Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 91 091. On the train leaving school

Chapter 91 091. On the train leaving school

Seeing Mill, Roger also got up and walked to the door, and winked at Scott at the same time.

Scott raised his eyebrows and turned to sit back in his seat.

"Is something wrong, Savannah?"

Roger leaned against the door frame and subconsciously assumed a pose he thought was handsome.

Scott and the other two roommates withdrew their eyes at the same time.

"Why, are you going to talk to me, Roger." Mill's sharp voice came, "Aren't you afraid that Cacini would know?"

Roger smiled. "Please, Savannah. We're just here to say a few words, Caccini isn't that stingy."

"is it?"

Mill sneered.

"But I have nothing to tell you! Also, I was just passing by!"

When Scott heard her say these words, he hurried away.

Roger closed the door in confusion and returned to his seat.

"What the hell happened to her?" He looked at Scott. "Maybe it was a coincidence?"

"Trust me, Roger."

Scott pushed open the side window.

"There aren't that many coincidences in the world."

He reached out and picked up Rimbaud, who had been resting on his shoulder, and whispered, "Go help me see what that girl will do next."

After speaking, he let Rimbaud out of the car window.

Roger looked at his movements and asked in confusion, "Scott, are you being too careful?"

"It's always right to be careful, Roger." Eddie smirked at Roger. "Don't forget about Lisa Dupin."

"Impossible, all my ex-girlfriends will be appreciative of me. You know, my first girlfriend in elementary school sends me postcards every Christmas!"

Roger said confidently.

He proudly gestured, "I'm a perfect boyfriend, 12 breakups have never led to any war."

He finally emphasized, "Of course, Lisa is not technically my ex-girlfriend."

"It's unimaginable." Milton frowned, "Although it's not the first time I heard Roger say this, but every time I hear it, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"You're too old-fashioned, Milton."

Roger shrugged nonchalantly.

"Wizards are very conservative, but you're half-blooded like me, and you should look more at the Muggle world."

Milton shook his head. "I'm not like you, Roger."

"Well, you rarely have exposure to the Muggle world, and I grew up in the Muggle world, that's the difference." Roger said with a smile.

Milton said with a sigh: "My dad is married to my mom, a Muggle, but I don't think he accepts her world because of it."

Roger smiled awkwardly and said, "You know, people aren't always good at accepting new things. My dad is a wizard, but he's in the same situation as Scott and Eddie."

Scott and they all heard Roger talk about his family.

Roger's father, Mr. Davis, was of Muggle origin, which means that Roger's grandparents were Muggles.

After Mr Davies got married, they lived in the Muggle world to accommodate Mrs Davies' job.

Roger's life growing up was not much different from Scott and Eddie's, except that his father would secretly use magic at home.

But Milton's family may be more complicated.

Although he only revealed a few words occasionally, Scott and the others could barely guess something.

Nothing more than a family dispute over his father's marriage to a Muggle woman.

So Scott guessed that Milton gave up music in exchange for magic, probably to make his mother better off.

Hearing Roger's lame consolation, Milton smiled with red eyes, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this, it's a little disappointing."

Milton's look on the verge of tears made Roger's expression change, and he almost used the gentle tone he used to pick up girls.

"Don't say that, of course you can choose to talk to us about your troubles. It won't help, but we will at least be qualified listeners."

Eddie added, "Quiet, patient, and tight-mouthed."

"Only you can't use the word 'tight mouth,' Eddie the big mouth." Scott also joked to lighten the mood.

"Hey!" Eddie glared at him disapprovingly.

"Thank you."

Milton laughed again.

He seemed to hold back the tears.

"I've made up my mind, I need to make some changes," he said, as if made up.

But Scott looked at the "I'm strong" expression he forcibly put on and felt awkward.

If he wanted to describe it, he felt that it was a feeling of watching Lin Daiyu forcibly play Lu Zhishen.

Not only is the actor uncomfortable, but the person watching is also very uncomfortable.

But he didn't say anything.

Since it was Milton himself who desperately wanted to change, he could only wish him success.

At this moment, a dark shadow flew in from the open car window.


Rimbaud's hoarse voice sounded.

The raven stopped in the open space in the middle of several people and paused the snow on its feathers.

"What do you see?"

Scott closed the car window and reached out for Rimbaud to jump on his palm.

"Tell us quietly, Rimbaud."

The raven beat his palm and said in a low voice, "I see, that girl asked the owl to deliver the letter."

"Ok, I see."

Scott touched Rimbaud's feathers with his other hand and lowered his eyelids in thought.

"What's the matter? Scott? What did you think?" Roger couldn't help asking him. "Maybe she's sending her family a letter asking them to pick her up at the station?"

"Better." Scott looked up.

Roger frowned.

He wasn't stupid either, and he quickly thought of something, "Are you worried that Stryerner's gang wants to get revenge on you?"

But he didn't think there was any intersection between Mir and Stryrner.


"Strilner is on the train right now, and there's no need to write a letter to what Mill wants to say to him."

"I'm afraid it's not Stryrner," Eddie interjected. "Have you forgotten Jasmine Travers? Roger, she's very good at trolling your ex-girlfriend."

"Did she want to repeat the same trick? Threatening Scott in the same way as threatening Jacob's kid?" Roger finally changed his face.

But he was still a little puzzled, "But why do you think of her? You know, maybe she's lying on the hospital bed and can't do anything."

"Meet Jacob when I was leaving the common room," Scott said. "He reminded me of the possibility."

"It's true that the possibility cannot be ignored," Eddie added.

"But... I still don't think it's credible." Roger shook his head. "Why did she deliberately deal with you? Just because of a look? I was there that day."

Scott spread his hands. "Don't worry, it's only possible. Of course, I want you to be careful too."

"I think you're being too careful." Roger laughed. "My dad will pick me up at the station, maybe he can escort you back?"

"No, Roger."

Scott refused.

"That's just the worst guess, you know, I'm just habitually cautious."

Although he said this in his mouth, his inner vigilance has actually been raised to the highest level.


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 Thanks for the reward:
  Xu Aohan, Zui Li Lun Dao 'Fresh Flowers When Waking Up, Ac An Chu, Quinoa Green

  (thank you boss
(End of this chapter)

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