Chapter 10 All Answers Wrong
"Thunder God Thor! This should be the god in the myths and legends, right?"

Iron Man stared at option D, and said to Rhodes and Coulson, "But the myths and legends are actually true, it's a bit crazy."

"There are even people like Thanos, the overlord of the universe, in this world, so Thor, the God of Thunder, is real, and it's not unacceptable."

Coulson said seriously.

"If this Thor is really that god... I think he will be the leader who may eventually lead mankind to fight against Thanos!"

Rhodes said on the side.

In the matter of becoming the spiritual leader of the Earth Alliance, who else is more qualified than God?

"Actually, that cosmic overlord can also be called a god? This so-called Thor should be nothing more than an alien in essence!"

"As long as you give me enough time, I believe that I can develop anti-Thor armor, even if it is a god, I can step on it!"

Iron Man still showed disdain, looking like the most powerful Tony Stark in the universe.

This made Rhodes speechless for a while, Iron Man, an egomaniac, was really hopeless.

"Come on, Tony..." Rhodes raised his forehead.

"However, compared to Nick Fury and Captain America, this Thor barely meets the requirements. If I have to choose a correct answer, it can only be Thor."

Iron Man then added.

"Colson, what about you? You don't think that a god would obey the leadership of Nick Fury, do you?" Seeing that he had reached an agreement with Iron Man, Rhodes looked at Coulson.

Frankly speaking, Coulson also thinks that D is very likely, after all, he is a god.

However, after A and D hesitated for a while, Coulson still chose his own boss.

"The title says 'spiritual leader'. This should only be a kind of spiritual identification, and it does not mean that the two parties have an affiliation relationship." Coulson said thoughtfully.

What Iron Man said before actually has a certain truth. The so-called god is just a kind of alien to some extent.

Coulson also knew that when Nick Fury was young, he had dealings with aliens and was once captured by aliens.

So for Coulson, aliens don't have a veil of mystery or a high aura in his eyes.

Nick Fury formed a supernatural team with a mortal body. Even if he got the approval of aliens, it may not be a strange thing.

What's more, that Thor, the god of thunder, may be a member of the Avengers.

"I choose A, Nick Fury!"

After deliberation, Coulson gave his own answer to the big screen in front of several people.

【wrong answer! 】

The sound of the system sounded.

Coulson was slightly taken aback, wrong answer?
Rhodes and Iron Man spread their hands on the side, with an expression of "Look, I said that the correct answer is D, but you didn't listen, you are wrong now".

[The answerer, Coulson, will be punished for erasing his camouflage skills, and it will be executed immediately! 】

Before the system finished speaking, Coulson immediately felt that some relevant information was missing in his mind.

As the system said, it is the memory of camouflage.

As a senior agent, Coulson has mastered many professional skills, such as fighting, intelligence analysis, shooting, camouflage, reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, etc...

But now, Coulson's camouflage skills have been completely erased by the answering system, and he has become a novice who doesn't know anything.

It needs to be rebuilt.

"Colson? How do you feel?" Both Rhodes and Iron Man looked at Coulson anxiously.

"All my memories of camouflage have disappeared." Coulson said to the two with a slight wry smile.

Rhodes and Iron Man couldn't help but feel a little more awe and caution about this answering system.

What Coulson was erased this time was just his camouflage skills, which can be said to be harmless, but if important skills such as fighting and shooting were erased, it would be really fucked up.

However, compared to this risk, the rewards of the answering system are more valuable!
"Colson, don't get lost, at least this is a brave attempt!" Rhodes smiled and patted Coulson's shoulder, and then gave his own answer, "I choose D, Thor! "

After answering, Rhodes showed a confident smile, waiting for the reward from the system.

Thinking about the fire source fragments and healing potions that Iron Man had obtained, Rhodes was full of infinite expectations for the system's rewards.

【wrong answer! 】

The sound of the system sounded immediately, and the chrysanthemum smile on Rhodes' face suddenly froze.

"Is there any mistake, it's not Thor?" Rhodes said incredulously.

Thor is a god. In terms of becoming everyone's spiritual leader, who is more qualified than Thor?

Not only Rhodes and Iron Man, but even Coulson was very surprised.

After he answered wrongly and excluded Nick Fury, he also thought that the correct answer would be Thor, but he didn't expect that Rhodes still gave the wrong answer.

[The answerer Rhodes will get the ability to erase his foreign language proficiency, execute it immediately! 】

Rhodes also immediately felt that the memories of the two foreign languages ​​he was proficient in his mind disappeared completely.

Rhodes couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was only the foreign language skills that were erased, which was acceptable.

"It's not Nick Fury, and it's not Thor, so there are only two options left, Captain America, and me!"

Iron Man's voice sounded, he looked at the screen and shrugged, "Do you want to choose between me and Captain America?"

"Yes, Tony, who would you choose?" Rhodes asked, looking at Iron Man.

"Although I am arrogant, arrogant, and have no teamwork spirit, this does not prevent me from becoming an idol!"

Iron Man began to talk eloquently, "Just like now, I don't know how many fans adore me in America!"

"Although Coulson gave the wrong answer, what he said before made sense. A spiritual leader is a kind of spiritual identification, not a tactical leader."

"Isn't that talking about idols?"

"Then me and Captain America, who will become the idol that everyone adores on the battlefield? There is no doubt, of course it is me!"

"You have also seen that I fought alone with the overlord of the universe, Thanos, and even snatched gems from him."

"I, Iron Man, is the strongest now, and I will be the strongest even in the future!"

"So for this question, I choose C, Iron Man!"

As Iron Man spoke, he gave the answer very confidently.

【wrong answer! 】

However, it was still wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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