My place is on fire

Chapter 1007 Desert City!

In the Death Desert in the far west of the Planet of the Apes.

The sun slowly sets, and its afterglow illuminates the entire desert, dyeing the sky orange-red.

The orange light sprinkled on the endless yellow sand, creating layers of ripples.

It is like a pool of golden water inlaid in the boundless sea of ​​sand, appearing extremely dreamy and beautiful.

The sky and the earth merge into one, and the afterglow of the setting sun gradually blends into the desert, illuminating the sand hills and making them sparkle in the reflection of the setting sun.

The wind and sand in the desert become soft under the reflection of the setting sun, like a soft painting, making people feel extremely peaceful and comfortable.

A red sun gradually sets in the sky, and the afterglow of the sunset is reflected in the magnificent ocean of yellow sand, like a shining pearl hanging in the sky.

After the red sun completely sets, the scenery in the desert gradually loses its splendor and becomes fading.

Gao Yaling came out of a tent made of more than twenty lizard skins and stretched.

"Huh~ Another day has passed!"

Looking at the strange and changeable sunset in the sky, Gao Yaling sighed deeply, and then with a thought, four azure water swords appeared around her.

Crash, crash!
When Gao Yaling's hand touched one of the water swords, the water sword dripped into her palm like water from a tap.

He first washed his face with water, then gulped down a bottle of water, and in total only one of the four water swords was used.

Ever since she exchanged points for the 'Water Curtain Sword' skill, Gao Yaling's living experience in the desert has skyrocketed.

Nowadays, except for not being able to take a shower, she has completely achieved water freedom.

Washing hands, washing face, drinking water, cooking, the amount of water contained in the Water Curtain Sword is more than enough to meet her daily water needs.

After washing up quickly, Gao Yaling picked up some dead branches and grass from the surrounding area, started a bonfire, and set up a barbecue grill.

On the grill were large pieces of meat that she had skewered with wooden sticks. They were all fresh lizard meat that she had just slaughtered yesterday.

Although the desert monitor lizard has an ugly appearance and hard skin, the meat inside is quite tender and tastes far better than lamb kebabs on Earth.

In a short while, Gao Yaling had grilled the skewers and started to devour them with relish.

It took Gao Yaling about an hour to eat and drink her fill, put out the fire, fold up the tent, take out the mental compass to determine the direction, and continue on her way.

The desert is scorching hot during the day and the surface temperature exceeds 60 or 70 degrees, making it unsuitable for traveling.

Therefore, Gao Yaling would rest during the day and wait until the sun went down and the temperature dropped before starting her journey again.

Although the visibility at night is not as good as during the day, it does not have much impact under the starry sky.

And during the several months in the Death Desert, Gao Yaling has also adapted to traveling at night.

Adapted to the brightness at night.

Rustle, rustle, rustle--!
Gao Yaling had walked less than a kilometer when she heard a noise coming from the sand in front of her.

Turning around, I saw a desert monitor lizard about the same size as a freshwater crocodile on Earth.

"Water Curtain Sword!"

Without saying a word, Gao Yaling used the Water Curtain Sword to summon four water swords around her.

The Water Curtain Sword skill can not only be used for domestic water use, but also has both offensive and defensive capabilities.

It can be used to attack the enemy, and also to prevent the enemy from attacking you. It is a skill with a wide range of uses.

Gao Yaling also thinks this is a very cost-effective skill.

At the same time Gao Yaling summoned the Water Curtain Sword, the desert giant lizard had already rushed in front of her, opened its big mouth, and bit towards her head!

This monitor lizard in the Death Desert is a little different from the monitor lizards on Earth. It has a mouth full of long teeth, which makes it look more terrifying and has stronger attack power!

Moreover, the desert giant's bite force is very strong, and it can easily bite off Gao Yaling's slender neck.

Gao Yaling would naturally not sit there and wait for death. She dodged the giant attack with a quick move.

At the same time, she quickly pulled out a dagger from her leg and slashed at the monitor lizard's neck!

The monitor lizard reacted just as quickly. When its attack missed, it lashed Gao Yaling with its long barbed tail like a whip!
The monitor lizard's tail hit Gao Yaling's dagger hard, making a loud clanging sound and even sparks flying.

Gao Yaling took several steps back before she could absorb the huge force of the giant tail's blow. She felt that her right arm holding the knife was numb from the shock.

"How come this guy is so strong..."

During this period, Gao Yaling had dealt with a lot of desert giants, and thousands of desert giants died at the hands of her dagger.

Gao Yaling has a deep understanding of the desert giant's power, reaction speed, and its attack characteristics.

The size of the desert monitor lizard in front of me looks no different from that of an ordinary monitor lizard.

But both its reaction speed and strength are much greater than those of ordinary desert monitors.

The strength of this desert monitor lizard has definitely reached the elite level!
"Did I win the lottery today? As soon as I went out, I encountered an elite desert monitor lizard..."

Gao Yaling licked her lips excitedly. Not only did she not feel any fear in her heart, but it also aroused her boundless fighting spirit.

The monitor lizard missed the first attack and immediately launched a second attack, pouncing on Gao Yaling again!
"Water Curtain Sword!"

Gao Yaling seized the opportunity and stabbed the water curtain sword towards the monitor lizard's open mouth!
The desert monitor lizard seemed to feel the threat from the water sword.

Its huge mouth closed instantly, and its long and narrow head dodged slightly to the side, just avoiding the attack of the water sword.

When the Water Curtain Sword missed its target, it seemed as if it had self-awareness. It made a nimble turn in the air and stabbed at the desert monitor lizard again!

Just when the water sword was about to pierce the desert monitor lizard, its thick but flexible tail took the lead and hit the water sword!

The water sword could not withstand the attack of the desert monitor lizard and was instantly shattered, dripping onto the desert.

At the same time, Gao Yaling had already handed the dagger in her hand to the desert monitor lizard, and with a clang, she chopped off its right front paw!

The Water Curtain Sword is just a cover, the attack with the dagger is Gao Yaling's real intention!

However, the desert monitor lizard's defense was quite strong. The dagger only left a shallow scar on its right front paw and did not cause much damage to it.

However, even if it did not cause much damage, it was an unbearable provocation for the desert monitor lizard!

After the huge mouth screamed at Gao Yaling, it became even more violent and launched an attack again!
Swish swish!
Dangdang Dangdang!
While Gao Yaling dodged, she continued to use the water sword of the Water Curtain Sword and the short knife to attack the desert monitor lizard. Sometimes she used the water sword to cover the short knife attack, and sometimes she used the short knife to cover the water sword attack.

Under Gao Yaling's treacherous and changeable attack, the desert monitor lizard was fooled by her!
Although the desert monitor lizard is not weak in offense and defense, its IQ is its weakness, and its IQ is completely crushed by Gao Yaling.

During the fierce fight, Gao Yaling seized the opportunity, and with a thought, a water sword pierced directly into the mouth of the desert monitor lizard, and with a "puff", it came out from its neck!

“Squeak, squeak, squeak!”

After suffering a severe blow, the desert monitor lizard instantly gave up attacking Gao Yaling and rolled on the sand for about five minutes before gradually calming down and completely dying.

[You killed an elite desert monitor lizard and earned 1000 points. Please keep up the good work! ]

After seeing the message, Gao Yaling finally put her mind at ease. As she expected, the desert monitor lizard in front of her was indeed an elite level.

It's a pity that killing this elite desert monitor lizard gives you nothing except a few more points.

It was still early today, so Gao Yaling was not in a hurry to collect food. She packed her luggage and continued on her way.

Along the way, Gao Yaling didn't have to worry about looking for the desert monitor lizard. She just had to concentrate on getting on her way.

Which desert monitors would come to her on their own initiative.

However, these giant lizards eventually turned into her points.

We rushed forward for more than five hours. There is not much to say during that time. It was just rushing, fighting, rushing, and fighting. It was a bit monotonous.

But Gao Yaling has become accustomed to this highly repetitive and monotonous life. Only by enduring loneliness can she become stronger!

At around three o'clock in the morning, Gao Yaling climbed over a huge sand dune.

Then she was stunned by the scene on the other side of the dune!
Under the silver moonlight, a huge city the color of yellow sand appeared in front of her!
The city walls seemed to be made of sand, and they looked taller than those more than 30-story buildings on Earth!
The city wall stretches for dozens of miles, like an earth dragon hovering over the desert.

"Is this a city in the desert? Have we finally reached human society?"

When Gao Yaling thought about the possibility of meeting humans, her heart suddenly became extremely happy and excited!

Humans are social animals that live in groups. They walked alone in the desert for several months and were out of touch with human society for several months.

Gao Yaling now often dreams that she has returned to a normal human city and lived a normal human life.

Looking at the city below the sand dunes from afar, I couldn't see any details because it was too far away.

After the excitement, Gao Yaling continued on her way, heading directly for the huge city under the sand dunes!
It didn't look far away, but the actual distance between her and the city was at least three or four kilometers.

The road surface in the desert is a little different from ordinary roads. You have to step on it with one foot deep and one foot shallow, so you can't go faster even if you want to.

It took Gao Yaling more than twenty minutes to finally feel the city below, but the closer she got, the lower her mood became and the more disappointed she became.

When she got closer, she found that the city gate was open, and there was no one either above or below the city.

It is obvious that this should be an empty city with no human traces.

When Gao Yaling passed through the city gate and entered the city, her guess was confirmed.

This is indeed an empty city, and everything in the city is buried under thick yellow sand.

The dilapidated streets and the houses on both sides of the streets have lost their original appearance and are all buried under yellow sand.

Mixed in the yellow sand are some white human bones.


Suddenly, a humanoid monster covered in yellow sand rushed out from a wooden house on Gao Yaling's left!

The monster is similar in size to a human, with one head, two arms and two legs.

But there are also obvious differences from humans.

This humanoid monster has a bald head without any hair or facial features, just a head!
After dodging the attack of the humanoid monster, Gao Yaling immediately entered combat state and grabbed the dagger in her hand as soon as she stretched out her hand.

The humanoid monster missed the first attack and launched a second attack on Gao Yaling, swinging its big fist like a sandbag towards Gao Yaling's head.

While Gao Yaling quickly avoided the monster's attack, she also drew her sword with incredible swiftness and slashed at the humanoid monster!
However, what surprised Gao Yaling was that her dagger only encountered a little resistance before it went straight through the body of the humanoid monster!
What shocked Gao Yaling even more was that when her knife hit the humanoid monster in front of her, it was as if she was not actually cutting it.

Even if it hits with a knife, it won't cause any damage to it!

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

During the fight, Gao Yaling's dagger slashed the humanoid monster more than a dozen times.

No matter whether you chop its body, its limbs, or its head, it's all useless!

This humanoid monster seemed to be condensed from yellow sand and was immune to all damage!
It's like putting a pile of sand in front of you. It's difficult to cause damage to it no matter you use a knife, a sword or a gun!

"Damn it! It's so difficult to deal with! What on earth is this thing…"

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes. Gao Yaling swung hundreds of blows, which consumed a lot of her physical strength. However, her opponent acted as if nothing had happened and was still as brave as ever.

The sand man seized the opportunity when Gao Yaling couldn't dodge in time, and with a bang, he punched Gao Yaling and sent her flying more than ten meters away!


Gao Yaling's body smashed the window of a small wooden house on the roadside and fell into it.

Before she could react, the humanoid monster actually knew how to take advantage of the situation and rushed into the house through the window.

Sha Ren raised his foot and stomped hard at Gao Yaling on the ground, aiming at her slender white neck!
The Sand Man doesn't know what it means to be gentle and considerate to women. He simply acts on his own instincts and kills everyone who enters the Sand City!
Gao Yaling pushed her feet against the wall and used the force to slide back more than two meters, barely avoiding another attack from the Sand Man!
The Sandman is like a killing machine without any emotions. Even if it misses the first attack, it doesn't feel any remorse and continues to attack!


Gao Yaling took the initiative to break through the window of the wooden house and returned to the wide street outside.

The small space in the house was not good for her.

"What should I do? What should I do? Why is this monster so difficult to deal with?"

"If we really can't win, we can only retreat temporarily and try another route..."

Gao Yaling looked at the sand man in front of her with a serious expression, her eyes flickering, and she had already begun to have the idea of ​​retreating.

Up to now, Gao Yaling has been fighting with the Sand Man for seven or eight minutes, but has not caused any substantial damage to the Sand Man. (End of this chapter)

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