My place is on fire

Chapter 1023 Breakthrough!

Chapter 1023 Breakthrough!

Hot, extremely hot!
Luo Xuning's current state is like a burning piece of wood.

At the beginning, every inch of his skin was fiery red.

As the high temperature continued, the skin all over his body became as horrible and ugly as those people burned by the fire.

All his hair was burned to ashes, leaving him with a bald head.

The skin all over his body was burned into a dark brown color. In a short while, he no longer looked like a human. He looked like some kind of horrible creature!
However, there was no fear in Lori's eyes when she looked at Luo Xuning, only endless worry.

"Boss, what happened to you?"

"How could this happen? How could this happen..."

Luo Li didn't know what Luo Xuning's current condition was.

She had tried every possible method, but failed to wake Luo Xuning up.

"You must be in a lot of pain right now... I'll help you relieve the pain right away!"

The tears on Lori's face dripped down like beads that had broken off the string.

She also learned the [Ice Skin and Jade Bones] skill she had just exchanged without hesitation!

As she chose to learn skills, a huge stream of information suddenly appeared in her mind.

The information contained in this information flow is all related to the skill [Ice Skin and Jade Bones].

Although [Ice Skin and Jade Bones] is only a passive skill, there are still many knowledge points and application rules that need to be known.

After about five minutes, Lori absorbed all the information contained in the information flow in her mind.

[Ding! Congratulations, you have mastered the Ice Skin and Jade Bones skill! ]

After seeing the prompt message on the information panel, Lori raised her hands and looked at her hands.

At this moment, the skin of her hands was like freshly melted snow, revealing a faint blue light, and the curves of her hand bones looked like an exquisite ice sculpture.

Through the flow of information received in her mind, Lori also gained a deeper understanding of the skill [Ice Skin and Jade Bones].

[Ice Skin and Jade Bones] is not only a passive skill, but also a state of mind.

It can make a person's skin as clear and bright as the heart of a glacier, as if even the passage of time cannot leave any trace on its surface.

The skin seems to be frozen under a thin layer of ice that is invisible to the naked eye. It will no longer be oxidized and will not age.

With the blessing of this state, Lori's entire temperament changed from a lively and lovely girl to an ice goddess.

Her eyes also became crystal clear, like a piece of ice.

Lori just waved her hand lightly, and the air in front of her condensed into wisps of white cold air.

The cold air swirled around her and dissipated in an instant, like a silent frost and snow.

Just simply feel the changes in yourself.

Lori looked at Luo Xuning, who had been burned into an extremely ugly monster. There was no disgust or fear in her eyes, only concern.

Without any hesitation, Lori walked forward, opened her arms and held Luo Xuning, who had been burned beyond recognition.

Luo Li tried to use the coolness from her body to cool Luo Xuning down and relieve his pain.

The clothes on her body were quickly burned by the scorching heat from Luo Xuning's body, and their skin was in close contact with each other.

In the [Ice Skin and Jade Bones] state, Loli's body surface will always be maintained at a freezing temperature.

Even if she was holding Luo Xuning, who was like a furnace, in her arms, she could not feel any temperature and would not be roasted.

At this moment, there is no shyness, no embarrassment.

There was only one thought in Luo Li's mind, which was to help Luo Xuning relieve his pain and do her best to cool him down.

The cooling effect of [Ice Skin and Jade Bones] is still very obvious.

Luo Li held Luo Xuning tightly in her arms, and his body temperature stopped rising and began to turn around, slowly starting to drop.

Inside the relic ring.

Just when Luo Xuning was about to be unable to withstand the burning flames and his willpower was about to collapse, he suddenly felt a cool breeze.

This coolness is like a cool breeze or a drizzle in the hot summer.

Luo Xuning's willpower rebuilt the defense line, and the burning sensation returned to a tolerable range.

"Huh? Why... is the temperature suddenly dropping?"

Luo Xuning knew that this was a very unusual behavior.

The process of the Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique rising from level two to level three is similar to the process of a person having a fever, which is a continuous process of rising temperature.

When the temperature reaches a certain limit and lasts for a certain period of time, it will slowly begin to subside until it returns to normal body temperature.

According to the system's explanation of the cosmic energy guidance technique, this heating process accounts for about half of the entire process.

In other words, even if Luo Xuning's process of condensing the vortex in his dantian was very smooth, it would still take at least 100 hours.

The heating process takes at least about 50 hours!
It has been only a dozen hours at most from the time I started to condense the vortex to now. Logically speaking, it is still in the stage of continuous heating up.

Next, dozens of hours of inhuman torture are waiting for me!
However, the strange thing now is that my temperature is actually starting to drop!

Moreover, the process of condensing the vortex is still continuing without any interruption or failure.

This abnormal scene made Luo Xuning feel very strange!
However, he was only distracted slightly and then devoted himself fully to the task of condensing the vortex, which was the most important thing.

Compared with condensing the vortex, other things are trivial matters and can be thought about and reflected upon after one has successfully advanced.

Blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah--!

The liquid cosmic fluid in Dantian was still being agitated, and the outline of a vortex gradually began to appear.

Time passed quietly...

After more than eighty hours, a small vortex as small as the spiral on a thumbprint finally condensed in Luo Xuning's dantian!

Although the shape of this vortex is small, the cosmic energy contained in it is several times more powerful than what Luo Xuning had before!

"It's done! It's finally done!"

When Luo Xuning successfully condensed the vortex inside the holy relic ring, his body in the outside world also began to change accordingly.

The skin on his body that was burned by high temperature fell off piece by piece like ceramic fragments, revealing new skin underneath that was as white as a baby's but very tough.

The scalp on his head, which had been burned into a horrible scar, also fell off, revealing the fresh and tender skin underneath.

The long, smooth, black hair grew out from the new hair follicles on the scalp like wild grass, and in a short while it became long hair that reached the shoulders!
Then, the skin on his face, neck, and all over his body began to crack and fall like ceramic.

After the transformation, although Luo Xuning was still naked, he did not look vulgar at all.

His smooth skin seemed to glow, gleaming with a holy light. Luo Xuning's eyes, which had been closed for more than 100 hours, suddenly opened, and his pupils were as deep and shining as stars.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the naked Loli hugging him tightly, and Luo Shuning suddenly felt a little embarrassed.


Although he didn't know why, Luo Xuning could guess with his toes that there must be a reason why Luo Li did this.

Moreover, he was sure that the reason why he could enter the third stage of the cosmic energy guidance technique so smoothly this time.

Lori must have helped a lot and played a crucial role!
In the tenth hour of the vortex condensing, Luo Xuning clearly felt that his preparation was insufficient and too hasty.

He felt that he would definitely fail this time and had basically given up all hope!

Just when Luo Xuning couldn't hold on any longer and was about to give up, the chilly cold was like a blow to the head, bringing him back to consciousness.

While cooling down his body surface, it also supported him to complete the entire process of condensing the vortex.

" finally...finally woke up."

When Luo Li saw Luo Xuning regain consciousness, he said something very weakly, then his head tilted and he fainted!

For more than 100 hours, Lori didn't eat or drink, and just kept holding Luo Xuning's body to cool him down. Her body was already extremely weak and on the verge of collapse.

The only thing that has supported her until now is the belief in her heart, the belief in protecting Luo Xuning.

At this moment, seeing that Luo Xuning was safe and sound and had regained consciousness, she relaxed, but she could no longer hold it in and fainted.


Luo Shu Ning exclaimed, stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms, feeling the cold breath on Luo Li's body. Luo Shu Ning finally understood what the coolness was that his clone felt when he broke through in the holy relic ring.

It’s Lori’s body temperature!

Although he didn't know how she got her body temperature to this level, Luo Xuning looked at Luo Li with eyes full of gratitude and a hint of guilt.

After a quick check of Lori's current condition, Luo Xuning knew that she had fainted because she was extremely weak.

Luo Xuning moved his mind and took out a top-grade plant spirit from the space ring. Without thinking, he stuffed it into Luo Li's mouth, pinched her mouth with his hands, and helped her swallow it!

Lori helped me so much this time, I can't be stingy. It's just a top-grade plant spirit!

After the top-grade plant spirit entered Lori's mouth, it instantly began to melt and turned into emerald green.

The liquid, which looked full of life, flowed down her esophagus and entered her body.

In the microscopic world, the cells in Lori's body were frantically absorbing the energy provided by the spirits of the finest plants and trees.

Some necrotic or harmful cells are frantically devoured by cells that are beneficial to the human body and become their "food" for growth.

The rule of survival of the fittest also applies to the microscopic world of cells.

The entire swallowing process lasted nearly 20 hours, and Lori's pale face gradually began to turn red.

A top-grade plant spirit is enough to replenish all her lost energy at once.

"Boss? I am not dreaming..."

After Lori absorbed all the medicinal effects of the top-grade plant spirits, she finally woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the boss right in front of her, and he became more handsome than before. She thought she was still in a dream.

Just now, while she was in a coma, Lori had a very long dream.

In her dream, she and Luo Xuning lived on the Sky Island for a very long time.

No one has ever disturbed them and they live a happy and wonderful life as two people.

Luo Xunning smiled bitterly and asked, "You've slept for a whole day, 24 hours, and you still haven't gotten enough sleep?"

"Ah? Did I sleep that long?!"

When Luo Li heard Luo Xuning say that he had slept for 24 hours, she was also surprised and looked unbelievable.

Luo Xuning smiled and said, "No more, no less. How do you feel now? Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"No, I feel... I feel good. I feel full of strength."

Lori carefully felt her current physical condition and an expression of joy appeared on her face.

She could clearly feel that her strength had improved significantly compared to before she fell into a coma!

Suddenly, a blue screen appeared in the void in front of Lori's eyes.

Several prompt messages are displayed above.

[After taking the best plant spirit, you gained a new skill [Ice Blade]! ]

"The spirit of the best plants and trees? Ice blade?"

When Lori saw the two messages in the prompt, she instantly understood why she felt like she had become much stronger!
It turned out that the boss had given himself some top-grade plant spirits!

An ordinary plant spirit is already precious, and a fine quality plant spirit is even more so.

Just thinking about this top-grade plant spirit, you can tell it must be a priceless treasure!

Not only did he greatly enhance his own strength, he also gained the additional skill [Ice Blade]!
I made a lot of money this time!
"Boss, thank you!"

Luo Li was so moved that she stretched out her arms and wrapped them around Luo Xuning's neck, her face full of gratitude.

"Why are you thanking me? If I have to thank you, I should thank you. If I hadn't had your help when I was breaking through, I would have definitely failed."

"After failing to break through, the body will also be greatly damaged. It will be difficult to recover in one or two years."

"You helped me a lot this time."

Even if he gave Lori a top-grade plant spirit, Luo Xuning didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage, but rather that he gained more.

"Why are you so nice to me, boss..."

After Luo Li finished speaking, she kissed Luo Xuning's lips with great passion.

When long-accumulated emotions suddenly burst out, it is impossible to control them.

Luo Li's love for Luo Shuning has a long history. It can even be said that she had already decided on this man when she was created by Luo Shuning and when she first met Luo Shuning.

After arriving on the Planet of the Apes this time, she experienced several months of separation and suffered from the pain of missing Luo Xuning. She understood the position of Luo Xuning in her heart.

In addition, when Luo Xuning just broke through, the two of them had been dependent on each other for life and death for more than 100 hours.

At this moment, Luo Li could no longer suppress her feelings for Luo Xuning, and finally bravely expressed her feelings.

Luo Xuning hesitated for a dozen seconds, then began to respond fiercely.

Loli, a girl, has already taken the initiative. If I continue to be timid, would I still be a man?

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