My place is on fire

Chapter 1018 The mysterious pool!

Chapter 1018 The mysterious pool!

Golden light and treasures?
After hearing what Lori described, Luo Xuning immediately became interested.

"Where is it? Take me to see it."

"It's over there, boss, follow me!"

Lori turned around and flew towards the direction of those strange vines.

At this moment, Lori was like those children who were bullied outside and went to their parents to seek revenge. Her little face was full of excitement.

Luo Xuning caught up with her and flew forward side by side with Luo Li.

It took five minutes for the two to return to the top of the pit.

As soon as the two appeared, more than a hundred strange vines, or tentacles, waving randomly, flew out from the pit.

Because Luo Xuning discovered that these strange vines had countless ugly suction cups similar to those on octopus tentacles.

"Isn't that a giant squid underneath? But it's really a bit too big..."

Seeing the tentacles that were over a hundred meters long, Luo Xuning couldn't help but be amazed.

Even though I was used to seeing strange monsters in the underground caves within the secret realm of the mother tree, I had never seen anything as strange as this.

"These tentacles have great power and responsiveness."

"I tried several times to rush in and find out what was going on, but each time I failed and got injured."

"Boss, although you are much stronger than me, you still have to be careful and don't be careless."

Lori looked at Luo Xuning with eyes full of concern. She didn't want anything unexpected to happen when she met her boss again.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I'll go test its strength first."

While Luo Xuning was talking to Luo Li, he had quietly activated the [Unstoppable] state just in case.

In the unstoppable state, all aspects of his body's functions and strength increased tenfold!
With the help of various elixirs, Luo Xuning's physical fitness in normal state has reached as high as seven or eight thousand points.

At this moment, after entering a state of unstoppable momentum, it instantly soared to 70,000 or 80,000 points.

Although this strength cannot be said to be invincible on the Planet of the Ape, it is also considered to be top-notch strength.

After his strength was comprehensively improved, Luo Xuning's movement speed became several times faster than usual. When he moved so fast, he even left an afterimage.

With a thought, he had already fallen hundreds of meters and entered the attack area of ​​the strange vine.

A strange vine seemed to have detected Luo Shuning's presence and quickly rolled towards him.

Luo Xuning started by striking out with the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, directly at the tentacle that was attacking him!

The moment the purple lightning touched the monster's tentacles, a dazzling light burst out at the contact surface.

Then with a sizzling sound, it rushed downwards!

Swish swish, swish swish--!

The monster seemed to be angered by Luo Xuning's purple divine thunder.

In an instant, more than a dozen tentacles rolled towards Luo Xuning from different directions at the same time, blocking all his retreat routes in all directions, leaving him with no way to escape!
Of course, Luo Xuning never thought of escaping.

Although they had only fought once just now, Luo Xuning already had a general understanding of the strength of this monster he had never met before.

Its strength is probably equivalent to that of the Red Flame Ox Zodiac Envoy in the underground cave.

Although Luo Xuning defeated the Red Flame Ox Zodiac Envoy by using tricks in the underground space, this is a different time now.

If the fight were to happen again now, Luo Xuning would be 100% confident that he could defeat him!
Although the monster in front of him was huge, it posed no threat to Luo Xuning.

When more than ten tentacles wrapped around Luo Xuning, he flashed and escaped from the encirclement of the tentacles.

The speed is jaw-dropping.

Lori even saw him leaving an afterimage at the same place!
Of course, this afterimage is not a real afterimage, it is just because Luo Xuning moved too fast.

In the last second he was still standing in the circle of more than ten tentacles, and in the next second he appeared more than ten meters away!
The human body's visual capture speed cannot keep up with its movement speed, so this magical phenomenon of afterimage occurs.

"The boss is too fast! I need to practice more!"

After seeing Luo Xuning's combat performance, Luo Li instantly felt a huge gap and realized that she still had a long way to go in the future.

After Luo Xuning dodged the encirclement of the tentacles, his eyes became hot and two blazing rays of light shot out, instantly piercing through one of the tentacles and cutting it off!
After the tentacle was cut off, a stream of dark purple liquid spurted out, and the remaining tentacles shrank back in a whoosh.

The tentacle monster seemed to feel the pain as well. Hundreds of tentacles raised in the air began to stir violently and attacked Luo Xuning again!

It's sizzling!

It's sizzling!

Luo Xuning seized the opportunity to continuously activate his thermal vision and flexibly dodged the tentacles' attacks.

In a short while, there were already hundreds of tentacles cut off by Luo Xuning's thermal vision!

"The boss is still more powerful!"

Watching Luo Xuning easily deal with the attacks of hundreds of tentacles, he was as agile as a butterfly among flowers, without being touched by a single leaf.

Luo Li's admiration for him suddenly became like a torrent of water, flowing endlessly.

Just now when she entered the tentacles' attack range, she lasted less than ten seconds before she was injured and fled!
It can’t be said that her heat vision was completely ineffective when facing those tentacles, but the effect was really not great.

Even if Lori attacked with all her strength, it would be difficult to leave any mark on any tentacle.

Look at Luo Xuning again, he used his thermal vision to directly cut off the monster's tentacles!
There is no harm without comparison.

They are both thermal vision, so why is there such a big difference?
Zi La~ Zi La~
Boom, boom--!

Luo Xuning used thermal vision and purple divine thunder to attack alternately. In less than ten minutes, he had beaten all the hundreds of tentacles in the air so hard that they dared not show their heads again!

Looking down into the pit, the water in that huge pool had been dyed dark purple by the purple liquid sprayed out by the injured tentacles.

The surface of the water was littered with broken tentacles that had been severed by Luo Xuning's thermal vision. The scene looked quite bloody, and the SAN value dropped drastically!
As for the true appearance of the monster under the pit, it was difficult to see at the moment, and it was also difficult to find out whether there were any treasures inside.

Luo Xuning lowered his flying altitude again, and this time he landed directly on the edge of the pool below, with his feet on the ground.

The diameter of this big pit is about 1 kilometer. It doesn’t look too big from the air, but people still look very small in front of such a big pit.

In addition, the water in the pool is so deep that you can't see the bottom. The monster is hiding in the water and won't come out, so Luo Xuning is a little troubled.

Seeing that there was no danger on the ground, Luo Li also floated down in front of Luo Xuning.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Lori also felt a little weird, and the hairs on her body stood up.

If Luo Xuning hadn't been by her side, she would have turned around and left without hesitation!

If you stay in such a terrifying scene for one more second, you might go crazy because your SAN value will be depleted.

"Master, what should we do next?" Luo Shuning looked at Luo Shuning and asked.

"Hmm... I'll try this method."

Luo Xuning touched his chin and thought for a while, then his mind moved, and more than ten top-grade obsidian spears flew out from his space ring.

Swish swish swish--!

More than a dozen top-grade obsidian spears seemed to have their own life and consciousness, suspended side by side above the pool.

As soon as Luo Xuning thought about it, these spears were like torpedoes, and they all went underwater with a puff!

Afterwards, Luo Xuning controlled these obsidian spears with his mind and made them shuttle back and forth underwater continuously.

After a while, large numbers of dead fish with pierced bodies in different parts of their bodies appeared above the pond.

These fish were all affected. Luo Xuning just wanted to force out the monster under the water!
The air and land are his home grounds. Underwater combat is too passive and it is difficult for him to exert his full strength.

At the same time, Luo Xuning also threw the Purple Sky Divine Thunder onto the water.

A strong smell of grilled fish instantly began to fill the air.

All the various fish that were stabbed to death by the obsidian spear were fried to death by the purple divine thunder.

Lori was dumbfounded as she watched her boss use various tricks.

The boss is so omnipotent!
He can do this and that. Is there anything the boss can’t do?

Luo Xuning used all his means and attacked the pool of water for more than ten minutes in a row, but he was unable to force the monster under the pool out.

He even had some doubts as to whether the monster hiding underneath was a turtle!

Of course, turtles definitely don’t have tentacles, it was just a helpless complaint.

"Boss, what should we do now..."

Seeing the frustrated look on her boss's face, Lori couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Luo Xuning's mind, and he thought of another skill that he had always used to assist in his cultivation, the art of distraction!
The art of distraction is not a combat skill, so Luo Xuning rarely thinks of using this skill during battle, and always uses it to assist in his practice.

In a situation like today, I can use the distraction technique to separate my mind and explore underwater to check the situation!

"Lori, I have an idea! Let's go, leave here first, I will take you to a safe place."

After Luo Xuning finished speaking, he pulled Luo Li's hand, activated the earth escape skill directly, and disappeared from the spot in a flash.

The next second after they disappeared from the spot, they appeared in an underground space more than 1000 meters underground.

"here it is……"

Lori blinked her big eyes at Luo Xuning, feeling that her brain was not enough.

What's going on!

I didn't even blink!
I was still on the ground the last second, how did I suddenly end up in such an enclosed space!

"This is a space I created using the Earth Escape Technique. It is very safe and reliable. Luo Li, you can rest here for a while."

"If you feel sleepy, you can have a good sleep."

"I'll recover my strength first, and then I'll go meet the underwater monsters."

Luo Xuning smiled and said something to Luo Li, then he sat cross-legged on the ground with his five hearts facing the sky and gently closed his eyes.

He said he was recovering his energy, but actually he was using the technique of distraction, and had separated a transparent body that was invisible to the naked eye from his body.

Luo Li looked at Luo Xuning, and countless question marks popped up in her mind, but she also knew that now was not the time to ask these questions, so she sat quietly aside.

After Luo Xuning's clone left his original body, he thought about it, rushed out of the underground space, and returned to the ground.

Although it is just a clone of Luo Xuning, he can use all his skills, but the power is definitely not as strong as that used by his original body.

To put it bluntly, this clone is still controlled by Luo Xuning himself, and is actually not much different from him, except that it has no entity.

There is also an advantage to not having a physical body, which is that it will not be attacked. Only attacks that specifically target the soul can hurt this kind of clone.

He took a few steps to the edge of the pool, stepped into it with a big stride, and then lowered his head to go under the water.

More than ten meters underwater, the color is dark purple, which is the color left after the tentacles were injured.

After diving for another ten meters, the water in the pool became clear again and the view became wider.

“It’s so deep?”

Luo Xuning's clone looked down and found that the water here was so deep that he could not see the bottom!

Keep diving.

Since the clone has no substance and no weight, it will not be affected by water pressure.

We kept diving down for more than ten minutes, at least a thousand meters, but there was still no sign of reaching the bottom.

This pool of water was like a bottomless pit, which made Luo Xuning think of the experience of entering the underground cave in the secret realm of the mother tree.

That underground cave was also an abysmal underground space. Even at Luo Xuning's speed, it would take more than ten hours of continuous falling before reaching the bottom.

It takes more than thirty hours to go back and forth, and its depth is probably tens of thousands of kilometers, which is almost equivalent to the distance of a straight line through the earth!

"It's so deep... and there's no bottom!"

We continued diving for more than ten minutes, but there was still no sign of hitting the bottom. Moreover, at this underwater depth, all light had disappeared, and it was all pitch black, and we could not see anything.

"Continue to dive or go ashore first?"

After hesitating for a long time, Luo Xuning gritted his teeth and decided to continue diving in the dark. He really didn't believe it. Could it be that this pool of water was really a bottomless pit?

During the dive, Luo Xuning did not encounter the monster with hundreds of tentacles. It should be deeper underwater than the monster!

In this way, Luo Xuning continued to dive for more than an hour. The surroundings were still pitch black, and even the sound disappeared.

There is no light, no sound, it's like being in a completely isolated space.

This feeling is more uncomfortable than those prisoners on death row or in solitary confinement.

Even though Luo Xuning had a strong mental quality, he couldn't hold on in such an environment.

Some messy thoughts began to emerge involuntarily in my mind, and even some terrifying scenes of the K-series appeared.

After a while, Luo Xuning felt that his sense of direction was getting weaker and weaker, and gradually he could hardly tell up, down, left, and right.

"We can't go any further. If we continue like this, we'll get lost here sooner or later!"

Luo Xuning suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, decisively gave up the dive, and began to swim towards the surface.

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