Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 87 The Angry Judge (Chapter 9, please subscribe!!!)

Chapter 87 The Angry Judge (Ninth update, please subscribe!!!)
Everything in the dock was overturned almost the moment Nick Fury got up.

Nick Fury's complexion can no longer be described as ugly at this moment.

That's pretty ugly.

How can it be!

How is this possible?
The expressions of Phil Coulson and Melinda May next to him are almost the same as Nick Fury's, because their eyes are sound, so they can look at Locke with an expression of seeing a ghost.

Ms. Wright from the Ministry of Justice was also dumbfounded.

The federal agent in charge spewed out the sip of water he drank just after the dust hit the ground with a puff.


What are you doing?
Did you really think it was the Super Bowl final?

At the last moment, was it a direct lore?

Judge Nat, who was sitting in his own judge's chair, was also a little dazed at this moment.

Not suing the FBI?
Did you tell the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistic Support Agency and its director?


What game is it? ?
On Judge Nat's head, it felt like there were two question marks popping up, and another question mark was squeezing out desperately.


Nick Fury interrupted the birth of the question mark, and looked directly at Locke in a deep voice: "How do you know us."

Locke glanced at Nick Fury and smiled slightly: "Guess!"

He has never liked beeps when he does things.

What's the matter, wait until the enemy is dead, then say, isn't it delicious?
Before beating the snake to death, if you talk to the snake, you will be bitten back. This kind of stupid mistake that the villain will trigger, Locke will never make it.

Nick Fury glared with one eye and stepped forward.

The bailiff stepped forward, put his hand on the pistol with the safety on his waist, and stared at Nick Fury expressionlessly: "Sir, please take a step back."

Lawyer Lawn over there already knew what happened.

This information is absolutely true.

just now……

It's time to sound the horn of attack.

"Your Honor!"

Lawyer Lawn took a step forward and handed the materials he had already prepared to Judge Nat: "This is about the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency and its director, that is, the disabled man Nick Fowler. Some information about Rui, I’m sorry, because of the special nature of this institution, the only information we can find is these, if you want specific information, you may need Judge Nutter’s Information Disclosure Act!"

Ms. Wright quickly came back to her senses at this moment: "Your Honor, you don't have the right..."

Good guy.

Judge Nat sneered when he heard this, and looked at the bailiffs in the hall.

The bailiff's eyes fell on the defendant's seat with a swish.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Judge Nat was, he knew whether this information was true or false.

"it is good."

"very good."

Judge Nat flipped through the fragmentary information about S.H.I.E.L.D. Although there was not much information on it, it was enough for him to understand one thing.

He was cast!

At first, these people said he was from the FBI.

it is good.

He believed it.

Then in his office, this old nigger put his hand on the bible to guarantee the truth of everything he said, saying that he was a senior agent of the CIA.

it is good.

He believed it.

He even chose to withdraw the lawsuit this time for the sake of national security and in order not to expose the real identities of the agents.

But right now?
The relationship is not even a fucking CIA agent?

What do you take me for?

This is the court, not the Washington political arena full of lies and deceit. If even the court is full of lies, then the freedom and justice of the Federation will be completely lost.

and also.

"Senior Executive Agent Colin!"


The federal agent in charge who was directly called on the dock was taken aback for a moment, and the judge, who looked as dark as a pan, was shocked: "Your Honor."

Judge Nat took a deep breath, and held up the information that Lawn just handed over: "I know you, you and your bureau chief have come to my game, please remember, although you didn't speak in the office just now, but I also swore to the Bible, let me ask you, whether the things recorded in this document are true."

Senior Supervisor Colin opened his mouth.

How to do.

This problem, the director did not explain how to do it.

Nick Fury, who was guarded by the bailiffs standing on both sides, gave senior executive Colin a look. He couldn't say it, and he couldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death. will directly become a prisoner.


Senior Director Colin hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth: "Yes, Director Nick Fury is the director of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency!"

Judge Nat just laughed.

Ms. Wright from the Ministry of Justice was dumbfounded and looked at Judge Nat over there: "Your Honor, the national strategy..."

Judge Nat was so angry that his nose was about to smoke: "Ms. Wright, as I said, this is a court, not Washington. You are good at playing with a political arena full of lies."


"grown ups."


Judge Nat said directly and coldly: "Take them into custody, contempt of court, perjury, hehe, okay, well done, this is the first time I've seen someone openly lie in my court in my decades of practice. "

The bailiffs started in unison.

Nick Fury and his left and right protectors suddenly changed their faces.

Melinda May even wanted to draw a gun directly.


Their firearms had been unloaded when they entered the court just now.

But Melinda May's actions caught the bailiffs' attention, and they drew their guns in unison, aiming directly at Melinda May.

Fortunately, here are the Marshals, not the NYPD police.


Melinda May is estimated to be dead on the spot.

"Your Honor!"


"You can't do that."

"You don't have that right!"

"I do not have?"

Judge Nat looked at Wright, who was hugged directly by two bailiffs, who was yelling something, got up with a serious face, and pointed to the badge on his head that symbolized the majesty of the Federal Court: "I don't have this right, this time, Even if I can't do it as a judge, I have to see who dares to fool me in my court!"


Judge Nat looked directly at the only child left in the dock, and the senior executive of Colin Federation also said in a cold tone: "I don't care how secret this bureau is, in my impression, there is no such bureau in Congress. Yes, my court order for compulsory disclosure of information will be sent directly to your director in the mail after I adjourn the court."

The senior director of the Colin Federation opened his mouth: "The judge..."

Judge Nat didn't finish his sentence: "Your FBI wants to settle with the plaintiff, yes, the compensation is 1000 million."

Colin's eyes widened: "Judge, this..."

"If you don't want to, let's drive together..."

"and many more!"

Colin quickly shouted: "Yes, yes!"

No FBI will be forcibly sent to the dock by the court. If he dares to say no, there is no doubt that the furious judge will do so. By then, the face of the FBI in New York will be considered complete. Throw it in.

Tell the judge that you want to report to the director?
Ha ha.

Didn't he just say that at this moment, Judge Nat is in a rage? It's true to report, agree to come down quickly, and avoid the FBI from going to the dock, and everything else is false.

As for how to get the 1000 million?
Naturally, they will get it back from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Damn S.H.I.E.L.D.

Sure enough, the director was right, blacks have nothing good, and blacks in power are so stupid that they are worse than pigs and dogs. No wonder the director has been too lazy to talk to them since the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Judge Nat put away his irrepressible anger of being fooled, took a deep breath, looked at the information that Lawn had just submitted in his hand, and said directly: "The case has been accepted by the court. Diva."

Lawyer Lawn smiled: "Thank you, Your Honor."

Judge Nat then looked at Colin again: "The subpoena, my bailiff will send it to the Federal Building, and in two days, either let this so-called agency stand in my court, or you, the FBI, will stand in my court." In my court, adjourn!"


Judge Nat got up angrily and left his judge chair.

Locke also got up from his chair, looked at Lawyer Lawn who came back, and said with a smile, "Nice job."

Can you say it's beautiful?

This has not yet reached the exciting part, and this directly comes with a compensation of 1000 million, which is worth at least half a year of his hunting career. Moreover, this 1000 million is still real after-tax income.

Of course.

This money needs to be shared with the TNT&G firm where Lawyer Lawen works. Probably, the firm will take away 300 million yuan, of which 100 million will just go through the law firm, and the 100 million will go elsewhere.


It's not about money.

This is a surprise, yes, Locke is happy, no, Locke doesn't care, anyway, the real boss is on the side of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Lawyer Lawn smiled slightly: "This is my job."

It is their job to help every customer win the lawsuit.

And winning the lawsuit is the best thing for them.

Under normal circumstances, Lawyer Lawn will not appear in person in a lawsuit. This is a special case. In a court with a jury, it is the lawyer under his command who is popular with everyone and is popular with women to face the jury. .

If there is a profession that needs to look at the face.

So lawyers dare to say number one, and no one dares to say number two.

Because, a good lawyer, a good-looking lawyer, and a lawyer who is harmless to humans and animals can make a good first impression on the jury, so that their clients can change from first-degree murder to manslaughter, or even not guilty judgment.


Lawyer Lawn looked at the senior executive Colin who was wiping the sweat on his forehead, walking outside and making a phone call, smiled, and looked at Locke: "Two days later, the real battlefield will be, and we need to win gone."

Locke smiled and said, "What is our winning percentage now?"



Locke pointed out the door, meaning the group of media reporters who were squatting: "There is still 20.00% on their side. It seems that we need to get it back."

Lawn and Locke looked at each other.

next second.

Hearty laughter rang out immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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