Chapter 520
Wang Zheng's order was introduced to Lu'an. That night, Guo Jia dispatched hundreds of elites to divide into two missions.

All the way to Xudu, see Cao Cao; all the way to Jingzhou, see Liu Biao;

The obvious reason for Wang Zheng to arrange this trip to Xudu was that he only recently found out that Yuan Shu was a traitorous official who wanted to proclaim his qualifications as emperor and build up the Zhong family. Heaven punishes crimes like this, and I am here to ask for a copy of the emperor's edict to crusade against disobedient ministers, so that he can first take advantage of the righteousness.

The actual reason is nothing more than seeking peace. On the one hand, it is to reconfirm that the two sides will not fight with Cao Cao. I hope that Cao Cao will not attack his own family during this time. Yuan Shao in Jizhou ordered Yuan Tan, who was stationed in Linzi, not to provoke border disputes during this period, thus creating a loose and stable external environment for the Xuzhou army to annex Jiangdong.

If Cao Cao is willing to be a personal favor this time, Wang Zheng is also willing to pay a generous gift in return.

What is this generous gift?Wang Zheng didn't say it clearly, but he guessed that Cao Cao would definitely want Runan County in Yuzhou. Wang Zheng was also mentally prepared for this. Digested more maps.

But Wang Zheng didn't expect that Cao Cao would open his mouth like a lion.
As far as Cao Cao is concerned, if Wang Zheng hadn't suddenly sent troops to Yuzhou to obstruct him, Runan County should have been included in his pocket long ago, and his "original things" would have been brought as gifts. Wang Zheng's plan is too good .

Wang Zheng and Yuan Shu are both his competitors, and he is naturally happy to see the two people fighting each other because of their interests, but if Wang Zheng defeats Yuan Shu too easily and invades Jiangdong, even if his current energy is more focused on the north. The land and the Central Plains, even if they intend to stop it, it is beyond their reach, but Cao Cao still has some hope.

If he didn't know that Yuan Shu always hated him, if he told Yuan Shu about Wang Zheng's plot, Yuan Shu would probably take it as provocative words, and Cao Cao even wanted to send someone to remind him immediately.

After weighing again and again, Cao Cao finally told the envoy that he could ask Emperor Xian to issue an edict, or he could persuade Yuan Shao for him, but besides the entire Runan County, Cao Cao still had two conditions.

First, Wang Zheng must fully recognize the status of Emperor Xian Zhengshuo, and accept the appointment and dispatch of the Han court. As for how to be a thorough approval, Cao Cao means that Wang Zheng should come to Xudu in person and pay homage to Emperor Xian as a courtier. , and at the same time opened the customs defense against Henan and Yanzhou in Xuzhou,
Second, officials appointed by the Han court were required to handle internal affairs in important towns such as Xiapi.

After reading the letter from Lu'an, Wang Zheng was stunned for a while, and then slowly said: "Is Cao Aman crazy?"

Wang Zheng is unlikely to agree to these two conditions, and it doesn't matter if he verbally admits to offering the emperor, but the request of personally visiting Xu Du to meet him is simply a joke.

Cao Cao is not Yuan Shu, and Xu Du is not Shouchun. No matter how confident he is, he would never consider entering such a dragon's lake or a tiger's lair.

So what is Cao Cao's purpose in raising these conditions?Wang Zheng was lost in thought, and the other party must also know that it is absolutely impossible for him to accept it, so why mention it?
He asked Wang Xiong and others: "What do you think?"

"It's really unexpected that Cao Cao would put forward such two conditions." Zhou Tai said: "If this lion opens his mouth, if he does what he wants, not only will the door behind us be wide open, but also his tentacles will penetrate deep. Unacceptable."

However, Wang Xiong put forward the opposite opinion: "The first condition is of course absolutely impossible. As for the second condition, the general thinks it is not a big problem. With the general's prestige and control in Xuzhou, even if Cao Cao puts his wings, No matter how high the position is, if it is not given real power, it is a false position, and who will listen to those people?"

"Especially the Heavenly Army was created by the general. The generals are all loyal. Even if Cao Cao wants to extend his hand to the army, they are nothing more than puppets. The Heavenly Army will always obey the general alone. The army is in hand, forgive him No day."

Wang Zheng leaned on his seat, looked out of the hall, pondered for a long time, then asked another sentry: "What about Liu Biao?"

Liu Biao's Jingzhou was a little farther from Lu'an, but after returning from Jingzhou, he came to Shouchun directly by water, so Wang Zheng learned about the results of the two missions at about the same time.

"Report to General." The sentry said: "The envoy at Liu Biao's office saw Liu Biao. According to the order of the lord, the envoy expressed to Liu Biao that our army is willing to form an alliance with him. Liu Biao didn't say much. , entertained him with good wine and banquets, and also replied a letter, please take a look at it, the general." Saying this, he handed over a letter.

Wang Zheng took it and browsed it quickly, and found that there were only some polite remarks. After thinking for a while, he said: "Cao Cao's two requests cannot be granted, but there is no need to fall out with him for the time being, lest he become angry and reveal the general's plan to the public. , Yuan Shu may not believe it, but he is most afraid of the unexpected."

"So, continue to make false claims with him." He said to the sentry: "Go back and tell Guo Junshi that you can send envoys to negotiate with him. To delay time, but there is one thing that must be remembered, do not leave a piece of information. Just words on a piece of paper, everything that comes out of my mouth can be put into his ears, this so-called verbal speech has no basis.”


Wang Zheng nodded, and Wen Yan let the sentry ride back, looked around again, and said in a deep voice: "The general will receive the news that Yang Hong once again advised Yuan Shu a few days ago, and it will be half a month since we came here for Shouchun. Now, speaking of it, whether it’s about the time to clear up the “Sun Traitor’s Remnants” or “Xu Du’s Exploration of the Way”, it’s not too late, I thought we should start the next step immediately. What’s your opinion?”

Everyone has no opinion.

If the two steps of recruiting local prominent families, disintegrating Yuan Shu from within, developing diplomacy, and stabilizing Cao Cao and Liu Biao are the prelude, then the next third step will be the highlight.

If this step is successful, Wang Zheng's plan to attack Jiangdong will have at least a [-]% chance of winning.

He looked at Zhou Tai, and asked again: "You Ping, how did you go about what I ordered you?"

All the people who accompanied Wang Zheng to Shouchun had their own responsibilities.Zhou Tai's mission is to make good friends with the local military forces of the Jiangdong faction, he replied: "Reporting to Zhou Mu, I have now contacted the leader of the Jiangdong Army. This person is named Li Yu, and his current official position is Lieutenant Cheqi, although his family background is not high, but his ancestors have served in the local area for three generations, and he is regarded as a descendant, and he is regarded as highly respected in the Jiangdong Army." "I have found out that this person is dissatisfied with Yuan Shusu, and there is a great deal of dissatisfaction with him. Be sure to instigate this person, once this person is captured, the local generals in the city will follow his lead, and he will definitely be used by the state shepherd!"

"Great kindness!" Wang Zheng clapped his hands and laughed.

The last time he came to Shouchun, he found that the factions under Yuan Shu's command were extremely divided. The key plan to seek Jiangdong this time was also to use the local forces in Jiangdong's dissatisfaction with Yuan Shu and the Runan faction to win them over to help him!
It's just that Wang Zheng is not a local, and there are too many people who pay attention to him. In addition, Sun Ce, a proud young hero in Jiangdong, died at his hands. When he, a newcomer, came to Shouchun, he wanted to use him to connect with Jiangdong forces.

However, Zhou Tai's official position is not high, and his reputation is small. Compared with Wang Xiong's quick friendship with the local gentry, and even win over Dao Lu Ji and others, Zhou Tai spent a little longer for this, but good food is not afraid It was late, and now I finally got in touch with the high-level leaders of the Jiangdong forces.

As for how to be sure that the local generals in Jiangdong were willing to betray Yuan Shu and vote for the king's government, it was nothing more than promising high-ranking officials and generous salaries.

If the annexation of Jiangdong is really successful, in the early stage of the king's administration, he really needed to rely on local forces to help him digest it as soon as possible and restore order. Therefore, in this regard, whether it is to the noble families or these generals, his promise will indeed be fulfilled. of.

It's just that if the ability can't match in the later stage, or if he still can't get the loyalty stamp from the system, then he will naturally take back the rights released one by one.

"Then the success or failure of the next thing will be done in one fell swoop!" Wang Zheng's tiger eyes flashed sharply, looked around the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "Wang Xiong, you can make good friends with the local nobles and bribe Shouchun officials. Make a pause. Do not go out for the next few days. The external rhetoric "pause for a moment, then say Ben will be ill."

"By the way, if Yang Hong, Gu Yong and the others come to press again and ask when the remnants of the grandson traitors will be wiped out, I can give them a clear answer now, and they will be done within ten days at most!"

According to the king's policy, no matter how big the city of Shouchun is, ten days is enough time for Li Yu to instigate and contact all the generals who are dissatisfied with Yuan Shu, and then the last step will be taken!
"Send an urgent report to Lu'an and Anfeng, and order Wu Sheng and Huang Zhong, except for the left-behind men and horses, to gather the elite, hide their voices, boycott Hefei within three days, enter a state of preparation for war, and ensure that they can enter Jiujiang at any time!"

"At the same time, order the Pengcheng and Xiapi ministries to secretly concentrate on the front line in Dongcheng County, and make preparations for transporting soldiers and supplies."


Everyone agreed with a loud bang, Wang Zheng pushed the case and got up, paced under the window, his eyes sparkled sharply, and his fighting spirit was surging.

At this time, the sky outside the window is gloomy, the autumn air is bleak, the wind is howling, and there is a tendency of mountain rain.

The news of Wang Zheng's illness quickly spread throughout Shouchun.

No one expected that Yuan Shu himself would be the first to visit, not those officials and dignitaries who had already voted for Wangzheng.

Wang Zheng couldn't help being very surprised, because of the high physical fitness given by the system, he seemed to have been indifferent to cold and heat for several years since he traveled, and he almost forgot what it felt like to be sick. Qiao Wan, who he created a "sick face", still lacks self-confidence: "Does it really look like she's sick?"

"If you don't believe in my skills, you can find other people to try."

Qiao Wan rolled his eyes at him in dissatisfaction, and snorted softly, "But it's too late now. When you meet Yuan Shu, remember to keep your voice down, and don't come out full of anger. You can't blame me then."

Wang Zheng nodded: "Give me the medicine."

After receiving the medicine bowl from Qiao Wan, everything was ready. Wang Zheng nodded. Not long after he lay down, there was a burst of footsteps outside the door. It was Yuan Shu, Yang Hong, Gu Yong and others, and there was another An unfamiliar middle-aged Confucian student.

"Mr. Yuan."

Wang Zheng shouted weakly, and even pretended to be struggling to get up to meet him. Yuan Shu rushed two steps, pushed him on the bed, and said with a smile, "Yu Kou is not feeling well, so don't be so formal." , Besides, you and my family, do you still need to be polite to me? Lie down, lie down."

Looking around, seeing Qiao Wan alone, she couldn't help frowning: "Why isn't there a woman to wait on you? Where is Sun Huan? Come on, go and call him to the Marquis." Sun Huan is exactly Head of the embassy.

Wang Zheng hurriedly told Qiao Wan to stop, and explained: "I don't blame Guan Shi, it's because my government is quiet, so I sent the maid away."

Hearing this, Yuan Shu glanced at Qiao Wan with a strange expression, secretly surprised in his heart, since he is so clean, why are you keeping a pretty face by your side?
Thinking that Wang Zheng has never been married so far, Yuan Shu's heart suddenly moved. Could it be that besides being a good widow, Wang Zheng is actually as good as Long Yang?
Keeping this matter in mind, Yuan Shu laughed: "I have lived in Xuzhou for a long time, and I am used to the generosity of Xuzhou women. It seems that I can't hear the soft words of Wu women. I can't blame you for this matter." , but this Marquis is not thoughtful enough."

His family is also from the north, and although he is the lord of Yangzhou, he has a certain regional superiority in his bones. This is the usual mentality of the northerners towards the southerners at this time, which is normal.

"Why did Yuan Gong say that?" Wang Zheng smiled and said, "Yangzhou is rich in beauties, and everyone in the world knows that I, Xuzhou, can't compare with it, but Yinping women are indeed worthy of admiration. If Yuan Gong likes it, I will wait for Zheng to go back and pick some. If you have good aptitude, just send some with Mr. Yuan."

Yuan Shu was overjoyed when he heard the words. Yinping County is the hometown of Concubine Yu. Since ancient times, it has been rich in beauties. They are tall and slender, and they are proficient in piano rhythm and dancing. The last time Wang Zheng came to Shouchun, he had not occupied Xuzhou. , but now it is different.

"Haha. Yu Kou is kind, but he is disrespectful, and this Marquis will not be disrespectful." Yuan Shu asked again: "Sun Huan came to report to Ben Hou last night, saying that you are sick. I would like to come to visit you immediately. The medical officer has seen it. How do you say it?"

"Thank you, Mr. Yuan, for your concern." Wang Zheng smiled "weakly" and said, "It's just that the cold and heat change too quickly in autumn, Zheng was greedy for the cold for a while, and he wore less clothes yesterday, so he was attacked by wind and evil, and he had some symptoms of qi deficiency and yin injury. "

Yuan Shu snorted, and said with concern: "It turns out that I have caught a cold. Although this disease is minor, it should not be ignored. It is better to take care of it for a few days."

In his opinion, Wang Zheng's explanation is reasonable. Xuzhou's climate is closer to the north, and the four seasons are quite distinct. However, the weather in Jiangdong is unpredictable. Sometimes the temperature difference between day and night varies greatly within a day. In addition, the humidity is very heavy, causing colds and fevers is a common occurrence.

On the side, Yang Hong's eyes were quite suspicious.

From the moment he entered the door, he kept looking and observing, looking at the furnishings in the room for a while, looking at the medicine bowl on the table for a while, and paying more attention to Wang Zheng, always feeling that something was not quite right.

Seeing an opportunity at this moment, he immediately interjected and said, "The doctors in the museum are nothing but ordinary gentlemen, they can hardly be called good doctors, and the diagnosis may not be clear, Wang Zhoumu."

He pointed to the middle-aged man Wang Zheng didn't know, "This is Mr. Wu Pu, a famous doctor in the city. He is a direct disciple of the genius doctor Hua Tuo. His medical skills are superb. My lord specially invited him here today to treat Wang Zhoumu well. some."

Famous doctor?

Or Hua Tuo's disciple?
Wang Zheng's face remained unchanged, but his heart skipped a beat.

 I'm busy with work, I'll update today

(End of this chapter)

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