My place is on fire

Chapter 1017: Unexpected encounter, accidental reunion!

Chapter 1017: Unexpected encounter, accidental reunion!
Eastern Sea.
Deep in the sea, above a small island.

"This guy is too difficult to deal with..."

"He's no match at all!"

Lori covered her left shoulder blade with her right hand, with a look of pain between her eyebrows.

There was originally a volcano on the small island just below Lori.

But now, the volcano has disappeared, replaced by a huge crater.

Swish swish, swish swish--!

Suddenly, more than a hundred green vines about a hundred meters long and as thick as buckets flew out of the huge pit!

These vines danced irregularly in the air, like a ferocious beast with bared fangs and claws, provoking Loli in the sky.

"What the hell is this..."

When Lori saw the vines, her expression became more cautious.

After the volcanic eruption, the golden light that was shooting into the sky from the volcano suddenly disappeared.

Just when Lori wanted to explore, she was attacked by the mysterious vines.

These vines have extremely strong defensive capabilities. Neither weapons nor the even more powerful heat vision can break through their defenses.

Moreover, these vines have extremely strong attack power and high sensitivity!

In a battle just now, Lori was unable to dodge and was hit by a vine on the shoulder blade of her left arm, and was seriously injured instantly.

Lori felt that the shoulder blade in her left arm might be shattered.

Even though he had taken the spirits of plants and trees and had amazing recovery abilities, it would still be difficult to recover without ten days or half a month.

Lori tried several times, but failed to break through the defense of the vines and enter the space to find the treasure that had emitted dazzling golden light.

She was certain that it must be some treasure, and she would not be willing to give up until she got it!

However, facing the cruel reality of being injured, giving up is her wisest choice at the moment.

Even though I'm unwilling to accept this, it's my own fault for not being well-trained and having low abilities!

"If the boss were here, he would definitely cut off all these annoying vines and help me get revenge!"

"Boss, where are you? We have been on this planet for so long, and you don't even care about us. Don't you know how to find us?"

"Is it possible that I am the only one who has separated from my boss?"

Lori looked at the dancing vines below and began to miss her omnipotent boss who was the ultimate in combat power!
"How can I mark this place? It will be difficult to find it after I leave here..."

Knowing that she was not strong enough and could not take down the vines below, Lori began to think of a way out for herself.

However, she was unwilling to give up the possible treasure here, so she thought of marking this place.

However, there is nothing but sea water on the sea surface, without any landmark objects, and there is no way to mark it.

The area of ​​this small pit is not small, with a diameter of about 1000 meters.

But placed on the vast ocean, this big pit is too inconspicuous.

While Lori was waiting for the volcanic eruption to end, she had to look for it for a long time every time she came back from hunting lightning blue sharks.

If you fly too far, you may not be able to find it back.

"Huh? That's..."

Suddenly, Lori's eyes focused and she saw a black spot in the distant sky approaching her rapidly.

After learning thermal vision, her eyesight improved significantly and she could see objects more than thirty kilometers away.

Although she couldn't see clearly what the black spot was, she could feel that the other party was flying very fast, much faster than her flying speed!
Suddenly, the black dot stopped moving and hovered in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Lori saw two flashes of blazing red light!
"That's...that's heat vision! that the boss!"

Being able to fly and having thermal vision, these two abilities reminded Lori of her boss whom she had been thinking about and looking forward to every day, and she couldn't help but feel excited!
"Go and see!"

The loli moved, adjusted her posture in the air, and then quickly flew towards the black spot!

No matter whether it is true or not, she will go and see, unwilling to give up any hope!
She had imagined the scene of reunion countless times. If she missed this time, there was no telling whether she could meet him again in the vast ocean!

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

The wind whistled in her ears, and Loli ran as fast as she could, fearing that the man who was suspected to be her boss would leave after the fight.



With a loud bang, a lightning blue shark was instantly killed by Luo Xuning.

However, the points obtained this time were pitifully few, only 5 points!
The difference between this ordinary lightning blue shark and the elite one is too big!
But for Luo Xuning, killing an ordinary lightning shark or an elite lightning shark is almost the same.

However, elite-level lightning sharks are very rare, and you have to be extremely lucky to encounter one.

The others were basically ordinary lightning sharks like the one Luo Xuning had just killed, which only had 5 points.

The group of blue sharks discovered by Luo Xuning this time was a group of more than 30 individuals.

But in the face of the huge gap in strength, whether it is 30 or 300 heads, he considers them all to be his points.

Heat vision and purple thunder attacked at the same time, and blazing red light and flashing and bursting electric currents flowed across the sea.

In less than half a minute, Luo Xuning eliminated more than 30 lightning sharks and increased his score by more than 100 points.

The battle was over, and Luo Xuning was about to continue on his way, when he suddenly focused his eyes and saw a black dot flying towards him rapidly in front of him.

The black spot was about 20 kilometers away from him, and from the outline, it looked like a person.

"Huh? There are other people in this sea area?"

Because the distance was too far, Luo Xuning could only see a rough outline.

At this distance, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, so naturally he couldn't recognize Lori at the first sight.

"He seems to be coming towards me? Let's see what he wants to do."

Luo Xuning was hovering above the sea, quietly waiting for the other party to arrive.

With his current strength, he is not afraid that the other party is looking for trouble, and he is not that easy to mess with.

Besides, even if he couldn't win, he had absolute confidence that he could escape.

Luo Xuning kept his eyes on the black dot. When the black dot entered the range of ten kilometers, he finally saw the other party's appearance clearly.

"It's Loli!"

After seeing the identity of the person who came, Luo Xuning was inexplicably excited. He had been missing Luo Li and the others a lot these days.

I never expected that I would meet Lori unexpectedly in the vast ocean this time!

Luo Xuning also instantly accelerated and flew towards Luo Li.

The two of them ran in both directions, quickly closing the gap in speed, and the distance of 10 kilometers was covered in less than a minute!

"Boss! It's really you! It's really you!"

"I finally found you, I finally found you, woo woo..."

"I miss you! I miss you, I miss you..." After Luo Shuning and Luo Li met in the air, Luo Shuning threw herself into Luo Shuning's arms like a jade swallow.

She cried and laughed while expressing her longing for him, and it took a long time for her emotions to calm down.

"Boss, your hair is so flowing..."

Lori saw that Luo Xuning's hair was longer than hers, but it was tied behind her head with a band, making her look very fairy-like.


After hearing what Luo Li said, Luo Xuning smiled with a slightly awkward look on his face. He really didn't know how to continue this topic.

"Your arm is injured, eat this."

Luo Xuning moved his mind, and a fine plant spirit flew out from his space ring and hovered between the two of them.

"What is this? Why does it look a bit like the spirit of plants and trees? But, I've already used it..."

Lori could tell at a glance that the Fine Plant Spirit was very similar to the Plant Spirit.

"This is a fine plant spirit, and its effect is better than that of the plant spirit."

"Not only can it strengthen the body, but it can also increase the activity of human cells on the basis of the original plant spirits."

"After taking this fine plant spirit, I estimate that your injuries will be almost healed."

Luo Xuning smiled and explained to Luo Li the effects of the exquisite plant spirits.

"A fine-quality plant spirit that is even more effective than the plant spirit! Boss, this, this, this is too expensive. I can't earn this much even if I work for you my whole life!"

Of course Lori knew the price of the Spirit of Plants. Lori knew with her toes that this fine quality Spirit of Plants, which had better effects than the Spirit of Plants, was extremely expensive!

Ordinary plant spirits can be sold at a high price of over ten billion, and each person can only take it once to gain a boost.

After taking it once, no matter how rich you are, you cannot increase your strength by taking the spirit of plants and trees continuously.

This fine plant spirit is not only more effective than ordinary plant spirits.

You can even continue taking it on top of already taking the spirits of plants to improve your strength. You can imagine its value!

Even if it is sold for 10 billion, or even 20 billion, it is not impossible!
"Haha, it's a rare reunion. This is my gift to you. It's free. Eat it quickly."

Luo Xuning urged Luo Li with a smile. He really didn't take this fine plant spirit seriously at the moment. He still had thousands of them in his space ring.

There are even a few top-quality plant spirits of better quality.

However, he was reluctant to give away this top-grade plant spirit as casually as he was doing now.

After all, the success rate of fusing top-grade plant spirits is shockingly low, and each one is extremely precious to Luo Xuning.

"Then I'll be rude to refuse. Thank you, boss! Love you~"

Luo Li simply said a few polite words to Luo Xuning, thanked him, took the fine plant spirit in her hand, and used it up quickly!
After taking the fine spirits of plants, you will enter the invisible microscopic world.

The cells in Lori's body quickly began to recombine and split...

The damaged cells are rapidly devoured by the new cells that have divided.

Changes in the microscopic world are quickly reflected in the physical sense.

Lori felt as if a warm current was running through her body, making her feel extremely comfortable.

Especially the place where she was injured, she felt very hot at first, then numb and tingling, and then it recovered as before!
Lori even felt that her arms had become tougher and stronger than before!

The process of absorbing the fine spirits of plants and trees lasts for more than a day, and it improves a person in all aspects.

Strength, defense, reaction, cell activity, etc., etc....

"Boss, how did you find this place? Where are Jingyi, Zhao Rui, Yaling and the others?"

After taking the fine spirit of plants, Lori just felt the changes a little and then began to ask about the situation of several of her companions.

"I don't know where they are. There is no news yet."

After reuniting with the injured Loli, Luo Xuning couldn't help but start to worry about the others, wondering whether they were doing well and whether they were injured.

However, this ape planet is vast, dozens or even hundreds of times larger than the Earth.

Searching for a few scattered people on such a huge planet is as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack.

This unexpected meeting with Lori was purely a coincidence, and there were no signs of it before.

"Oh...I kind of missed them."

"Boss, how have you been these days? Do you miss us?"


After meeting again after several months, Luo Li had a lot to say to Luo Xuning.

The two of them just hovered in the void and chatted for a long time, as if they had endless things to say.

That’s right, Lori is almost going crazy after not seeing anyone for several months.

I finally reunited with Luo Xuning today, and she couldn't stop talking once she started.

Lori kept chattering about how difficult it was for her when she first arrived in this sea area.

He also told Luo Xuning everything that happened during this period, no matter how big or small.

We chatted for four or five hours, and only stopped when our mouths were dry and our throats were about to burn.

"Your suffering over the past few months has been very valuable."

"First of all, you are several times stronger than when you first entered the Planet of the Apes."

"You have also mastered flying skills, which is truly commendable."

After listening to Luo Li's story, Luo Xuning expressed his affirmation and approval of her efforts and experiences.

Flying skills involve the spatial laws between heaven and earth. Although Luo Xuning has already mastered it, he really doesn't know how to teach it. It can't be taught at all!

Anyone who masters the "flying skill" can fly directly, as if they have been recognized by the will of the world.

If you don’t get the recognition of the world’s will, no matter how much knowledge you have, you still won’t be able to fly!

"Hey, thank you for the compliment, boss! I haven't rested even for a single day in these past few months!"

"I spend at least 12 hours every day killing monsters and earning points."

After receiving praise from Luo Xuning, Luo Li was very happy and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"So hardworking? Haha, is this still the Lori I know?"

Luo Xuning felt more experienced after hearing what Luo Li said. She was not so diligent when she was on Earth.

"Tsk, a man should be re-identified after three days of separation! Besides, we have been apart for a long time, boss, you can't always look at me with the old eyes now~"

Lori wrinkled her nose, her face showing a happy and relaxed expression. At the moment she was in a very good mood, very good, better than ever before!

"Oh, Boss! There's a big pit in the direction I came from. I think there must be some treasure hidden in there."

"However, there is a very powerful guy at the bottom of the pit. The injury on my arm was caused by him."

After chatting for a while, Lori took the initiative to get to the point and told Luo Xuning in detail about her encounter with the monster.

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