My place is on fire

Chapter 1030 Waiting for the opportunity to attack!

Chapter 1030 Waiting for the opportunity to attack!
The moonlight spread across the desert like mercury.

The entire desert was like the surface of the sea, with a faint silver color.

The night wind blew, bringing up tiny grains of sand, making a rustling sound.

The night makes the desert even deeper and more mysterious.

Gao Yaling glanced in the direction of the city, then ran towards it firmly and resolutely.

After taking the Wind-Fixing Pill, her perception of wind attributes became more acute, and she could even use the power of wind attributes to increase her speed.

Her current movement speed is nearly twice as fast as before she took the Wind-Fixing Pill.

There is a huge improvement in speed!
Along the way, ordinary sand people would occasionally crawl out from their own ruined buildings or from some yellow sand piles to attack Gao Yaling.

However, these ordinary sand people no longer posed any threat to Gao Yaling and could only come up to give her their heads.

It only takes her a dozen seconds to kill an ordinary sand man. After exchanging for the Wind-Fixing Pill, her efficiency in killing monsters has greatly improved compared to before.

Soon, Gao Yaling arrived at the central area of ​​Sand City again.

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

Before she could even catch her breath, a sandman in the form of a tornado swept towards her!

Blah, blah, blah--!

Wherever the tornado passed, the yellow sand on the ground and the wooden boards on the roadside were all sucked into its eye and spiraled up into the sky.

This sand man in the form of a tornado has a diameter of two meters and is about ten meters tall. For Gao Yaling, it can be considered a giant.

Whenever Gao Yaling encountered this kind of tornado-shaped sand man before, she would always try to run away.

In the face of this unknown powerful force, one dares not even try to attack, and dares not risk his own life.

Being able to save your life is the greatest victory!
But today, now, I am strengthened by the Wind-Fixing Pill.

Gao Yaling did not retreat this time, but chose to face her inner fear!
The best way to overcome fear is to face it!

"It's okay, it's definitely okay..."

After Gao Yaling secretly encouraged herself, she gritted her teeth and rushed towards the sand man in the form of a tornado!

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

When the distance between the two sides was less than 10 meters, the only sound in Gao Yaling's ears was the violent noise of the wind.

When the sand man in tornado form saw that Gao Yaling not only did not run away but even counterattacked him, he seemed to be very angry and his rotation speed increased a bit!

The distance of 10 meters was reached in the blink of an eye. Gao Yaling closed her eyes and rushed into the eye of the tornado sand man!

The violent airflow of the tornado miraculously disappeared around Gao Yaling, just like when she killed ordinary sand people on the outskirts of the city.

This elite-level tornado-shaped sand man couldn't even blow Gao Yaling's hair. The power of the Wind-Fixing Pill was so strong that it was beyond Gao Yaling's imagination.

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

The elite sandman also found that something was wrong. He couldn't even roll up the tiny human inside?

It began to accelerate more violently, and accelerated again, and soon reached its limit!
Rustle, rustle, rustle--!

With the elite sand man and Gao Yaling as the center, almost all the yellow sand within a radius of ten meters was rolled up, and gravel, broken wood, and stones were madly swept into the tornado.

But Gao Yaling, who was in the center of the tornado, had a protective shield on her body.

The originally violent airflow miraculously disappeared beside her.

The power of the Wind-Fixing Pill was fully demonstrated at this moment. It not only protected Gao Yaling from harm, but also allowed her to find a quiet haven in the center of the storm.

Nothing could hurt her, even something invisible like wind could hardly blow into her protective shield.

Inside the protective shield, Gao Yaling's long hair fell naturally, motionless, not at all like she was in a violent tornado.

Gao Yaling was like a nail, firmly nailed into the eye of the tornado.

From the initial nervousness to calmness, she began to sense and observe every subtle movement of the Sandman, looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

"Oh? The speed has slowed down? So you get tired too."

After taking the Wind-Fixing Pill, Gao Yaling's perception of wind attributes was greatly enhanced. She could keenly sense the strength of the wind attributes around her.

When the elite sand man just entered the berserk state, the wind attribute condensed around it was very strong, but now it began to slowly decay and weaken.

In fact, this is easy to understand.

Just like human explosive power, a stronger strength may burst out in a short period of time, but this explosive power is destined not to last.

After the outburst, physical energy is exhausted and a decrease in attack power is inevitable.

"Water Curtain Sword!"

Gao Yaling moved her mind and condensed four water curtain swords around her.

Then, he waited quietly.

Wait for the Sandman to consume his own energy.

Half an hour later, the sandman's rotation speed was obviously more than ten times slower than at the beginning, and its energy was almost exhausted.

"Huh? That's..."

Gao Yaling looked up inadvertently and saw a grass-green, basketball-sized sphere in the center of the eye of the storm.

"It's the real eye of the storm! It's the core of the Sandman!"

The moment Gao Yaling saw the blue sphere, she felt ecstatic!
In the past few months, she has dealt with the Sand People a lot and has learned more about them.

Although sandmen are made of yellow sand, some of them will also condense their own core after growing to a certain extent.

However, it is extremely difficult to condense this core, and not even one among hundreds of thousands of sand people can succeed.

"I'm really lucky today. The first elite sandman I met was the one who condensed the core!"

Gao Yaling looked up at the core above the eye of the storm, with an almost fanatical expression in her eyes!

The Sandman Core is a very rare treasure. If you can get it, it will be of great help in improving your strength!
"I must get it! I must, I must!"

Gao Yaling suppressed her inner ecstasy and continued to wait, waiting for the opportunity to attack!

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

After about another half an hour, the wind noise in my ears became much weaker and the sandman could no longer be rolled up!

"Here comes the chance! Water Curtain Sword!"

Gao Yaling would naturally not miss such a good opportunity to attack. She wanted to take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Puff, puff, puff--!

All four water curtain swords pierced the inner wall of the tornado, instantly creating a huge gap in the inner wall.

Gao Yaling followed up with a hot power attack!

After activating the thermal power, he turned around in the eye of the storm and swept the sandman in tornado form with the thermal power!
The sandman seemed to feel the pain as well, and let out a shrill scream! The next second, the sandman in tornado form could no longer maintain the tornado form, and turned into a human-shaped sandman over four meters tall, covered in brown and yellow!

The elite sand man who transformed into a human form had an extremely angry expression on his face, and he opened his mouth and let out a huge roar.

Boom boom boom--!

The sand man pounded the ground with his two sandbag-sized fists, which showed how angry he was!


The humanoid sandman rushed towards Gao Yaling, raised his sandbag-sized fist high, and smashed it hard on her head!

Even if he is beaten back to his first form, the combat effectiveness of the elite sandman should not be underestimated.

Although Gao Yaling had an absolute advantage, she did not dare to be arrogant. She flashed more than ten meters away and avoided the fist of the elite sand man.

Yellow sand is flying.

After the Sand Man's fist hit the ground, a large hole more than half a meter deep was left on the ground, which shows the power of this punch.

Gao Yaling breathed a sigh of relief, luckily she had dodged it.

If I were hit by the hammer, with my current physical condition, I would be seriously injured if not killed.

The elite sand man missed the attack and moved, rushing towards Gao Yaling again!
It was more than four meters tall, with legs more than two meters long. It could cross seven or eight meters in one step and rushed in front of Gao Yaling.

He raised his fist again and smashed it down hard!
Gao Yaling is now more sensitive to the attributes of wind.

With the blessing of the wind attribute, her Lingbo Weibu became even faster, and she dodged the sand man's attack again with a flash of her body.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom--!

The sand man kept swinging his fists at Gao Yaling, and every punch and kick left a big sand pit on the yellow sand.

"This sandman that has condensed its core..."

"I hope it's more powerful than those other elite sandmen!"

"If everyone is as perverted as this, then what's the point of playing? I'd better run away!"

While constantly dodging the sand man's attacks, Gao Yaling complained in her heart.

It only takes her a dozen seconds to kill an ordinary sand man and she can get 50 points.

It is not only fast, but also safe and there is basically no risk to life.

This elite sandman is not only powerful and has stronger attack power, but is also more dangerous and time-consuming to kill.

If the points are only 1,800, the cost-effectiveness of killing this elite sand man is too low.


Another heavy punch came down, and Gao Yaling dodged with a thought.

"Oh? The movements are slowing down! It's almost my turn!"

Gao Yaling keenly felt that the sand man's attack speed had slowed down, which also meant that its physical energy had been almost exhausted.

It's sizzling!

Seeing the opportunity, Gao Yaling's eyes became hot and two blazing gazes shot out, directly piercing through the sand man's pillar-like right leg!

However, the sandman is not a flesh and blood creature, and even if there are two large holes in its right leg, it will not have much impact on its movements.

Of course, it won’t have a big impact, but it’s not like there will be no impact at all either. There will still be some impact more or less.

For example, after being attacked by Gao Yaling's thermal vision, the sand man's movement speed slowed down significantly.

Although it was just a little bit, Gao Yaling still noticed it keenly.

Between life and death, her mind was tense and she would not miss any tiny changes.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom--!

Just as Gao Yaling had expected, the elite-level sand man in front of him was indeed at the end of his strength.

First, the attack speed is getting slower, the attack frequency is getting lower, and the force is getting weaker.

As one disappears, that one follows.

When the sand man's energy was almost exhausted, Gao Yaling felt that her time had come, it was her turn!
"Water Curtain Sword!"

Puff, puff, puff--!

After finding the right opportunity, Gao Yaling controlled the four water curtain swords and accurately hit the sand man's eyes and the back of his waist on both sides!

Although the sandman is not a flesh and blood creature, its eyes and waist are still its weaknesses.

Especially the waist!
Gao Yaling guessed that the core of the sand people should be located there!
Its most important "core" is located on the right side of the waist!
Of course, this was just Gao Yaling's inference based on what she saw in the eye of the murderous storm.

She wasn't sure where it was exactly, so she could only try again and again!


When the elite sand man was stabbed in the back by the Water Curtain Sword, he let out a shrill scream!

The scream was so loud that it made Gao Yaling's eardrums ache slightly. It was obvious that the Sand Man must have felt uncomfortable after being attacked just now.


After the scream, the sand man looked at Gao Yaling with even more hatred, and punched her again, as if he would not give up until he achieved his goal!
Gao Yaling's Water Curtain Sword was already on cooldown, so she used her heat vision again to finish off the opponent. Two blazing rays of light once again pierced through the Sand Man's left leg!
Being attacked repeatedly, but unable to attack the enemy at all, the Sand Man's anger has almost reached its peak!


With a roar, the sand man suddenly froze in place, and then a hint of red quickly spread from its feet upwards, spreading towards its head!

In just a few seconds, the sand man that was yellow just now suddenly turned red!
Gao Yaling found that the slight injury she had just left on it also disappeared at the same time, and it recovered to its peak state and even became stronger!
"Oh my god, there's an explosive species!"

"How come he's suddenly so powerful again? This is too outrageous!"

Gao Yaling couldn't help but complain after seeing the changes in the sand man.

But no matter how much we complain, it's time to cheer up.

Gao Yaling firmly believes that the final victory will belong to her!
Boom boom boom, boom boom boom--!

The red sand man turned into almost a bloody man. Its attack power soared again and returned to its original level.

The slight advantage Gao Yaling had just gained disappeared in an instant, and everything was back to square one.

Fortunately, with the blessing of wind attribute and Lingbo Weibu skill, Gao Yaling's body movement is fast enough to deal with the elite sand man.

The fight lasted for more than an hour, and Gao Yaling suddenly focused her eyes and found an opportunity to counterattack!

It just so happens that the cooling period of "Water Curtain Sword" has ended at this moment.

If combined with thermal vision, the two people's skills can collide to create even more powerful power!

Puff puff!
It's sizzling!

The Water Curtain Sword and the Thermal Vision hit the right lower back of the Sand Man almost at the same time. This time, they penetrated the Sand Man directly and killed him directly!
Of course, although she said it was easy, Gao Yaling actually paid a huge price for this victory.

But she firmly believes that everything is worth it, and she will definitely be grateful to her current hard-working self in the future!

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