Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 84 The Gate of the Court (Chapter 6, please subscribe!!)

Chapter 84 The Gate of the Court (Sixth update, please subscribe!!)

"Mr. Broughton!"

"Lawyer Lawn."

At the entrance of the Star Building, Locke, who was wearing a suit, tie, and gold-rimmed prescription glasses, shook hands with Buson Lawn, who had been waiting at the entrance for a long time and led a team of five well-known lawyers from the firm. :"sorry to bother you."

Lawyer Lawn, who was also in a suit, said, "You should, you look perfect today, Mr. Broughton."

Locke smiled: "Thank you!"

He originally wanted to wear a school uniform. After all, school uniforms can increase a certain degree of favorability with the judge.

But Judge Nutt was an exception.

Just as Judge Nat is a supporter of the disclosure of government information, Judge Nat also believes that everyone is equal, and when they enter the court, they will all be on the same starting line, and no one can have any preferential treatment.

So Locke listened to Lawyer Lawn's advice, instead of passing as a student, it is better to pass as a man.

And the suit...

There is no doubt that it represents a man.

real man.


After Locke got into the car, Lawyer Lawn also got into the car, and then the car was on the road, and then headed towards the federal court in Manhattan.

inside the car.

Lawyer Lawn quickly told Locke what happened in the court in the past two days.

Simply put.

In the past two days, the Department of Justice has not given up asking Judge Nat to dismiss the case. Unfortunately, Judge Nat had a bad first impression of the assistant of the Department of Justice.

After all, as soon as they met, the assistant to the Department of Justice taught Judge Nutter what to do.

"The Department of Justice went to the Supreme Court, even to the Nine, but Judge Nutt couldn't get the case dismissed. We have a good chance of winning."

"That annoyed Judge Nat."

"Yes, Judge Nat is very angry."

Lawyer Lawn said: "Last night, Judge Nat was completely irritated and said bluntly that if he did not hear anything about national security today, then he would hear the case publicly and not It will give the Justice Department any buffer time."

The Supreme Court of the United States sounds like a big deal, but in fact, it is really a big deal.


Thanks to the special federal mechanism, the Supreme Court does have the right to rule that any federal and state laws are unconstitutional and not be adopted, but this is after the judgment is made.

This case is still going through the process, and you just started to put pressure on it. It is impossible for Judge Nat to not be annoyed.

Especially after the outside media learned that the case was deliberated by the inner court, all kinds of random speculations were flying all over the sky. The most obvious one is that because the case involved the FBI, the court and the FBI conspired to request The call for a public trial of the case directly occupied the front pages of major newspapers in New York today.

Under such circumstances, frankly speaking, Judge Nat did not mention the open trial. If Locke had not known the inside story, he might also feel that Judge Nat had been bought by the FBI.

In fact.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also suspects that Judge Nat received black money.

"How about it."

The SHIELD Operations Command Center, because of this incident, Nick Fury, who was stranded in New York, saw that the time to appear in court was coming, and he was still asking the agents who went to Judge Chanat's black history: "Have you found any useful information? "

Never go to court!
S.H.I.E.L.D. and other federal law enforcement agencies have a common feature, that is, if the problem cannot be solved, then the person who raised the problem will be solved, so that the problem will be gone.

This issue was brought up by Judge Nat. As long as Judge Nat is resolved, this issue will be gone.


Several SHIELD agents who worked overtime all night to put away any information about Judge Nat looked at each other and shook their heads: "Sorry, sir, I didn't find any loopholes."

Judge Nat's track record is clean.

To put it bluntly, it can be called the federal version of Bao Heizi.

After so many years of practice, Judge Nat and the law enforcement agencies may not be very good at it, but every suspect who comes to his court and is sentenced by him is convinced of any sentence.

You know, this is not talking about one or two people, but hundreds of suspects.

It was almost impossible to convince so many suspects, but Judge Nutt did it.


A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent said: "We had contact with several of the suspects, and even if we hinted that we could do something to exonerate him, they would not agree."

Nick Fury: "..."

This is nonsense.

The authorities cheated you and allowed you to regain your freedom. The price is only for you to accuse your sentence of shady. Do you agree with this?
at this time.

Phil Coulson came over: "Sir, the agent on Fifth Avenue sent a message, and the other party has already left."

Nick Fury's complexion is too ugly, but in the past two days, his complexion has been unsightly. Looking at it now, this bitter melon-like complexion has become normal.

quite a while.

Nick Fury almost squeezed out a word from his teeth: "Go!"

This time the court is going to decide. For the current plan, there is only one, and the next best thing is to go, but the case must not be made public.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can be exposed, but never in this form.

The Security Council has also noticed this matter, and the Federation's Director Alexander Pierce called him yesterday, asking him to properly handle this exposure crisis.


After all, it may be impossible for the White House to personally help.


S.H.I.E.L.D. is legal, but under the federal system, it is actually illegal, because it does not have the seal of Congress, and Congress does not have a law enforcement agency funded by it. Is it a federal law enforcement agency?
"Keep looking."

When Nick Fury led Coulson and Melinda towards the door, he dealt with Commander Victoria Hand: "I don't believe that an anti-social element can pretend to be a man who has not had a little in 16 years. flaw."

Commander Victoria Hand nodded, and watched Nick Fury take his two cronies as if they were going to execution... Bah, leaving in the wind and wind as if they were on the battlefield.

Uptown Federal Courthouse.

At this moment.

As early as the dawn of the day, media reporters from New York and even other regions had already appeared at the gate of the federal court.

Although the case this time is in the mode of internal court deliberation, it is a case that has attracted much attention. Besides, what about the internal court deliberation? Don't the plaintiff and the defendant still have to enter from here?
What's more, smart reporters always have a way to get the court records, even if it is a case deliberated by the inner court.

The reporters stood at the gate of the court and looked around like little crows waiting to be fed.

at this time.

Two black Audi cars caught their eyes.

In an instant.

The reporters were boiling.


"Hurry up, don't sleep, wake up."

"Get up, damn it."

Numerous people remember to look at the black car parked not far away, as well as Lawyer Buson Lawn and Locke who got off the black car, kicking the sleeping photographer up instantly, and then the height of hate on his feet had no effect Without speed, the female reporters who even increased their attack speed to a certain extent rushed over like the wind.

"Mr. Lawn, Mr. Lawn..."

"Mr. Lawn, can you accept an interview? What do you think of the court's internal court review this time?"

"The FBI asked the court to drop this prosecution on national security grounds, did you know?"


Busen Lawn stopped, looked at the blonde curly-haired, well-informed beauty reporter in the crowd who smelled of expensive perfume, and then looked at Locke next to him.

Locke nodded calmly.

Professionals do professional things, and on occasions that are not in their own field, Locke will follow the advice of his lawyer.

He is not Xiao Hei, and he will not rub his hands and smile when the lawyer finally won a leniency, causing the judge's disgust to directly express that the settlement is invalid.

The gate of the court.

Buson Lawn stood on the platform, looking down at the reporters holding up various microphones, looking extremely serious and earnest.

"National Security?"

"What a joke."

"What kind of national security can my client involve?"

"This is Chi Guoguo's abuse of power."

"Please remember that my client was arrested by the FBI on trumped-up charges without any evidence and without any reason, and even suffered inhumane abuse."

"My client is innocent, not innocent, innocent, [-]% innocent!"

"The FBI's investigation is completely illegal, even unconstitutional. If this case involves national security, it does. The FBI does not hesitate to use national security in order to cover up its crimes."

"Today's inner court deliberation, we have only one appeal!"




"Please remember that the Federation is a society ruled by law, and the rights of any law enforcement agency cannot override citizens. I believe that Judge Nat must also think so."

"Thank you."

After Buson Lawn gave a vigorous and extremely rational speech to a rigorous level, he was ready to lead everyone into the court.

The reporters Naken let a few people go so easily.

But right now.

Several black sports cars commonly used by law enforcement agencies also arrived at the gate of the court at this moment.

into the eye.

The FBI agents in charge, and Nick Fury, and Phil Coulson, and Melinda May, got out of the car with the Justice Department assistant.

At the moment Nick Fury walked out of the car door, although there was only one eye left, it did not affect his pursuit of prey in the slightest.

This is not.

Nick Fury met Locke standing on the table at first sight.

Locke looked at Nick Fury's eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The prey has finally come.

How many shots can you hold against me?

Locke was curious about this.


(End of this chapter)

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