Chapter 8 Death of Iron Man

The first thing that appeared in front of Iron Man was another type of Iron Armor. After the helmet was opened, a familiar face appeared inside.

Colonel Rhodes!
Both Iron Man and Rhodes were surprised. There is another person who owns the Iron Armor?

Did Iron Man lend it to the other party, or did the military research it themselves?

Now, the military definitely doesn't have this technology, but the video shows the future, and this matter is unknown.

"Although it's not appropriate to say such things now, but... I'm pretty cool!" Now it was Rhodes' turn to shout.

While everyone was watching, they saw another high school student on the screen jumping in front of Iron Man, crying so sadly.

"Mr Stark, it's me, Peter!"

"Mr Stark, can you hear me?"

"Mr. Stark, we have won!"


The boy named Peter raised a pair of red and swollen eyes, and yelled at Iron Man mournfully.

It's just a pity that Iron Man can't hear what Peter is saying now.

"Peter? This boy looks really sad. It seems that I should have a good relationship with him in the future." Iron Man shrugged.

"This is a strange thing." Coulson made complaints on the sidelines.

With Iron Man's arrogant, conceited, and defiant character, how can anyone stand him?
The last person who appeared in front of Iron Man was Pepper Potts, who is now Iron Man's assistant, Pepper Potts.


Iron Man, who was already delirious, suddenly recognized Pepper. It seemed that the relationship between the two was very unusual.

"Friday?" Pepper held Iron Man's hand tightly, and then asked Iron Man's artificial intelligence.

"It has been detected that the vital functions are rapidly deteriorating." The voice of the artificial intelligence sounded expressionless.

"Friday? Where did Jarvis go?" Iron Man in front of the screen expressed a little strange.

"It's okay Tony, you can rest now." On the screen, Pepper fought back tears and said to Iron Man.

Immediately afterwards, the energy source of the armor on Iron Man's chest went out directly.

Iron Man originally held Little Pepper's hand, but it also drooped weakly.

Apparently Iron Man is dead.

Screen so far.

"Little Pepper? Tony, it seems that she is not just your assistant!" Rhodes winked at his good friend with a hint of teasing.

On the screen just now, everyone gathered in front of Iron Man, but as soon as Little Pepper came out, he automatically gave up the position to Little Pepper.

Obviously, the relationship between Iron Man and Pepper is very unusual, it must not be as simple as a boss and a subordinate.

Not only that, the unusual relationship must also be public, and everyone around knows it, that's why the last time of Iron Man is given to Pepper.

"We can get so much important information from the image just now, but you only stare at such insignificant things?"

Iron Man criticized Rhodes mercilessly.

But only Iron Man himself knew that he was secretly happy because he had always been interested in Pepper, but he never said it out loud.

But looking at the video just now, it is likely that he and Xiaojiao will have a good relationship in the future.

What could be more exciting than knowing that the woman you like will marry you in the future?

If there is no one else around him, Iron Man will definitely let Jarvis play some music, and then open a bottle of beer to vent his joy.

"The armor on Thanos is different from the original, the gloves on his hands are also different, and the environment looks different."

"So this is not the previous battle, but another battle, no, this should not be called a battle, but a war!"

Coulson didn't say much nonsense, and directly analyzed the video.

"We can clearly see that this war is a war between the alien army led by Thanos and humans!"

The first video shows only the battle between Iron Man and Thanos, and the location is still on an alien planet, so it is impossible to analyze too much useful information.

But this second video clearly shows that the two parties participating in the battle are the Thanos Legion and the Earthlings.

"In other words, our previous analysis is correct, Thanos will indeed invade the earth in the future!" Rhodes said in a deep voice.

Although the background of the second image is also a ruin-like doomsday scene, it is impossible to clearly determine whether it is an alien or the earth.

But compared to earthlings invading aliens, it is obviously more reasonable for aliens to invade the earth, right?

After listening to Rhodes' words, everyone's complexion was slightly heavy for a while. This is not good news.

"It seems that anti-thanos armor is on the agenda!" Iron Man silently made a decision.

"There were only four gems on Thanos' gloves in the last video, but in this video, there are six gems on Thanos' gloves!"

"Does this mean that the purpose of Thanos, or one of the purposes, is to collect six infinite gems?"

"And Thanos didn't snap his fingers when he had four gems. Does this mean that only by collecting six infinite gems can he snap that finger?"

Rhodes' words made both Coulson and Iron Man nod their heads.

"One of you is a big boss of the military, and the other is a big boss of S.H.I.E.L.D. Do you know what infinite gems are?"

Iron Man also looked at Rhodes and asked.

Rhodes and Coulson shook their heads respectively. They had never heard of infinite gems.

However, Coulson was thinking. After returning to S.H.I.E.L.D., he must ask their director Nick Fury. Nick Fury knows too much secret information that ordinary people cannot know.

Knowing the Infinity Stones is also unknown.

Not only Coulson, Rhodes and Iron Man on one side also made a decision in their hearts.

When you look back, you must look up what the infinite gems are.

Whatever the reason for Thanos' invasion of Earth, the Infinity Stones are an important item in this battle.

There are also those other faces that were shown in this battle.

For example, the person who stretched out his finger to Iron Man looks very simple.

Especially with a cape on.

After all, decent people don't wear capes.

There is also that boy named Peter, not to mention that he has a close relationship with Iron Man, he jumped from one side to Iron Man's side, and his smooth movements are obviously not ordinary people.

These people need to pay attention.

As for Thanos or something, the two of them didn't have much hope. After all, they are alien overlords, and the possibility of finding clues is not high.

 There was a mistake in the last chapter. Coulson knew Captain Marvel. Thanks to the book friend An Feng for pointing it out.In addition, please ask for a collection and recommendation ticket by the way, the data is a bit bleak.


(End of this chapter)

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