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Chapter 88 I Will Take Their Orders (Chapter [-], please subscribe!!!)

Chapter 88 I Will Take Their Orders (Tenth Update, Please Subscribe!!!)

"Big news that happened in the courthouse! "

"Shock, who is he?" "

"Mr. Buson Lawn Sues the FBI, But Someone Else!" "

"Change the target of litigation, Wall Street's top lawyer pointed at the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency!" "

"Angry Judge, Fooled Judge!" "

"Judge Nutter signed the second mandatory disclosure order of his career today, requiring the FBI not to withhold any information! "


this afternoon.

The media circles in New York directly blasted through this shocking news.

In chamber deliberations, the defendant first persuaded the court to ask the judge to dismiss the lawsuit on the grounds of national security.

Then lawyers Locke and Lawn directly changed their strategy, and at the moment the case was withdrawn, they directly chose to sue the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency again?

This land strategy... what bureau, what is it?
It does not matter.

The important thing is that the so-called chief has been arrested by the bailiff just now because of contempt of court and perjury. He was even arrested along with an assistant from the Ministry of Justice.

Good guy.

This news spread across most of the Federation almost at the speed of light.

Along with it, there is no doubt that there is this stinky, long and tongue-twisting institution name.

Everyone is confused.

This agency...

Is it a magic thing? ?
A mysterious federal law enforcement agency?

Appropriate money from Congress?
not dial?

That's not a mystery, it's the so-called federal secret illegal agency.

Almost when the news reached Washington, a member of Congress from Texas had already stood up for an interview with the media, saying that Congress had never heard of this department. Tomorrow, he would launch a motion against this department. The department conducts a comprehensive investigation, and will publish the investigation report to let the public know.

Let alone whether he can succeed or not.

The fire started.

This is enough.

New York, SHIELD Combat Command Center.

Washington, decorated by San Fei.

Blue Star, Council.

On the big screen of the three-party video call, Director Alexander Pierce from the Security Council, Maria Hill from the headquarters of Sanfei Decoration, and Victoria Hand from New York SHIELD, all three had serious expressions on their faces.

a long time.

Alexander Pierce said in a deep voice: "This...Lock Broughton, what happened, how did he know about us?"

Maria Hill said: "The affairs of New York are handled by the director."

Commander Victoria Hand said in a deep voice: "Director Pierce, it may not be this Locke Broughton who knows us, but the so-called Peerless Assassin knows us through the hands of Locke Broughton."


Commander Victoria Hand recounted the relationship between Locke and the Peerless Assassin, as well as the disappearance of Agent 83, in simple terms: "Director Pierce, what should we do now?"

The bureau chiefs in charge have all been sent to prison, and they still gave perjury.

This is a felony!

In the federal government, perjury is a federal felony.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, S.H.I.E.L.D. will choose to strike directly and rescue their people.


The situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very embarrassing, because the five overlords are legal secret violence organizations in Blue Star, but because of the particularity of the federal system, they are not legal in the federation.

Alexander Pierce, who was in his own home, couldn't help cursing inwardly.

How the hell does he know what to do?
From the very beginning when the Peerless Assassin asked to erase the traces of their Hydra, he knew that something was not right, and even kindly reminded Nick Fury, the tool man he personally supported, vaguely.

The results of it?
And rushed in so stupidly.

Could it be that none of these old black slaves had a slightly normal IQ?
and many more.

When I nominated him to be in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D., didn't I think that this guy was stupid and mentally retarded? With him around, we could better silently develop our Hydra business?

Director Alexander Pierce blinked.

quite a while.

Alexander Pierce pondered for a while: "SHIELD cannot be exposed."

Commander Victoria Hand shook his head and smiled wryly: "Mr. Director, the court's mandatory information disclosure order has been issued, and I seriously suspect that Locke Broughton also has the address of our base in New York."

Can't bet anymore.

The ending of betting on dogs is always obvious.

There was no way you could win anything but nothing, and the game had been rigged from the start, when Nick Fury was in court.

Alexander Pierce changed his mind: "Commander Hand, I mean, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot be exposed, but I didn't say that the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency under the name of Homeland Security cannot be exposed. .”


"Since the establishment of the Federal Department of Homeland Security, haven't we just wanted to change the name? Otherwise, in the past two years, we wouldn't have called S.H.I.E.L.D., right?"

"Mr. Director, what do you mean..."

Three years ago, the second year after the [-]/[-] incident in New York that shocked the entire federal government, that is, two years ago, the person in the White House signed the Homeland Security Act, mobilizing major law enforcement agencies to reorganize a special terrorist organization. Operations with the Department of Homeland Security involving national security.


The name of the Department of Homeland Security is very similar to the previous name of SHIELD. People who don't know it think that the two bureaus are one.

and so.

After the establishment of the Homeland Security Agency two years ago, the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency was thinking about changing its name.

There is a spear bureau in the East.

Coincidentally, Dongguo's council representative simply proposed that if there is a spear, then there should be a shield, and they simply called SHIELD Bureau, which happened to correspond to Dongguo's Divine Spear Bureau.

In fact, from the very beginning, although the Land Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support Bureau was funded by the five overlords after World War II, it was in name only. After all, at that time, the strength of the Eastern Kingdom was still too weak.

The Divine Spear Game was created by Dongguo, who watched the five overlords claim their titles, but didn't let him play, so he fiddled with it himself.

This is not.

With the passage of time, Dongguo's strength has been established enough, and he will not like to abstain as before.

Could it be that the Peerless Assassin was a spy from the Eastern Kingdom?
Pierce suddenly had such an idea in his mind.

Of course.

No one dared to ask about the details of the five overlords. In short, the reason why the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau was not renamed SHIELD was because the process had not yet been completed.

at the moment?

It is impossible not to change it.

Once S.H.I.E.L.D. is exposed, what is the difference between them and other international law enforcement agencies? Why do the five overlords allocate funds to them directly from the Security Council?
and so……

Director Pierce shook his head directly and said: "Taking advantage of this time, just change the name, the Homeland Strategy Analysis Department will be split and merged into the Department of Homeland Security, so, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, They are indeed the director and members of the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Agency, but not our S.H.I.E.L.D.

Both Commander Victoria Hand and Maria Hill were taken aback.

The meaning of this is obvious.

The three Nick Fury were directly abandoned.

Director Pierce looked at the two strong women in Washington and New York, and laughed uncontrollably: "Do you have a better way?"

Victoria and Hill glanced at each other and shook their heads.

Yes there is.


Does the ghost know if Locke Broughton has any other cards in his hand?

If not, well said.

But if there is, even if he wins, SHIELD will be exposed, but he will lose the value and significance of his existence.

The purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to secretly protect the people of the world, help them and filter what they can and cannot know. If they are exposed, what's the point?

Maria Hill said: "Mr. Pierce, Director Nick Fury has already said that he is from Agent Langley. Obviously, this is a lie. Are you saying that he is from the Department of Homeland Security?"

Pierce waved his hand: "Nick Fury is not the point, the point is that this case cannot continue."

Does it matter who Nick Fury really is?
It does not matter.

Whether or not SHIELD is exposed is the most important thing.

Who let this old nigger offend someone who can't afford to offend.

Pierce couldn't help feeling a little thankful, fortunately, they didn't offend the Peerless Assassin to death, otherwise, I'm afraid, it's not just S.H.I.E.L.D. who were forced to expose at this time.


S.H.I.E.L.D. can no longer be exposed.

What if the S.H.I.E.L.D. is exposed and the radish is pulled out to bring out the mud?

not to mention.

This solution should be in line with the so-called bigger scene.

Director of SHIELD was fired directly.

Two senior agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were directly resigned?
Pierce thought about the content of the reply letter they received a few days ago, and murmured in his heart.

That reply letter is from the Peerless Assassin.

Compared with S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra knew the truth. From beginning to end, that Locke Broughton was simply a puppet, and the unparalleled assassin standing behind him was the mastermind.


If the Peerless Assassin wanted to expose S.H.I.E.L.D., it would be tantamount to exposing the Hydra together. However, the Hydra is afraid of being a mouse, so he can only send an email to test and inquire. He didn't dare to make any moves, he could only watch Nick Fury rampage like an old black pig.

It wasn't until yesterday that the unparalleled assassin's letter was replied.

Just one word.

He doesn't care whether S.H.I.E.L.D. is exposed or not, he only cares whether this scene is big enough!

after all……

Locke's mission is called "Assassin Junior" instead of "Expose, S.H.I.E.L.D.!" ".

As long as the scene is big enough.

Whether S.H.I.E.L.D. is exposed or not has nothing to do with him.

Locke also didn't intend to send Nick Fury and others to jail.

Their lives!

I take it myself! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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