Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 86 086. Fight again!dueling club

Chapter 86 086. Fight again!dueling club
After Scott finished speaking, thunderous applause immediately broke out in the auditorium.

The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs applauded silently, and the Gryffindors screamed.

Only the Slytherins stared at him with livid faces.

"give me!"

At this moment, Stryner suddenly rushed in front of Scott, reaching out and snatching his wand.

Of course his actions couldn't escape Scott's perception.

But Scott just frowned and let him get his wand back.

The duel was over, and he decided to be the victor in style.

"Continue to be proud, because you won me once with your little tricks!"

Stryner leaned up to him again and whispered.

He stared at Scott, his eyes full of tyranny.

"This is the happiest moment of your miserable life, Mudblood!"

Stryner seemed to be overwhelmed by tyrannical emotions, and he shouted the last word.

At this moment, the auditorium became extremely quiet, and everyone looked at Stryrner in shock.

Scott squinted his eyes, and the cloak on his body was suddenly raised as if being blown by a gust of wind.

Before Stryerna could react, the cloak turned into a flowing black mass again, and fluttered out, tying Stryerna firmly.


Stryner struggled hard, but lost his balance for a moment and fell to the ground.

His mouth was also tightly bound, leaving only his nose and eyes exposed.

The wand in Scott's hand moved, and the cloak that bound Stryner became metal again.


Stryrner's eyes were fixed on Scott, as if fire could spew out of them.

But he could only curl up on the ground like a dead bug, unable to move.

At the same time, Scott noticed an undercurrent in the auditorium.

The Slytherin students all seemed to be rushing to save Stryrner.

But at this moment, the students of the other three colleges moved in tacit understanding.

They stopped in front of the Slytherins.

Scott turned to look at Snape.

"Did you hear that, Professor," he said. "Stillner said something remarkable."

Snape's expression was terrifying at the moment, and his originally empty eyes looked more like ice.

"I heard it." He said without hesitation.

"Then what do you think should be done?" Scott looked down at Stryrner indifferently.

"I think I know better than you how to be a professor and how to deal with students."

Snape stepped onto the stage, flicked his wand, and cast a Restoration Charm.

The metal that bound Stryrna became cloth again.

Stryner struggled to sit up immediately, rudely tossing Scott's cloak to the ground.

He stood up and tried to charge at Scott, but was stopped by Snape's hand.


Stryner looked at Snape with red eyes.

"Shut up, Stryner," Snape said coldly.

But Stryner was out of anger.

"I'm going to fight this kid again!" he said through gritted teeth, "I was careless just now!"

As soon as his words fell, neat boos rang out in the auditorium.

"What do you think, Mr. Trollope." Snape threw the question to Scott.

Scott waved his wand, making his cloak fly and tremble before reaching out and draping it over his shoulders.

He understood what Snape was up to.

Snape had almost figured him out, and knew he had the edge over seventh-year Stryrner in a duel.

He wanted to give Scott a chance to teach Stryrner a lesson himself.

In other words, he would rather Stryner be taught a hard lesson by Scott than deduct points from Slytherin.

The man's desire to preserve Slytherin's honor was extremely strong.

He certainly wouldn't like Stryrner much - if Stryrner were to lose to Scott again, his dignity would be completely lost.

Snape just couldn't tolerate Slytherin being penalized.

"Since Mr. Stryner is not convinced." Scott, who understood Snape's intentions, narrowed his eyes, "I am happy to accept his challenge again."

He is very vengeful.

He even remembered the incident when the same desk at the elementary school in his previous life accidentally poured half a bottle of ink on his clothes.

"Looks like Mr. Trollope has a lot of confidence in himself." Snape stared at him for a few seconds.

Scott did not shy away from looking at him, "I just want everyone to remember, don't call me that word."

"This is the school, Mr. Trollope," Snape said as if reminding.

"I know, Professor." Scott laughed. "Don't worry, I won't do anything out of the ordinary."

He looked at Stryner again, "It's just that some people should understand that he has absolutely no qualifications to insult people."

"Very well, boy."

Stryner looked like he was trying to hold back the rage that was about to explode—

His hand holding the wand was trembling slightly, and his voice seemed to come out of his teeth.

"Hopefully you'll be able to laugh later!"

After speaking, he turned and walked to the other side of the stage.

Scott bowed to the crowd cheering him off the stage before turning around and taking his place.

"Get ready." Snape said again.

Scott could see that Stryner, who was on the verge of madness, might have no reservations.

So he has to be serious.

Snape didn't ask them to bow to each other this time, but just started counting.

"one two Three."

"Armor protection!"

"Armor protection!"

The two dueling players used the Iron Armor Charm at the same time.


Scott raised his hand, and a Transfiguration flew out.


Stryner cast a blasting spell.

A violent explosion sounded, and Scott's magical barrier was blown to pieces.

"Dangerous! Such a spell should not..."

Scott heard Lockhart screaming.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

But Stryrner's voice came again, and the light of the Petrification Charm passed through the smoke of the explosion.

Scott sauntered, brushing past the Petrification Curse.

A red light flew over from the side.

Apparently, Stryrner cast a silent disarming spell.

But then Scott's cloak suddenly moved.

The cloak turned into a "monster" again, and rolled up his body into the air.

An eagle chirp sounded, the giant eagle flew over, and Scott just landed on the eagle's back.

Scott turned and gave his roommates a gesture of thanks.

They moved a bench on purpose just now, which gave Scott the foundation for transforming large animals.

At this time, he saw that the students under the stage suddenly widened their eyes and exclaimed.

Stryerna decisively cast a blasting spell on the giant eagle when he turned around.

Scott didn't worry about that.

Not seeing any movement from him, the giant eagle avoided the spell on its own with its extremely fast flight speed.

Seeing that the spell was about to hit the ceiling of the auditorium, Snape muted it.

Scott then smiled and looked at Stryrner below.

His Transfiguration has entered a new phase.

Although the "self-disciplined doll" Rimbaud failed to manufacture, if it is matched with his perception ability, it is not too much for him to let the "semi-automatic" product of transfiguration dodge a spell of the level of Stryrna. Great difficulty.

At this time, he was condescending and was already invincible.

Next, it's time for the guy who dared to call him "Mudblood" to pay the price.

This is also a good opportunity to kill the chicken and warn the monkeys.

And, this was Snape's tacit approval.


Ask for a recommendation ticket
 I wanted to finish this paragraph today, but it wasn't enough.

  Then we will end the Duel Club section tomorrow and enter a new plot.

(End of this chapter)

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