My place is on fire

Chapter 1005: I can only be handsome later!

Chapter 1005: I can only be handsome later!
The depth of the pit was far beyond Zhao Rui's imagination.

She originally thought that it would take at most one day to reach the bottom of the pit.

However, when it got dark, she found that she and Xiaobai had only gone down less than one-tenth of the way!
Looking back towards the top of the pit, Zhao Rui could no longer see the edge of the pit from her current position.

Except for the battle when encountering the ice and snow demon, she and Xiaobai basically kept exploring and didn't waste much time.

"It seems that the area of ​​this pit is larger than I thought. It may take at least ten days or half a month to find the bottom."

"Xiaobai, let's rest here tonight."

Zhao Rui was a little tired at this time, so she decided to set up camp on the spot.

After taking snow lotus, she was no longer afraid of the cold. Now she was too lazy to even bring a tent and just slept on the ground.

The ice field was covered with white snow, without even a speck of dust to be seen, and it was very clean.


After hearing what Zhao Rui said, Xiaobai also fell to the ground, looking like he was about to collapse from exhaustion.

"Haha, look at you, you're still pretending to be pitiful. Here, take it~"

Zhao Rui smiled and took out a crystal core of the ice and snow demon from her backpack and threw it to Xiaobai.

When Xiaobai saw the crystal core, he drooled like a dog seeing meat. He didn't bother to be polite to Zhao Rui and swallowed the whole crystal core in one gulp with his big mouth.

Then he lay down on the snow again, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the process of the crystal core being slowly absorbed by his body.

Zhao Rui was also hungry, so she started to deal with a fat snow rabbit that Xiaobai had caught during the day.

This snow rabbit is about the same size as a native dog on Earth. It is completely white without any impurities, and is very beautiful.

However, no matter how beautiful or cute it is, it has become the most important food in Zhao Rui's diet. Everything is for survival!
After dealing with the snow rabbit, Zhao Rui moved her mind, and a blue flame suddenly ignited in her palm.

Fireball is a skill she acquired a long time ago. Although its effect is mediocre in actual combat, it is a magical skill when used in daily life.

It was only after Zhao Rui acquired the Fireball Surgery that she ended her primitive life of eating raw meat and drinking blood, and was able to drink boiled water and eat cooked meat again.

He casually threw the small fireball in his palm onto the processed snow rabbit meat.

The snow rabbit meat was instantly wrapped in azure flames and began to crackle.

At this moment, Zhao Rui's mastery of the fireball technique has almost reached perfection, and using it to grill meat is child's play for her.

After a while, the aroma of snow rabbit meat wafted out and went straight into people's noses.

After about ten minutes, the snow rabbit meat was fully cooked and Zhao Rui began to eat.

First, I pulled out a snow rabbit leg and started chewing it directly in my hand.

The skin is browned and crispy, but the meat inside is tender and juicy, and the cooking time is just right.

If you grill it for one more minute, it will be burnt and the meat will become tough. If you grill it for one less minute, it may be undercooked.
While eating barbecue, Zhao Rui opened her information panel to check her gains for the day.

Today, a total of 1380 points were obtained by killing ice and snow demons, which means that Zhao Rui killed a total of 138 ice and snow demons.

The number may seem small, but it is already her limit, and there is very little cosmic energy left in her body.

Xiaobai went looking for snow lotus today. In addition to the fine snow lotus used by Zhao Rui, he also found an ordinary snow lotus.

In total, Xiaobai obtained 6000 points, which is more efficient than his master Zhao Rui!

Therefore, Zhao Rui no longer asked Xiaobai to fight alongside her.

She arranged for Xiaobai to go find the snow lotus alone, and the two of them divided the work and cooperated to maximize the efficiency of obtaining points.

Facts have proved that her arrangement was extremely correct, and the efficiency of obtaining points has been greatly improved.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Rui sat cross-legged next to Xiaobai, with her five hearts facing the sky, and began to practice the art of guiding cosmic energy.

The spiritual energy on the frozen snowfield is more than ten times richer than that on Earth, and Zhao Rui also takes time out every day to practice.

The night passed quickly, and the next day, after breakfast, the man and the bear continued to explore the bottom of the pit.

We walked and stopped for more than ten days before we finally reached the bottom of the pit.

"Finally got down, this pit is too big!"

When Zhao Rui's feet reached the bottom of the pit, she looked up and could no longer see the edge of the pit.

The bottom of the pit is flat and the view is good, but you can't see the edge at a glance, so you don't know how big it is.

However, Zhao Rui’s direction was very clear at the moment. She just needed to walk towards the laser-like blue beam of light at the bottom of the pit.

"Let's go, Xiaobai, victory is already waving at us!"

Zhao Rui called out to Xiaobai and was about to move forward when she suddenly heard a whirring sound of fast-moving wind coming from the front.


Xiaobai roared towards the front and side with a fierce look in his eyes.

As Xiaobai grows in size, his cute and silly attributes become less and less, and he becomes more and more majestic.

Zhao Rui followed Xiaobai's gaze, and when she saw the enemy this time, a solemn expression instantly appeared on her face.

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap--!

Two humanoid monsters with long white hair covering their faces, about two meters tall and extremely strong, were approaching him quickly.

The two monsters each held a half-meter-long stone hammer with a wooden handle, one end of which looked as sharp as a cone.


When the distance was more than ten meters, the two giants threw the stone hammers in their hands at the same time, one flew towards Zhao Rui and the other flew towards Xiaobai!
Zhao Rui and Xiaobai jumped to the sides and dodged, easily avoiding the attacks of the two stone hammers.

The two dodged the attack of the stone hammer, and two giants rushed in front of them, attacking Zhao Rui and Xiaobai respectively.

Faced with the attacks from the two, Zhao Rui did not dare to be careless and dodged their attacks.

After taking the body movement fruit, Zhao Rui's body movement increased by 100 points and she became much more flexible.

The giant was not angry when he missed the first attack, and Zhao Rui launched an attack again!

Although the giant is huge in size, his movements are extremely agile, and his attacking moves are clean and neat without any delay.

With one cover, Zhao Rui and the giant have fought for more than ten rounds!
While dodging, Zhao Rui also looked for an opportunity to counterattack. After kicking the giant on the head, the opponent seemed to be unconscious and was not affected at all!

With the force of the recoil, Zhao Rui flipped in the air and fell backwards, with a solemn look in her eyes.

"This giant is too tough. My attacks are just like tickling him. What should I do..."

It took more than ten days to finally get to the bottom of the pit, but Zhao Rui was speechless when she encountered such a powerful opponent as soon as she got down.

She couldn't beat him, or it was difficult to beat him. At least after fighting for dozens of rounds, Zhao Rui felt that she had no good way to deal with the giant in front of her.

This giant is not only very fast and can almost keep up with his pace, but also has extremely strong defense and can withstand his attacks.

It seems that his strength is not much different from that of the giant in front of him. It is not easy for either of them to defeat the other.

Xiaobai fought with the giant in the same way, with both offense and defense.

The two of them were evenly matched, and it would not be easy for either to defeat the other. "Calm down, keep your composure, don't panic, there must be a way, there must be a way..."

While Zhao Rui was guarding against the giant, her mind was also working quickly, thinking of ways to deal with the giant.

The Frost Giant is very strong in all aspects, whether in agility, strength, or defense, and is an almost flawless hexagonal warrior.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Rui couldn't think of any weaknesses of the other party that could be exploited.

Sorry, this frost giant is like a walking ice cube. The temperature of his whole body is very low and it can't reach the ignition point at all.

The fireball technique had no effect on the two of them, and Zhao Rui had tried it before.


What made Zhao Rui feel even more speechless was that when she was fighting with the Frost Giant, the damaged dagger in her hand was completely scrapped and broke into two pieces.

The situation, which was already not very good, suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Without her weapon, Zhao Rui began to be suppressed by the opponent. The two sides exchanged roles and Zhao Rui became the defending party.

Zhao Rui was hit hard on the chest by the Frost Giant's stone hammer before she was not paying attention. She was thrown more than ten meters away and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Ahem... Fortunately, I have the frost armor to protect me, otherwise I would have been killed right away."

Zhao Rui just coughed twice and stood up again.

She could do nothing to the Frost Giant and could not break through the Frost Giant's defense. Similarly, the Frost Giant could not break through the defense of Zhao Rui, who was protected by frost armor.

Even though she was hit by a hammer just now, Zhao Rui only felt a slight vibration in her chest and did not suffer any substantial damage at all.

"Alas, it seems that the plan has changed. I can only exchange for a handy weapon first."

Zhao Rui sighed and opened the points mall page with an idea.

At this moment, her points have accumulated to more than 3 points. Originally, she wanted to redeem [Thermal Vision], the ultimate skill that requires 8 points.

Just looking at the description of [Heat Vision] makes it sound very powerful and cool!

His eyes are emitting fiery gazes, he is simply like a superman, so handsome!
Zhao Rui had seen her master use this skill when she was on Earth, and it was so cool that it was beyond words!

Zhao Rui never expected that the day would come when she would learn such a powerful and cool skill. Naturally, she couldn't wait to acquire this skill first.

However, now they are faced with two frost giants and they are unable to defeat them.

Zhao Rui could only exchange some items that were beneficial to her and get through the current difficulties first.

I can only be handsome later.

[Do you want to spend 2 points to exchange for Ice Blade? ]

After comprehensive consideration, Zhao Rui set her sights on the only short sword-shaped weapon in the points mall, the Ice Blade, which was bright silver in color and had an elegant shape.

The ice blade is about eighty centimeters long, but it is different from an ordinary dagger.

The blade of the Ice Blade is a triangular cone-shaped sword. It looks more like a cone than a sword.

"Yes! Exchange it!"

Zhao Rui nodded solemnly and finally chose to exchange it.

[Points are being deducted, please wait...]

[Points deducted successfully, rewards are being generated, please wait...]

Less than two seconds later, a beam of azure light descended from the sky.

In the beam of light, a prismatic dagger about eighty centimeters long slowly fell down.

Zhao Rui stretched out her hand and took the prismatic dagger in the beam of light. She felt an icy coolness in her hand, and her whole body shuddered.

Ever since taking snow lotus, Zhao Rui no longer feels cold.

But this weapon called "Ice Blade" made her feel "cold" again.

Fortunately, the feeling was fleeting and she quickly adapted to the temperature of the ice blade.

It is impossible to tell what material the Ice Blade is made of. It looks like it is made of thin ice and is actually transparent.

However, it looks extremely tough and sharp.


While Zhao Rui was admiring her new weapon, the Frost Giant roared and pounced towards her again!
"You came just in time. Let me try out my new weapon on you!"

Zhao Rui snorted coldly, dodged the Frost Giant's attack by moving sideways, and stabbed out with the ice blade in her hand at a tricky angle, aiming at the back of the Frost Giant!


This time, the ice blade easily broke through the Frost Giant's defense and went straight into his back!

"What a sharp sword!"

Zhao Rui herself was a little bit unbelievable, with a look of surprise on her face.

When she chopped the frost giant with the dagger before, it felt as hard as if it was chopping stone. It couldn't break its defense at all and couldn't hurt it at all.

This ice blade pierced in so easily!

The heart of the Frost Giant is also his vital point and his weakness.

When the heart is damaged, all functions of the human body will also be damaged, and it will be difficult for the entire body to function smoothly.

The Frost Giant simply snorted, then fell to the ground, instantly dead beyond death.

"Is it solved so simply?"

Zhao Rui looked at the ice blade in her hand with disbelief. She began to understand why such a short blade was priced at 2 points.

Worth, so worth it!

After recovering from her surprise, Zhao Rui looked at the other frost giant who was fighting with Xiaobai.

When facing the Frost Giant, Xiaobai was actually at a disadvantage and had been on the passive defense. He was hit by several hammers and suffered some minor injuries.

"Xiaobai, let me help you!"

Zhao Rui let out a delicate cry, stomped her feet hard, and rushed towards Xiaobai and the Frost Giant to join the battle.

With the addition of Zhao Rui, the situation immediately reversed.


Zhao Rui seized the opportunity and attacked again, and the ice blade in her hand easily pierced into the frost giant's neck!

After the Frost Giant fell to the ground, a large amount of blue blood oozed out from the wound on his neck, dyeing the snow around his body blue.

After struggling for dozens of seconds, the Frost Giant was completely dead.

[Congratulations on killing a frost giant and getting 50 points! ]

After seeing the message, Zhao Rui finally relaxed completely, supporting herself with her hands on her knees and breathing heavily.

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