My place is on fire

Chapter 1010 Big Boss!

Chapter 1010 Big Boss!

Sasha's growth rate is also significantly different from that of ordinary creatures.

After eating a piece of sand crystal, its body immediately grew larger.

At the beginning it was only as big as a mineral water bottle, but now it has become as big as a 2-liter Leco.

"What a pity. You can only eat one piece a day. If you eat more, it won't continue to grow. It's a complete waste."

Gao Yaling reached out and touched Sasha's little head, her eyes full of loving care.

"I'll continue to give you food tomorrow. I have a lot more in my bag. They're all yours!"

Gao Yaling has killed hundreds of sand people during this period and obtained more than 20 sand crystals in total. Although the explosion rate is not high, it is also very good.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp~"

Sasha seemed to understand what Gao Yaling said and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"The next step is to exchange for skill books! It's not easy to accumulate these 8 points!"

When Gao Yaling thought of the skill book, she became excited again. She quickly summoned the points redemption page of the mall and quickly anchored her goal!

[Do you want to immediately consume 80000 points to redeem the skill 'Heat Vision' (Basic Version)? ]

"Yes! Redeem!"

Although it was the basic version, Gao Yaling exchanged it without hesitation. She had seen Luo Xuning use this powerful skill before, so she was full of expectations for this skill.

[Points deducted successfully, rewards being generated, please wait...]

About ten seconds later, a light blue beam of light descended from the sky.

In the beam of light, a crimson skill book slowly fell down.

Gao Yaling reached out and took the skill book with excitement.

The cover of the skill book does not have any fancy patterns, only three simple but powerful looking large black characters and three small characters.

Thermal Vision (Basic)

【Do you want to learn now? 】


The moment Gao Yaling excitedly chose to learn a skill, a huge stream of information appeared in her mind with a boom.

The information contained in this information stream is all about [Thermal Vision], how to use it, and special precautions when using it.

How to apply it to actual combat, etc., etc....

It actually only takes a dozen minutes or so to absorb the flow of information in your mind.

But it gives people the feeling that one has studied it for ten or eight years and has mastered it firmly.

Rustle, rustle, rustle--!

Gao Yaling had just finished learning [Thermal Vision] when her ears suddenly moved and she heard footsteps coming from the alley on her left.

She turned around suddenly and saw five sand people running towards her.

"You came just in time. Let me use you to test the power of my new skills!"

Gao Yaling raised her eyebrows, feeling that these five sand people came at the right time, just right to serve as test subjects for her to test her skills.

She looked at the sand man on the far left, and when the distance to the sand man exceeded 10 meters, Gao Yaling activated the [Heat Vision] skill with an idea.

She first felt her eyes getting hot, and then two beams of blazing light shot out and directly hit the sandman on the far left!
The thermal conductivity of yellow sand is relatively large, and its temperature will rise infinitely as the external temperature rises.

The yellow sand at the part where the sandman was hit by the heat vision suddenly changed dramatically and began to condense and become smooth!

Using the point to spread to the whole, in less than three seconds, the body surface of the sand man hit by Gao Yaling's thermal vision turned into a glass-like structure.

At the same time, Gao Yaling had already rushed to the sand man who was hit by her thermal vision and swung her knife swiftly!


The sand man whose body structure had been changed was hit by Gao Yaling's dagger and shattered to the ground like glass with a clang!
[You killed an ordinary sandman and earned 50 points! ]

It's sizzling!

After chopping the sandman into pieces with one blow, Gao Yaling used her heat vision skill again to attack another one.

Use the high temperature of heat vision to change the Sandman's body structure, destroy its powerful reorganization ability, and then kill it with one blow!

It took only a little over 5 minutes to kill five sand men this time, and the efficiency was increased more than ten times!
"Although the attack range of heat vision is only 10 meters, it is enough. It is very powerful!"

After experiencing the actual effect of thermal vision, Gao Yaling was extremely satisfied with this skill and felt that the 8 points were well worth it!

When she faced the sand man before, physical attacks were completely ineffective and she could only attack with the water curtain sword.

The cooling time of the Water Curtain Sword is as long as 10 minutes, which has great limitations.

The biggest advantage of [Heat Vision] compared to Water Curtain Sword is that there is no cooling time!

Now, after using the high temperature of [Heat Vision] to change the body structure of the Sandman, you can use the short knife to perform physical attacks.

The improvement in combat experience is also huge!

The only drawback is that [Heat Vision] consumes much more physical energy than the Water Curtain Sword.

Gao Yaling felt that if she continued to use [Thermal Vision] at a high intensity, her physical strength would be exhausted in half an hour at most.

"These are all minor issues. For example, in the previous battle, I only used my thermal vision for less than ten seconds at most. If you use it sparingly, it can last almost a day!"

All in all, the skill of [Thermal Vision] is a great improvement for Gao Yaling.

After taking a short rest and recovering her strength to her full potential, Gao Yaling continued her journey and headed towards the central area of ​​the Sand City.

After walking less than 200 meters, she was once again attacked by a team of four sandmen, who were easily defeated by her.

At this moment, it is difficult for a team with less than 5 Sand People to put any pressure on Gao Yaling. They are just here to give away points.

After acquiring the [Heat Vision] skill, her efficiency in killing monsters increased greatly. In one day, she earned more than 3000 points!
Everything is going in a good direction.

The size of Sand City was beyond Gao Yaling's imagination.

It didn't look that big from the uphill slope outside, but after entering, she kept moving forward for a month and was still on the edge of the sand city.

The enemies you encounter are all sandmen, and occasionally a few elite sandmen will appear.

After a month of high-intensity combat, Gao Yaling has become familiar with the sand people's attack methods, attack speed, angles, etc.

At this moment, even if facing a team of 10 sand people, she can face it calmly and kill them one by one!

A month is not a short time, but it is not long either. It is really rare for her to make such progress.

If Luo Xuning saw her progress, he would definitely praise her.

Gao Yaling's comprehension is considered to be above average among his disciples.

"Whoosh, whoosh~"

After more than a month of feeding, Shasha has now grown to adult size and has shown more female characteristics. Under normal circumstances, she is also a gentle and lovely girl.

However, once it enters combat mode, it is not so gentle.

In the hurricane state, Sasha's height has reached more than three meters, with a diameter of about one meter and sixty meters, and she has very strong combat power.

At this moment, Sasha can already kill a sand man alone, and has become Gao Yaling's right-hand man in harvesting points.

"Here, this is Sasha. You performed very well today~"

Gao Yaling casually threw a sand crystal to Shasha.

When Sasha saw Sha Jing, her eyes suddenly lit up. She reached out to catch it, then opened her mouth and threw it into her stomach. She swallowed it into her stomach with a very satisfied look on her face.

"Chirp, chirp~"

After swallowing the sand crystal in one gulp, Sasha flapped her wings and flew around Gao Yaling several times, looking very happy.

Although Shasha is in human form in normal state and shows higher intelligence than the Sand People, she is still a Sand People.

Gao Yaling has been trying to teach her to speak human language, but has not succeeded.

I couldn’t even teach the simplest single syllable, so I had no choice but to give up.

Fortunately, although Sasha can't speak, she can basically understand what Gao Yaling means, so unilateral communication can be achieved.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!"

Suddenly, Sasha looked in the direction behind Gao Yaling and let out a few quick screams to warn her.

Gao Yaling turned around suddenly and saw a huge tornado that was ten meters high and more than ten meters in diameter, sweeping over the sky!

The wooden houses along the way were torn into pieces and entangled in it like paper.

Boom, boom--!

The tornado was getting stronger and stronger, making a series of rumbling sounds!

The moment Gao Yaling saw the tornado, there was only one thought in her mind: run away!
The strength of the tornado in front of her is definitely far beyond hers, and she is far from being its opponent now!
Gao Yaling does have some self-awareness!

Although she has two powerful skills, Water Curtain Sword and [Heat Vision], which are very effective against sand people.

And Sasha is there to assist.

But... the gap between the two sides is too big, there is no chance of winning at all!

Gao Yaling was stunned for just a second, turned around and shouted at Sasha, then ran away!

Fortunately, she had practiced Lingbo Weibu with Luo Xuning before, and her strength has greatly increased now, so in terms of speed, she can barely compete with the hurricane behind her.

Blah, blah, blah--!

Sasha also immediately entered combat mode, turned into a tornado and followed behind Gao Yaling to increase her speed!

With a tailwind, it is easy to increase the speed by 20%!

Gao Yaling ran as fast as she could, and with Shasha speeding her up from the side, she ran for more than an hour and covered forty or fifty kilometers before she ran out of the Sand City.

For some reason, the tornado behind him did not chase out of the city. It just stayed at the edge of the city wall for more than ten minutes, and then suddenly dissipated between heaven and earth, as if it had never appeared.

“Huff, huff, huff—!”

After escaping successfully, Gao Yaling collapsed in the desert in an ungraceful manner, gasping for breath.

Just now, the hurricane behind her was only a dozen meters away from catching up with her!

In the more than one hour of escaping, even a small mistake could cause Gao Yaling to be strangled by the violent hurricane.

"Thank you, Shasha. It's all thanks to you. Otherwise, I might have been blown up to the sky now~"

After taking a breath, Gao Yaling looked at Sasha, who had returned to her normal human form, and expressed her gratitude sincerely.

Just now, Sasha was behind her helping her speed up along the way.

If it weren't for Sasha's help, Gao Yaling really wouldn't have been able to outrun the hurricane.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp~"

After hearing Gao Yaling's praise, Sasha happily spun around in the air, a smile appearing on her cute little face.

As Gao Yaling's pet, it is 100% loyal to Gao Yaling.

When Gao Yaling is in danger, it will do its best to help her. These are its instinctive behaviors.

"The scale of that hurricane just now is probably at the level of a big boss! Elite-level hurricanes are not that big."

After lying on the ground and resting for a while, Gao Yaling finally got up and sat up, still thinking about the scale of the hurricane that had just chased her.

The height is about as high as a twenty or thirty-story building, and the diameter of the eye of the storm is about ten meters.

In front of the hurricane, Gao Yaling was as small as a fallen leaf.

She felt that if she was even slightly affected by the airflow around it, she would be sucked in by the huge suction force and minced into pieces!
"The gap is too big, there is no way to fix it."

While escaping just now, Gao Yaling also tried to use thermal vision to attack the hurricane behind her, but it had no effect!
The hurricane was so large and its rotation speed was so high that the heat generated by the thermal vision was dissipated in an instant.

The amount of water in the Water Curtain Sword was not enough to deal with the hurricane. Hitting it was like a mosquito biting an elephant.

"I can't move forward anymore. I'd better continue to hang around on the periphery."

"Carpet search for ordinary and elite sandmen in the periphery to save some points first."

"Exchange all the items in the Points Mall to see if I can refresh some more powerful skills or items!"

Gao Yaling knew how difficult it was to improve a person's strength. If she wanted to defeat the hurricane with her own strength, it would take her at least ten or eight years.

She placed all her hopes of defeating the Sand Man boss on the items that were refreshed in the new round of points mall.

If she couldn't refresh any skill books or items that could effectively deal with the Sand Man boss, she would have no choice but to give up exploring the Sand City and bypass it and move forward.

But her intuition told her that the items in the central area of ​​Sand City were extremely important to her.

She must think about it and get it, otherwise she will definitely regret it!
It is precisely because of this intuition that Gao Yaling has never given up exploring the Sand City.

Even though she was injured many times, she never gave up and persisted until now.

Of course, persistence is rewarded. The points gained by killing sand people in the Sand City are much more than those gained by killing desert giant lizards.

In the past month, Gao Yaling has redeemed all the items in the points mall.

If you have more than 3000 points, you can refresh a new round of items.

Seeing that the sky was beginning to brighten and the temperature in the desert was beginning to rise, Gao Yaling simply set up camp on the spot.

During the day, the temperature in the Death Desert can reach forty or fifty degrees, which is not conducive to combat, and the efficiency of killing the enemy is also shockingly low.

The slightest movement would make me break out in a sweat, my heart rate would soar, and I wouldn't be able to exert even half of my strength.

It would be better to take a good rest during the day and wait until the temperature drops in the evening before taking action.

Sharpening knives does not miss woodcutters.

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