My place is on fire

Chapter 1032 Summoning the Sandman!

The first ray of sunlight in the early morning penetrated the hazy morning mist, and a touch of crimson quietly bloomed on the horizon.

Gradually, the crimson spread, like flames jumping in the sky, illuminating the boundless desert.

Under the reflection of the flaming clouds and yellow sand, the endless sand dunes seem to be on fire, with golden and fiery red interweaving to create a magnificent picture.

In this uninhabited place, the empty scenery further highlights the magnificence of the fiery clouds in the sky.

There is no hustle and bustle of the city, no noise of traffic, only the wind singing softly among the sand dunes, as if it is nature's ode to this beautiful scene.

The sand rustles under your feet, and every footprint records the silence and tenacity of this desert.

Looking at the fiery clouds, Gao Yaling felt an indescribable sense of pride in her heart.

It is the awe of the power of nature and the anticipation of an unknown journey.

At this moment, the boundary between man and nature becomes blurred, and the traveler seems to become a part of the desert, breathing with the land and witnessing the miracle brought by the fiery clouds.

As the sun gradually rose, the color of the clouds changed from dark to light, gradually fading away the strong red, turning into a light orange and yellow, and finally blending into the blue sky.

The desert also woke up from its sleep and began to greet another hot and long day.

"Shasha, I'll leave the mission of guarding to you. I'm going to have a good sleep~"

Gao Yaling stretched out in the tent made of monitor lizard skin, ready to have a good rest.

Before I knew it, it was daytime again.

During the day, the highest temperature in the desert can reach 40 or 50 degrees, which is not suitable for high-intensity combat.

Since arriving in the Death Desert, Gao Yaling has been like a cat, hiding during the day and coming out at night.

During the day, I rest and practice in the tent.

Only at night when the temperature subsides will they go out to hunt sand people to gain points and exchange them for more rewards to strengthen themselves.

Now that she has a powerful helper like Sasha to protect her safety, Gao Yaling feels relieved.

I slept for seven or eight hours. After waking up, I ate something and began to practice the art of guiding cosmic energy.

After taking the Wind-Fixing Pill, Gao Yaling's perception of the wind element became more acute.

The absorption of the cosmic energy contained in the wind has also been significantly improved compared to before.

In the past, she needed to practice continuously for four or five hours to cultivate the cosmic energy in her body to saturation state, but now it only takes about two hours.

Efficiency has been increased by more than half!

The concentration of cosmic energy on the Ape Planet was already more than ten times higher than that on Earth. Now it has doubled again, and the progress of cultivation has accelerated a bit.

"Hmm? Something seems wrong today..."

After two hours of practice, Gao Yaling felt that her condition today seemed a little different from before.

Normally at this time, the body's absorption of cosmic energy would slow down significantly, and then stop completely when the body is saturated.

But today, I clearly feel that the cosmic energy in my body is almost reaching saturation.

But the absorption speed did not slow down at all, and it was still as smooth as before.

A massive amount of cosmic energy rushed into the body from the five channels, constantly converging and compressing.

"This is... this is the manifestation of the Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique entering the second stage!"

Gao Yaling quickly realized what was happening to her, and an expression of joy appeared on her face.

After the cosmic energy guidance technique enters the second stage, it can absorb ten times more cosmic energy than the first stage.

After the absorbed cosmic energy is compressed and liquefied, the energy that can be exerted is far beyond what can be achieved in the first stage!
The second stage of the cosmic energy guidance technique can achieve an instant kill effect on the first stage!
After realizing the changes in herself, Gao Yaling was excited at first, then slowly calmed down and continued to practice and absorb naturally.

As long as her body can keep absorbing, she will keep practicing without stopping.

More and more cosmic energy entered Gao Yaling's body. When the concentration of cosmic energy in the body reached a certain level, the first drop of cosmic liquid finally appeared!
Condensing the cosmic fluid means officially entering the second stage!

If you can condense the first drop, you can condense the second drop and the third drop!
At the same time, after entering the second stage, the body's absorption of energy is faster than in the first stage, nearly ten times faster!
It took more than three hours for Gao Yaling to finally absorb all the cosmic fluid in her body.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a gleam in her beautiful eyes. It was obvious that she had made great progress!

"Success! I have reached the second stage of the Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique! I finally got there. This was not easy!"

Gao Yaling stood up from the ground with a bang, feeling the surging power in her body, her face full of joy.

Since embarking on the journey of martial arts practice, everyone has been pursuing greater power and wanting to become a stronger person. Strength is the standard by which everything is measured!

So, now that her strength has increased and she has reached a higher level, Gao Yaling is naturally ecstatic!

After your strength increases, you will be able to deal with sand people with greater ease, more comfort and greater safety!
I looked up at the sky. The sun had already set and the temperature in the desert began to drop at an extremely fast rate, soon dropping to around 10 degrees.

The evening breeze blows and you can already feel the coolness in the air.

"Eat something more, then set off for the deep pit. Today we will try to get down into the pit and see what treasures are hidden there!"

Gao Yaling withdrew her gaze from a distance and started to make a fire.

"Shasha, go find a monitor lizard and bring it over."

After hearing Gao Yaling's instructions, Shasha on the side seemed to understand her words and quickly rolled in one direction!
In less than three minutes, before Gao Yaling's campfire was lit, Shasha had already returned with a desert monitor lizard.

It seems that this desert monitor lizard was just dizzy by Sasha's super-fast rotation, but it is not dead yet, it looks very fresh!
A water curtain sword accurately pierced through the vital point of the desert monitor lizard and killed it instantly with one sword!

In the past few months, Gao Yaling has been dealing with desert monitors every day, and thousands of monitors have died at her hands.

She had already mastered the habits, attack methods, weak points, etc. of each desert monitor lizard...

It is not difficult to kill a desert monitor lizard with one sword. It just takes practice to get perfect!

After preparing the ingredients, Gao Yaling put the freshest monitor lizard meat on the grill and started grilling.

In less than five minutes, the meat on the grill began to sizzle with oil, and the skin slowly turned golden and crispy.

After living in the desert for several months, Gao Yaling has transformed from a young lady who has never done housework to an expert at barbecue.

The barbecues I make are becoming more and more successful and more and more delicious.

After eating and drinking, Gao Yaling and Shasha continued their journey, moving quickly towards the central area of ​​Sand City.

With her sharper sense of wind, Gao Yaling's speed has also been greatly improved. With the help of Sasha from behind, Gao Yaling's speed has exceeded 100 km/h, reaching a terrifying level.

It took Gao Yaling about ten minutes to return to the central area.

As she expected, a new wave of ordinary and elite sandmen appeared in the central area.

There were more than a dozen ordinary sand people. With the tacit cooperation between her and Shasha, they were all dealt with in less than two minutes.

The remaining elite sand people are less of a threat to Gao Yaling than ordinary sand people.

The Wind-Fixing Pill can perfectly restrain the second form of those elite sandmen.

Unless they realize this problem and change their combat style.

But it is obvious that even the elite sand people do not have very high IQs and they do not know how to adapt.

Two blazing rays shot out, piercing through the head of the last elite sandman and killing him instantly!
[Ding! Congratulations on killing an elite sandman and getting 200 points! ]

Along with the prompt message of points being earned, Gao Yaling glanced and saw something that looked like a light yellow book appearing in the sand pile where the elite sand man had just disintegrated.

"Skill book! My luck is too good to be true! I actually got a skill book!"

Gao Yaling couldn't wait to step forward, picked up the book that looked like a skill book from the sand pile, and patted the yellow sand on it with her hand.

As she expected, it was indeed a skill book, with four strong characters written on it: [Sandman Summoning! ]!
As the name suggests, after learning this skill, you can summon the Sandman again at the same place after you kill him.

Moreover, the sandmen summoned by the skill user will only obey the orders of the summoner and are 100% loyal!

After learning about the skill effect of [Summon Sand Man], Gao Yaling chose to learn the skill without hesitation!

A huge stream of information appeared in my mind.

This information stream includes all the methods and ways to use the skill of [Summon Sand Man], as well as various experiences and techniques, etc.

The skills learned using the skill book can be directly proficient at the "system level" and there is no need to learn from scratch, which saves Gao Yaling a lot of time.

It took only about ten minutes for Gao Yaling to absorb all the information contained in the information flow in her mind.

"Try how it works!"

After fully mastering the skills, Gao Yaling looked towards the pile of yellow sand on the ground not far from her. After concentrating, she silently said to herself: Stand up!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh——!
Suddenly, a strong wind blew up.

The elite sand man that had just been broken up by Gao Yaling and turned into a pile of yellow sand suddenly condensed again and transformed into human form again!
The sandman who turned into a human form was a little confused at first. He looked left and right with a dazed expression.

When it "saw" Gao Yaling, its eyes lit up. It quickly walked to Gao Yaling's side and knelt down with a plop to express its loyalty.

The sandman in front of me is about the same size as Sasha, more than two meters tall, and looks sturdy and strong, with a more masculine appearance.

He has broad shoulders and a thick waist, and looks very powerful.

It seems like a good thing to be able to summon such a thug as your bodyguard!
The sandman summoned by the [Summon Sandman] skill can exist for 24 hours if it is not damaged, which just matches the cooldown time of the skill.

Even if it is damaged or "sacrificed" in battle, it doesn't matter. You can just summon another one tomorrow.

Crash, whoosh—!
Gao Yaling was distracted while observing the "Sand Man" she summoned.

Suddenly, a group of ordinary sand people and elite sand people jumped out from the big pit not far away, totaling about seventeen or eighteen of them.


When a group of sand people saw Gao Yaling, they charged towards her like hungry wolves seeing meat.

"Just to test the strength of this sand man!"

"Go ahead! Attack with all your strength! Let me see your strength!"

After hearing Gao Yaling's words, the sand man first turned his head to look at the sand people and ordinary sand people who had just climbed out of the big pit.

Then, it stood up from the ground with a whoosh and rushed towards its own kind without hesitation!


The sand man summoned by Gao Yaling evolved into its second form smoothly the moment it pounced out, and directly turned into a yellow tornado with a diameter of about 2 meters and a length of seven or eight meters!

Boom, boom--!

The two tornadoes were like two high-speed spinning tops, constantly hitting each other and making huge rumbling wind noises.

Shasha and Gao Yaling were not idle either, and they also launched attacks on the sand people who had just refreshed!
The battle lasted about seven or eight minutes, and a new round of sandmen was cleared out again.

Gao Yaling personally killed 5 ordinary sandmen and 2 elite sandmen.

Shasha killed 6 ordinary sandmen and 3 elite sandmen!
After taking the Eye of Wind and Sand, Sasha's strength has surpassed that of its master Gao Yaling.

Fortunately, its loyalty is still 100%. It is 100% loyal to Gao Yaling, so it doesn't matter even if her achievements surpass hers.

Finally, Gao Yaling used the sandmen summoned by [Summon Sandmen] to kill two ordinary sandmen and one elite sandman.

Although its combat power is the weakest, it is better than nothing and can be considered a qualified helper.

Over the next ten days, Gao Yaling had been fighting intensively with Shasha and the sandmen she summoned using the [Summon Sandmen] on the edge of the giant pit.

The sand people that crawled out of the giant pit were all of similar strength and posed little threat to Gao Yaling. They were just there to earn points.

In more than ten days, Gao Yaling has earned more than 100,000 points and has successfully opened the second round of the points mall.

And start accumulating points, preparing to redeem some skills in the second round that may be helpful to your current situation!
Among the items refreshed this time, there is one [Flying Skill] that Gao Yaling is most excited about.

Although this skill is not cheap, it requires more than 30 points to redeem.

But the moment Gao Yaling saw this skill for the first time, she decided to redeem it!


As a human being, who can resist such a skill!

The moment she saw this skill, Gao Yaling thought of the heroic feat of her master Luo Xuning who rescued her and others in the Bering Strait.

If it weren’t for that crew accident, no one would have known that their master actually had flying skills!
He is simply a real-life Superman! (End of this chapter)

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