My place is on fire

Chapter 1004: A big pit on the snowfield!

Chapter 1004: A big pit on the snowfield!

[Do you want to immediately consume 20000 points to redeem the [Holy Healing Technique] skill? ]

"Yes! Exchange now!"

Without any hesitation, Zhao Rui directly chose to redeem. Xiaobai is now waiting for this skill to save his life, so it has the highest priority!
With this skill, your safety factor will be higher.

[Points deducted successfully, rewards are being generated, please wait...]

After about five seconds, the information page disappeared and a beam of blue light descended from the sky.

In the beam of light, a skill book with a white cover wrapped in bright white light slowly fell down.

Zhao Rui excitedly reached into the light column and took the skill book in her hand.

On the cover of the skill book, three words "Holy Healing Technique" were written in a very beautiful and soft font.

[Do you want to learn the Holy Healing skill immediately? ]

"Yes! Learn now!"

Zhao Rui's mind moved, and the skill book in her hand instantly turned into white spots of light and dissipated into the air.

At the same time, there was a rumbling sound in Zhao Rui's mind, and a huge stream of information appeared.

This stream of information included all the usage methods and techniques of the Holy Healing Technique, and was directly instilled into Zhao Rui's mind.

After about ten minutes, Zhao Rui absorbed all the information contained in the information flow in her mind. She had completely mastered the Holy Healing Technique.

"Xiaobai! You are saved!"

After finishing the study, Zhao Rui trotted to Xiaobai's side, with unconcealable joy in her eyes.

Having been with Xiaobai day and night for this period of time, she has long regarded Xiaobai as an important partner of hers.

In addition, Xiaobai was injured this time because he was helping him find snow lotus.

During the time when Xiaobai was injured, Zhao Rui felt extremely guilty.


Xiaobai seemed to feel the joy in Zhao Rui's heart. Even though it was seriously injured, it still made some cheerful sounds.

"Okay, Xiaobai, I will heal your wounds right away. You will be well again soon and alive and kicking again soon."

After Zhao Rui finished speaking, she placed her right hand on Xiaobai's injured back, then closed her eyes and began to use the 'Holy Healing Technique' skill.

After about ten seconds, numerous white light balls like fireflies appeared in the air within a hundred meters around Zhao Rui.

These light balls seemed to have sensed Zhao Rui's call and all flew towards her direction, towards the position of her right hand.

These white balls of light dripped like raindrops onto Xiaobai's already festering wounds and penetrated into its body.

After about a minute, Xiaobai's wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, with new flesh growing and bad flesh falling off.

Five minutes later, the wounds on Xiaobai's body had completely healed. Except for the fact that the fur at the wounds had not yet grown out, making it look a little bald, everything else had returned to normal.


After recovering from his injuries, Xiaobai jumped up from the ground and danced around Zhao Rui happily, just like those puppies on Earth who were taken out for fun by their owners.

"That's great, Xiaobai! You're all right now!"

Seeing Xiaobai recover from his injuries and become lively again, Zhao Rui also smiled.

The man and the bear played happily on the snow for a while, but were soon disturbed by some uninvited guests.

Zhao Rui picked up the knife and started another slightly boring battle, continuing to kill ice and snow demons to gain points and exchange them for other more powerful skills.

Apart from eating and sleeping, the daytime is all about fighting, fighting, and fighting.

After walking and stopping, another month passed. Looking around, the sky and the earth were still covered in white.

Over the past month, I have been making progress every day, but it also seems like I am going round in circles.


Zhao Rui, who had just killed three ice and snow demons and was lying on the snow to rest, turned over and got up from the ground after hearing Xiaobai's voice.

Turning around, Zhao Rui saw Xiaobai, who was almost as big as a tiger on Earth, holding a snow-white snow lotus in his mouth and running towards her happily.

This snow lotus is obviously larger than the ordinary snow lotus.

Based on her experience, Zhao Rui instantly determined that this snow lotus must be a high-quality snow lotus, and obtained another 5000 points!

It's not easy!
In more than a month, Xiaobai found a total of 8 snow lotuses, but they were all ordinary snow lotuses, and each one could only be exchanged for 1000 points.

In addition to the fine snow lotus found before, this is the second fine snow lotus.


Zhao Rui does not intend to redeem points for this fine snow lotus.

She had only taken an ordinary snow lotus before and gained the ability to not be afraid of the severe cold, but she had never taken the fine snow lotus.

According to the prompts on the information panel, you can take one and only one snow lotus of each quality. Taking more than one will be ineffective.

Therefore, Zhao Rui planned to take this fine snow lotus herself first.

In the future, when Xiaobai finds this kind of fine snow lotus, he will prepare one for his master and several senior sisters.


While Zhao Rui was stunned, Xiaobai had already run in front of her, wiggling his little butt as if trying to take credit from her.

"Xiaobai~ you are awesome!"

Zhao Rui reached out and scratched Xiaobai's head. She reached out and took the snow lotus from its mouth, then took out a prismatic ice core from her backpack and threw it to Xiaobai.


Xiaobai swallowed the crystal core in one gulp, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

This prismatic crystal core is dropped when the Ice Demon is killed. If it is recycled in the points mall, only 50 points will be given for one.

Zhao Rui discovered that Xiaobai seemed to like this crystal core very much, so she simply decided not to redeem those points and used them all to reward Xiaobai.

If Xiaobai helps him find a snow lotus, he can redeem 1000 points. The 50 points from the crystal core are really not enough.

Zhao Rui looked at the pistil of the snow lotus, and it was indeed light pink. It was a fine snow lotus, worth 5000 points.

This fine snow lotus alone is enough to exchange for 100 crystal cores.

Snow lotus feels cool to the touch and is very refreshing. The method of taking it is also very simple and rough, just eat it raw.

After Zhao Rui made a decision in her heart, she picked a snow lotus leaf with her hand and put it in her mouth and chewed it slowly.

The snow lotus tastes good with a hint of sweetness in its icy taste, but Zhao Rui is reluctant to eat it as a snack.

Even an ordinary snow lotus can be exchanged for 1000 points, which is equivalent to killing 100 ice and snow demons.

It would be too extravagant to use this thing as a snack.

Soon, a fine snow lotus entered Zhao Rui's stomach. When the last petal was swallowed by her, the information page appeared.

[You consumed a fine snow lotus and gained a random ice passive skill [Frost Armor]! ]

"Passive skill, frost armor?"

When Zhao Rui saw this information prompt, she couldn't help but feel happy. At the same time, a new stream of information appeared in her mind.

When she absorbs all the contents of the information flow, it means that she has mastered the [Frost Armor] skill.

“Let’s try out the effect.” Zhao Rui activated the Frost Armor skill with a thought. Then, a series of crackling sounds were heard.

Starting from the soles of Zhao Rui's feet upwards, layers and pieces of bright silver armor began to appear. It only took 10 seconds for a complete set of armor to be formed.

The entire armor is bright silver, fitting Zhao Rui's body curves perfectly and giving it a high-end look.

The armor looks hard from the outside, but when you wear it, it feels like wearing a thin gauze dress, and you can't feel any weight at all.

No matter whether you raise your hands or feet, there will be no impact or restriction at all, and the comfort level is maximized.

"Not bad, not bad. With this armor and the Holy Healing Technique, my personal safety is more guaranteed!"

Zhao Rui was very satisfied with the passive skill of [Frost Armor] that she got in exchange for the fine snow lotus, and felt that it was a great bargain.

“Ahhh, ahhh~”

After Xiaobai digested the ice crystals, he rubbed his head against Zhao Rui's legs and nodded in the direction it came from.

"Oh? What did you find over there?"

Zhao Rui seemed to understand what Xiaobai meant, and her eyes followed its gaze and looked into the distance.


After hearing what Zhao Rui said, Xiaobai first cried out twice, then turned around with his back to Zhao Rui and twisted his butt towards her.

Seeing this, Zhao Rui took a big step and sat directly on Xiaobai's back.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaobai~"

Xiaobai barked happily twice, then ran in one direction carrying Zhao Rui on his back.

Xiaobai is now big enough to be ridden, and even with a person on his back, he can still reach speeds of 80 to 90 kilometers per hour.

At this speed, it is almost catching up with cars on Earth and is much faster than Zhao Rui's speed.

Even so, Xiaobai ran for almost an hour before reaching his destination.

"This is……"

Zhao Rui jumped from Xiaobai's back to the ground, and looked at the big hole in front of her with her mouth wide open in surprise.

The diameter of this crater is about 100 kilometers, and its depth is enough to accommodate more than a dozen Mount Everests.

“This is so spectacular…”

Zhao Rui was shocked by the wonders of nature. It would be difficult to create such a terrain even with all the strength of mankind.

This was also the first time that Zhao Rui saw a second terrain other than snow after arriving on the frozen snowfield.

Zhao Rui also discovered that in the very center of the pit, there was a beam of azure light that looked like a laser, extending from the sky all the way to the bottom of the pit.

"What is that? Could it be that there is some treasure hidden under the pit?"

The moment she saw the beam of light, Zhao Rui immediately thought of some incredible treasure.

"Do you want to go down and take a look? Although this pit is deep, the slope of the edge is not steep. We can go down, but I don't know how long it will take."

Standing on the edge of the pit, to be honest, Zhao Rui was a little hesitant.

She had no idea what was at the bottom of the pit, and it would be quite risky to go down there rashly.

But Zhao Rui obviously couldn't just turn around and leave without caring or thinking about what that beam of light was.

As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat, and human curiosity is no less than that of cats.

At this moment, Zhao Rui's curiosity was also grasped by the azure beam of light.

If she just left like that without going down to find out what was going on, she felt that she would probably regret it for the rest of her life.

"In that case, let's go down and take a look. It's better to waste a little time than to regret it for a lifetime. Besides, digging a hole in the ground isn't necessarily a waste of time."

Zhao Rui's eyes flashed, and she suddenly discovered that there were four ice and snow demons gathered in a deep pit about a hundred meters away from her.

In other words, there are monsters in this big pit. When you go down, you can also earn points at the same time, without any delay!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh--!

Several ice and snow demons also discovered the presence of Zhao Rui and Xiaobai, and instantly moved towards them quickly.

A ghost face covered by the ice opened and shot out more than a dozen ice arrows, covering Zhao Rui and Xiaobai.

Ding ding ding, ding ding ding--!

Zhao Rui quickly waved the dagger in her hand to block most of the ice arrows, but one or two ice arrows were unable to dodge and hit her armor.


The ice arrow and the frost armor collided with each other and made a crisp sound. Zhao Rui didn't even feel any recoil.

The defensive effect of this frost armor far exceeded Zhao Rui's expectations.

Swish swish swish--!

After Zhao Rui blocked the ice arrows, she quickly moved towards the ice and snow demon.

After taking the Body Movement Fruit, her body movement and speed are much faster than before, even exceeding the speed of the Ice Demon.

So, she was chasing the ice and snow demons as if it were a game. She soon came to the side of an ice and snow demon and quickly drew her sword!

The sword chopped at the core of the ice demon. Although it failed to kill it, it left a crack on its body.

Ding ding ding, ding ding ding--!

After a fierce fight that took about ten minutes, Zhao Rui and Xiaobai killed all four ice and snow demons.

As Xiaobai grows in size, its strength also increases a lot, and now it can assist Zhao Rui in killing monsters.

Among the four ice and snow demons, only one was killed, and a spinning prismatic crystal core appeared in its place.

"Reward you, Xiaobai~"

Zhao Rui stretched out her hand, took the prismatic crystal core and threw it directly to Xiaobai.


Xiaobai didn't bother to be polite with Zhao Rui. After swallowing the crystal core in one gulp, he had an expression of enjoyment and satisfaction on his face.

Zhao Rui also wanted to taste the crystal core, but...

She felt a little sick when she thought of the horrible and ugly face of the Ice Demon. She really couldn't bring herself to eat it!

There are many ways to enhance your own strength. There is no need to force yourself to accept something unacceptable.

"Keep going down~"

After dealing with the four ice and snow demons, Zhao Rui felt that she had not consumed much energy. After calling Xiaobai, the two continued to move towards the bottom of the pit.

Less than five minutes into the walk, we encountered the second wave of ice and snow demons. This time there was only three, one less than the last time.


It took less than three minutes to eliminate the three ice and snow demons, and the average time to kill an ice and snow demon was less than one minute.

The man and the bear worked together more and more skillfully, and they would only be in danger if they encountered a dozen or even dozens of ice and snow demons gathered together.

A small gathering of three or four, or even four or five ice and snow demons like this poses no threat to Zhao Rui and Xiaobai.

Zhao Rui led Xiaobai all the way down, their eyes aimed at the bottom of the pit.

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