My place is on fire

Chapter 1031 The mysterious pit in the center of Sand City!

Chapter 1031 The mysterious pit in the center of Sand City!
The blood-red elite sandman shattered to the ground like crystal.

Among the red broken chips, there are some objects with a faint golden glow.

And a light blue ball the size of a basketball.

Rewards revealed!
[Ding! Congratulations on killing the mutant elite sandman and getting 1 points! ]

As the rewards exploded, the task interface popped up automatically with a prompt message displayed on it.

"1 points!"

Seeing the reward for killing the mutated elite sand man, Gao Yaling couldn't help but feel happy, feeling that the points reward this time was quite good.

"No wonder it's so difficult to deal with, it turns out it's a mutant..."

At this moment, Gao Yaling finally understood why this elite sand man was so difficult to deal with.

However, the result was good and I won in the end!
After the battle was over and her mind was relaxed, Gao Yaling sat down on the yellow sand, lay back without any image, and lay flat, gasping for breath.

After several hours of intense fighting, the cosmic energy in her body was almost exhausted.

By the end of the fight, she didn't even dare to use her heat vision easily. She had to conserve her energy and find the right moment to kill with one blow.

If the fight continues for another hour or so, it will be hard to say who will win or lose.

After lying on the yellow sand for more than half an hour and recovering some of her strength, Gao Yaling stood up and walked towards the reward that had exploded nearby.

"Sweet fruit, refreshing fruit, strength fruit, agility fruit..."

The golden lights scattered on the ground are all fruits that increase various attributes.

The increase in various attributes of this fruit is very limited, but it is better than nothing.

"Eye of the Wind and Sand!"

When Gao Yaling picked up the light blue sphere from the ground, the relevant information about the Eye of Wind and Sand instantly appeared in her mind.

This Eye of Wind and Sand is of no use to humans and can only be taken by Sand People.

After taking the Eye of Wind and Sand, the Sandman's growth rate and power can be greatly increased.

"That's it..."

After seeing the information about the Eye of Wind and Sand, Gao Yaling couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It turned out that it was of no benefit to her at all!
However, it can be given to Sasha, so it is not completely useless.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp--!"

Sasha, who has transformed into a human form and is following Gao Yaling, is looking at the Eye of Wind and Sand with an excited expression!
It seemed as if it also knew what effect this thing had on it.

"Okay, here you go~ Keep working hard and perform well in the future."

Gao Yaling threw the Eye of Wind and Sand in her hand towards Shasha.

Sasha stretched out her hands and steadily caught the Eye of Wind and Sand, her eyes revealing an expression of excitement and desire.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp--!"

Sasha looked at Gao Yaling and chirped a few times, as if swearing her loyalty.

Although Gao Yaling didn't understand what Sasha was saying, after spending a few months with her, she had a certain understanding of Sasha and could feel her emotional changes.

"Use it. If you become stronger, it means I become stronger. We are the best of partners."

Gao Yaling reached out and touched Sasha's head, and said something encouragingly with her eyes.

“Chirp, chirp—!”

Sasha nodded sincerely, then opened her mouth to an exaggerated degree and swallowed the Eye of Wind and Sand directly into her stomach!
With a muffled sound, Sasha's body suddenly swelled up like a balloon that was blown up.

Click, click, click——!

Immediately afterwards, there was another series of sounds, and Sasha's body began to grow larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the beginning, Sasha's body shape was similar to Gao Yaling, that is, the height of a tall woman.

After taking the Eye of Wind and Sand, Sasha's body kept growing. In the blink of an eye, she had grown to more than two meters tall, taller than Yao Ming!
Moreover, more than two meters is far from the limit and it is still continuing to expand.

In less than a minute, Sasha turned into a giant over four meters tall!
Fortunately, this giant is much more pleasing to the eye than the previous elite sand man.

Although Sasha's body size has increased several times, her female characteristics are still very obvious in human form.

Moreover, her figure is the kind that bears great fruit on a thin branch, with a very thin waist and a very large body.

Although he has become very tall now, he doesn't give people a clumsy feeling, as he still has a devilish figure.

Looking up at the giant Shasha standing next to her, Gao Yaling's surprise remained on her face for a long time.

This is... too big!
"Shasha, enter the second form and let me see!"

After hearing Gao Yaling's words, Sasha seemed to understand what she meant.

With a loud crash, she instantly changed from a human form to a tornado form, which is her second form.

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

Originally, Sasha's second form was only three or four meters tall and about one meter in diameter.

After taking a pill of Eye of Wind and Sand, its size suddenly increased several times!
The diameter of the tornado suddenly increased to about 2 meters, and its height exceeded that of the mutated elite sand man, reaching fifteen or sixteen meters tall!
Crash, whoosh--!

The air flow rotates at high speed and the wind noise is endless.

It can be seen that Sasha's power is much stronger than before.

"Let's try it out in actual combat!"

"Shasha, go and clear out all the ordinary sand people within a 1-kilometer radius!"

Sasha heard Gao Yaling's order and accelerated and quickly swept in one direction!
[Your pet Shasha killed an ordinary sandman. Congratulations on getting 50 points! ]

[Your pet Shasha killed an ordinary sandman. Congratulations on getting 50 points! ]

[Your pet Shasha killed an ordinary sandman. Congratulations on getting 50 points...]


On the information page, the information keeps jumping, and information about points arriving keeps coming in, and the interval between each message is very short!
In other words, Sasha's speed in killing sand people has now caught up with, or even surpassed, her own!

"The effect is very good! With a capable assistant like Sasha, the speed of earning points will reach a new level in the future!"

Gao Yaling couldn't help but feel excited when she thought about the scene of blocking points in the future.

Half an hour later, Sasha returned to Gao Yaling. All the ordinary sand people within a kilometer around her had been cleared out by it!
At the same time, it also brought Gao Yaling more than 2000 points.

Hoo ho ho--!

Suddenly, a violent gust of wind came from the rear left.

Gao Yaling suddenly turned around and looked behind her, and saw an elite tornado-shaped sandman of the same size as Shasha. The tornado-shaped sandman was moving towards her and Shasha at an extremely high speed!

The distance of several hundred meters was covered in the blink of an eye, and in just a dozen seconds, the enemy was already in front.

Sasha also increased her speed to a very high level, and without waiting for Gao Yaling's order, she had already crashed into the oncoming tornado-shaped sandman!
Boom, boom--!

Two sandmen in the form of tornadoes collided, causing bursts of huge gas explosions!

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

The yellow sand in the area where the two people collided was instantly swept out to form a deep pit more than ten meters deep!
Gao Yaling took a step and flashed to the side hundreds of meters away, thus escaping from the area where Sasha and the tornado-form sand man were fighting.

The two tornadoes collided and became one, just like two people entangled and fighting each other!
The wind in the surrounding area was very strong at first, but then slowly began to weaken as time passed.

In just a dozen seconds, the battle was decided!
[Ding! Congratulations! Your pet Shasha has killed an elite-level sandman. You get 1000 points! ]

“There are actually 1000 points!”

Gao Yaling couldn't help but feel happy when she saw the points obtained from killing the elite sand man.

Killing an ordinary sandman will only give you 50 points.

1000 points are equivalent to 20 ordinary sandmen!

After Sasha became stronger by taking the Eye of Wind and Sand, her strength also became stronger.

The time required to kill an elite sandman has been shortened to within 1 minute, and the efficiency of obtaining points has also been greatly improved.

Before today, when I saw those sandmen in tornado form, I could only run away.

Today, these guys that I used to avoid have become tools for me to earn points.

This is huge progress!
"Go Shasha, keep moving forward!"

Gao Yaling is now more confident and continues to take Shasha towards the central area of ​​Sand City.

Hoo ho ho--!

Along the way, the frequency of encountering elite sand people is not high, most of them are ordinary sand people.

Elite-level Sand People are few in number and only appear occasionally.

Soon, Gao Yaling brought Shasha to the central area of ​​Sand City, and was shocked by the scene before them.

The most central area of ​​the Sand City is actually a huge pit with a diameter of three or four kilometers and a bottomless depth!
Standing above the huge pit and looking down, it is bottomless.

At the bottom of the pit, a line of golden light with a diameter of one meter shot up into the sky like a pillar.

This golden light was the same golden light that Gao Yaling had seen from a distance before.

She had many guesses about the golden light of righteousness, but she would only know what it was after seeing it.

However, Gao Yaling had a vague feeling in her heart that this golden light must be some very important treasure.

Roar, roar, roar--!

While Gao Yaling was stunned at the edge of the pit, dozens of ordinary sand people and several elite sand people climbed out of the pit almost at the same time!

When these ordinary and elite sand people saw Gao Yaling, the uninvited guest, they immediately attacked her!
"Sasha enters second form!"

It was also the first time for Gao Yaling to face so many Sand People and Elite Sand People at the same time, and she couldn't help but feel very nervous.


She had the protection of the 'Wind-Fixing Pill', so she wasn't afraid of the tornado sandmen in their second form.

This form is restrained by the Wind-Fixing Pill and cannot cause any harm to himself. It is not as threatening to him as the first form, the Sandman form!
Therefore, Gao Yaling simply ignored the four elite sand men, instantly condensed the Water Curtain Sword and thermal vision, and dealt with those ordinary sand men first!
After Shasha entered its second form, the tornado form, under Gao Yaling's instructions, it also aimed at those ordinary sand people first!
Shasha's body is now more than ten meters tall and more than three meters in diameter. Those ordinary sand people are simply no match for it!
Under the powerful suction of the wind vortex, those ordinary sand people were instantly sucked into Shasha's vortex, and were instantly dispersed, turning into a handful of yellow sand on the ground.

With the joint attack of Gao Yaling and Shasha, more than 30 ordinary sand people were killed in less than three minutes.

The only person left at the scene was the elite sandman in tornado form, still moving and pulling violently.

It was as if he wanted to draw everything around him into his vortex.

After dealing with the ordinary sand people who posed a relatively greater threat, Gao Yaling and Shasha began to deal with the elite sand people in front of them.

Just as Gao Yaling expected, these sand people in the second form seemed to have not realized that she was basically immune to all wind-attribute attacks!
These elite sandmen in tornado form thought that their attack power was not enough, and that their rotation speed was too low, so they sped up frantically and increased their rotation speed crazily.

In this way, in the same amount of time, the energy they consumed increased greatly, but the threat to Gao Yaling did not increase at all!

Gao Yaling and Shasha fought separately and killed more than a dozen elite sand people in less than two minutes, gaining a huge amount of points.

Just after clearing the ground of sandmen that attacked him and Shasha, dozens of them crawled out of the pit.

"Oh my god, there are so many. Will it never end?"

"What on earth is under this huge pit?"

Seeing the sand people and ordinary sand people refreshed again, Gao Yaling suddenly felt a headache.

Although more sandmen mean more points, people also need to take a breath and have some time to rest!
At this moment, it's like being attacked by those sandmen in a round-robin attack. It would be a lie to say that I'm not tired!
"Keep going! Keep going. After we finish killing this wave, we will retreat strategically and find a place to rest for a while and replenish our supplies!"

While Gao Yaling was calling out to Shasha, she suddenly rushed towards the sand man and took the initiative to attack!

Puff puff!
Boom, boom--!

The battle happened quickly and ended even faster.

In less than ten minutes, dozens of ordinary sand people and a dozen elite sand people all became points in Gao Yaling's points mall.

Continuous high-intensity combat greatly increases the speed of earning points, but also consumes proportional physical energy.

"Retreat first, Shasha! Find a place to resupply!"

After the high-intensity battle, Gao Yaling was not only tired and hungry, but also felt that she was unable to exert enough strength.

Even Sasha's performance is not as fast as it was at the beginning, and it also needs to use sand crystals to replenish its energy.

There was only one elite sand man left that had not been killed, so Gao Yaling led it and retreated out of the city like walking a dog.

After the battle just now, Gao Yaling had gained some experience.

The sand people, the elite sand people, who climbed up from the bottom of the pit were in batches.

Only when all the Sandmen and Elite Sandmen in this wave are killed will the next wave be refreshed.

If we leave one unkilled like we are doing now, no new Sandmen will spawn.

Soon, Gao Yaling and Shasha evacuated more than ten kilometers away.

After getting away from the big pit area, he directly killed the elite sand man who had been chasing him for half a day.

In this way, even if a new sandman is refreshed, it will not be able to find this place for a while.

You can set up camp here to rest for a while and recover your strength.

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