Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 89 089. Money Bag Order Girl

Chapter 89 089. Money Bag Order Girl
Faced with Scott's question, Milton said with a smile, "I can't hide it from you."

Scott felt that his smile looked complicated, not pure happiness.

"Did something happen?" he asked.

Milton shook his head and looked around.

"Mr. Filch is here," he said softly. "Let's talk later."

Scott looked at the crowd around him and nodded knowingly.

"It's up to you, Milton," he said. "Everyone has a secret."

"Yes." Eddie on the side also nodded.

Scott and Milton turned to look at him at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Eddie shrugged innocently, "I've been listening here."

Milton took a deep breath, as if he had made a decision, and then smiled genuinely, "I do have something to tell you, but not now."

Scott said, "Then we'll talk about it when we get back to the bedroom at night."

Milton nodded.

At this time, Filch came over with the key.

"You guys only get motivated when you're hanging out and breaking discipline!" he grumbled sternly.

No one paid any attention to him.

He opened the door and started yelling again, "Quick! Line up! I'm going to check your permission to go out! Students under third grade don't even think about sneaking out!"

His bulging lightbulb eyes patrolled the crowd, as if he was about to rush out at any moment to catch underclassmen trying to sneak out.

But it had nothing to do with Scott and the others, who quickly passed the inspection and walked out the door.

They walked down a snowy road to Hogsmeade, which looked like a Christmas picture.

"Where do you want to go first?"

Roger, who was walking ahead holding Caccini's hand, turned his head and asked.

"Should you want to go to Mrs. Paddy's Teahouse?" Eddie smiled teasingly, "Don't worry about us, let's go on a sweet date."

Caccini blushed a little when he heard the words, but Roger smiled smugly and led her away.

"So where are we going now?" Eddie looked at Scott and Milton.

"I have to go to Honeydukes and get my purse," Scott said.

"Okay." Eddie nodded immediately.

Milton looked at them in confusion.

But Scott just smiled and said, "You'll know when you go."

They walked to the Honey Duke Candy Store, and through the transparent window, they could see that the candy store was already crowded with students.

"We'll wait here for a while," Scott said.

Not long after they waited at the door, Fred and George emerged from the store.

"My purse is here."

Scott said to Eddie and Milton.

Then, he stretched out his hand to the twins again, "Bring me my share, or I'll lift you upside down and scratch your belly."

"Hey guy!"

"We are not the sniffles you raised!"

Fred and George pretended to be angry.

"Isn't it?" Scott showed a surprised expression. "If that's the case, why did you come from the cave on purpose?"

"You won't understand!"

Fred took out a purse, shook it, and put it in Scott's hand.

"It's a sense of ritual," George emphasized.

Scott opened the purse and looked at it, and smiled with satisfaction, "It looks like the business is going well."

"Of course," Fred said happily. "Everyone has been very interested in your transfiguration notes since the Duel Club."

"There's no shortage of sales," George said.

He showed a regretful expression, "It's a pity that you authorized the business of Ravenclaw and Slytherin to Eddie, otherwise we would make more money."

"Hey! I'm here!" Eddie said unhappily. "Ravenclaw is my territory! Besides, I have more connections in Slytherin than you."

"That was before."

Fred retorted with a grin.

"Scott isn't very popular in Slytherin now, and you're his roommate."

"That's because you don't know me too well." Eddie raised his head and said proudly.

"Seriously, Eddie." Fred put his arms around Eddie's neck again, "How's your business over there?"

"It's normal." Eddie grinned, and what he said did not match his expression.

When Fred saw this, he quickly took him aside, and George followed, and the three got together to talk about business.

Scott flipped his purse, said hello, and walked into the candy store with Milton.

He was not interested in wandering around in the crowded store, so he went directly to the counter and simply signed several orders——

For just a few extra silver sickeys, the clerk will wrap the candy on the order in Scott's name as a gift and send it out according to the list he left.

Scott likes the hassle-free service.

Of course, this part of the more perfunctory gifts are aimed at the gift recipients who have a general relationship with him.

Quickly solving most of the gift problems, Scott walked out of the candy store refreshed.

By this time, the Eddie and Weasley twins had no idea where they were going.

When Milton came out of the store, they went to the Dewes and Bans store, and the Literary House Quill, where Scott signed several more orders.

"That way, most of the Christmas presents I need to prepare this year are settled," he said to Milton. "You should ask and learn from me, Milton."

Unlike Scott, who is relaxed, Milton is carrying large and small bags in his hands. He insists: "I think it is more meaningful to send gifts by hand."

Scott shrugged, "Of course, I'll send the gifts for you guys by hand."

"I'm looking forward to it," Milton said with a smile.

"Okay, Eddie should be at Three Broomsticks, and we should go over and warm up with a butterbeer," Scott suggested.

He helped Milton sort out his purchases, and the two used the Shrinking Charm to successfully combine many bags into one.

Then they headed towards the Three Broomsticks bar.

Scott stopped when they passed Mrs. Paddy's Teahouse on the corner.

"That one over there is Roger's ex-girlfriend right?"

He whispered, motioning for Milton to look ahead.

A girl is standing motionless outside the glass window of the teahouse.

Milton nodded. "It's Miss Mill from Hufflepuff."

At this moment, the girl was standing there quietly watching the teahouse.

"Look over there," Scott said.

They got closer, and they could see couples in the teahouse sitting at a small table chatting with each other.

And Roger and Caccini is one of them.

The two of them were holding hands and looking at each other at the moment, and Roger seemed to be talking about something interesting, which made Caccini laugh.

Maybe it's the angle, maybe the date is too involved, and they don't realize that Mir is standing out the window staring straight at them.

And Mill didn't notice the proximity of Scott and Milton.

It was not until Scott and Milton got closer that she was suddenly awakened by the sound of their footsteps on the snow.

She looked back at the two of them with a ghostly expression, then turned around and hurried away.

Scott looked at her back and said helplessly: "I always feel that the Du Ping incident last time was not enough. Roger may learn a bigger lesson from his overly rich love history in the future."


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(End of this chapter)

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