Chapter 521

The family knows their own affairs.

His physical condition should not be too healthy, the illnesses are all feigned, and the medical clinic in the museum has already been dealt with by the double insurance that is threatened and bought. Naturally, there will be no mistakes in this aspect, but the doctors invited by Yuan Shu and Yang Hong How should officials respond?

He was still Hua Tuo's disciple. Wang Zheng sighed that he hadn't thought carefully enough, which made it difficult for the other party to hide his pulse once he gave him a hand. Wouldn't it be all revealed?
So what to do next?Wang Zheng lowered his head slightly, the murderous intent flashed in his eyes and disappeared. At this moment, he had already started to think about how sure he was if he would make a violent attack, and what would be the pros and cons.

Yuan Shu's arrival was indeed sudden, but since the other party left the palace, it was also a good opportunity to behead him!

Thinking of this, Wang Zheng had a decision in his heart, he couldn't help but clenched his fists secretly, he raised his head and was about to speak, but at this moment Wu Pu who was beside the couch blinked lightly at him suddenly, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

what's the situation?
Wang Zheng was stunned, and secretly chewed on Wu Pu's eyes, which seemed to be kind and friendly, his thoughts changed sharply, and he put aside the plan just now.

During this battle between heaven and man, his face remained motionless, he first bowed his hands to Yuan Shuwei to express his gratitude, then openly extended his hands, let Wu Pu come up to check his pulse, and at the same time said warmly: "Thank you, Mr. Wu."

"Zhou Mu's words are serious."

When Wu Pu sat down to take his pulse, Yang Hong stared intently at it. Although Yuan Shu was not as obvious as him, and seemed to be looking at the interior layout, his eyes flickered, apparently absent-minded.

Suddenly the room became quiet, so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, and because of the sudden silence, even the atmosphere became weird.

I don't know how long it took before Wu Pu spoke again to break the stagnant water.

Wu Pu finished his pulse diagnosis, and said to Wang Zheng, "Zhou Mu is indeed restless. He suffered from wind and evil. Although he is not seriously ill, he will need to take care of it for a while."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone had different expressions.

Although Wang Zheng and Qiao Wan breathed a sigh of relief immediately, Yuan Shu also looked slightly relaxed, but Yang Hong couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Wu, are you sure?"

"The wind in spring and summer is yang evil, and the wind in autumn and winter is yin evil. Anyone who suffers from apoplexy causes qi and blood to flow upwards and outwards, so the pulse position rises and floats. The appearance is that the Cunbu pulse appears miliary For those with evil in the middle of the yin, the local interstitial tissues, meridians, and tendons will be constricted and contracted sharply, and the blood vessels will become thinner in response."

Wu Pu looked back at Yang Hong, and said indifferently: "Wangzhou Mu's pulse is slightly protruding, and the pulse condition is slow and contracting, which is in line with the symptoms of wind evil disturbing and cold evil hurting yang. These are common diseases, but those who study medicine can see them at a glance. Know."

After talking, he looked at the bowl of medicinal soup on the eye paint table, thought for a while, and asked Qiao Wan at the side to bring the prescription prescribed by the medical officer in the museum. Blind medicine." He took the pen on the case table, deleted and corrected two places, and then returned it to Qiao Wan. "According to this prescription, the state shepherd will be cured within seven or eight days."

Before Qiao Wan could answer, Yang Hong who was at the side asked suspiciously again: "Wang Zhoumu was born as a military general, and it will take seven or eight days with a little wind and cold?"

Confucian scholars in the Han Dynasty covered a wide range, far beyond the later generations. Scholars of later generations only need to read the Four Books and Five Classics, and in the Han Dynasty there is one more six arts, not to mention, generally they will also know a little about the various schools of thought, especially the famous scholars, yin and yang scholars and doctors The study book is almost a must-read.

The famous school is "the way of the debater", focusing on debating the relationship between "name" and "reality". It is a school of rigorous logical thinking. It is better than one chip, and the founder of Yinyang School is Qi Guo Zou Yan. Its core content is "Yin Yang and Five Elements", and it is combined with the thought of mathematics since ancient times in China. Reading through the books of Yin Yang School can not only understand the Eastern Metaphysics, and can naturally have a certain calculation ability.

Not to mention doctors, doctors belonged to the middle class in ancient China, and scholars would not be willing to practice medicine, but not practicing medicine does not mean not learning medicine. Evil, in order to protect the body and grow up, to support their lives, what Confucian scholars seek in medicine is precisely a "get what is in it".

The natural life expectancy of the great Confucians in the Han Dynasty would have far exceeded the average age of their contemporaries without accidents. For example, Lu Kang, Lu Ji’s father, lived to be 40 years old at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty when the average life expectancy was only 69 years old. If you choose to fight Yuan Shu to death, you may even live another ten years.

You must know that this big man has created a great feat of being shot and making his concubine pregnant after the age of 60, which shows that he is physically strong and healthy physically and mentally.

Although Yang Hong is not proficient in medical skills, he has read some medical skills and has a certain amount of medical knowledge. Typhoid fever is indeed not a serious illness. Ordinary people often even carry it to work in the fields. Logically speaking, a delicate and fleshy disciple of an aristocratic family does not need such a long time.

"If it's just the wind and cold entering the body, naturally it won't take much time."

Wu Pu explained: "It's just that Wang Zhoumu has lived in a dry and cold place for a long time. When he first entered Jiangdong, he was not acclimatized to the environment. Now he is suffering from two diseases at the same time. In addition, he joined the army very early and has no eyesight on the battlefield. He should have suffered a lot. Injury, I just took Zhou Mu's pulse, and I found that his Qi and blood are deficient, combined several times, I had to spend some time to recuperate."

Then, he turned his head and solemnly explained to Wang Zheng: "Wangzhou Mufang and the weak crown appear to be physically weak. You should pay more attention to it in the future. Don't be too tired. Pay attention to your work and rest, and you must replenish your qi and blood. You must know that medicine and supplements are just external forces. , strengthening the body and consolidating the foundation is the foundation.”

Will Wang Yukou be physically weak?

As soon as these words came out, Yang Hong couldn't help but looked over in doubt, thinking of the other party's previous high-spiritedness, could it be that the outsiders couldn't do it?

At this time, Wang Zheng looked at Wu Pu with admiration in his eyes. With such ability to open his mouth and tell nonsense, Wu Pu is a doctor.

Although he was complaining to himself, he quickly replied: "Thank you, sir, for your guidance, but" he sighed in the middle of the sentence: "There are many things in this world that are voluntary and powerless, and it is easier to know than to do!"

"Since Zheng is now sitting in the position of Xuzhou Mu, his shoulders are responsible for taking care of millions of soldiers and civilians. He really dare not slack off for a day, and he is walking on thin ice all the time. In fact, he has long felt powerless, and even has the heart to abdicate to the virtuous."

After a pause, Wang Zheng looked at Yuan Shu with emotion, and said with a wry smile: "There was a banquet last year, and Zheng asked the generals under his command what kind of aspirations they had. Some said that the people were upside down, and some said that they would get promoted and get rich. Did Mr. Yuan know that? What is the political ambition?"

Yuan Shu naturally didn't know, and shook his head.

"Looking for a peaceful paradise, traveling in forests and springs, chasing strings and pipes, wives and concubines in groups, my wish is enough."

Hearing this, Yuan Shu was very surprised. He was stunned for a long time, and then he pretended to be displeased and said, "Yu Kou is now at the age when he is working hard, how can he be so passive and decadent? Ben Hou commented Since you get older, you have more than one round, and you often have ambitions!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Yang Hong, who was silent at the side, and his meaning was very clear: You said earlier that Wang Zheng had the intention of plotting Jiangdong, did you hear me, this kid has no ambitions, even Xuzhou doesn't even want him.

Or is it that he pretended to be sick and prolonged his stay in Shouchun, dragging Benhou to come here with you, what did Wu Pu say?

"Yuan Gong has been born in a noble family for generations, and now he is in the prime of his life. He has great ambitions, which is a matter of course." Wang Zheng said: "Since Zheng was sensible, he has never had a day of peace. Since joining the army, he has been used to life and death, but he has already seen it." I am physically and mentally exhausted!"

"The reason why we persevere until now is because Zheng knows in his heart that he has made too many enemies since the uprising, especially Yuan Cao and his generation, and they will not easily let Zheng withdraw and leave. The situation of fish and meat, so I have to cheer up."

This is indeed not a lie.

Wang Zheng was an ordinary person in his previous life. When he came to this chaotic world at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in fact, from the beginning to the end, he did not have any ambitions in his heart. What he had was requirements rather than ambitions. Just be safe!
So even with the two golden fingers of system and prophet, Wang Zheng chose to embrace Cao Cao's thigh first, rather than claiming to be a king, because in his bones, his heart and nature were originally ordinary, even tending to be mediocre. people.

It's just that the torrent of fate pushed him to a path of self-reliance and self-improvement, and now, he can only move forward, and has no way to retreat!
It's true that Wang Zheng is an ordinary person, but any ordinary person with a normal IQ who understands the history of the rise and fall of the Chinese dynasty for thousands of years will understand that in a world of great controversy, the stronger the power and the higher the status, the path the person can actually choose is precisely Minimal.

That road is also the narrowest road in the world, a single-plank bridge that only allows one person to walk, and there is no way to retreat.

And Wang Zheng's affectionate words, combined with his haggard and sincere expression, also moved Yuan Shu immediately.

The truth can move people the most, and what Wang Zheng said was indeed the truth, especially when he mentioned Yuan Shao and Cao Cao again, which made Yuan Shu feel the same hatred and hatred again.

Originally, he had been remonstrated repeatedly by Yang Hong, and he also began to have doubts about Wang Zheng. This visit to the embassy in person is just a manifestation of Yuan Shu's growing suspicion!
But Wang Zheng's statement made his heart soften again.

"Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Aman are both wolves with vicious hearts!" Yuan Shu took a few steps forward, took Wang Zheng's hand, and said solemnly, "You must not slack off! At least until you get rid of this generation, you must not slack off!"

"As long as you and I work together, this Marquis absolutely believes that this day will not be too far away!"

Seeing Yuan Shu's expression and tone, Yang Hong on the side immediately sighed secretly, knowing that Yuan Shu couldn't listen to certain words at this time, so he had no choice but to temporarily suppress the suspicion in his heart, and took the initiative to change his mouth and say with a smile: "That's right. Didn't Wang Zhoumu just say that after returning to Xuzhou, he would pick some Yinping women to send to my lord?"

"Hong happened to have an unfeeling request, how about asking Wang Zhoumu to agree?"

If you don't want to please, then don't "please"!
Wang Zheng complained secretly, but said: "What is Yang Jijiu's request, but it doesn't matter."

"The sage has a saying: food, sex, and sexuality." Yang Hong said solemnly: "Yin Ping girl, singing and dancing, famous all over the world, Hong Yi yearns for her, I wonder if it will be included in the next one?"

this thing.
Wang Zheng felt relieved, and immediately smiled and said, "Hahaha, what are Zheng Yang's requirements for sacrificing wine? Small things can be done with a little effort."

He smiled kindly, and Yang Hong's face was even brighter. After the two of you and I talked politely for a while, Yang Hong seemed to smell it inadvertently: "Since Zhou Mu agreed, I don't know when Hong Hong will receive this contract." Great gift?"

It seems to be asking when he will receive the woman, but in fact he is repeating the old story again, asking Wang Zheng to personally decide when he will return to Xuzhou!
Wang Zheng was convinced by Yang Hong, he would ask the same question every time he met, and he could turn over and over again to change his speech skills. This persistence really made him "both disgusted and admired".

"That's right. Zhou Mugui is sick and needs seven or eight days to recuperate, and then he has to make some preparations. It will take at least half a month before he leaves Shouchun, and then he will go to Lu'an to join the old department, and then turn again and leave. I'm afraid it will be a month later in Yangzhou, right? I don't know when it will be when I return to Xuzhou, oops, I really can't wait any longer."

After talking to himself for a while, he didn't give Wang Zheng a chance to answer, so he took the initiative to set a date for him to leave Shouchun.

"Half a month?" Wang Zheng smiled and said, "Maybe it won't take."

"Oh?" Yang Hong asked sideways, "How do you say that?"

"The sentry cavalry sent to the border of Runan to explore the road before the government has sent back a message. The situation is not optimistic?"

"Great ambition to hear the details."

"Although Runan is still under Yuan Gong's control, the defenses of the Yanzhou army have become increasingly strict on the roads going north." Wang Zheng smiled wryly and said: "Every day there are Qingqi horses patrolling the surrounding hundreds of miles. Get ready, it seems that you have learned about the plan of the political desire to go north in advance, which is really weird."

Hearing this, Yuan Shu blushed and rubbed his nose unconsciously. He is the Lord of Shouchun, so he naturally knew that Wang Zheng wanted to go north and surprise Xudu.

As for who spread the news, Yuan Shu probably guessed that it was more likely that someone from his own side had leaked the word. Now that the victim mentions it, he is naturally a little ashamed.

But Yang Hong continued to ask: "What does Wang Zhoumu mean?"

"Surprise attack Xu is afraid that it will be difficult to plan, and the road to the north has been blocked."

Wang Zheng raised his eyes to look at Yang Hong, and sighed: "When Zheng recovers from his illness, if there is no turning point, then we have to temporarily put aside the idea of ​​catering to the emperor."

"Hahaha" Yang Hong couldn't help laughing out loud: "Zhou Mu's words are ridiculous! What a surprise attack on Xudu."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Shu suddenly interrupted and said, "If Cao Ah has already prepared himself, it is good to slow down to cater to the emperor."

"Even if the Son of Heaven knows it, he will understand the imperial bandits. Cao Cao is a national traitor, and he should be eradicated. But now that his generation is powerful, we should also discern the situation, keep us useful, and wait for the opportunity to advance. "


Yang Hong showed displeasure on his face, and he was waiting to say more, but Yuan Shu had already made a look at him, and then said warmly to Wang Zheng:
"You, Yu Kou, rest at ease, I still have some business to deal with in the palace, so I will take my leave first."

 The company is busy these days, and there will be two changes tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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