Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 90 090. Milton's Choice Shadow

Chapter 90 090. Milton's Choice Shadow
Because he didn't want to disturb Roger's date, it wasn't until Roger returned to the bedroom that night that Scott had a chance to tell him about Mill.

"I thought she was at the limit of staring at you during school lessons and meals!"

Eddie was even more surprised than Roger, who had only heard about it.

"You didn't make it clear when you broke up with her?" Scott thought it was a little strange.

Roger has always dealt with this very well, even if he broke up frequently, it didn't cause any problems.

I don't know why this semester started to roll over.

Roger was also very puzzled about this, he hesitated, "Maybe I should have a good talk with her?"


The topic of how to appease an ex-girlfriend is too deep for Scott to give any good advice.

Anyway, this topic ends here.

Because Milton came forward and he wanted to tell them something.

"...Scott already noticed my anomaly?" he said.

Scott leaned on the head of the bed and said, "Since you said that, it is true."

So Roger and Eddie looked at him curiously.

"I'll just say one thing," Scott said softly. "How long have you been composing and playing the cello, Milton."

Milton lowered his eyelids, "I haven't composed music for almost two months. As for the cello, I haven't moved it for half a month."


Roger and Eddie looked at Milton again in shock.

"I thought you were dry or tired, and sometimes I didn't want to pick up a paintbrush for a long time," Scott said.

"No, I lost her." Milton showed that complicated smile again.


Scott was also shocked.

He sat up from the bed and asked, "What do you mean?"

Still laughing, Milton said, "Literally, I lost my inspiration and talent for music."

"How?" Scott felt bewildered.

"It's about that music," Milton said quietly.

He turned and walked to the window, watching the snow falling outside the window.

"Isn't that over already?" Eddie couldn't help asking.

"It's over for most people." Milton turned, "because after that, I was the only one who could hear that music."

Roger also said in disbelief: "But, Professor Flitwick said..."

"I really didn't get hurt," Milton said affirmatively. "As the professor said, it was a trade-off for me, and a choice."

"Choice? Choice? So you gave up on music?" Scott thought it was incredible.

"Yes, I traded her for magic," Milton said.

At this time, he looked very calm.

"what are you saying?"

Eddie looked at Milton as if looking at a stranger.

Of course, Scott and Roger are about the same.

They all knew how much Milton loved music!Definitely more in love than magic!
And, exchanging musical talent for magic?

How can such a thing be possible?
In short, now they are full of doubts.

"I don't know how," Milton said, "but that's how it happened."

He looked at Scott, "You sensed it, didn't you, Scott, my magic power has begun to grow rapidly."

"I thought it was adolescence growing up."

Scott looked at him worriedly.

"What happened, Milton," he asked. "Why did you make this choice?"

"I just don't want to go on like this anymore."

Milton was very pale, but his eyes were firm.

"The better my magical talent is, the more people will be happier."

Scott opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything.

He wanted to say that Milton himself would be unhappy.

But he guessed Milton's choice had something to do with his family.

He's not Milton and doesn't know his situation.

Even if he knew his situation, he couldn't empathize with him.

What's the point of questioning his choice?

Roger and Eddie's attitudes were also very tangled, but they, like Scott, didn't say much after all.

The atmosphere in the bedroom finally became a little low.

But Milton, who is usually the most sentimental, took the lead in getting out of his emotions.

"It's my choice, friends," he said. "All you need is your blessings."

Over the next few days, Scott sensed Milton's magical changes more and more clearly.

Such growth is almost no less than experiencing a magical riot.

The vast majority of wizards will never have this experience again after enrolling.

It also made Scott more curious about the promise of the "deal" with Milton.

This kind of thing directly exceeded his original imagination.

Talent, inspiration, such illusory, non-substantial, conceptual things can be manipulated?

And Milton did not say the specific process of the "transaction", it seemed that he was restricted by the oath and could not say it.

This gave Scott a new understanding of magic.

But he still hadn't made up his mind to explore this matter.

No time to explore.

The last semester of his fourth school year has finally come to an end.

On the day of the holiday, Scott put all the luggage in the deformed lizard skin bag and left the dormitory in a relaxed manner.

Rimbaud, who was a pet, still stood on his shoulders.

He met Jacob, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, in the common room.

"Jacob, are you going back?" he asked casually.

"I can't bring home any more mess." Jacob looked up at him. "You have to be careful too, Scott."


Scott's joy at returning home was suddenly overshadowed.

He understood that Jacob was talking about Jasmine Travers sending the house-elves to follow him to his home.

He's reminding Scott to be careful about bringing home "the mess".

This made Scott immediately alert.

Because Jacob's reminder is not without reason.

"I hope you're not a crow's mouth." He said to Jacob angrily.

He was a little annoyed that he didn't think of this level because he was immersed in the joy of returning home.

He didn't sign the detention list, and he wrote back to tell his parents the date of his return, and now he can't go back on it.

You can only leave Hogwarts as originally planned.

Scott narrowed his eyes.

I hope no one is so oblivious to interrupt their vacation.

After saying goodbye to Jacob, Scott and his roommates left the castle and rode a horse-drawn carriage outside the main entrance of the academy to the Hogsmeade Village platform.

After boarding the train, Roger went to find his girlfriend.

Scott sat in the cubicle with Milton and Eddie and talked about how they were going to spend their Christmas break.

Everyone looked happy.

It didn't take long for Roger to return.

He shrugged at them, "She's talking with a few girls, let me not interrupt her bestie time."

Scott and the others laughed at him, then continued their conversation.

The train started soon.

Scott looked at the passing scenery outside the window, and his mood slowly calmed down.

It's no use being upset.

But the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it.

At this time, the roommates began to talk about how to get home after playing in London.

Eddie's home was in London, and Roger and Milton's wizarding father would come to pick them up.

Only Scott had to change to the train to head south on his own.

"You're going to Charing Cross?" Eddie said. "You can take my car, and I'll ask Daddy to take you there. Actually, you can try the Cavaliers bus back..."


Scott made a sudden gesture of silence.

The room fell silent immediately.

Scott stood up suddenly and opened the compartment door.

He looked coldly at Mill who was standing outside the door at a loss, "Don't you happen to be passing by? Miss Mill."


Ask for a recommendation ticket
 Sorry, this is a bit late today.

(End of this chapter)

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