My place is on fire

Chapter 1006 Huge Lake!

Chapter 1006 Huge Lake!

The southernmost tip of the Planet of the Apes, the Great Dream Swamp.


Shen Jingyi pulled the dagger out of the heart of a tall and strong monster with a fish head and a human body.

The fish-man monster fell to the ground in the swamp with a plop and died.

[You killed the elite black fish monster and earned 1000 points! ]


After seeing the message, Shen Jingyi knew that the elite black fish monster in front of her was dead, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

All the strength in his body seemed to be drained away with this breath, and Shen Jingyi fell into the mud with a thud.

After walking in the swamp for a long time, her body and face were covered with mud and she could no longer recognize her original appearance.

The size of this swamp is far beyond imagination. She has been walking in it for several months, but there is still no sign of getting out.

In the swamp, in addition to facing various ferocious beasts, you also have to guard against various poisonous miasma.

If she had not exchanged the "Anti-Poison Pill" in the Points Mall before, she would have been poisoned to death in the swamp by now.

In the battle with the elite black fish monster just now, Shen Jingyi was also seriously injured. Her arms, legs, and abdomen were all injured by the black fish monster's steel fork.

If she hadn't taken the spirits of plants and trees, which had amazing recovery abilities, she would have probably been dead by now.


Lying in the mud and gasping for breath, Shen Jingyi was now afraid that another black fish monster would pop out from somewhere.

Even an ordinary black fish monster would be enough to take her life now.

"Huh? That's..."

Shen Jingyi glanced and saw a ball of white light floating above the body of the elite black fish monster she had just killed.

The ball of light emits colorful light under the sunlight, looking dazzling.

Shen Jingyi guessed that it must be some kind of treasure. He struggled to stand up with all his strength, limped to the front of the ball of light, and reached out to grab it in his hand.

"This is……"

Shen Jingyi found that what she got was a ring with an ancient shape, emerald green color, and some complex patterns engraved on it.

When her palm touched the ring, a dazzling green light suddenly burst out from the ring.

What’s amazing is that the green light emitted by the ring is like a green cocoon, just wrapping Shen Jingyi up in it.

"So comfortable..."

Shen Jingyi was startled at first, but then she felt like she was soaking in a hot spring, feeling extremely comfortable from the outside to the inside.

There seemed to be countless green spots of light in the green cocoon penetrating into her body, repairing Shen Jingyi's injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After about half an hour, the green cocoon became more and more transparent until it finally disappeared.

At the same time, all of Shen Jingyi's injuries had healed, as if he had never been injured!
"This ring is amazing. It has such a good healing effect..."

Shen Jingyi looked down at the green ring in her hand and felt delighted. She felt like she had found a treasure!
With this ring, your personal safety will be better guaranteed when walking in the swamp!
Suddenly, there was a sound of stepping on water behind me.

Shen Jingyi turned around suddenly and saw a black fish monster with a height and size similar to her, holding a triangular steel fork in its hand, approaching her quickly!
"Luckily, I recovered from my injuries after discovering this ring. Otherwise, I would have died here today."

Seeing the aggressive black fish monster coming at him, Shen Jingyi couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If she hadn't obtained the mysterious green ring, she would still be lying on the ground and having difficulty moving. Naturally, she would not have the energy to deal with the black fish monster.

It was fortunate that she was not destined to die. At the critical moment, she was possessed by the European Emperor and obtained a green ring, which healed all her injuries.

Carefully putting the ring on the index finger of his left hand, Shen Jingyi drew out the dagger from his waist and took a defensive stance.

There might be some pressure when facing an elite black fish monster, but when the opponent is this ordinary black fish monster, Shen Jingyi has absolute confidence that he can kill it.

After the black fish monster rushed in front of Shen Jingyi, it let out an unpleasant hissing sound and stabbed Shen Jingyi's chest fiercely with the steel fork in its hand.

Shen Jingyi took half a step back and easily avoided the attack of the black fish monster. Then she waved her right hand, shook her wrist, and threw the dagger in her hand out with a whoosh!
The dagger hit the black fish monster right between the eyebrows, the sharp blade was completely inserted, and only the handle was left outside.

The black fish monster received a fatal blow and fell straight forward into the mud.

[You killed the black fish monster and gained 20 points. ]

There is a huge gap in strength between elite black fish monsters and ordinary black fish monsters. Similarly, the points obtained from killing them also differ by dozens of times.

An elite black fish monster can provide Shen Jingyi with 1000 points, while an ordinary black fish monster can only provide 20 points.


Even so, Shen Jingyi still prefers ordinary black fish monsters because it is safer.

The elite black fish monster is as powerful as her, and if she is not careful, she might be the one who loses.

The consequence of losing is death!

Shen Jingyi didn't want to die in the swamp. She was always looking forward to reuniting with Luo Xuning and the others.

Killing an ordinary black fish monster did not require much energy. After resting for three minutes, Shen Jingyi set out again and continued to move forward.

Along the way, Shen Jingyi encountered many black fish monsters holding steel forks. Fortunately, they were all ordinary monsters and did not pose much threat to her.

After walking for more than an hour, when Shen Jingyi wanted to set up camp and rest for a while, he suddenly saw a huge lake seven or eight kilometers ahead.

"Lake? Water! It's a source of water!"

At first, Shen Jingyi thought she was seeing things.

She had been in the Big Dream Swamp for several months, and there was nothing but mud everywhere. At most, when it rained, there would be some puddles on the ground.

The water she used daily came from small puddles on the ground, and she had never seen even a slightly larger puddle.

At this moment, a huge lake appeared in front of her. How could she not be excited!

Shen Jingyi didn't even have time to rest. He quickened his pace and rushed forward, as if he was afraid that if he was too late, the water source that he had finally found would run away!
Of course, the road between her and the huge lake was not smooth, as there were many black fish monsters holding steel forks scattered around.

Shen Jingyi killed dozens of black fish monsters along the way, and it took him nearly an hour to finally reach the shore of the lake!

Hualala, hulaala~
The wind blew across the lake, creating ripples.

This lake was as vast and boundless as the swamp that Shen Jingyi had walked through. It was almost impossible to see the other end from one end.

Whether looking forward or to the left or right, there is no end in sight.

It was more like a sea than a lake. At least, Shen Jingyi had never seen such a big lake before today!
Whether it was a lake or the sea, Shen Jingyi walked to the water's edge and washed off the mud on her body, revealing her original appearance.

Her clothes were all soaked and stuck to her body, highlighting her extremely perfect figure.

Fortunately, there is no one here, so there is no need to worry about exposing yourself.

After washing the mud off his body, Shen Jingyi changed his position and scooped up some water from the lake with his hands to take a look.

The water was crystal clear, many times cleaner than the water she drank in the swamp!
Moreover, she also saw many kinds of small fish swimming around in the lake, which at least proved that the water should be non-toxic.

"I've drunk the muddy water in the swamp, so why are you so cautious when you see clean water?"

Shen Jingyi was also a little speechless because of his own caution. He lowered his head and drank the water in his palm in one gulp.

Cool and sweet, she couldn't remember how long it had been since she had drunk such clean and delicious water!

After drinking the water in her palm, she lowered her head and drank from the lake with her mouth.

This time, she drank to her heart's content and was full of water.

Suddenly, there was a loud splash in the water about ten meters in front of Shen Jingyi. A black fish monster jumped out of the water more than ten meters high and then drew an arc in the air, with the steel fork in its hand pointing directly at Shen Jingyi's head!
"So this is your base camp!"

Facing the sudden attack, Shen Jingyi was quite calm. He flipped his hand, took out the dagger from his waist, and threw it out with a whoosh!

The dagger stabbed directly into the black fish monster's forehead, and the entire sharp blade was completely embedded in the head, leaving only the handle!
Previously, Shen Jingyi used 5000 points to redeem the [Aim Through the Hundred Steps] hidden weapon technique in the points mall. Within a hundred steps, her accuracy can almost reach 100%.

When facing opponents who are less agile and less responsive than her, her hit rate is almost 100% and she rarely misses.

Of course, if the enemy has faster reaction than her, he can easily dodge her dagger.

However, it was obvious that these black fish monsters' reactions were not as good as hers, so they could only serve as her living targets.

The black fish monster fell to the ground and fell headfirst onto the lake. The wound on its head oozed blood, dyeing a large area of ​​the lake water red.

The blood attracted many small fish with small bodies but sharp teeth in their mouths.

The body of the black fish monster was soon surrounded by schools of small fish, and then the lake water rolled and churned as if it was boiling, and the scope of the blood became larger and larger.

In less than five minutes, only a skeleton was left of the black fish monster, with all its flesh and skin eaten away.


Shen Jingyi felt a chill as she watched from the side. Fortunately, she did not rashly enter the lake, otherwise...

Just thinking about it makes me scared.

"But... apart from crossing the river, there seems to be no other way."

Shen Jingyi looked around and could only see the river bank in front of her. She couldn't see the other three banks at all!

Walking in one direction along the lake?

If you do that, you will deviate from your direction of travel.

Moreover, Shen Jingyi didn't know how long the river bank was.

He reached into the tactical backpack on his back and pulled out a compass similar to a compass.

Gao Yaling, who is in the desert, also has such a compass, which can point out the direction for the holder.

"The compass still points forward..."

"Perhaps, I should firmly believe in the guidance of the compass."

After hesitating for just a few minutes, Shen Jingyi finally decided to trust the guidance of the mental compass and continue forward, crossing the lake in front of him.

However, before crossing the lake, necessary preparations must be made.

Shen Jingyi discovered that there were many trees along the lake, and she could use these trees to make a raft.

Shen Jingyi did it as soon as he thought of it. He immediately started cutting down trees and collecting vines along the coast.

After collecting some materials, start making a simple raft.

I have to say that Shen Jingyi is very good at hands-on work.

It took a little more than five hours to complete a raft with an area of ​​about 20 square meters.

The raft was made up of more than eighty pieces of wood, all tied together with vines as thick as fingers, so it was quite sturdy.

After pushing the raft into the water, it floated smoothly and there was no water seepage on the surface of the raft, which showed that it was a success.

In addition to the raft, Shen Jingyi also prepared seven or eight oars more than two meters long as backup.

The river bank of the lake in front of us is crystal clear, but less than ten meters inside, the water depth is unpredictable.

The pole for rowing the boat is not very convenient to use, so this kind of rowing pole is more practical.

While making the raft, Shen Jingyi also killed more than a dozen black fish monsters. Without exception, all of these black fish monsters became food for the piranhas.

Shen Jingyi discovered that although these small fish are ferocious and carnivorous, their IQ is actually not high, and many of their behaviors are based on instinct.

Seeing the blood and thick flesh, they will instinctively gather here and then instinctively gnaw on it.

They will not actively attack inedible things such as rafts.

Therefore, Shen Jingyi didn't have to worry about the vines that secured the raft being bitten off by piranhas as soon as she pushed the raft into the water.

Without any concerns about this, Shen Jingyi pushed the raft directly into the water.

After pushing the raft to deep water, she climbed onto the raft and began to row forward with the oar she had prepared earlier.

From time to time, on both sides of the raft, black fish monsters holding steel forks would rush out of the water to attack Shen Jingyi, but she resolved them one by one without any danger.

Soon, the raft moved thousands of meters away from the shore and entered the lake.

Shen Jingyi also realized that he might have to bid farewell to life in the swamp and start a new "sailing" life.

Anyway, at least sailing is clean and it is definitely better than wallowing in the mud in the swamp!

After moving forward for about an hour, an elite black fish monster, which was obviously much larger than the ordinary black fish monster, rushed out of the water and jumped high with a steel fork in hand.

Afterwards, the elite black fish monster began to fall rapidly, and the steel fork in its hand was aimed at Shen Jingyi's head below, wanting to kill her with one blow!

Shen Jingyi naturally would not sit there and wait for death. He exerted force on his feet and jumped to the side, avoiding the attack of the elite black fish monster and temporarily escaping from danger.

Afterwards, the man and the fish started a life-and-death struggle in the narrow space of the raft.

Figures were flying around on the raft, which was not very large to begin with. The two men were fighting back and forth, and for a while, the fight was difficult to separate.

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