Riding and cutting the imperial pirates of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 519 Take it from the details of success and seek it from ancient wealth and insurance

Chapter 519 Take it from the details of success and seek it from ancient wealth and insurance
After returning to the embassy, ​​Wang Zheng immediately summoned Wang Xiong, Zhou Tai and others to discuss the matter and discuss countermeasures, and another person was Qiao Wan who came uninvited.

"As the general expected, Yuan Shu's tent is not empty."

Wang Xiong said: "As his chief conspirator, Yang Hong was able to discover the general's intentions, and it only took a few days, so his reaction is extremely fast, but..."

"It's just that this person not only reacted very quickly, but also had a very decisive heart. He immediately persuaded Yuan Shu to kill the general in the form of a grand banquet, and he also thought of a follow-up ending. His decisiveness in killing was far from comparable to that of the scholars on the side. figure."

Everyone on the side, including Wang Zheng, nodded in agreement.

His family knows his own affairs, and Wang Zheng knows that his success is due to the riding and hacking system on the one hand, and the foresight on the other hand. In terms of political ability, even if he has been proficient for several years, he is really no more than a middleman. I am not complacent or arrogant because of my current achievements.

Also because of this self-knowledge, he never expected to coax all of Shouchun with a single trick of "crossing the sky and hiding the truth". Sooner or later, someone would discover his plans for Jiang Dong and Yuan Shu.

If Lu Ji's acceptance of the head was a surprise, then Yang Hong's quick reaction was expected.

It's just that Yang Hong was so decisive, gave up "using other coping methods", went straight to the point, and directly persuaded Yuan Shu to capture and kill Wang Zheng, which is indeed a bit shocking.

Although the other party also used the so-called "remnants of the grandson thief" as a target to defuse the backlash of Xuzhou's forces "once Wang Zheng is killed", in fact this is purely whimsical. With the ingenuity of Zhong and the others, if something unexpected happens to Wang Zheng, it won't take long for him to discover the truth!

Wang Zheng believed that Yang Hong probably knew in his heart that his trick of "Li Daitao stiff" might not have much effect, but he didn't say it clearly in front of Yuan Shu, and the other party still made such a decision under clear circumstances. It is a neighboring country, and it is extremely easy to enter Jiujiang regardless of land or water. Moreover, Xuzhou has developed and flourished in the past two years, and it has acquired Beihai and Taishan, a large commercial county, and a source of soldiers in the world. Ten thousand.

It's just because of Xuzhou's own terrain that it needs to be guarded by all directions, and most of it is involved, so there are often situations of stretching and insufficient troops during foreign wars.

But if the coach Wang Zheng was really killed by Yuan Shu, then the hundred thousand tigers would no longer think about Yuan Tan in the north and Cao Cao in the west. The threat is definitely far ahead of the previous Sun Ce rebellion!
Coupled with the fact that Xiahou Dun is still eyeing the border of Runan, the Yangzhou army is likely to fall into the danger of fighting on two fronts, but Yang Hong still made the decision to capture and kill Wang Zheng.
To put it bluntly, compared to his resourcefulness, such a resolute and decisive decision shocked Wang Zheng even more.

"But I underestimated him." Wang Zheng was very straightforward, admitting his mistake directly.

"Zhou Mu, Shouchun is no longer a good place, so don't stay for long!"

At this time, Zhou Tai on the side said in a deep voice: "Yuan Shu is also a strong lord after all. A woman's words can persuade him once, but they may not be able to persuade him a second time. If Yuan Shu is persuaded by Yang Hong next time and has a murderous intention, how can he That's good, why don't you accept it if you see it, and return to Xuzhou first?"

Wang Xiong also echoed: "Brother Zhou's words are not bad. General, according to the final general, the master of Yangzhou is mediocre and weak. Even if he faces the enemy head-on, it will be embarrassing for our heavenly army to urge us! Why don't you go back first?" Pi, regroup the troops, regroup, and march south in the spring of next year, taking this place is like searching for something!"

Although Qiao Wan didn't speak, she looked at Wang Zheng with approval.

Seeing that everyone was saying the same thing, Wang Zheng's thoughts changed sharply, and he kept weighing the pros and cons.

After pondering for a while, he looked around, and a charming smile escaped from the corner of his mouth. He shook his head and said, "When a man acts, he should follow the way. How can you give up halfway?"

"General." Hearing this, Wang Xiong felt anxious, and was about to persuade him again, but was cut off by Wang Zheng waving his hand: "If we withdraw at this time, there will be three disadvantages!"

"First, taking advantage of the opportunity to quell Sun Ce's rebellion, our army was able to pass almost unhindered on the way from Jiujiang to Lujiang. Now Wu Sheng and Huang Zhong have occupied the two important places of Lu'an and Anfeng, not to mention the various ferries on Lujiang. The waterway is also faintly under our control, if we are going to return to Yangzhou and attack Jiangdong next year, will Lujiang give up or stay behind during this period? Yuan Shu who stays behind will naturally not give his consent, what if he gives up?"

He paused one word at a time and said: "If all previous efforts are wasted, it means that this general will really become a married man, and he will use the precious lives of his own soldiers to protect Yuan Gonglu's people. Hey, does Yuan Shu recognize me as his father?" Is that why my Wang Zheng has no regrets?"

"Secondly, our army now has nearly ten thousand tigers, almost penetrated into the enemy's territory without any precautions, and occupied an important place, especially this general and the Tianzhu camp are now in this Shouchun City. Such an opportunity is once in a thousand years. If he returns to Xuzhou suddenly, Yuan Shu, who is not suspicious at all, will also see that it is abnormal, so he must be vigilant. If we attack in the spring of next year, we will have nearly half a year to prepare, but in fact, it will also give the Yangzhou army a rest and recuperate. Is there a chance to complete the defense line?"

"As for the third point, it is actually the most critical!"

Speaking of this, Wang Zheng's expression became more and more solemn: "The land of Jiangdong is not limited to this general. Cao Cao, the capital of Xu, and Liu Biao of Jingzhou all have such a heart. Compared with our army, the two sides have not fought frequently in recent years, and their soldiers have accumulated a lot. Rui, there is enough money and food, if we leave, but give them a chance to take the lead, what should we do?"

"Especially Cao Cao, with the help of the righteousness of the Son of Heaven, he has acquired Yingchuan and Henan Yin this year. This guy has always had a feud with this general. Both he and I have tacitly understood that a joint discussion is only a temporary expediency. Sooner or later there will be a battle. If he is allowed to win Runan and Yangzhou again, wouldn't it be even more difficult to control?"

Wang Zheng's opinion was based on a higher level of overall consideration, and everyone agreed with it, speechless to refute, Wang Xiong asked, "What does the general mean?"

"Hey, Yang Hong, a scholar, still has the decisiveness to give it a go. As the commander of the three armies, doesn't he have the guts to do everything he can?"

Wang Zheng raised his sleeves, stood upright with his hands behind his back, looked around the crowd, his tiger eyes gleamed sharply, and said solemnly: "Success is always obtained from small things, and wealth and honor are sought from ancient times! If you are a cowardly person, how can you come here?" Are you in high spirits today?"

From Wang Zheng's point of view, at this critical juncture, we must not take a step back. There are still more than ten thousand heavenly troops in Lujiang, and there are thousands of third-rank soldiers in Shouchun City. The business channels of the Xuzhou Sentinels have already penetrated into all aspects of Shouchun, so what if Yuan Shu really has murderous intentions?

If there are fewer people, even the palace compound, the commander-in-chief of the prime minister's mansion, Wang Zheng also has a chance to break out of the siege. If there are more people, there will be no less movement. Could it be possible to hide it from the eyes and ears of Ben Mingsi?
Not to mention that there are no risks, but these risks are far from threatening his own life. If so, what is Wang Zheng afraid of?
As soon as he said this, Wang Xiong and Zhou Tai were all awe-inspiring, and he didn't dare to say more, and immediately expressed his loyalty: "The general (state shepherd) is a body of a thousand gold, and he doesn't care about danger. How dare the last general dare to stand behind the battle? I will do my best to die!"

Qiao Wan on the side stared blankly at Wang Zheng. From the moment Wang Zheng spoke the first sentence, Qiao Wan's eyes flashed, as if fascinated to listen. What she admired most was Wang Zheng, an incomparable hero. spirit.

Also because of this kind of spontaneous admiration, even if they are not the subjects of Wang Zheng, the two of them have not set any relationship status. Once Wang Zheng encounters trouble, Qiao Wan immediately thinks about how to help him solve it, and spares no effort.

After a moment of silence, Qiao Wan suddenly said softly: "Actually, in my opinion, although Yang Hong's character is resolute, he is not fearless."

"Oh?" Wang Zheng looked sideways at Qiao Wan when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "What does Miss Qiao say? Zheng would like to hear more about it."

"Although Yang Hong is decisive and strong, he is only a courtier after all, and Yuan Shu is always the one who makes the final decision."

Seeing Wang Zheng looking at her intently, Qiao Wan felt a little uncomfortable, lowered her head slightly, and brushed the messy hair on her forehead pretending to be reserved, before continuing: "Didn't Wang Zhoumu comment on Yuan Shu before? People have no plans, the city is too shallow, and if they have no plans, they are bound to be indecisive. If the city is not deep in people, it is probably too late to see things, and the meeting between Yang Hong and Yuan Shu last night proved this point."

"He was moved by Yang Hong's remonstrance, and immediately became furious. He wanted to kill the state shepherd and then quickly. In the end, the words of a boudoir woman easily persuaded him? If so, even if Yang Hong persuaded Yuan Shu to kill him again , Wangzhou Mu can also find a close person to persuade him to change his mind. As long as Zhou Mu makes arrangements in advance, a suitable person can appear by Yuan Shu's side at critical moments to speak for you every time. Don't say that Yang Hong is nothing to be afraid of. What's the point of two or three?"

"Miss Qiao is right."

Wang Zheng nodded. He didn't explain to everyone who helped him turn the crisis into safety this time. He just said that he bought Yuan Shu's wife and concubine in advance.

"Wang Xiong, Zhou Tai, among the people you two have befriended recently, is there anyone who can talk to Yuan Shu?"

Zhou Taidao: "Reporting to Zhou Mu, I have recently handed in some local generals in Yangzhou, and their positions are not high, but for the time being, there are none."

Wang Zheng looked at Wang Xiong again, Wang Xiong frowned and thought for a while, a little uncertainly said: "There are two candidates for the final general."

"Which two?" Wang Zheng asked.

"One is Feng Feng who destroyed Xiahou Dun's thousand-mile raid in Runan not long ago, and the other is Gan Ning, the Jingzhou rebel general who just came to Shouchun."

Wang Xiongdao: "The former is a veteran of the Runan Department, and he has been following Yuan Shu for a long time. Regardless of his seniority, meritorious service or close relationship, he can be said to be worth talking about. The latter is a young hero, known for his bravery. It is valued by Yuan Shu, which can be seen from the fact that he was appointed Zhonglang General shortly after he was attached to him."

Wang Zheng was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Both Feng Feng and Gan Ning were the attendees of the Red Sleeve Building last time. Wang Xiong had already reported it before, so he naturally had some impressions, but at that time more attention was paid to those who had already left notes in another time and space. Gan Ning didn't pay much attention to Feng Feng.

"Feng Feng." He recalled the meeting, and asked: "But if you want to surprise Xudu and please the emperor, are you the one who invites Liu Bei to participate?"

"Exactly." Wang Xiong said: "General, since this person has a very close relationship with Liu Xuande, it seems that it is not appropriate to have too close acquaintance, lest one's feet will be exposed, and it will be harmful instead of beneficial."

Wang Zheng knew what Wang Xiong meant, but Liu Bei was kicked out of Xuzhou by him. Speaking of which, the hatred between the other party and him was no less than that of Cao Cao. Even in the eyes of Wang Xiong and others, Liu Bei might be more hateful than Cao Cao.

After all, Cao Cao's threats have always been lured but not issued. The several conflicts with the Heavenly Army were all losses and losses. Liu Bei was different. The two sides confronted each other head-on. Not only ordinary soldiers of the Heavenly Army were killed and injured, but even the general Zhang Rao died Under the knife of his sworn brother Guan Yu!
Wang Zheng, however, had a different view.

"Liu Bei is now stationed in Chen State, which is located in the northeast of Yingchuan. If the general really planned to attack Xudu by surprise, it would be the best policy to form an alliance with him." Wang Zheng said: "So Feng Feng's suggestion does not necessarily mean that he is inclined to Liu Bei. gone."

"So what if you make good friends with Liu Bei? Make good friends with Liu Bei, to what extent have you made good friends? How loyal is this person to Yuan Shu now? If he has secretly joined Liu Bei, wouldn't it be good?"

"We can promise to give him and Liu Bei benefits after the matter is completed, and let this person speak well in front of Yuan Shu and help us."

Hearing this, Wang Xiong was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help hesitating: "General, if he has joined Liu Bei, he will naturally obey his orders, and will Liu Bei be willing to help us?"

"Why not?"

Wang Zheng said with a smile: "At the beginning, I was an enemy of Liu Bei, but the situation dictated it. Speaking of driving him away from Xuzhou, it was originally a joint effort between Yuan Shu and I. Now that the enemy is fighting among themselves, shouldn't he be there to help? And just now Didn’t I say that if I can occupy Jiangdong, I will share some benefits with him.”

"Anyway, let's test it first, and leave this matter to you. Remember, you need to be cautious. The first thing to do is to find out what he means first. If there is room for fighting, then you can win him over. Hurry up, But don't be impatient."

"Here!" Wang Xiong bowed to his orders, and asked again, "Where is Gan Ning?"

"Didn't you say that this person has an unruly nature?" Wang Zheng smiled and said, "Isn't Lu Ji a lesson from the past? If you want to win this person's heart, it may not be effective if you come forward."

Wang Xiong understood, and understood that Wang Zheng was going to subdue Gan Ning himself.

At this time, Qiao Wan said again: "Wang Zhoumu, since Yang Hong has become vigilant, in my opinion, you should also make some changes to your previous plan. It was better to be slow than to rush, but you should not be too slow, lest you have long nights and dreams!"

"Miss Qiao is right." Wang Zheng nodded, then asked Wang Xiong, Zhou Tai and the two: "How are you two making friends with prominent families and generals in the city?"

Wang Xiong said: "Most of the princes in Shouchun are very welcome to the general. Many of them, even without the general's probing, offered to offer their service."

Zhou Tai also said: "At present, I am making friends with some small officials who are Dubo and Shichang, but many of them have soldiers from the same country. If one person surrenders, it is like the whole team surrenders. I haven't made it clear yet, but What we see in daily life is that the local generals in Jiangdong are quite dissatisfied with Yuan Shu, they are already alienated from morality, but they praise the state shepherd, everyone admires him, and they are sure to instigate rebellion."

"Great goodness."

In addition to Lu Ji and Li Shu's change of family, Wang Zheng was sure, and immediately said in a deep voice: "It seems that the initial progress of the military counselor's plan is quite smooth, so the next step is the second step."

He summoned his own soldiers and said: "Immediately send an order to Mi Li to arrange for people to go to Xiapi to inform Guo Junshi, and immediately send envoys to Xudu, Linzi, Xiangyang and other places!"


To complete the plan to annex Jiangdong in a short period of time, Wang Zheng and Guo Jia never thought of solving it with pure military action from the very beginning. After all, the territory of Jiangdong is far superior to that of Beihai. many!
To overcome such an enemy country, the first is military forces, and the second is strategic diplomacy. Both are indispensable. Only the strategists and strategists will fight side by side, and the generals and soldiers will use their lives bravely to win a big victory!
 The company works overtime in the evening, and it will be updated today

(End of this chapter)

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