Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 85 Performances in the Court (Chapter 7, please subscribe!!!)

Chapter 85 Performances in the Court (Seventh update, please subscribe!!!)
Nick Fury took Locke as his prey, and Locke is no different.


What Locke is best at is how to transform from prey to hunter.

The last time the textile factory looked like this.

This time S.H.I.E.L.D. will be no exception.

The only difference is that the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau will not be wiped out by him like a textile factory at most.

Court entrance.

The three eyes meet.

Because, Nick Fury has only one eye, so it has three eyes.

Locke looked at Nick Fury, who was already surrounded by a group of reporters, and on his face, in Nick Fury's eyes that wanted to tear him apart, another very bright smile appeared.

"Let's go."

Lawyer Buson Lawn looked to the side and Locke reminded: "Mr. Broughton."

Locke returned to his senses and nodded.

The curtain opened.

He never likes to talk nonsense, he just got on, so what else to say.


After half an hour.

In the inner court of the court, a small courtroom.

Locke, who was already sitting in the plaintiff's seat, heard the sound of the door being pushed behind him, turned his head and looked at Nick Fury, whose expression was as uncomfortable as eating a fly, and once again put on a bright smile.


I am afraid that the group of reporters who are the only ones in the world have just told Nick Fury and others how Lawyer Buson Lawn treated this matter.


"He's a sociopath in disguise."

When Nick Fury was walking towards the dock, he watched Locke falling on him from the corner of the eye, but he was already [-]% sure in his heart.


He was sure about this, but he didn't have any proof.

Damn it, if I knew it, I would have secretly arrested him immediately.

These days, not everyone can be reported after being arrested, especially those terrorists. Most of them were secretly captured and put into various secret prisons of law enforcement agencies.

The CIA has a black prison, and it is also a prison converted from a submarine.

The FBI is also concerned about Tanamo.

S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally has their secret prisons too.

Code name - Grave!
Those detained inside are all world-class criminals, and they are all those criminals who they are almost [-]% sure of, but have never had direct evidence of.

"Don't be complacent!"

When Judge Nat walked into the courtroom from behind, Nick Fury came back to his senses, silently calculating something in his heart, and took a deep breath: "The rules of operation in this world are not what you think they are. of."

Under the operation of the law, there are legal rules.

But outside the law, there are rules of order.

SHIELD, on the other hand, made this layer of rules.


Judge Nat, who was sitting in his own judge's chair, tapped the hammer directly, and looked at his recorder: "This time, it's for the inner court to decide whether the case will be heard publicly!"

In the dock over there, Ms. Wright, who turned from an assistant to the Ministry of Justice into a lawyer, stood up directly: "Mr. Judge..."


Judge Nutter stretched out his hand directly: "Lawyer, maybe you don't know your position, I'm telling you once, you are the defendant, not the plaintiff, you better get used to it, because, if there is another time, I will sentence you to contempt of court !"

Lawyer Wright: "..."


In the past two days, Judge Nat was so angry that even his daughter was concerned about the case when he returned home, and asked him directly if he had received black money from the FBI, otherwise, why was he so clear? Why can't the case be heard in public? She asked for leave and came back just to be able to visit the case.


The whole family is like this, not to mention the poker games they participated in these two nights, the speeches of the old guys in those poker games.

I, Nat, was upright, did what I did, and did what I did. As a result, I was directly slandered as collaborating with law enforcement agencies?

The law may not be happy or angry, but the judges are, and if Judge Nat is on the line, he can definitely contempt Ms. Wright, a lawyer from the Ministry of Justice.

Standing in the dock over there, Lawyer Wright, who was choked, opened his mouth, then pursed his thick black lips: "Sorry, my fault, Your Honor."

"Of course it's your fault."

Judge Nat said directly, and then looked at Locke in the plaintiff's seat. To be precise, he looked at the lawyer next to Locke, Mr. Busson Lawn.

"Thank you, Your Honor."

Busen Lawn touched his tie, stood up calmly, walked out of the plaintiff's seat with a confident expression on his face, and handed the first document he had prepared to the bailiff next to him: "Your Honor, There is no doubt that the defendant's intention to suppress this case on the grounds of national security is very simple. They made a mistake, and they are still trying to make more mistakes to cover up this mistake. The information in my hand can prove that, The other party, without any court-authorized order, wiretapped my client's residence,"

On the plaintiff's table, Locke is sitting.

In the dock, Nick Fury's face changed slightly.

Lawyer Wright also had a heartbreak, and stood up: "Your Honor, the other party has no evidence..."

Buson Lawn was expressionless and interrupted directly: "Your Honor, this document contains the testimony of the New York Police Department. Among them, there is a bug that can trace the serial number, and the whereabouts of the serial number is the New York FBI. .”

in fact……

On the second day after Agent 83 Morgan Vasey disappeared in the Star Building, all the bugs were taken away when SHIELD entered. After all, who let the New York Police Department get involved? .

From the day when SHIELD targeted him, Locke had already realized that he came prepared. Naturally, it is not a problem to intercept a bug.

As for why the eavesdropping agent didn't report it when he found that the numbers didn't match?

Actually he reported it.

But at that time, the location of the bug was in a vase, and the vase disappeared. Naturally, SHIELD also thought that the bug was also missing.

never thought...

Nick Fury looked at Locke sitting on the plaintiff's table expressionlessly, wondering if he should send an agent tonight to take Locke directly to the black prison of the tomb and forget it.

Judge Nat flipped through the detection report from the New York Police Department, as well as the data on tracking the serial number of the bug, and looked up at Lawyer Wright with no expression on his face: "Lawyer Wright, in my opinion, The evidence is clear, and it is another typical case of federal law enforcement agencies ignoring the law and violating the privacy of citizens, and now, I want to hear your explanation."

come on.

I watch you perform and see how you make excuses for me saying it's national security.

It is indeed national security.

Federal law enforcement agencies ignore the law and eavesdrop on citizens' information at will, which is indeed a felony that endangers national security.

Lawyer Wright took a deep breath and glanced at Nick Fury. Yesterday she also asked Nick Fury what cards the other party might play, but in the end, why didn't he talk about this matter?
But right now?

Lawyer Wright also took away a well-prepared document he brought over: "Your Honor, in fact, this wiretapping has been specially permitted by the Ministry of Justice, because the plaintiff is not the harmless student he described. A missing federal agent with connections."

Locke on the plaintiff's seat showed no expression.

Buson Lawn and Locke, who were sitting next to each other, looked at each other, and a look of light flashed in their eyes.


The opponent starts a classic operation.

"Two years ago, a killer code-named Wushuang appeared in Texas in the dark world."

"Two months ago, this killer named Evil Hunter appeared in New York."

"A month ago, a shootout broke out at a textile factory in suburban New York."

"The explanation given by Inspector George Stacy of the New York Police Department is that the police department has verified that the textile factory is secretly a killer base..."

When Lawyer Wright was talking about the case of the textile factory, the federal agent sitting in the dock had an ugly expression on his face, almost staring angrily at the one-eyed man next to him.

He didn't know about it.

If he knew, he would definitely not let this matter be said.

Without him.

It is true that the textile factory was wiped out by the unparalleled assassins, but the New York Police Department took all the credit, and even the FBI also took a lot of credit, such as arresting the customers on the account.

The federal agent in charge took a deep breath, resisted several impulses, and abruptly suppressed the interruption of the Wright lawyer's speech.

no way.

The explanation given above is that as long as the blame cannot be blamed on the FBI, they can do whatever they want. As for the others, they are all minor problems.

And this time it is an internal court deliberation. In principle, these materials will not be released to the outside world.


This time, even if it is suppressed, SHIELD is afraid that it will also tie up with the FBI in New York. The case that has already been closed has been revealed by SHIELD. If this is not a tie, then what is it? ?
"...In order not to panic the citizens of New York, although this case has been considered and closed in this way, the FBI has been investigating this case."

"However, Mr. Locke Broughton, who was kidnapped by the Peerless Assassin but came back unharmed, appeared in the sight of the FBI."

"According to the secret information of the FBI, the time and area where the Peerless Assassin was active coincided with Mr. Locke Broughton."

"Therefore, the FBI formulated a plan called 'Assassin Junior', and sent a man named Morgan Vasey, who graduated from Quantico School as an outstanding student to enter Midtown High School."

"This is her profile."

Ms. Wright handed Judge Nat the information on Morgan Vasi that had been filed at the Quanty Academy of Sciences, and then said: "But just a few days ago, Agent Morgan Vassi disappeared, and the place of disappearance , On the 28th floor of the Star Building where Mr. Locke Broughton lived, in the room on the second floor, we detected blood, which proved that it was the blood of Agent Morgan Vasey."


(End of this chapter)

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