scenic spot is not only delicious, long-term drinking can also play a very good role in strengthening the body. Since I started drinking this Black Dragon Mountain Spring, I feel that my physical fitness is getting better and better. Then This growth is obvious. I have not exercised deliberately during this period, so I am very sure that all these changes are caused by drinking Heilong Mountain Spring.”

Mulvey talked a lot on the side. He was obviously the prince of the richest royal family in the world, but at this moment he transformed into a salesman of Black Dragon Spring, strongly recommending Black Dragon Spring to Marx.

This was not the first day that Marx met Mulvey. This was the first time that he heard him "brainlessly praise" something. In addition, he had personally tasted the quality of Heilong Spring, so he immediately decided to place an order from today. Black Dragon Mountain Spring.

Marx looked at Luo Yinning and asked, "Luo, can I place a long-term order for Black Dragon Spring from you?"

Luo Yanning smiled and nodded and said, "Of course you can. I'll ask the general manager of Kangnian Drinking Water Co., Ltd. to come over and talk to you personally."

"Okay! This trip to China was well worth it to discover such delicious mountain spring water." Elon Marx smiled, he was very happy to discover such delicious spring water from Heilong Mountain Spring. It was also an unexpected gain. .

After chatting for a while, Mulvey, the "middleman", finally brought the topic to today's topic and said with a smile:

"Master, Elon is not here for your Black Dragon Spring this time. He is very interested in master's Tianxin Pill, Tianyang Pill and the Spirit of Plants and Trees."

"Yes, Luo, Mu Wei's changes are amazing. He said that his changes are all due to the several pills you gave him."

"I am very interested in the alchemy of China thousands of years ago, but I always thought it was a folk legend in your country."

"It wasn't until recently, when I saw the changes in Mu Wei, that I realized that your country's alchemy skills are really powerful!"

"Compared with the world's cutting-edge biomedical engineering and your alchemy, there is a huge difference!"


Hearing is false and seeing is believing. A living person like Mu Wei is right in front of his eyes. Anyone with eyes can see the changes in him.

The facts are there, and the changes in his body cannot be explained by modern medical theories!

Although modern medicine cannot explain the pharmacology and structural formulas of the several elixirs provided by Luo Yanning, the medicinal effects of several elixirs are very intuitive.

If you can't explain it, it means that science is not advanced enough. This is not a problem with elixirs, but a lack of academic proficiency.

Although I cannot explain the pharmacology and formula structure of Tianxin Dan, Tianyang Dan and the Spirit of Plants.

However, who can refuse a pill with such remarkable effects?
For example, there is a pill in front of you that can make people live forever after being eaten, but no one can explain why this pill is such a magical medicine, and there will be no ill effects after taking this medicine. reaction without causing any damage to the body.

With such a pill in front of you, should you take it or not?
I believe that the vast majority of people, or even everyone, will choose to take the elixir without hesitation!
It’s better to believe that it is true than to believe that it is nothing. Anyway, you can’t be a bad person, so why not give it a try, what if it is true?

Moreover, there are already many living examples of the medicinal effects of Tianxin Pill, Tianyang Pill and the Spirit of Plants and Plants, and the effects are all visible.

Therefore, Marx did not have too many worries this time, only a strong desire for the spirit of vegetation!
Anyone who knows Marx knows that he is a bit crazy, and at the same time he is always committed to pursuing the pursuit of challenging the limits of life.

Projects such as the Mars Oasis Project and brain-computer interface all have his strong support behind them.

The more successful people are, the more they value life and the more they want to live longer and exist longer.

There is no doubt that when all other external conditions remain the same, a strong body will definitely survive longer than a weak body.

Therefore, Marx was very interested in Tianyangdan and the spirit of plants and trees, which can greatly enhance the human body's physical fitness.

After learning from Mu Wei that Luo Yanning had such a magical elixir, he immediately arranged for his private jet to fly to the scenic spot, so it seemed very hasty and sudden.

Naturally, Luo Yanning had no reason not to do the business that came to her doorstep, and immediately sold 18 Spirits of Plants and Plants to Marx at a price of 7 billion per piece.

As for the Tianxin Pill and Tianyang Pill, he really has no survival at all now, and he still owes several hundred pills!

Marx could understand Luo Yanning’s situation of “supply exceeding demand”.

He did not force it, and ordered 20 Tianxin Pills and Tianyang Pills each from Luo Yanning on the spot, and settled the payment in advance. (End of chapter)

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