American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 11 Captain America Is So Powerful!

Chapter 11 Captain America Is So Powerful!

"No way, did I answer wrong too?"

Iron Man was taken aback.

Originally, when he had ruled out two wrong options one after another and only needed to choose one of the remaining two options, he thought it was safe.

After all, Captain America and his Iron Man, no matter how you look at it, it’s not Captain America’s turn, right?

That's a GI, that's all!

Even if it is an American soldier who has been injected with a super serum and has reached the limit of the human body, so what?
At most, it is just stronger and quicker in response, but the effect it can play is extremely limited.

Not to mention the modern society, which is a few blocks away from World War II at the level of individual combat, even in the era of World War II, which was backward in all aspects, Captain America did not receive enough attention.

It is only used as an "image ambassador" to promote national debt, and to put it bluntly, it is a clown in a circus.

Modern American officials have turned Captain America into a national idol. In fact, what is the essential difference from when they used Captain America to sell national debt?
But Iron Man didn't expect that the answer he gave was also wrong.

Not only Iron Man, but even Rhodes and Coulson were very surprised.

In the cognition of the two of them, in terms of spiritual leaders, Iron Man does meet the requirements better than Captain America.

[The answerer Tony Stark will be punished by erasing 10% of his shares in Stark Industries, and it will be executed immediately! 】

Immediately afterwards, Iron Man also received punishment from the system.

I have to say that the shot was really merciless, and [-]% of his group shares were wiped out in one fell swoop.

You must know that it is Stark Industries, [-]% of the shares have a market value of tens of billions of dollars, which is an extremely huge wealth.

Even some small countries do not have so much money.

Rhodes and Coulson couldn't help being dumbfounded. So much money is enough to do many things. It's a pity that it just disappeared.

But Iron Man doesn't care about it at all. For him, money is really just a string of numbers.

His greatest wealth is not the shares of Stark Industries, but his genius brain, the knowledge he has mastered ahead of this era.

As long as that knowledge is still there, wealth can be said to be at your fingertips for Stark.

[It is detected that the respondent has answered incorrectly three times in a row, this question will be automatically locked, and the respondent cannot answer the question in the locked state. 】

The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

Iron Man and the others were slightly taken aback, but they were all relieved soon.

In the case of three wrong answers in a row, is it still necessary to choose the correct option?It's just a sub-question.

It seems that the answering system will not let the answerers pick up such a cheap one for nothing.

[It is detected that this question is locked, and the following will directly enter the analysis stage. 】

[The correct answer to this question is B, Captain America. 】

[Now start playing the answer analysis. 】

Following a series of prompts from the system, the text on the screen began to disappear, and a corresponding video appeared in front of everyone.

The entry point is Thanos, the overlord of the universe.

I saw that Thanos was holding a huge ax in his hand, slashing fiercely at the chest of a man in armor with long hair lying on the ground.

The man in the armor tried his best to resist Thanos' axe, but it was obvious that he couldn't stop Thanos at all.

The ax in Thanos' hand approached the long-haired man little by little, and slowly stuck to the long-haired man's chest.

But at this moment, a hammer suddenly smashed Thanos away.

However, after the hammer smashed Thanos away, it didn't bounce off and fell to the ground. Instead, it seemed to be alive, turned a corner in the air, and flew back upside down.

It was held by a man who was holding a shield and dressed like a circus clown.

"It's Captain America!"

Everyone at the scene was very surprised. None of them thought that Captain America would smash Thanos with a hammer.

Everyone realized by coincidence that it seemed that they might have underestimated Captain America before.

"The hammer used by the captain doesn't look simple, but it can fly back automatically."

Rhodes glanced at Iron Man, "Tony, this hammer is not like your armor, it is a high-tech controlled by artificial intelligence."

Not to mention Iron Man, even Rhodes himself didn't believe it.

Installing such advanced high technology on a hammer, is your brain flooded?
"This should be a magic item." Coulson's answer was much more reliable.

"Magic? Does magic exist in this world?" Rhodes subconsciously felt incredible.

But then he was relieved, "That's right, even aliens exist, magic or something, it's not surprising."

While a few people were talking, Thanos on the screen had already started rushing towards Captain America.

But seeing Captain America swing the hammer in his hand airtightly, he also rushed towards Thanos, and the two sides collided fiercely in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, Captain America picked up the hammer and slammed it upwards.

He even knocked Thanos upside down with a hammer.




Iron Man, Rhodes, and Coulson all cried out in unison, nearly popping their eyeballs out.

Are you sure it's Captain America?

Captain America is so powerful?

Ping Pong Pong!

Immediately afterwards, Captain America began a hand-to-hand fight with Thanos. Captain America ruthlessly attacked Thanos with a hammer in one hand and a shield in the other.

Started a round of explosive hammer against Thanos!
Thanos was beaten back again and again.

This is not counting.

In the fierce battle, Captain America suddenly swung the hammer in his hand and waved at Thanos.


A dazzling thunderbolt burst out from the hammer, and instantly hit Thanos' body, knocking Thanos to the ground directly.


Captain America took the opportunity to raise the hammer again, and a bolt of lightning condensed out of thin air, shining and dancing on the hammer.

Then Captain America pulled down hard.

A bolt of thunder and lightning fell from the sky and struck Thanos again.

Thanos was hit hard all of a sudden, his body was shaken violently, the surrounding earth and rocks were flying, and a hole appeared on the ground, which shows the power of the lightning attack.

"Fake, fake?"

"Are you sure it's Captain America?"

"The tyrannical cosmic overlord Thanos, is this Captain America?"

The three of Iron Man were all dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their eyes.

This is the Captain America they looked down upon before?
This is so powerful that it is a bit outrageous!

At this moment, they seem to understand why the answer to this question is Captain America.

(End of this chapter)

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