Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 86 The final lore (Chapter 8, please subscribe!!)

Chapter 86 The final lore (eighth more, please subscribe!!)

Ms. Wright from the Ministry of Justice spoke passionately, and her emotions were no less than that of Lawyer Lawn.

After all, this Ms. Wright was one of the most famous lobbyists in Washington before she became an assistant to the Department of Justice. The current Attorney General is also the one who passed to PY after her big boss behind the scenes successfully stood in line.

Naturally, Ms. Wright's eloquence is not to be outdone.


This is not a school, not a podium, and it doesn't mean that you can be emotional. This is a court, a sacred court. Here, it is all about evidence.

At the moment Ms. Wright just shut up and gasped for breath, Lawyer Lawn got up calmly, looked at Judge Nat, and handed over Locke's whereabouts information that night: "That night, my client had a perfect alibi!"

This is the real evidence.

Lawyer Lawn looked at Ms. Wright and smiled directly: "On the night of the incident, my client was a guest at the classmate's house all night, and he never left the sight of the classmate's family at the time of the incident, unless my client The client knows the avatar technique, otherwise, do you think my client might become a suspect?"

"But that's your client's house."


Lawyer Lawn looked at the judge who looked up, and said with a smile: "Your Honor, my client was kidnapped once before, and that kidnapping was also kidnapped from my client's home. What I need to explain is this One point, since the unparalleled assassin mentioned by the defendant can kidnap my client once at my client’s home, is it difficult to go to my client’s home once?”

The Peerless Assassin kidnapped Locke from the Star Building.

It is evidenced by elevator monitoring.

The Peerless Assassin can go once, why can't he go a second time?
"As for the collusion mentioned by the defendant, it cannot withstand scrutiny."

Lawyer Lawn turned back to the table, took out a document, and handed it to the judge: "A few days ago, when my client was attending a prom, he was taken away from the prom by the FBI on trumped-up charges. After leaving, on the road, someone attacked my client, and even used a rocket launcher to kill my client."

Ms Wright smiled.

Just waiting for you?

Ms. Wright said directly: "This further proves the relationship between the Peerless Assassin and your client. After the Peerless Assassin watched your client be arrested, he planned to kill him directly to prevent your client from revealing unfavorable news to him."

Lawyer Lawn looked at Ms. Wright: "Ms. Wright, I need to remind you that this is a courtroom, not outside. Talk about evidence. From the beginning, you have slandered my client, but what about the evidence?"

"So, we law enforcement agencies need to investigate."

"Ms. Wright..."


Judge Nat, who was looking at one document after another, rubbed his brows, looked at the two lawyers who were talking directly in front of him, and said in a low voice with some displeasure: "Lawyer Lawn , I need to warn you once."

Lawn smiled and said, "Sorry, Your Honor."

"As for you."

Judge Nat threw the documents in his hands aside, and looked at Ms. Wright in a deep voice: "Lawyer Wright, this internal court deliberation is used to decide whether the case should be tried in public, not who is guilty and who is not guilty The problem."

I really thought I couldn't see it, what kind of idea are you guys playing?
Judge Nat's favorability for the defendant once again dropped a bit, and he directly took off his glasses and pointed at Ms. Wright with the temple of the glasses: "Now, tell me, what is the national security involved, I don't have time to play with your Ministry of Justice, Either tell me where this case endangers national security, or, be prepared to go to open court."

Ms. Wright opened her mouth.

Lawyer Lawn made a welcome gesture to Ms. Wright, please start your performance.

Don't you think that the trial of this case may endanger national security?
Then you say.

Ms. Wright frowned, turned her head to look at Nick Fury, and the FBI agent in charge over there.

The competent agent from the FBI was already ready to act.

As long as Ms. Wright dared to say that the case was about the safety of the FBI, he would follow instructions to disassociate himself.


Nick Fury nodded calmly.

Ms Wright understands.

This is something that is only said when it is absolutely necessary.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret agency and cannot be exposed. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. has already greeted Langley. Compared with the rebels like the FBI who do not obey the management of the Ministry of Justice, Langley's side, at least from the top The next is the president's own son.

Although the Attorney General is also appointed by the President, the FBI is a serious civil service agency. Langley's side is different. Appointing a Langley official is like playing games.

This is also the reason why Langley always makes outrageous operations over there.


It is very suitable to make Langley take the blame.

He directly stated that Nick Fury and others were secret agents from Langley, and they were just using the name of the FBI to investigate spies. If Langley agents were exposed, wouldn't they be endangering national security?

Ms. Wright regained her senses and looked at Judge Nat: "Your Honor, this matter is of great importance. Please forgive me, the plaintiff and the plaintiff's lawyer do not have the authority to know this matter."

Judge Nat smiled: "Okay, adjourn the court for five minutes, come to my office, but, Ms. Wright, if I find out that this is fooling me again, then I will be very angry, and you will be charged for contempt of court. And was imprisoned, do you understand?"

Ms. Wright nodded: "Very clearly."

talking room.


Judge Nat dropped the hammer and stood up: "Five minutes adjourn."

Nick Fury in the defendant's seat took Phil Coulson and Melinda May next to him, slowly got up, buttoned his own buttons, and looked at Locke in the plaintiff's seat.

seems to say.

You have no idea who you are playing this game with.


It's very low!

Locke watched several people in the dock follow the bailiff into the small room one after another, and said to Lawyer Lawn who was sitting back, "Guess, will they tell the truth inside?"

The opponent's trick of throwing dirty water at him did not succeed.

Because the operations of S.H.I.E.L.D. over the past two days have directly pulled Judge Nat's favorability to a negative number, and directly insisted on a keyword "national security", completely invalidating S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then there is only the last trick that SHIELD wants to use.

That's real national security.

Lawyers Locke and Lawn also got together to discuss. The other party wanted to avoid this incident. If they couldn't catch Locke's handle, then they could only make a fuss about themselves.

They cannot be exposed to the public.

Their looks can be revealed, but their identities cannot be revealed.


What kind of person, whose identity is exposed, is truly worthy of being said to endanger national security?

no doubt.

CIA agents chant.

The real identity of Agent Langley is strictly kept secret, and anyone or anything who dares to reveal the identity of Agent Langley can be caught on the charge of leaking state secrets and security.

But here is the problem.

Are Nick Fury and others really CIA agents?

If it's okay to say, even if Locke said it, the other party is sure to torture him to death, provided that Locke doesn't lift the table.

But what if not, said Locke.


It was perjury.

And he lied to a federal judge, in front of a federal judge.


Locke, who has always been keen on his six senses, has already heard it. In the back office, with his hand on the Bible, Nick Fury who is speaking his own words is the truth.

"get ready."

Locke lowered his head and said to Lawyer Lawn, "The prey has been caught."

Lawyer Lawen nodded, turned his head to look at his assistant behind him, and the assistant quickly handed over a rewritten document that had already been prepared.


5 minutes, the judge did not come out.

Locke and Lawn looked at each other. Obviously, as expected, they were dumped to the CIA.

About another 5 minutes passed.

Judge Nat walked out of the room with an ugly expression, followed by Nick Fury and others.

When Nick Fury walked out of the small room, the haze on his face obviously dissipated a lot.

Behind Phil Coulson and Melinda May, I don't know if it's an illusion, but even their footsteps give people a feeling of lightness.

This is also normal.

After all, in their view, this matter can be brought to an end, and then it will be over.

This trip to New York almost became a day of shame for them.

Phil has even thought of Natasha Romanov rolling on the ground laughing in Washington DC.

Almost fell into the hands of a 16-year-old.

Locke has been identified as an anti-social terrorist?

Na Luke is still 16 years old, it is impossible to fake his age.

In fact, the situation is as expected.

Judge Nat, who was sitting in the judge's chair again, put on his glasses, looked expressionlessly, and glanced at the few people in the defendant's seat with an almost ugly expression, and then looked at Locke with some confusion.

"Feel sorry……"

Judge Nat organized his tone. Langley also sent the identities of the three people over just now. There is no doubt that if he continues to persist, then it will really cause national security.

He is a staunch supporter of government information disclosure, which is correct.

and so……

Judge Nat re-brewed the language, ready to award the sky-high compensation for his career.


"Your Honor!"

Lawyer Lawn and Locke stood up again, glanced at the three people in the dock who seemed to have won the victory, and said in a deep voice: "Your Honor, my client has changed his mind. We are not filing a lawsuit against the FBI, but File a lawsuit against SDALA and Director Nick Fury!"

The words just fell.

Nick Fury and others sitting in the dock got up instantly.


It's hard to see the extreme!


(End of this chapter)

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