My place is on fire

Chapter 1022 The beginning of the advancement of the cosmic energy guidance technique!

Inside the relic ring.

Luo Xuning's clone was sitting on the grass with his five hearts facing the sky.

The rich and vast cosmic energy surged into his body through five channels.

When the cosmic energy first enters the body, it is in a gaseous state.

When the density of the cosmic energy in the body reaches a certain level, it will slowly change from gas to liquid.

The transformation from gas to liquid is the most obvious sign that the cosmic energy guidance technique has entered the second stage.

People in the first stage cannot transform the physical cosmic energy in their bodies into liquid state no matter what.

Because the first stage, the gaseous stage, to put it bluntly, is actually a stage of constantly tempering your meridians to strengthen them.

Only when your meridians and physique reach a certain strength can you withstand greater pressure.

Only when the pressure in the body reaches a certain level can the cosmic energy absorbed during cultivation be compressed from gas into liquid.

These liquid cosmic energies circulate within your body and will continue to strengthen your body to the next level.

Luo Xuning is now in the second stage and has reached the late stage of cultivation.

With the assistance of the holy relic ring, his training speed is hundreds of times faster than that of ordinary people.

It is no exaggeration to say that the effect of practicing in the holy relic ring for one day is even stronger than practicing on Earth for a year!

In front of the holy relic ring, the gravity training rooms that Luo Xuning spent tens of billions to buy from the system mall on Earth were simply scrap metal.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two!
Blah blah blah, blah blah...

At this moment, Luo Xuning, who was practicing, could feel it clearly.

It felt like there was a trickle of water flowing continuously along the eight extraordinary meridians in my body.

Wherever the water flows, the veins and muscles absorb the water like dry land that has been hit by rain for a long time, madly.

Sometimes, this stream of water formed by the cosmic energy is absorbed halfway through, leaving not a drop behind.

It can never reach the destination of its journey - Dantian.

Therefore, Luo Xuning's current practice process is to continuously compress the gaseous cosmic energy into liquid.

Then it uses liquid cosmic energy to strengthen itself and feed the hundreds of billions of cells in its body.

Only after all the cells are fed can the excess cosmic fluid successfully reach the Dantian and be stored there.

Tick ​​tock!

Even in a place like the holy relic ring where the cosmic energy was extremely rich, it took Luo Xuning more than two hours to feed all the cells in his body.

A drop of emerald green cosmic liquid fell into Luo Xuning's dantian, creating ripples.

He can now only condense one drop of cosmic liquid every day at most. No matter how long he practices, he will not be able to condense a second drop.

To this end, Luo Shuning has made many attempts.

Once a practice condenses into a drop of cosmic liquid, you will not be able to condense a second drop even if you continue to practice non-stop for a whole day.

Instead, it delayed the next day's practice, which was not worth it!

Only by consuming all the cosmic fluid stored in the body's cells and then re-feeding them can new cosmic fluid be condensed again.

As for the principle behind this, Luo Xuning doesn't understand it and can't figure it out.

Just don't think about it and practice according to the rules. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

A drop a day can add up to a lot over time.

Small trickles can also converge into rivers.


Just as Luo Xuning was about to end his training for the day, he suddenly felt that today was very different from usual.

After that drop of green cosmic liquid fell into the liquid previously stored in the dantian, it caused ripples. This situation is very common.

It's like this every day.

Soon the ripples will disappear, and the cosmic fluid stored in the Dantian will return to calm, as if nothing had happened.

But today is different, different from any other time.

The ripples caused by the dripping of the cosmic fluid not only did not calm down, but also did not disappear.

Instead, with the Dantian as the center, ripples continuously spread out in all directions, circle after circle.

Moreover, the intensity of these ripples is becoming more and more intense!
"This is... this is a phenomenon that only occurs when one is about to advance to the next stage!"

After Luo Xuning observed the unusual thing in his Dantian through internal vision, he quickly figured out what was going on!

This is the sign of entering the third stage of practicing the Universe Energy Guiding Technique.

Fully mobilize the liquid cosmic energy in the body to form a vortex at the dantian position.

After condensing into a vortex, more cosmic fluid can be stored in the vortex, and then the next stage of strengthening can be started.

When the cosmic fluid in the vortex reaches 10%, the cosmic fluid in the body will undergo another qualitative change.

At that time, the cosmic fluid in the body will change from liquid to solid and condense into an inner elixir in the body.

From static to dynamic, this is the biggest difference between the second and third stages of practicing the Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique!
Let’s use an analogy to compare the second stage and the third stage.

In the second stage, the cosmic energy stored in the body is used for output during combat, just like an ordinary water pipe.

When you enter the third stage, you can directly upgrade from an ordinary water pipe to a water gun, and the power you can exert will be even stronger!
After entering the fourth stage, ordinary water guns are directly upgraded to high-pressure water guns, which are more powerful!
As for the fifth and sixth stages, they are still a long way off for Luo Xuning, and he cannot imagine how powerful he will be by then!
In short, although this cosmic energy guidance technique is simple and easy to learn, and almost everyone can learn it, it is very difficult to master it.

It is even more difficult to reach a very high level!

Luo Xuning is blessed with various natural treasures, as well as a holy relic ring, which seems to be a magical artifact created for practicing the art of guiding cosmic energy.

Even so, he has only cultivated to the second stage and has just touched the threshold of the third stage!

People like Luo Li, Zhao Rui, Gao Yaling and the others, although very talented, are still in the first stage.

So far, they haven't even reached the threshold of the second stage.

Blah, blah, blah--!

Feeling the increasingly intense fluctuations in his dantian, Luo Xuning did not end his training as usual today, but chose to continue!

The vibrations in Dantian became more and more intense.

At first it was like ripples on the water surface, and gradually, like boiling water in a kettle, it began to roll violently!

Gulu gulu gulu gulu...

Luo Xuning even felt a burning sensation in his dantian, as if a cup of boiling water had been poured into his dantian!
Luo Xunning's forehead, chest, and back were instantly soaked with sweat, and beads of sweat began to drip down along the texture of his skin. "It's so hot... so hot..."

Even though Luo Xuning had great endurance, he still felt intense pain when he was promoted to the third stage.

My dantian feels like it’s about to be roasted!
That kind of heat is even stronger than being hit by one's own heat vision!
At the beginning, there was only a burning sensation in the dantian area.

Slowly, the burning sensation began to spread throughout the body like a wildfire in the prairie!

"I can't give up. This little pain is nothing..."

Luo Xuning was not panicked, he knew that this was what he had to go through in order to advance from level two to level three in the Universe's Energy Guiding Technique. It was inevitable!
If you give up now, you will fail in the second to third round. After this failure, you will have to wait at least another year for the next time!
Because of this advanced process, the damage to the body is very great.

If the advancement is successful, a large amount of cosmic energy will rush into your body, repairing all damage and further strengthening it!
If it fails, there is only the process of damage, not the process of repair, and you need to repair it slowly by yourself.

Being able to repair the damage caused by failed advancement within a year is considered fast.

Only someone like Luo Xuning, who has various high-quality resources and artifacts like the Holy Relic Ring, could repair the damage caused by a failed promotion within a year.

For ordinary people, if their cultivation speed is slow, it may take two, three, four, or even ten or a hundred years!

It is very likely that it cannot be repaired in a lifetime and will stop at the second stage.

Luo Xuning didn't want to give up so easily.

If you want to succeed at once, you must endure this extreme pain!
Every advancement in the art of guiding cosmic energy is a leap in life and an improvement in the genetic level.

The underlying logic of becoming stronger is evolution, constantly evolving towards a higher form of life!
Until it evolves into the highest form of life!
This process may take a long time and is not destined to be smooth sailing.

But as long as you keep going forward, you will eventually reach your destination.

No pain No gain.

Only by enduring extreme pain can one advance to a higher form of life!
At this moment, Luo Xuning felt like he was thrown into a high-temperature steel-making furnace with a temperature of several thousand degrees.

I felt like I was about to melt into liquid.

When endurance reaches its limit, willpower begins to take over.

Luo Xuning continued to grit his teeth and persevere!
One minute, two minutes, ten minutes...

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Luo Xuning has never felt that time is passing so slowly as it does today.

After gritting his teeth and persevering until the tenth hour, Luo Xuning suddenly felt that the burning sensation in his body seemed to have weakened.

"It's not that I've become weaker, I've just started to adapt."

"According to the system introduction, it takes at least 100 hours to advance this Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique from the second level to the third level."

"This time, there was no sign of the sudden advancement process, and I didn't tell Luo Li. I wonder if she will be worried?"

In the past, only a wisp of clone entered the holy relic ring, and Luo Xuning's real body could be as calm as ever, basically unaffected.

Today, in order to fight against the extreme pain, Luo Xuning focused almost all of his mind on the holy relic ring.

At this moment, only his mind was left outside the ring to maintain his vital signs.

At this moment, his external body was just like a vegetative person on Earth, just passively maintaining basic metabolism, unable to speak.

I can't eat or drink anything.

However, promotion is of vital importance, and Luo Xuning has no time to consider how his own body is doing outside.

At this moment, his real body and Loli are in the underground space created by the Earth Escape Technique. There is definitely no problem with safety, so there is no need to worry about it.

The only person that made Luo Xuning a little worried was Luo Li.

Just as Luo Xuning had expected, Luo Li felt like the world was falling on her at this moment!

"Boss? Boss, wake up!"

"Don't scare me! What's wrong with you? Wake up and say something!"

"Boss? Boss?"

Luo Shu Ning suddenly fell to the ground, which scared Luo Li. When she rushed over to check Luo Shu Ning's physical condition, he was already like this.

My body felt as hot as a branding iron, and sweat was oozing out like a sponge soaked with water.

No matter how Lori called him, he didn't respond at all.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Wake up, wake up!"

Luo Li didn't mind the heat on Luo Xuning's body. She held him diagonally in her arms and cried loudly.

Loli's tears fell on Luo Xuning, making a crackling sound, and were actually evaporated by the high temperature on his skin.

Moreover, Lori discovered that Luo Xuning's body temperature was still rising, and his clothes, which had been soaked with sweat, were quickly evaporated and became dry again.

Moreover, under the high temperature, Luo Xuning's clothes began to tear into pieces.

The clothes on his body were burnt by the high temperature and turned into pieces of tattered cloth, revealing his red body that looked like a braised shrimp.

After the clothes were burned, Lori also saw that burn-like scars began to appear on Luo Xuning's skin, which was a sign that the water on the body surface was beginning to evaporate!

"No, no, we can't just sit there and wait, we have to do something!"


Lori looked around and saw nothing in the underground space except the khaki walls around it!

"That's right! Points Mall, Points Mall!"

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Lori's mind and she thought of a skill that could be exchanged in the points mall [Ice Skin and Jade Bones]!
[Ice Skin and Jade Bones] is a passive skill. After learning this skill, you will become of ice attribute and the temperature of your body surface will be at a constant temperature of 0 degrees.

In addition, after learning the skill [Ice Skin and Jade Bones], the power of ice skills will be greatly increased.

But there is also a bad thing, that is, when using fire skills, the power will be weakened!
Lori currently has no 'ice' skills to use, and it takes more than 3 points to redeem this skill.

So she was not in a hurry to redeem this skill. She had been saving her points to redeem other things first and then this skill.

Now, plans cannot keep up with changes. In order to help Luo Xuning cool down his body surface, Luo Li can only be forced to change her plan and redeem this skill in advance!

[It costs 38888 points to redeem the Ice Skin and Jade Bone skill. Do you want to redeem it now? ]

"Yes! Exchange it!"

Loli didn't hesitate at all and chose to redeem it directly.

Maybe, everything has been destined!
If the boss hadn't led me to kill the Gale Warhawks at a high intensity, I wouldn't have accumulated so many points.

Now, I can use all my points to exchange for a skill that is not very useful to me at present to help him. There is nothing to be reluctant about! (End of this chapter)

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