My place is on fire

Chapter 1024 Special Mission to Expand Territory!

Chapter 1024 Special Mission [Expanding Territory]!

The cold moonlight shines through the mist and shines on the silver beach of Sky Island.

The ripples on the water surface gently caress the water plants on the shore, as if they were performing a beautiful dance.

The sky is dotted with stars, and from time to time a meteor with a long flame tail streaks across the night sky.

The lake is surrounded by green trees and lush flowers and plants.

The fresh air is filled with the faint fragrance of flowers and the salty smell of aquatic plants, interweaving to create an intoxicating atmosphere.

There is an open space covered with soft green grass on the shore of the lake.

Not far away are rows of bamboos, swaying in the wind, making rustling sounds, as if telling some ancient story.

Luo Shuning and Luo Li lay frankly on a straw mat woven with young grass, whispering to each other.

Ever since their emotional explosion in the underground space and their relationship took a step further, they began to lead a shameless life.

During the day, work together to hunt gale eagles in the sky outside Sky Island to earn points.

After taking the top-grade plant spirits, Lori's attributes in all aspects increased dramatically, becoming even more powerful than before.

In addition, she also absorbed the powerful skill [Ice Blade] from the spirits of the finest plants.

Whether it is against a single person or a group, it can exert powerful power.

After Luo Xuning entered the third stage of practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique, his strength was significantly improved.

He can now use cosmic energy to unleash even greater power.

After the two of them became one in body and mind, they cooperated more tacitly.

At this moment, even if facing a dozen Gale Hawks at the same time, they can be killed.

At night, the two will return to their base on Sky Island.

Eat, practice, rest, and love each other here.

After learning the skill [Ice Skin and Jade Bones], Lori's skin turned snow-white and translucent, and she looked like she had a holy glow.

The two attributes of ice and fire blend together softly, creating a heart-pounding charm.

[Ding! Congratulations! Your intimacy with Luo Li has reached 100. Luo Li has obtained the qualification to enter the Holy Relic Ring. ]

After another loving moment, a message box suddenly popped up in front of Luo Xuning, displaying a prompt message.

"Hmm? Intimacy 100, qualification to enter the Holy Relic?"

The moment he saw this prompt message, a piece of information suddenly appeared in Luo Xuning's mind.

The information fragment contains the method of how to bring Lori into the holy relic ring.

Seeing the content of this prompt message, Luo Xuning couldn't help but feel happy.

The concentration of cosmic energy in the holy relic ring is dozens or even hundreds of times higher than that of the Planet of the Ape.

Practicing in the holy relic ring is not only faster, but the body also absorbs it better!

"Lori, I'll take you somewhere."

Luo Xuning looked down at Loli, who was curled up in his arms like a kitten, and reached out to pat her back, which was as smooth as a jade carving.

"I don't have any strength left now. I don't want to go anywhere but here."

Luo Li arched her back in Luo Xuning's arms again and said something in a coquettish tone.

"Haha, it doesn't take much effort to get to this place."

After Luo Xuning finished speaking, he activated the earth escape technique with a thought. With a loud bang, the two of them disappeared directly on the straw mat and entered the underground space again.

"Close your eyes and relax your mind completely. Are you ready? We are about to set off."

Luo Xuning's mind moved, and a wisp of his spirit came out of his body. Then, his spirit hit Luo Li hard and disappeared, entering her body.

Less than three seconds later, Luo Xuning's spirit left Luo Li's body and pulled out an illusory figure that looked exactly like Luo Li from her body.

This is a ray of Lori's distraction.

"Boss? What's going on? Are we, are we out of our bodies now?"

Luo Li's distracted self looked at her real body still nestled in Luo Xuning's arms on the ground, then looked down at her illusory self with an expression of surprise on her face.

"Haha, you can also think of it as the soul leaving the body. It's similar in nature. This is a fragment of you and me. Now, I'm going to take you to a fun place."

As soon as Luo Xuning finished speaking, the air at his location twisted and fluctuated, and then a pitch-black door frame appeared.

The door frame was pitch black and you couldn't see anything, just black.

Luo Xuning's clone led Luo Li's clone towards the black door frame and entered.

Lori's eyes went dark at first, but before she had time to adjust to the darkness, it suddenly became bright again.

"Wow...what a beautiful, beautiful place!"

When Lori saw the scene inside the relic ring, she immediately liked it very much.

He let go of Luo Xuning's hand and ran around on the grass like a free-running horse.

Inside the relic ring, there is nothing but blue sky and white clouds and endless green grass. The scenery here is indeed unique.

Even though Luo Xuning had already spent several months here.

But not only did he not feel bored, but he liked this place more and more.

Every day when I come in, I feel refreshed and completely relaxed.

Luo Xuning naturally would not enjoy such a good place alone, and had long wanted to share it with Luo Li.

But the relic ring can only be entered in soul state, and Lori doesn't know the [Spirit Dispersion Technique] so she can't enter at all.

Today, after the intimacy between the two reached 100, Lori automatically gained access.

Even if she didn't know how to use the power of distraction, she could still come in under the guidance of Luo Xuning.

"Boss! There is so much cosmic energy here!"

Lori soon felt that in addition to the refreshing beauty inside the holy relic ring, the richness of the cosmic energy was much higher than outside!

"Yes, see those dewdrops on the grass leaves?"

Luo Xuning looked at Luo Li with a smile, and pointed to a light green dewdrop hanging on a blade of grass beside him.

"This... this couldn't be the original liquid of cosmic energy!"

Luo Li looked at Luo Xuning in disbelief, her face full of surprise.

Luo Xuning smiled and said, "Why not? It is."

"What! This is actually... This is actually the original liquid of cosmic energy!"

After getting confirmation from Luo Xuning, Luo Li opened her mouth in surprise.

This concentration is simply amazing!

It can actually condense into liquid directly!
You know, Luo Li is still in the late stage of the first stage of the cosmic energy guidance technique. She is trying her best and making her best efforts, but it is still difficult to condense the gaseous cosmic energy in her body into liquid.

She knew how difficult it was to condense from gas into liquid!
However, now, liquid cosmic energy actually exists directly in this space, and one can imagine how dense it is!

"Hey, idiot, you can't swallow it directly at your current level. The rich cosmic fluid will hurt your meridians!"

Seeing that Luo Li was almost drooling over the liquid cosmic fluid, Luo Xuning couldn't help but interrupt her with a smile.

Everything is excessive or insufficient!

Lori's current meridians and physical strength are not enough to directly withstand the enhancement of the liquid cosmic fluid.

Only by taking one step at a time and elevating the art of guiding cosmic energy to the corresponding stage can one withstand higher intensity enhancement.

It's the same principle as a blacksmith must be strong himself.

If you yourself are not as hard as iron, how can you forge iron?
If your own body is not strong enough, the original liquid of cosmic energy will only cause harm to you and have a counterproductive effect!
Only when your body is strong enough can you use the cosmic fluid to continue to strengthen yourself and use it for your own benefit.


Loli stuck out her tongue and made a face at Luo Xuning.

"Boss, can you take a walk with me? It's so beautiful here. It would be a shame if we don't take a walk!"

As Luo Li spoke, she walked forward and naturally took Luo Xuning's arm, and rested her head on his chest, looking like a gentle little woman in love.

It is said that men and women have very different ideas and thoughts.

When Luo Xuning first came into the holy relic ring and discovered that the concentration of cosmic energy here was dozens of times richer than that of the outside world, the first thing he thought of was that such an environment was most suitable for practicing the art of guiding cosmic energy!
I immediately started practicing and experienced the joy of high-efficiency practice!
When Luo Li entered the holy relic ring, she was attracted by the endless green grassland inside. The first thing she thought of was to take a walk here with Luo Xuning...

"it is good."

Luo Xuning rubbed Luo Li's head lovingly to fulfill her small request.

There are still many days to come, and there is still a lot of time to practice. It is also interesting to relax occasionally, take a walk, and feel the beauty of natural scenery.

"The boss is the best! Mu~"

Her request was met, and Lori happily tiptoed on top of her feet and gave Luo Xuning a kiss on the face.

"Let's go, walk around until you say it's okay."

Luo Xuning was willing to risk his life to accompany the "woman" today. It's just a walk, isn't it? I'll walk with you to my heart's content!
The two walked aimlessly on the grassland. The terrain here was very flat, without any ups and downs.

The grass was also full of wild grass with very tender leaves. It was soft and made a rustling sound when you stepped on it.

At the beginning, Luo Xuning just wanted to accompany Luo Li for a walk, and the main purpose was to provide companionship.


When he really calmed down, he discovered something very unusual.

It was obvious that he had not practiced at all, and had not activated the technique of guiding the cosmic energy.

But as he passed by the grass along the way, some cosmic fluid hanging on the leaves flew towards him like small iron sand attracted by a magnet.

After the cosmic fluid came into contact with Luo Shu Ning's body surface, it quickly penetrated into the epidermis and soon began to strengthen and repair Luo Shu Ning's entire body from different parts and along different veins.

This kind of "passive practice" experience was the first time for Luo Xuning, and it felt very novel.

Moreover, the efficiency of this passive practice is even more efficient and faster than his active practice!
Because if he actively practices on his own, he needs to draw Qi into his body first.

Then the gas is compressed into liquid, and finally the liquid cosmic fluid is circulated to strengthen and feed the cells throughout the body before it can reach the Dantian.

Now, the process of gasification of liquid has been omitted, and the cosmic original liquid is used directly to replenish and strengthen one's own cells, so the efficiency is naturally much faster!

After these naturally formed cosmic fluids have fed all the billions of cells in the body, they can actually penetrate directly into the dantian.

You can directly join the vortex that continues to rotate.

After just over ten minutes of walking, Luo Xuning and Luo Li had achieved the same results as they had achieved after two hours of practice!
"Eh? Boss, why do I feel like the cosmic energy here will drill into my body on its own?"

"In just a short while, the cosmic energy in my body has actually reached full capacity!"

Luo Li suddenly turned her head to look at Luo Xuning and said with joy.

"Oh? You feel the same way?"

Luo Xuning couldn't help but feel a little amused after hearing what Luo Li said.

It turns out that this relic ring can also be used for passive cultivation, and its efficiency is higher than active cultivation!

What was the point of practicing diligently in the holy relic ring before?
"Yeah! That feeling is very obvious. Boss, you feel it too, right?"

Luo Li looked at Luo Xuning and said happily:

"This is such a great place. Not only can I enjoy the beautiful scenery, but I can also practice passively. It would be great if I could live here forever!"

"Haha, you have some ideas."

Luo Xuning was amused by Luo Li's words.

If there weren't so many things to do, it would seem to be a good choice to live here for a short period of time with your family and loved one.

However, humans are social animals after all.

It may feel great and novel for a family to live in such a peaceful environment for a year or two.

But what if you live here for ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years?
In such a peaceful environment, day after day, year after year.

Without goals, direction, disputes and conflicts, life will gradually lose its meaning!
A simple and ordinary life is what everyone yearns for.

But if it remains dull forever, dull for more than ten years, dull for the rest of your life, I'm afraid no one would like such a life.

At least Luo Xuning couldn't stand a life that was too dull.

Compared to this, he still prefers fighting and the pleasure of killing monsters!

I prefer to become stronger step by step and evolve towards a higher life form!
[Ding! Congratulations on triggering the special mission [Expanding Territory]! ]

[Opening up the territory: Kill 30 soft-bone rabbits within 100000 days! ]

[Task Reward: The right to use the 10000 square meters of space in the Holy Relic Ring, and enable the immigration function, with a maximum of 100 people.]

Suddenly, a dark blue virtual panel appeared in front of Luo Xuning, with three prompt messages displayed on it.

"Expanding territory? The right to use 1 square meters of space, immigration function?"

Seeing the three prompt messages displayed on the virtual panel, Luo Xuning couldn't help but feel happy.

Today I just took a walk with Lori, and not only did I discover a more efficient method of cultivation, but I also triggered a special mission!

Lori is simply my lucky star!
After taking a quick look at the mission details, Luo Xuning readily accepted the mission!

【Accept the mission! 】

At the same time Luo Xuning accepted the task, a huge black hole appeared about 100 kilometers away from him and Luo Li!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--!

Countless monsters holding obsidian spears and with human bodies and rabbit heads entered the relic ring from the black hole.

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