American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 9 Captain America, what can he do?

Chapter 9 Captain America, what can he do?
[Please listen to the question: In the final battle against Thanos, who is the spiritual leader of the Avengers? 】

【A. Nick Fury】

【B. Captain America】

【C. Iron Man】

【D. Thor】

With the appearance of the latest topic, Iron Man and Rhodes temporarily stopped discussing and began to focus on the topic.

"Avengers? Is this the name of our 'Earth Allied Forces'? It's so old-fashioned!" Iron Man couldn't help but complain.

"It's better than directly calling 'Earth Alliance'." Rhodes corrected weakly on the side, and then said seriously, "Let's look at the options, Nick Fury? Who is this?"

Speaking of Rhodes, he looked at Iron Man and Coulson, "Do you two know each other?"

"If you want to ask me the cover girl of Maxim Magazine, I'm sure I know it." Iron Man shook his head and shrugged. "But this guy who can be seen at a glance is unknown? You should ask Coulson."

"Yes, I bet you must know the cover girl of Maxim." Rhodes said teasingly.

But it has already been spread in the market, the cover girl of Maxim magazine for twelve months has all been slept by Tony Stark, a playboy!

"Colson?" Rhodes immediately looked at Coulson, and when he saw the other person's expression, he knew it. "It seems that you do know him."

"Nick Fury is my boss, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Coulson admitted without hiding anything.

"Sounds like a big man." Rhodes nodded and continued to ask, "Your boss should be the most familiar to you. Do you think he might be the leader of the Earth Alliance?"

"It's not that I'm flattering my boss, but I think it's possible." Coulson nodded and added, "And, I think the possibility is not small."

Others would naturally not know, but Coulson knew that Nick Fury had formed a secret special operations team called the Avengers.

The agents inside are called Avengers!
Hawkeye Button and Black Widow Natasha are the original Avengers of this Avengers.

Rhodes and Iron Man obviously misunderstood something, and mistakenly thought that the "Earth Alliance" was called the Avengers, but Coulson knew that the Avengers must be members of the Avengers.

And Nick Fury, as the founder of the Avengers, became the spiritual leader of the Avengers, isn't it a matter of course?

"Sorry Coulson, let me interrupt to ask, is there anything special about your boss? I mean, has a steel armor, can transform into a giant, or has other extraordinary means?"

Iron Man asked sharply at this time.

"Although my boss doesn't have the abilities you mentioned." Coulson answered Iron Man with a straight face, "but he is the best agent I have ever seen."

"In other words, he is just an ordinary agent? I don't want to offend, but the other party is the overlord of the universe! It's the alien army!"

"As you can see, there are many superheroes participating in this war!"

"By the way, the guy in the cape and Peter in the tights are supposed to be superheroes because normal people don't wear them that way."

"Then the question is, how can a superhero recognize an ordinary agent as a leader? Do you think the blonde woman who blocked Thanos would recognize an ordinary person as a leader? She won't!"

"I won't! I'm a superhero, so I know what superheroes think. Isn't it ridiculous that the strong are led by the weak?"

Iron Man has plausible words, but to a certain extent, what he said is still very reasonable.

But Coulson still insisted on his own opinion. The reason why Iron Man thinks that way is because of information asymmetry.

Because Iron Man doesn't know that the Avengers Alliance that Nick Fury is going to form is actually an alliance of superheroes.

The members inside are not ordinary people!

Even Iron Man is one of the objects that Nick Fury wants to absorb.

Judging from the video, Nick Fury finally succeeded in forming this alliance.

The superheroes shown in that video may all be members of the Avengers.

The strong will not be led by the weak. This way of looking at the problem is too simple and rude.

"What you said has some truth, but I reserve my opinion." Coulson said to Iron Man.

"It seems that we have disagreements." Rhodes shrugged aside, "Then let's put aside this option for now and continue to read. Option B is Captain America. What do you think?"

"Isn't he just an ordinary person who has reached the limit of the human body? How can He De become the spiritual leader of the Earth Alliance?"

Iron Man shook his head disapprovingly.

If others don't say it, it is impossible for Iron Man himself to regard this kind of person as a spiritual leader.

"Although I am a fan of Captain America...but I think we have reached a consensus." Coulson agreed this time.

It is true that Coulson has always admired Captain America, but Coulson did not influence his judgment because of this.

Don't forget, the question is about the spiritual leader of the Avengers!
Those Avengers are not ordinary people, but superheroes, who possess powerful power beyond ordinary people.

It is even possible to be stronger than Captain America. After all, according to the data, Captain America is only the limit of ordinary people.

And when a person possesses great power, some awe will be lacking.

Coulson felt it was also unlikely that those people would see Captain America as a spiritual leader.

"It's not just the option B Captain America, I think we should be able to reach a consensus on the option C Iron Man, right?"

Rhodes shrugged at this time, and said on the side.

Although he did not express his opinion on option B, he also expressed his opinion very clearly.

Obviously, he doesn't think Captain America can be a spiritual leader either.

"Tony, you are arrogant, arrogant, doing your own way, and have no sense of teamwork... Am I right?" Rhodes then looked at Iron Man, pointing out Iron Man's shortcomings mercilessly.

"That's right, what you said is correct!" Iron Man didn't deny it either. "One more thing, I don't have any interest in being a leader at all. I can consider being an idol."

"So it's impossible for a person like you to become a leader! Then option C can also be ruled out." Rhodes spread his hands.

The two options B and C were happily ruled out by everyone.

In the end, there was only one D left.

(End of this chapter)

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