My place is on fire

Chapter 1009 [Sandman’s initial form]!

[The Gourd of Saving the World]: Produces a pill of medicine for bruises and injuries every day!

The message in the gourd was simple, but Gao Yaling was very excited!

"The gourd that can save the world? Medicine for injuries and sprains! I am truly the girl of destiny! My luck is incredible!"

After seeing the basic information and description of the gourd, Gao Yaling happily turned around several times!
This gourd arrived just in time. Her current condition requires this medicine for injuries and sprains!

With a pop, the stopper of the Gourd of Saving the World was pulled open, and a strong scent of traditional Chinese medicine instantly dissipated from inside to outside.

Gao Yaling poured the gourd upside down into her palm, and a brown pill the size of a peanut fell into her palm.

"Such a strong medicinal aroma..."

I put the small pill under my nose and smelled it. It smelled quite good.

She hesitated for no more than two seconds before Gao Yaling tilted her slender white neck and swallowed the small pill in her hand into her mouth, swallowing it with a single movement of her throat.

After the pill is swallowed, a lingering fragrance remains in the mouth.

Soon, Gao Yaling felt a warm current rising in her stomach.

This warm current seemed to have its own consciousness, flowing quickly through the meridians to Gao Yaling's injured left arm.

"Oh, so comfortable..."

The warm current reached the injured left arm, and the pain disappeared immediately, replaced by a tingling and numb feeling.

The numbness lasted for about ten minutes and then slowly disappeared. Gao Yaling waved her left arm and she was fully recovered!
"This medicine is so effective! It's a perfect way to heal injuries!"

Gao Yaling looked at the gourd in her hand with joy and felt happy inside.

"With this gourd, I can recover faster after getting injured, which can greatly improve my efficiency!"

Looking towards the direction of Sand City, Gao Yaling suddenly felt more confident and felt that she could do it again.

Originally, she thought that it would take her at least ten days or half a month to recover and challenge the Sand City again.

Unexpectedly, it was fully recovered in just ten minutes.

"Thank you so much, little lizard. I'll leave your body intact!"

Gao Yaling glanced at the desert monitor lizard she had killed nearby. This time, she did not go forward to skin and cut its flesh. She kept her word and left its body intact.

Although his injuries had recovered, his physical strength had been almost exhausted.

Gao Yaling moved about a hundred meters to the side and set up camp, deciding to rest for a while and eat something.

The night in the Death Desert is not short. The temperature starts to drop around 7pm in the evening and starts to rise around 7am the next day.

Gao Yaling has 12 hours every day to travel and kill monsters to earn points.

The fierce battle in the Sand City just now took her four or five hours, and resting, recovering and eating took her more than two hours.

By the time she had eaten and rested, it was already past two in the morning, which was the time of the day when the temperature was the lowest and also Gao Yaling's favorite time of the day.

"Let's go! Keep moving forward!"

After packing all her luggage, Gao Yaling returned to the Sand City and continued to explore the area in the city center.

Just as she expected, the closer to the city center, the more frequently the sand people appeared, and unlike those who appeared alone in the periphery, they began to appear in groups!

It is not uncommon for three, four, five, or even six sandmen to appear at the same time!
Gao Yaling's current strength is barely enough to deal with five sand people at the same time. When there are more than five, she can only fight and retreat, choosing to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

Fortunately, she was lucky enough to obtain a treasure like the Gourd of Saving the World, which became her trump card and capital for surviving in the Sand City.

Although the Sand People in the Sand City are more difficult and dangerous than the Desert Monitor Lizards in the Desert, the points gained from killing them are more than twice as high as those from the Desert Monitor Lizards.

Therefore, even though the difficulty and danger are high, Gao Yaling still chooses to kill the sand people in the city to gain points.

Only when the food ran out would she go out of town to hunt desert monitors to replenish her food.

After all, the Sandman is covered in sand and cannot be used at all.

Time flies and ten days passed quickly.

Through intensive killing of sand people, Gao Yaling finally accumulated 79963 points.

Only 47 points left to reach 8 points, which can be exchanged for the [Thermal Vision] skill!

"I just need to kill one more sandman, and then I can enter the lottery! It's not easy for me to resist entering the lottery and accumulate so many points!"

When Gao Yaling saw the points on her points page, she suddenly felt a little anxious and expectant!

Suddenly, a small tornado appeared on the street in front of me.

This tornado was made entirely of sand and looked like a yellowish sand bar.

Gao Yaling was just about to hide in a wooden house nearby, when suddenly her eyes focused and she realized that the tornado moving towards her was different from an ordinary tornado!
The height of this tornado is only over three meters, which is relatively small compared to the tornadoes in the desert.

What surprised Gao Yaling was that in the middle of the tornado there was a sand face that looked like a human face!

There is a nose and eyes on the face, the features are very obvious!

"This is a sand man! Hiding in a small space like a cabin would be disadvantageous to me!"

Gao Yaling quickly came up with an idea in her mind and immediately gave up her plan to hide in the wooden house.

Through hundreds of battles with the Sand People during this period, Gao Yaling has gained a certain understanding of the Sand People.

In the small space, it is very difficult for her to perform and dodge.

She is good at physical skills, so it is more advantageous for her to fight in an open area.


While Gao Yaling was stunned, the tornado had already arrived in front of her and was sweeping towards her quickly!

Gao Yaling seized the opportunity and quickly dodged to the right, barely avoiding the tornado's attack!

After the tornado missed its attack and was dodged by Gao Yaling, it suddenly stopped on the spot, then quickly changed direction and swept towards Gao Yaling again!

Gao Yaling stared at the tornado's every move intently. Her whole mind was tense and she kept dodging left and right to avoid the tornado's attacks.

At the same time, she also launched a counterattack!

"Water Curtain Sword!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The four water curtain swords hit the sand face in the middle of the tornado at the same time!
The sand face quickly melted after coming into contact with the water from the Water Curtain Sword, as if someone had poured sulfuric acid on it, becoming even more twisted, more terrifying and more hideous!
The tornado attacked more than ten times in a row but failed to hit Gao Yaling, who was as agile as a butterfly, and seemed to be angry.

Its movements became faster and more violent, rolling all the wooden houses and planks on both sides of the street into its wind hole, making noisy and strange noises.

Gao Yaling’s most effective attack method against sand people is the Water Curtain Sword skill, but the cooldown time of this skill is as long as 10 minutes.

For the 10 minutes after the attack, she could only continue to dodge passively.

Other means of attack have almost no effect on the Sand Man, they just waste his strength and energy!

This is the experience Gao Yaling has summed up after hundreds of battles in more than ten days. Fortunately, after hundreds of battles, Gao Yaling's body skills have improved rapidly, and these days, the number of injuries has been very small.

This time, facing the violent tornado, Gao Yaling was not at all panicked and used her Lingbo Weibu skills to the fullest.

"Water Curtain Sword!"

As soon as the cooling time was over, Gao Yaling immediately summoned four water swords to launch a counterattack against the tornado!
In this way, Gao Yaling and Tornado fought back and forth for more than an hour.

In the end, Gao Yaling was better and won the battle with only minor injuries.

[You killed an elite sandman and earned 500 points. Your current total score is 80463 points! ]

"It's actually elite level, so many points at once!"

Gao Yaling was surprised and delighted when she saw the prompt message on the information panel. The points provided by an elite sandman were equivalent to ten ordinary sandmen!
Moreover, in terms of battle difficulty, dealing with an elite sandman is even easier than dealing with five ordinary sandmen at the same time!
"Huh? That's..."

Suddenly, Gao Yaling glanced and saw a basketball-sized, khaki sphere floating on the sand pile of the elite sandman who had just been killed by him and turned into a pile of loose sand.

"No way? This thing also has a pet egg?"

When Gao Yaling saw this sphere, she immediately thought of pet eggs, but...

Sandmen are not living creatures at all, how can they have pet eggs!
Gao Yaling couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it. She took a few quick steps forward, stretched out her hand and took the ball of soil in her hand. It was quite heavy.

[Sandman: Initial Form]

As Gao Yaling took the ball of earth in her hand, information about the ball of earth appeared in the void in front of her.

"Sandman? Initial form?"

When Gao Yaling saw this prompt message, many question marks popped up in her mind. Then, there was a bang in her mind and a stream of information appeared.

This stream of information contains all the information about this [Sand Man·Initial Form].

"I see!"

After absorbing the flow of information in her mind, Gao Yaling showed a happy smile on her face.

To put it simply, this [Sandman·Initial Form] is actually the same thing as a pet egg, but with a different shape and name.

To put it simply, this [Sandman·Initial Form] is actually the Sandman’s pet egg, and it’s the kind that doesn’t need to be hatched!
The contract making method is the same as that of ordinary pet eggs. You only need to drop a few drops of blood on it to complete the contract.

Just now when fighting with the elite sand man, Gao Yaling's right arm was scratched by it and suffered minor injuries.

Gao Yaling immediately squeezed a few drops of blood from the wound and dripped them onto the small ball of soil in her hand.

After the small soil ball absorbed Gao Yaling's blood, the entire soil ball turned red.

Then, the granularity of the small soil ball gradually disappeared and turned into a smooth material like glass.

After about ten minutes, the small ball of soil changed from a spherical shape to a human shape!
Moreover, the human form transformed by the small soil ball is different from those ordinary sand people.

Its facial features and limbs are the same as those of normal humans, unlike the Sandman who only has a rough outline.

It’s just small in size, only the size of a mineral water bottle, and has a pair of transparent wings behind it.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz--!

The little man's wings flickered and he happily circled around Gao Yaling.

"This is too cute!"

Gao Yaling was so fond of the little man that was transformed from the small clay ball!
The little character's eyebrows, eyes and nose are very three-dimensional and delicate, and she looks like a cute little girl.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp~"

The little man was also very happy to see Gao Yaling happy. He chirped and continued to circle around Gao Yaling.

As Gao Yaling's pet, it has a deep bond with Gao Yaling and can feel her joys and sorrows.

"I'll call you Shasha from now on~Shasha, Shasha, the name really suits you."

Gao Yaling thought that Shasha was also a form of sandman, so she simply named it Shasha.

Shasha liked any name Gao Yaling gave it. She chirped a few times, looking very happy.

"By the way, Shasha, do you have any abilities?"

Gao Yaling looked at Sasha curiously and asked, "Isn't she here to act cute?"
Although it is indeed very cute, I guess no girl can resist such a lovely, beautiful little pet that will fly around you.


Sasha seemed to understand Gao Yaling's words. While flapping her wings, she touched her chin with her little hand as if she was thinking.


Suddenly, Sasha seemed to have thought of something. She shouted with great joy and began to spin rapidly in Gao Yaling's surprised gaze.

Sasha's speed was getting higher and higher, and soon Gao Yaling could no longer see its facial features.

When Sasha's rotation speed reaches a certain limit, it suddenly changes from human form to tornado form.

The tornado that Sasha turned into was a little mini, only the size of a palm, and it inexplicably exuded a sense of humor.

A piece of information about Sasha suddenly appeared in Gao Yaling's mind. The size of the tornado it turns into is directly related to its own strength.

The stronger it is, the larger the scale will be when it changes into a tornado form.

"I see."

After seeing the introduction about Sasha in the information, Gao Yaling nodded and began to have some expectations for Sasha.

"Oh, right? I can feed the sand crystals that were dropped by the sandman I killed earlier to Shasha!"

Thinking of this, Gao Yaling quickly found her backpack that she had placed against the wall, unzipped it, took out a few pieces of Shajing crystal from it and threw them to Shasha.

Sasha returned to human form from tornado form. When she saw the sand crystal that Gao Yaling took out, her eyes suddenly lit up, just like a child seeing delicious food, she was extremely greedy.

"Haha, look how greedy you are. Here, I'll give it to you."

Gao Yaling raised her hand and threw a sand crystal in her hand to Shasha.

Sasha flapped her wings and flew towards Shajing, then stretched out her two thin arms and caught Shajing steadily.

“Ahh! Ahhh! Ahhh~”

After getting the sand crystal, Sasha began to eat the sand crystal in her hand in big mouthfuls, just like someone who had not eaten for more than ten days.

In less than a minute, Sasha finished eating a piece of sand crystal.

To humans, that piece of sand crystal was not very big, about the size of an apricot.

But for a tiny person like Sasha, a piece of sand crystal is enough.

After eating a piece of sand crystal, Shasha's stomach was obviously swollen, and she burped several times. She was really full. (End of this chapter)

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