Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 088. Follow-up December weekend

Chapter 88 088. Follow-up December weekend
Duel Club activities had a big impact on Hogwarts.

The most obvious is the increase in the number of young wizards in the school who are interested in Transfiguration.

In the past, Transfiguration was more complex than other magic courses, and many students were discouraged from studying the subject in depth.

Their goal often rests on barely grasping what is taught in the classroom.

But Scott's "demonstration" at the dueling club seemed to spark enthusiasm for Transfiguration.

More than one person has said that fighting with Transfiguration is "really cool" to Scott.

In short, many people have started to try.

They wanted to emulate what Scott did in the dueling club.

But it's not easy.

As the number of people who took the initiative to ask Scott for advice, he found that many students at Hogwarts were only able to master Transfiguration.

Flexible use of Transfiguration in combat?

It's hard for them.

Turning "inanimate objects into living things" stops many students in the lower grades.

And those senior students who mastered this metamorphosis also have their problems——

Most of the animals transformed by polymorphism are always relatively rigid, not to mention flexible control of one or more products of polymorphism to participate in battle.

Scott himself has a deep understanding, and the more Transfiguration products that are manipulated at the same time, the difficulty increases exponentially.

In the past, even he could only control up to three Transfiguration artifacts for relatively simple activities.

For example, on the night of "Finding the Slytherin Heir", he used polymorphism to conjure three giant eagles to fly him and the Weasley twins.

That was the most he could do at the time.

Do you want them to flexibly participate in battles and even cooperate with each other?
That is impossible.

He can only control one at most.

Now Scott seems to be able to control three or four because his Transfiguration has entered a new stage——

Although Transfiguration products cannot be "automatic", they have also achieved "semi-automatic".

Although he needed to use his magic sense to guide him in battle, it was a lot easier than before.

In short, Scott feels that although some students are currently enthusiastic about learning Transfiguration, when they fully realize the difficulty, this enthusiasm will soon die down.

The second effect of the Dueling Club on Hogwarts was the growing tension between Slytherin and the other three houses.

This contradiction does not appear to be obvious on the surface, and no one even confronts it openly.

But in fact, many people can feel that the atmosphere in Hogwarts Castle has quietly changed.

In particular, there is a turbulent undercurrent between those extremely pure-blooded students and Muggle-born students, and the hostility between them has become more and more obvious.

The school's professors had to act.

Dumbledore deliberately gave a speech to the teachers and students of the school one morning.

But Scott feels that his rhetoric of "love conquers all", "Hogwarts is one", and "calling for unity of all" doesn't seem to have achieved much effective results.

Fortunately, he seems to have taken a double measure.

First of all, the deans of the four colleges have obviously tightened their management of their students.

Their presence in front of students in their spare time increased significantly.

Secondly, the presidents of the male and female student councils, and the male and female prefects of the various colleges and grades were also ordered to act.

They play the role of "extinguishing fire" at all times, and never allow any conflict between students to have the opportunity to escalate.

In short, in such a "staring mode", even if some students want to do what they want to do, there is basically no opportunity.

As time passed, the "hot atmosphere" in the school finally cooled down.

A dueling club event had a considerable impact on the Hogwarts school, and Scott, as a party to the event, was of course also greatly affected.

He seems to have become very popular.

Of course, in the other three Houses other than Slytherin.

In particular, many young wizards who wanted to try to fight with Transfiguration began to ask him questions tirelessly.

This annoyed Scott.

The measure he took was to never directly tell others the correct answer to a question, but to give a reference list for them to learn on their own.

In the face of Scott's response, only Ravenclaw students generally accepted it well.

As for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, except for the studious Hermione Granger and Cedric, everyone else was "dissuaded".

This successfully made Scott quiet a lot.

Being too popular is one trouble, and being too hostile is another.

After that duel, some pure-blooded students of Slytherin had begun to show their hostility towards Scott.

Especially Stryner and his friends.

Stryner's body injuries from the duel healed quickly, but his wounded self-esteem was no longer glued together.

He also received a confinement penalty package from Slytherin Master Snape after his recovery.

Snape's reasoning was that "Stryner's poor response in the duel was discrediting Slytherin, and losing to a fourth-year student was a disgrace to the honor of the house".

This caused Stryner's position within Slytherin to plummet.

Some of the younger Slytherins no longer respect him.

Of course, these messages were provided to Scott by Eddie.

Scott could see that Stryner was clearly annoyed by this.

He obviously hated him.

Scott, of course, was not emotional about this, but he secretly raised his vigilance.

In the second week of December, Professor Flitwick asked the prefects to help with the list of students staying on campus for the Christmas break this year.

Scott and his roommates all opted to go home.

As time goes by, the semester is drawing to a close.

There are some more festive decorations in Hogwarts Castle - although Christmas is still a while away, many people can't help it.

Take Professor Flitwick, for example, who hung some colorful lights on the walls of his Charms classroom.

Scott knew that he had even started planning ahead for the decorations in the school hall on Christmas Day.

On the last weekend of term, Scott and his roommates decided to spend time in the village of Hogsmeade, near the school, to buy some Christmas presents.

They walked out of the castle in the snow on Saturday morning to the school gate leading to the village of Hogsmeade.

There were already many students at this time.

Roger's girlfriend Caccini is also here waiting for him.

But Filch, the janitor, doesn't seem to be here yet.

While waiting, Scott, Milton and Eddie chose to stand farther away from the couple.

Eddie is complaining about Roger flirting with his girlfriend in their presence.

Scott began to take a closer look at Milton.

"what happened?"

Milton raised his head and looked at him questioningly.

"Have you had some changes recently?" Scott said uncertainly, "Your magic power has grown rapidly."


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(End of this chapter)

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