My place is on fire

Chapter 1011 Alien invasion!

Chapter 1011 Alien invasion!

Inside the secret realm of the mother tree.

Under the successive bombardments of thermal vision and purple divine thunder, more than fifty monkey willows were killed in an instant.

Luo Xuning moved his mind and used the art of controlling objects to collect more than fifty plant spirits floating in the air.

In recent months, Luo Xuning has not tried to enter the underground cave again to challenge the terrifying Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy.

Although he has a holy relic ring, he can use the power of distraction to enter the ring space and practice at a speed dozens of times faster, and his strength increases rapidly.

But... there is still a huge gap between his strength and that of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac User, and going in would just be a waste of time.

A round trip would take 30 hours even at Luo Xuning's speed, which is really unnecessary.

Luo Xuning already had a plan in mind. This time he would concentrate on practicing and collecting as many plant spirits as possible.

I will wait until next year when I enter the secret realm to challenge the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy.

During this period of time, with his terrifying collection speed, he has collected hundreds of thousands of ordinary plant spirits.

The spirits of plants and trees that were once extremely precious on Earth have now become cheap goods that can be purchased in any quantity.

This can be regarded as the biggest gain from entering the secret realm of the mother tree!

Think about it, back on Earth, a plant spirit could be sold for over a billion dollars.

Now I can get hundreds of them in minutes and become the richest man on earth in minutes.

Although the chance of fusing high-quality plant spirits is very small, with a large base of hundreds of thousands, Luo Xuning still managed to successfully fuse several thousand high-quality plant spirits.

After leaving 1000 fine-quality plant spirits in the bottom of the box, Luo Xuning used all the remaining fine-quality plant spirits to sprint for the best-quality plant spirits.

The success rate of the fusion of top-quality plant spirits is truly touching. Among more than 3000 top-quality plant spirits, only one was fused!
"There are only four top-grade plant spirits now. I'll give one to my mother, one to my sister, and one to Miaomiao, Jiajia, and Suqing..."

"It's not enough for one per person, we need to work harder!"

"After leaving the secret realm of the mother tree, there are only so many monkey willows for me to brush."

"The speed of time on Earth is about 1:10 compared to here on Planet of the Apes."

"It's been almost a year since I came to Planet of the Apes, and only about a month has passed on Earth. There shouldn't be much change, right?"

"After all, there are still four or five years before the doomsday that Luo Ying revealed breaks out."

Suddenly, Luo Xuning began to miss his hometown and his family again.

"Master~ It's time to go back~ It's time to eat!"

Corina's calling voice brought Luo Xuning back to reality. Looking in the direction where the voice came from, he saw Corina waving at him on the ground.

"it is good."

Luo Xuning nodded and smiled as he agreed. He flew to Kolina's side and landed lightly on the ground with his toes.

"Master, today's lunch is Crystal Deer~"

When Corina saw Luo Xuning, a gleam flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Oh? Today's harvest is not bad. You actually encountered another crystal spirit deer."

Luo Xuning reached out and rubbed Kolina's head, praising her with a smile.

The Crystal Deer is a very rare animal in the Secret Realm of the Mother Tree. Its meat is tender, rich in taste, and full of energy.

It has been almost a year since I entered the secret realm of the mother tree, and this is only the second one I have hunted.

"Hehe, Ye Fan was the luckiest guy, he was the one who hunted it."

Ke Lina didn't try to take the credit from Ye Fan. Whoever's credit it was, it belonged to him. She changed the subject and reminded Luo Ning:

"By the way, Master, my father said that the time for us to enter the secret realm is probably approaching. In the next few days, we may be forcibly teleported out at any time."

"Oh? Has it been a year already?"

After hearing Kolina's reminder, Luo Xuning couldn't help but sigh in his heart that time flies. It has been a year since he came here.

"Yes, my father has been keeping records since he came in. Today is the 363rd day. The error should not exceed..."

Rumble, rumble, rumble...

Suddenly, there was a sound like thunder in the sky.

Luo Shuning and Kolina looked up suddenly and saw a huge black hole with a diameter of about 100 meters appearing in the sky without any warning.

There is not a trace of light in the black hole area, it is absolutely pure black and is constantly rotating.

Moreover, as the black hole rotates, its area is also expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hoo ho ho--!

Suddenly, the wind blew up on the ground, and there was an upward suction force.

"It looks like the time has come for us to leave the Mother Tree Secret Realm. Let's go and meet up with Patriarch Ye and the others first."

After seeing the black hole in the sky, Luo Xuning knew it was time to leave.


Kelina skillfully walked forward, put her arms around Luo Xuning's waist, and put her face against his chest with a happy look.

Luo Xuning took Kolina and flew directly towards the direction of the smoke.

The distance of more than ten kilometers was covered in less than five minutes.

"Mr. Luo, you're back!"

"Mr. Luo, please come back."

"Mr. Luo, you also saw the black hole in the sky, right? I estimate that we will be teleported out in an hour at most."

When Ye Wen, Ye Chen and others saw Luo Xuning, they all stood up from the ground and greeted him.

Ye Chen pointed at the black hole in the sky and explained to Luo Xuning that among all the people present, he was the only one who had the experience of entering the secret realm of the mother tree.

More than 200 years ago, as the first warrior of the Ye clan, Ye Chen also had the opportunity to enter the secret realm of the mother tree.'s embarrassing to say.

Back then, Ye Chen also entered the secret realm of the mother tree with four members of the Ye clan, but they only hunted some small animals like jade rabbits.

The five of them combined were no match for the ape willow. They had been staying in the secret realm of the mother tree for a whole year but had not been able to kill even one ape willow!
Look at it now, whether it is Ye Wen and Ye Tian, ​​father and son, or Ye Fan and Kolina, they can kill a monkey willow alone within a few minutes!
The gap between people is so huge, it's like heaven and earth!

If I had such ability back then, the Ye clan would have become one of the most powerful tribes on the Ape Planet by now!

Unfortunately, there is no if, time cannot be reversed, and the past is too painful to look back on.

Now, after being gifted with the fine obsidian gun and taking the fine plant spirit, Ye Chen's strength has been greatly enhanced.

He can now also kill Yuan Liu alone.

During this period, Ye Chen also killed thousands of monkey willows and obtained thousands of plant spirits.

He also asked Luo Xuning to help him successfully fuse 5 top-grade plant spirits. The harvest was not small, but not as much as Ye Wen and the others.

Ye Wen and his friends only wasted some time when they first entered the underground cave.

Later, after the father and son said goodbye to Luo Xuning and returned to the ground, they spent every day killing enemies intensively.

The two used the ordinary plant spirits they had accumulated to fuse together dozens of fine plant spirits, and the harvest was huge!
They themselves have already taken the spirit of the best plants and trees, and cannot continue to take it. But they can use it to strengthen their own people and create more super warriors!
It is no exaggeration to say that a fine-quality plant spirit can create a super warrior who can fight against a hundred enemies at once!

These dozens of fine plant spirits are the hope for the rise of the Ye clan, and also the strong capital for the Ye clan to dominate the Ape Planet in the future.

Luo Xuning smiled and said, "Let's take advantage of the last bit of time to have lunch first. You won't be able to eat such delicious food when you go out."

"Mr. Luo, we want to take advantage of the last bit of time to get as many plant spirits as possible. What do you think..."

Time is running out, and Ye Wen has no appetite to eat now. The important thing is to get more plant spirits!

"Master, I think the same as the clan leader."

"So are we."

Ye Tian and Ye Chen also shared the same idea as Ye Wen. Everyone wanted to make full use of the last bit of time.

"Okay, whatever you want."

Luo Xuning could understand their thoughts. He had no shortage of plant spirits, but others did!

"Then we went to Mr. Luo!"

"Goodbye Mr. Luo!"

After greeting Luo Shuning, everyone rushed out in different directions. In the end, only Luo Shuning and Kolina were left.

Since entering the secret realm of the mother tree, Kolina has been in charge of preparing Luo Xuning's meals, which has taken up a lot of her time.

Of course, Luo Xuning would not let her work in vain. He gave her hundreds of fine plant spirits, which was far more than what she got from other people.

She was also required to provide pet eggs and other things, including flying mice, red flame bulls, and thunder winged tigers.

"Hey, they're all gone, it's a bargain for us~"

Kolina chuckled, with a greedy cat-like expression on her face.

"Hurry up and finish eating. Don't waste it."

Luo Xuning looked up at the black hole in the sky.

In just a few minutes, the diameter of the black hole has expanded to thousands of meters, the wind on the ground is getting stronger and stronger, and the upward suction force is getting stronger and stronger.

An hour later, when Luo Xuning and Kolina were full, the range of the black hole in the sky had expanded to tens of thousands of meters, and the suction force was getting stronger and stronger.

But strangely, the trees on the ground were only slightly affected and not uprooted.

It seems that the black hole's only target is Luo Xuning and a few other outsiders.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!
Six figures were sucked into the sky and into the black hole almost at the same time.

The moment he entered the black hole, Luo Xuning completely lost his vision, his eyes were dark and he could not see anything.

Even the sound of the violent wind disappeared in an instant.

There was no light, no sound, and I couldn't even feel my own body. Only consciousness remained.

Luo Xuning was very familiar with this feeling. It was very similar to the feeling he had when he used the [Divine Distraction Technique] to enter the holy relic ring.

The difference is that there is plenty of light and energy in the ring, but there is nothing in the black hole, let alone energy.


Planet of the Apes, Leaf Tribe, the entrance to the secret realm on the mother tree.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff!

The pure black entrance to the secret realm was like a big mouth that "spitted out" Luo Xuning and others!


"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Those who resist will be killed without mercy, not a single one will be spared!"

"Everyone hold on! The clan leader and his men will be back soon. As long as they come back, we will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory!"

"Ye Kuan! Watch out to your left!"

The moment Luo Xuning and others returned to the Planet of the Apes, they first heard a noisy sound and the clanging sound of weapons colliding.

When their vision returned, everyone saw two groups of people fighting fiercely in front of them.

One wave was full of people wearing beast furs, tall and with thick hair like savages.

The other wave is the Ye tribe members who are on the defensive.

Those savages used vines to swing in the air and continuously attacked the Ye clan's positions.

The Ye clan's defensive formation was constantly being cut and broken through.

The ground and the trees were already stained red with blood, with countless corpses and heavy casualties!

None of the Ye tribe members who were defending were intact, and all of them were injured!
When Ye Wen and others saw the scene in front of them, their eyes instantly turned red!
The situation is already very clear, our tribe has been attacked by foreigners!

On the planet of apes where wars are constant and warlords are fighting for their own country, fighting between tribes happens every day and is nothing new!

"court death!"

Ye Wen and his companions shouted loudly and quickly joined the battle.

Ye Wen swung the spear in his hand and instantly broke the bones of seven or eight strong savages, causing them to spit blood. It was obvious that they had no chance of survival!

Ye Tian and Ye Fan were not to be outdone. They both held fine obsidian guns in their hands. They would kill anyone who stood in their way, and their momentum was as strong as a rainbow!

The Ye family was originally in a one-sided situation of being suppressed, but after Ye Wen and others joined, they instantly turned the tide!

In less than ten minutes, thousands of strong savages were killed in the battle, not a single one was left alive!
Ye Wen and his companions were already covered in blood, like bloody men.

Of course, all this blood belongs to the enemy!

In the face of absolute strength, the bloody battle just now was a completely one-sided crushing victory.

With only a small price to pay, we achieved a huge victory!

"Chief! You are finally back!"

"God will not destroy our Ye clan!"

"God bless the Ye clan! God bless the Ye clan!"

"We won, we won, we won!"

When the Ye clan members saw Ye Wen and others returning from the secret realm, they were so excited that they cried!

If they had come back one day later, the Ye clan might have been completely slaughtered!
"Chief! You are finally back. Ye Xian apologizes to you! I am guilty, I am guilty!"

A gray-haired old man staggered to Kolina's side, then fell to his knees with a thud, his voice full of sorrow.

"Elder Ye Xian, what's going on..."

Looking at the blood all over the ground and the heavy casualties among the tribesmen, Kolina felt as if her heart was stabbed by a sharp knife!
The internal fighting between the Ye and Qing tribes was far less tragic than the scene before them.

"It's the Moro tribe that's invading! The Moro tribe wanted our Ye tribe to surrender and sacrifice all the women in the tribe to their gods. After being rejected, they started to attack..."

Ye Xian choked up and told Corina the cause and process of the incident in detail with tears and snot, not daring to hide anything.

In this incident, the Ye clan suffered heavy casualties, and there were less than a hundred survivors. This was an unprecedented disaster in the history of the Ye clan!

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