My place is on fire

Chapter 1021 Sky Island!

Chapter 1021 Sky Island!
Sizzle, sizzle~
Rumble, rumble...

Luo Xuning and Luo Li each showed their magical powers.
After about a day of high-intensity killing, the two of them became more and more coordinated.

At this moment, even if facing 5 Gale Hawks at the same time, he can kill them without any injury.

Of course, Luo Shuning has always been the main output, and Luo Li’s role is more to restrain those Gale Warhawks, thus creating opportunities for Luo Shuning to attack.

Although I was a little tired after a day, I gained a lot.

Luo Xuning obtained more than 2 points, and Luo Li got less, but also around 1!

"Hoo~ Boss, I'm running out of energy, what should I do?"

After dealing with the three Gale Eagles that were besieging her, Lori touched her hungry stomach and looked at Luo Xuning with a pitiful face.

The two men hardly stopped for a moment after entering this space, and the Gale Eagles kept attacking them.

Under high-intensity combat, physical strength is lost much faster. Lori felt that she had almost exhausted all her strength.

"Let's end today's battle here. Let's go find something to eat and see if there's any land we can land on."

Luo Xuning was actually very tired at this moment. He played the role of main output and had a harder job than Luo Li.

"Yeah! The boss is wise!"

When Luo Li heard Luo Xuning say that he wanted to find something to eat, she instantly became happy.

The meat of those Tornado Eagles is extremely tough, dozens of times tougher than beef.

It's difficult to cut it with a knife, let alone chew it with teeth.

So, we still have to look for other ingredients.

However, since Luo Xuning and Luo Li entered this space, they have only seen the Hurricane Hawk species. It is hard to say whether there are other species.

"Let's go! Explore further down."


Luo Xuning and Luo Li continued to fly downwards for more than an hour, and the scene in front of them did not change at all.

Apart from the air and the floating white clouds, it was as if there was only the sky in this space, and there was no place to stand.

Fortunately, Luo Xuning and Luo Li both have flying skills, otherwise, they would be attracted by gravity and fall down in such a world.

"Master, look over there!"

Luo Li suddenly shouted with joy in Luo Xuning's ear.

She and Luo Xuning were responsible for detection in two directions respectively. In the direction that Luo Li was detecting, a small island floating in the air appeared.

The island looks very beautiful with green trees. It is magical to see it just floating in the air without moving.

"There's actually an island? Let's go and take a look!"

After finally finding a place to stay, Luo Xuning naturally would not give up, and the two of them began to fly towards the island.

That sky island is about a hundred kilometers away from Luo Xuning and Luo Li.

If Lori's eyesight had not been greatly improved after she acquired the heat vision skill, the two of them might have missed the island.

The sky is so vast that if you miss it, it won’t be easy to find it again.

Perhaps it was destined by God that the two of them would set foot on this island!
It looked like a small island from a distance, but when Luo Xuning and Luo Li flew closer they discovered that this "island" was really big!
The island is about fifty or sixty kilometers long and more than ten kilometers wide, shaped like a narrow strip.

The entire island is almost completely covered with green plants and surrounded by mist, making it look like a fairyland.

If the clouds surrounding the island had not been blown away by the wind at that time, Lori would not have noticed this place.

"Let's go down and have a look!"

After Luo Xuning greeted Luo Li, he landed on the island first.

This small island is full of towering ancient trees and tangled vines, and all kinds of green plants that Luo Xunning has never seen or even heard of before grow wildly here.

It seems that no one had ever been to this island before Luo Xuning and Luo Li came.

The island is full of lush and exotic flowers and trees, and there are no roads for people to pass through.

"What a nice smell, what a nice smell..."

After Lori landed next to Luo Xuning, she sniffed and smelled a strange floral scent.

The scent was fragrant but not strong, very elegant, and better than any perfume she had used before.

Suddenly, a low roar like that of a tiger echoed in the forest.

The flying mouse on Lori's shoulder was so frightened that it trembled, lost its balance, and fell onto her shoulder with a plop.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaobai. With me and the boss here, nothing can hurt you."

Lori quickly picked up her little pet, stroked its fur with her hand, and calmed it down.

Luo Xuning's eyesight is now dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people. Even through the lush towering trees, he can see all kinds of giant beasts moving around in the jungle.

However, these behemoths can only be called behemoths when compared with the ferocious beasts on Earth.

Compared with the Tornado Eagle just now, these ones in the jungle are just “little cuties”.

"Master, look, there are fruits on the tree. We can eat them, right?"

Lori stretched out her hand and pointed at a fruit similar to bananas on Earth hanging on a tree not far in front of her, and her saliva was almost watering with greed.

The skin of this fruit is also yellow and its shape is also long and narrow, but it is much larger than the bananas on Earth.

One of them is as long as an adult's arm.

Suddenly, a few monkeys with hairy heads appeared from somewhere on the tree.

The monkeys deftly plucked a fruit from the tree and quickly opened it to reveal the milky white flesh inside.

Afterwards, several monkeys shared the fruit flesh and provocatively threw the remaining peels at Luo Shuning and Luo Li on the ground.

"It looks like it's edible. The food taster has already tried it."

Luo Xuning laughed after seeing the actions of the monkeys, but he didn't care about the offense of the monkeys.

If he didn't even have this little magnanimity and got angry at a few monkeys, Luo Xuning wouldn't have achieved what he has today.

"I'll pick a few to try!"

When Lori saw that a few monkeys were fine after eating the fruit, she thought it was non-toxic and flew towards the fruit hanging on the branch.

The monkeys never expected that Lori could fly. They were frightened and scattered, chattering and running in different directions.

Luo Li didn't encounter any obstacles and picked the fruit easily, then returned to Luo Xuning.

"Master, try it first!"

Luo Li broke off one first and handed it to Luo Xuning.

"Do you want me to test the poison for you or do you want me to test the poison for you?"

Luo Xuning took the fruit that Luo Li handed to him with a somewhat amused look, and after he opened it, he took a big bite.

"It tastes pretty good, similar to bananas on Earth, but sweeter than bananas, and just the right softness."

After finishing a bite of the fruit, Luo Shuning couldn't help but give Luo Li a thumbs up and praise the fruit.

"I'll try it too!"

After hearing Gao Luoxianning's evaluation, Luo Li finally couldn't help herself and broke off a piece of fruit to taste it. "Wow! It really tastes good! It's great! It tastes so good and can also satisfy hunger, killing two birds with one stone!"

After tasting the fruit, Lori was also extremely happy. Plus, she was really hungry, so she ate the whole fruit in a short while!

Her appetite is considered a big eater among ordinary people, but among warriors, it is nothing.

Lori's current physical fitness has reached as high as three or four thousand points, and she needs to consume a lot of energy every day just to maintain basic metabolism.

If fierce fighting is added, even more energy will be consumed.

Luo Xuning smiled and joked, "Are you full? If you are, I will only grill my portion when we grill the meat later."

Luo Li curled her lips, rolled her eyes and said, "It's just one fruit, how can it fill me up? At most, it's only half full. I'm still waiting to taste your cooking skills, boss, so I've left enough space for you!"


As soon as Lori finished speaking, a ferocious beast with black stripes all over its body, which looked very similar to the leopard on Earth, jumped out from the bushes nearby.

When they saw this ferocious beast, Luo Xuning and Luo Li's eyes lit up at the same time, and they were already considering whether to grill or braise it.


When the jungle leopard saw Luo Xuning and Luo Li's reactions, a puzzled expression appeared on its face.

What's going on with the two people in front of me? Are they scared by my mighty and heroic appearance?

Before the jungle leopard could recover from its confusion, its head had been pierced by a top-grade obsidian gun, completely losing the ability to think!

The top-grade obsidian gun not only has the attribute of increasing strength, but also has a lightning-fast attack speed.

Unless you encounter someone of equal strength, you may be able to survive the attack of the Obsidian Gun for a longer time.

When facing opponents who are not as strong as you, you can only describe it as chopping melons and vegetables, basically they are killed in an instant.

"Dinner is automatically delivered to your door! Now it all depends on your cooking skills~"

After Lori shot and killed the jungle leopard, she smiled sweetly at Luo Xuning and was already looking forward to the barbecue later.

Luo Xuning moved his mind, and a fine obsidian gun flew out from the space ring and pierced the jungle leopard's head with one shot.

Then, under Luo Xuning's control, the obsidian spear stabbed into a towering tree nearby with a thud.

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

Luo Shuning demonstrated his skills of butchering an ox on the spot using 7 E-grade alloy throwing knives.

It took less than a minute to peel off the jungle leopard's skin, leaving only bones and flesh.

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

After the seven or eight E-level alloy throwing knives dissected the jungle leopard, they quickly cut out some wood for barbecue.

Although these towering trees on the island are tall, they are made of ordinary wood and look like paper in front of the E-level alloy flying knives.

There is no difficulty in cutting.

After the wood was piled on the ground, Luo Xuning's eyes became hot and he shot out a line of thermal light, instantly igniting the wood.

The fine obsidian gun that was wearing the Jungle Leopard flew to the top of the fire and hovered there, and was used by Luo Xuning as a barbecue skewer.

"Boss, these little combos of yours are so cool!"

Lori watched Luo Xuning's smooth combo from the side and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

Being able to use the skills you have learned in combat is very rare.

But the fact that they can be applied so skillfully in daily life shows that the boss has mastered these skills to a very sophisticated level!

Luo Xuning said calmly, "Nothing special, just my practice has made me so skilled."

The flames danced, roasting the jungle leopard lying above. Lori moved forward and sat down side by side with Luo Xuning, suddenly feeling the incomparable warmth of this moment.

Soon, the meat was roasted. Luo Xuning and Luo Li each took half and ate the whole jungle leopard cleanly, leaving only a pile of skeletons.

After eating and drinking, Luo Li touched her bulging belly and said with satisfaction:

"This can serve as our temporary base.

Whenever you feel tired, sleepy or hungry, you can come back and rest for a while.

Replenish your energy, eat some delicious food or something."

In this mysterious space, no other land has been discovered except this small island.

There are not only animals on this small island, but also many fruits and a large lake.

It is indeed very suitable as a supply base.

Luo Xunning nodded and said, "This is a good suggestion. Apart from this Sky Island, there is no other area for us to rest for the time being."

Luo Li asked curiously: "Boss, what kind of space is this? Why is it so strange?"

"I don't know." Luo Xuning answered simply.

" didn't even have to think before answering!"

Lori curled her lips, feeling that she was being treated perfunctorily.

"I really don't know... I'm here for the first time, just like you."

Luo Xuning helplessly spread his hands and irresponsibly inferred:
"However, I feel that it should be a secret place similar to the Planet of the Apes, a secret place within a secret place."

"A secret realm within a secret realm?" Luo Li's eyes lit up after hearing Luo Xuning's explanation.

Luo Xuning nodded: "Yes, a secret realm within a secret realm. Some time ago, when I was in a tribe, I also entered a secret realm.

The secret realm and the ape planet outside are two completely different spaces and worlds."

Luo Li complained helplessly: "Why do I feel like a nesting doll..."

Luo Xuning nodded and agreed, "Your description is quite appropriate. It does look a bit like a nesting doll."

"Oh no! Never mind, never mind, it doesn't matter if it's a nesting doll or not, as long as I can get points and become stronger, that's enough!"

"Boss, can you tell me more about your experiences after landing on the Planet of the Apes?"

"How is the Ye clan doing now? Has it grown stronger with your help?"


After talking about business, Luo Li wanted to talk about Luo Xuning's experience.

"When I left, the Ye Clan..."

Luo Xuning recounted his experience of leading the Ye clan as if he was chatting.

Of course, he didn't tell us the true relationship between him and Kolina.

The two chatted for more than an hour, which finally satisfied Lori's interest in gossiping.

Afterwards, Luo Xuning took Luo Li into the space he created using the earth escape technique.

The two of them occupied a corner each and began their training for the night.

Luo Xuning, like before, used the technique of splitting his soul to separate a wisp of it and put it into the ring to practice.

With this faster and more efficient way of practicing, Luo Xuning rarely practiced anymore and just lay down to sleep.

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