Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 87 087. End, duel club

Chapter 87 087. End, duel club
Stryner looked up at Scott in mid-air, and his face became very ugly.

But instead of giving up, he started to walk around the stage while waving his wand constantly.

"Smashed to pieces!"


"Passed out!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

He finally showed the qualities that a seventh-grade top student should have. Magic spells of different colors flew out of his wand continuously, and lights of different colors flickered densely in the air.

The giant eagle traversed dangerously in the curse light with a flexible posture that did not match his size, making Scott feel like he was playing a barrage game.

But his counterattack was about to begin.

He wasn't ready to use the spell.

Since he was ridiculed by the other party and Snape because of his reputation as a "transfiguration genius", he certainly had to prove himself in this regard.

It also proved that Professor McGonagall was right in her praise.

He sat on the eagle's back and waved his wand.

The target is still the teacher's chair on the other side of the stage.

A dark carpet suddenly swept up, and instantly turned into a giant python and shot out, opening its mouth and biting towards Stryrna.

Scott pursed his lips.

He suddenly felt that using snakes to deal with Slytherin had a different flavor.

Stryrner's wand hurriedly aimed at the python.

And while he's slaying the python with the Shattering Charm, Scott transforms a high-backed chair into a badger and a table into a lion.

Badger and lion quickly leapt onto the stage.

At this point, the python had been torn to shreds by Strina's spell.

In the eyes of everyone, a strange scene appeared on the stage——

Eagle, badger, lion, three animals surrounded Slytherin's Stryerna.

And he just "killed" a snake.

Scott heard cheers from the three academies.

He put away his wand and began to concentrate on manipulating the remaining three animals.

Lions and badgers advance from the ground, and eagles strike from the air.

Stryner had three targets to deal with at the same time, and he began to be overwhelmed.

Under the guidance of Scott's magical perception, the three animals with special meanings dodged Stryerna's spell with a more relaxed attitude, and kept approaching him.

At this time, Scott could see that Stryner was a little panicked.

In addition, he has used many spells in a short period of time, and his physical strength is also very large, and he has entered a situation of inevitable defeat.

But Stryner didn't give up.


He summoned a huge black snake.

Then, he gritted his teeth and ignored the lion and badger in front of him, but chose to concentrate on hitting the eagle carrying Scott flying.

The magic light that flew into the air became denser again.

Four representative animals of the academy appeared on the stage at the same time.

Scott even heard the sound of clack clack from below the stage.

At the same time that he raised the eagle to dodge the spell again, he decisively let the badger pounce on the black snake, and at the same time let the lion leap past the black snake and speed up to Stryrna.

"Bite him!"

The Gryffindors were cheering for the lions, and even the Hufflepuffs couldn't help but speak out in support of their house's representative animal.

"Bite that snake to death!"

Scott heard someone shouting.

Facing the lion's mouth and stout claws, Stryerner finally turned the direction of his wand.

"Armor protection!"

He temporarily blocked the lion's bite with the Iron Armor Charm, but the lion flexibly bypassed the magic barrier and pounced on it again.

Stryner had no choice but to use a spell to drive it back.

"Insolent Mr. Stryner, it seems that there will be no new outcome of this duel."

Scott sneered and took the opportunity to let the giant eagle dive straight down.

"Your physical strength is running out? I wonder if you can still smash my 'work' like just now?"

The giant eagle flew over Stryrner's head like a gust of wind, and its sharp claws grabbed his shoulders.

But Stryner did not hide.

He raised his head, showing a tyrannical smile.

The eagle's claws penetrated the flesh of his shoulders, and blood gushed out.

"I said so!" he said through gritted teeth.

Then reluctantly raised his wand.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

This is really crazy...

Scott pursed his lips.

But not as expected.

A violent explosion sounded.

He jumped from the back of the eagle, the cloak behind him rolled up his body to escape from the explosion, backed quickly, and fell to the other side of the stage.

Unexpectedly, the giant eagle turned into sawdust in the explosion, and Stryrner himself fell down, charred all over.

Scott had a surprised and innocent expression on his face, and spread his hands to Snape off the stage.

At the same time, the lion and the badger who cooperated to kill the black snake were transformed into tables and chairs.


A few Slytherin seventh-year students broke away from the crowd and charged up aggressively.

Snape said from time to time, "Send Stryner to the school hospital."


The seventh graders looked at Snape in amazement.

"That kid seriously injured Idric in the duel!" Someone stressed angrily.

"Send Stryner to the school hospital." Snape stared at them blankly and repeated.

"Yes, Professor."

The students bowed their heads.

They took to the stage and floated Stryrner in the air with a levitating spell.

Scott watched the scene from the other side of the stage, unmoved by the eyes they were looking at.

Snape didn't step onto the stage until those few people left with Stryrner.

"You won, Trollope," he said nonchalantly. "Go on."

"I see, Professor."

Scott bowed politely, turned and walked off the stage.

Snape didn't have Tistrina insulting Scott, or Tistrelna getting hurt.

Scott didn't mention it again.

This was probably a tacit understanding that he and Snape had inadvertently reached in this matter.

Snape won't deduct points for Slytherin for calling "Mudblood" by Stryner, nor for Scott and Ravenclaw because Stryner is injured.

It's like a deal.

Don't say that Stryner's injury was caused by his own blasting spell.

At Snape's level, of course, it's easy to see Scott's induction of Stryrner.

And, if Snape wanted to stop that explosion, he was perfectly capable of doing it.

He gave Stryner a lesson in letting Scott go, and didn't pursue it afterwards.

This is sincerity.

It's not easy for Scott to catch that again and let Snape deduct points from Slytherin.

After all, there seems to be no relevant punishment in the school rules for insulting classmates with insulting words, and professors can only deal with this kind of thing by themselves.

All in all, Scott was quite satisfied with it.

From now on, there probably won't be a guy who doesn't have long eyes saying that word to him again.

Guys who want to provoke him face to face will also weigh themselves.

This will potentially reduce some of his troubles.

But he is not without losses.

Most notably—

Looking at the many students from the Third Academy cheering at him in front of him, he knew that he could no longer be an ordinary wizard apprentice in a low-key manner.

And there's... Scott's unkind look at the other group of people--

He gained more hatred from Slytherin.

Scott didn't care.

As a Muggle-born wizard, if he wanted to live well, or even achieve something, he had to confront extreme pure-bloods.

This is sooner or later.

Peace of mind is impossible.

Extreme pure-bloods don't like the rise of Muggle-born wizards.

This can be seen from the experience of Nobilic in history.

Mr. Leach is a legend.

He is the only Muggle-born Minister for Magic in England.

But when he took office, several extreme pure-blood Wizengamore members "angrily resigned".

Later, Leach had to end his term early because of a mysterious illness.

There are suspicions that this is a conspiracy of purebloods, and that Draco Malfoy's grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy, was involved.

Of course, Scott didn't want to be Minister of Magic.

He has no interest in politics.

He could only guess that the pure-blooded wizards who now hold the upper echelons of the British wizarding world will do everything possible to prevent all Muggle-born wizards from succeeding in any form.

and so……

Since it is an enemy, there is no such thing as hatred or hatred.


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 Everyone scolds me for breaking the chapter????, I am afraid, this chapter is released ahead of schedule

  The next chapter enters a new plot, see you at 12 noon.

(End of this chapter)

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