My place is on fire

Chapter 1019: The bottom of the deep pool!

Chapter 1019: The bottom of the deep pool!

【Spirits of the Soul】The clone created has no entity.

No one except Luo Xuning could see it.

Therefore, when it surfaced and returned to Luo Xuning's body, even Luo Li, who had been following him closely and wanted to stick to him, did not notice it.

"What's wrong, boss?"

Seeing Luo Xuning frowning, Luo Li asked with concern.

"I just used my mind to explore that pool of water. It's bottomless."

"And we didn't find any trace of the tentacle monster."

"After reaching a certain depth, all light disappears and we can't tell east, west, south, or north, making exploration much more difficult."

Luo Xuning sighed with a slight sense of regret.

This pool of water is so strange, it is definitely not an ordinary pool of water. There is a high probability that there are something unusual underneath.

Just like the underground cave in the secret realm of the mother tree.

The resources that Luo Xuning obtained in the underground cave were extremely abundant, and he also earned a huge amount of points.

After getting used to the speed of earning points in the underground caves, Luo Xuning felt a little uncomfortable after returning to the Ape Forest.

When I was in the underground cave, I could earn tens of thousands of points a day, but now I can’t even get one-tenth of that.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality, and the same applies to earning points.

"So, what is the boss worried about?"

Lori winked at Luo Shuning with a slightly playful tone. After hearing about what Luo Shuning was worried about, she was no longer worried.

Luo Xuning smiled and said truthfully:

"I'm thinking about how to get deeper, and it would be best if I could get to the bottom of the pool and see how mysterious the bottom of the pool is."

"Hey, why didn't you tell me earlier! If you want to dive deeper, just ask me. I have a way!"

After listening to Luo Xuning's description of the situation, Luo Li raised her head with a proud look on her face, feeling so proud in her heart!
Finally, the day came when the boss asked me for help. It was not easy!

"Oh? You have a solution? What solution?"

Luo Xuning looked at Luo Li with joy. If she really could find a way to get to the bottom of the pool, it would be a pleasant surprise.

"Praise me first!"

Lori raised her little head with a smug expression as if to say, "I wouldn't tell you if you don't praise me."

"Haha, fine, fine, I'll praise you, isn't it okay for me to praise you?"

"Our Loli is the best, Loli is the most wonderful, Loli is the most beautiful in the world."

"Tsk, so hypocritical. It's obvious he's fake. He can't even praise people. How can there be such a stupid boss?"

Lori curled her lips, then reached into her waist and pulled out a pure blue bead the size of a small grape.

"This is?"

Luo Xuning looked at the beads in Luo Li's hand with some curiosity.

Luo Li explained proudly, “This is a water-repellent bead.

It can make people feel no water pressure when they are underwater, and can also illuminate the vision within a radius of 1 kilometer.

This bead cost me more than 1 points. I feel so sad!
Especially after I learned the flying skill, I thought it was useless, but I didn’t expect it to come in handy today.

Here, since you need it so much, I’ll give it to you~"

As Luo Li spoke, she reached out and handed the water-repellent beads in her hand to Luo Xuning, without any reluctance on her face.

As soon as they met, Luo Xuning gave her a fine plant spirit, and this water-repellent bead was regarded as a return gift.

"Such a precious treasure, and you just gave it to me like this?"

Luo Xuning said with a smile. Although he needed this thing very much, needed it urgently, he did not reach out to take it immediately.

"Of course, you also gave me such a precious and exquisite plant spirit! In your words on Earth, this is called reciprocity!"

As Lori spoke, she forcibly pried open Luo Xuning's hand and stuffed the water-repellent bead into his palm.

"Take it! If you need it so much, then stop nagging me.

Anyway, this thing is of little use to me, and it's just a nuisance to carry with me!"

"Hahaha, I really need this water-repellent bead right now, so I'll accept it, but..."

Luo Xuning's mind moved, and with a few whooshing sounds, dozens of spinning pet eggs flew out from his space ring.

"You also said that it's a matter of reciprocity. I'll use these pet eggs to exchange with you."

Luo Xuning smiled and explained, "There are 10 flying mouse pet eggs and 10 red flame cow pet eggs in it.

And 10 Thunder Wing Tiger pet eggs, and 10 Softbone Rabbit pet eggs."

"These...are all pet eggs?"

When Lori saw dozens of pet eggs floating in the air, she couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

When on Earth, any pet egg of a wolf or a giant ape is priced at a sky-high price and can be sold for hundreds of millions of yuan!
Now, there are more than 30 of them in front of him, and judging from their names, they seem to be more majestic and powerful than those wolf-eating creatures and giant apes!

If I sell them all, wouldn't I be a billionaire with a net worth of hundreds of billions?
"Yes, these are all pet eggs. Now they are all yours. All you need to do is..."

Luo Xuning briefly introduced to Luo Li the process of hatching pet eggs, and gave her 30 plant spirits as raw materials to catalyze the hatching.

"Too many, this is too many. I can't take care of so many pets. It feels like herding sheep..."

Luo Li waved her hand and said, "I'll just have one, just for the sake of novelty. As for the rest, you should give them to Jingyi and your disciples, boss."

Although Lori knew the value of pet eggs, she was not greedy.

Luo Xunning insisted: "Let's put things in perspective. What's yours is yours, and I'll make some preparations for theirs."

"Well, boss, please keep it for me first. I can't carry that much right now. Give it to me when we return to Earth."

Seeing that Luo Xuning insisted, Luo Li stopped refusing and said with a longing look on her face:
"When we get back to Earth, I'm going to use these pets to form a pet special forces team!"

"Haha, it's up to you. Well, I'll keep it for you first. Just tell me when you want it."

After Luo Xuning finished speaking, he moved his mind and whooshed the pet eggs back into the space ring, leaving only the smallest flying mouse pet egg for Luo Li to play with.

Luo Xuning served to the end and directly used a plant spirit to catalyze the pet egg. After a while, a flying mouse with white fur all over its body and a pair of small wings waving behind it hatched.

"Wow! What a beautiful, cute little mouse!"

The first time Lori saw the flying mouse, she fell in love with this furry little thing. Then she followed Luo Xuning's instructions and let the flying mouse recognize its master.

Although the flying mouse's combat capability is average, it is still very popular among girls like Lori because of its appearance.

Kolina's favorite pet is also a flying mouse.

After sending the pet away, Luo Xuning asked Luo Li how to use the water-repellent beads. The method of use is very simple, just use your mind to activate it, and the water-repellent beads will expand hundreds of times and become a transparent sphere with a diameter of about two meters.

The user and a designated companion can enter the water-repellent bead.

Luo Xuning and Luo Li first returned to the ground from the space created by the earth escape technique, then activated the water-repellent beads, and went in together.

After falling into the water, the water-repellent beads have no buoyancy at all, and even give people a feeling of sinking downwards at an accelerated speed!

After diving more than ten meters, the water in the pool became clear. Luo Xuning could also see that the area directly below the water-repellent beads was bright as if it was illuminated by a searchlight.

"Wow, I didn't expect this pool to be so deep!"

When Lori saw the scenery outside through the transparent barrier of water-repellent beads, she was also amazed. She looked left and right and felt that her eyes were almost not enough.

As the water-repellent beads continued to dive, Lori also saw many fish that are not very common in shallow waters.

Hundreds of thousands, or even millions of colorful fish swarmed past the water-repellent beads. The scene was extremely shocking and beautiful!
The water-repellent beads continued to move downwards, and after reaching a certain depth, due to the water pressure, very few living creatures were seen.

When diving more than 1000 meters underwater, the vision began to become dim and the number of fish species began to decrease sharply.

Moreover, these fish that have never seen the light are uglier than each other, as if they have come to the world of Ke.

Lori was even too lazy to look outside or to look at those extremely ugly clownfish. She would rather play with her flying mouse.

When we descended to more than 2000 meters, all natural light disappeared. Fortunately, the lighting system of the water-repellent beads could still operate normally.

Luo Xuning could clearly see the depth of more than 1000 meters below the water-repellent beads.

This time, I had the treasure, the Water-Repellent Beads, and Loli by my side, so I felt much less lonely than last time.

Luo Xuning and Luo Li had been falling in the water-repellent bead for more than ten hours. There was nothing but sea water around them, without any change.

It feels like this pool of water is a bottomless pit.

"Boss, this pool is too deep... We have been diving for more than ten hours, right? We haven't reached the bottom yet."

With the previous experience of going down the underground cave, Luo Xuning was able to keep his composure, but Luo Li was a little impatient.

"Should be... huh? Lori, look down! It looks like we're almost at the bottom of the pool!"

Luo Xuning glanced and saw something like a rock appearing right below the light of the water-repellent bead, as if it had really reached the bottom!

"Here we are! Here we are! Finally here! Oh my god, this is too deep!"

Lori also saw the scene below. After exclaiming in admiration, she looked up at the infinite sea above the water-repellent beads.

The water-repellent beads played an indispensable role in today's exploration activity. Without them, Luo Xuning and Luo Li would not have been able to reach the bottom of the pool.

About four minutes later, the water-repellent beads fell steadily to the bottom of the lake.

However, there was still no trace of the tentacle monster at the bottom of the lake. It was extremely empty here, with nothing there.

"Boss, look what that is!"

Lori suddenly pointed to eleven o'clock and gave a reminder.

There was a cylindrical light at the bottom of the water about 400 meters away from Luo Xuning and Loli.

The light was a little dim under the light of the water-repellent beads, and it would be difficult to detect if you didn't pay special attention.

"Go over and have a look."

Luo Xuning followed the direction that Luo Li pointed and he also saw the light.

With a thought, the water-repellent beads moved towards the direction where the light was.

When he arrived at the place where the light came from, Luo Xuning was surprised to find that it was a circular puddle with a radius of about 100 meters.

Another puddle appeared at the bottom of the pool!
In other words, this is not the bottom yet, there is still room below!

Moreover, the color of the water in this puddle is very different from that of the water in the pool.

It is not the kind of transparent water, but a kind of water surface that is shining and looks beautiful and dreamy.


When Lori saw the dreamy water surface, she was surprised, but also a little bit fond of it.

Girls all like beautiful things.

The glittering water is so dreamy and beautiful that it's no wonder Lori likes it.

"Boss, what do we do now?"

"We've already come this far, what else can we do? Keep diving! I really don't believe this pool of water is a bottomless pit."

Luo Xuning gritted his teeth and decided to continue exploring from this point on the water surface.

"Okay! I'll listen to you, boss. I'll do whatever you say. I fully support you!"

Lori looked like she was determined to follow him until death, and she was willing to accompany her boss on any adventure.

Luo Xuning moved his mind, and the water-repellent beads slowly floated above the glittering water surface, and then began to slowly descend.

The moment the water-repellent bead touched the dreamy water surface, the entire spherical barrier on the outside of the bead was dyed the color of the water surface, becoming dreamy.

"Wow! So pretty! So beautiful!"

When Loli looked up and saw that the water-repellent barrier looked like a beautiful starry sky, she liked it very much. While praising it, a look of joy appeared on her face.


The water-repellent beads seemed to have lost their buoyancy and could no longer feel the resistance of the water, and began to continue falling.

Luo Xuning and Luo Li were both startled by this sudden change. When they came to their senses, they found that the scene in front of them was no longer underwater.

The two of them were now in a blue sky, with white clouds rolling below and the wind whistling in their ears.

In the last second, he was still on the seabed thousands of kilometers deep, and in the next second, he appeared thousands of feet in the sky. This huge contrast is really confusing.

Luo Xuning stretched out his hand and passed his arm through Luo Li's armpit, then with a thought, he collected the water-repellent beads and put them into the space ring.

He was hovering in the air with Lori.

"Where is this? Why are we here all of a sudden? It's so high up, I can't even see the ground..."

Lori looked down and saw only endless void and white clouds rolling like waves.

Suddenly, a sharp cry from behind the two of them broke the silence of the sky.

It is also accompanied by a low and powerful sound of flapping wings.

The voice seemed to come from ancient times, carrying with it irresistible majesty and power.

The floating clouds in the sky were instantly blown away like gathered catkins, as if making way for some terrifying existence.

As the sound of flapping wings approached, a strong gust of wind arose, sweeping up the remaining clouds in the sky that had not had time to escape, forming a swirling vortex.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow suddenly rushed out from the clouds!

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