Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 77 077.1 An Unexpected Letter

Chapter 77 077. An unexpected letter
Saturday morning.

Scott woke up feeling his body regained strength, and asked Madam Pomfrey to be discharged from the hospital.

Madam Pomfrey was a very conscientious and responsible therapist, and she checked his body again before reluctantly agreed to let him go.

"Please remember, Mr. Trollope," she warned Scott. "You're not an adult, the magic is in the process of natural growth, and over-pressing your body's potential will do bad things for your future! "

"Also, don't rashly try unfamiliar spells unless a professor is watching over you!" She stared at Scott sternly.

"Yes, ma'am." Scott replied obediently.

After leaving the school hospital, he was a little hungry and went straight to the auditorium.

It was breakfast time.

Since it was a weekend, there were probably many students willing to sleep in on this day, so there were not many people in the auditorium.

But when Scott walked into the auditorium, it still attracted a lot of attention.

He knew that this was because the appearance of him being sent to the school hospital by Roger was seen by too many people, and there were even multiple versions of rumors.

At this time, when the students in the auditorium saw the protagonist of the rumor, they couldn't help but cast their inquiring eyes.

But fortunately, he was mentally prepared.

He first recited a few times a sentence he had read on the Internet in his previous life - as long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

Then he really didn't feel embarrassed, and smoothly ignored those curious teasing eyes, and walked to the Ravenclaw long table and sat down as if nothing had happened.

He wasn't going to clear up those rumors, because it didn't work at all.

Students who spread gossip and gossip are just to pass their boring spare time, they are only interested in fun and don't care about the truth.

Moreover, according to Scott's past experience, such news will only last for a day at most.

Continuing to ignore those glances, Scott put on an expression that he didn't want to communicate, and chose his favorite sun egg from the fairly abundant food on the table.

But the movement of his meal quickly stopped.

He turned his head and watched Percy Weasley come and stand beside him.

"Trolope," Percy said to him. "I have a letter from you here."

"My letter? Who sent it to me?" Scott was surprised.

He didn't understand how he could have a letter in Percy's hands.

Also, he found Percy looking a little pissed.

"This is Bill's letter to you."

Percy directly took out a letter and placed it on the table in front of Scott, speaking in a not very friendly tone.

"If you remember, you once wanted me to introduce you to each other because you wanted to discuss his thesis with Bill!"

Scott secretly said not good.

He had experienced a lot some time ago, and he didn't care about the plan to communicate with Bill Weasley for a while.

"I've been waiting for you to come to me."

Percy continued.

"It was you who proposed to write to Bill about Transfiguration, and asked me to help introduce you to the Transfiguration Club. Then you should write a letter first and let me pass it on to Bill."

"Sorry..." Scott said quickly.

But Percy didn't let Scott finish his sentence, he gave Scott a proud look.

"Although you haven't acted as you said, I mentioned you in passing when I wrote to Bill," he said. "I told him that you were interested in his paper."

His mouth kept talking, and Scott couldn't get in.

"You should be thankful, Trollope. Bill was a friendly wizard, and even though you didn't show any sincerity, he took the initiative to write you a letter."

Percy lifted his chin.

"Next, you can write back to Bill yourself, Trollope."

"Thanks..." Scott said.

"Anyway, I wish you a pleasant exchange and goodbye."

Percy didn't wait for Scott to finish speaking again, and after saying goodbye to himself, he turned and walked away.


Scott looked at his back and glanced at the letter on the table again, feeling a little complicated.

I was slapped by Percy early in the morning, and I still couldn't retaliate.

Although a little depressing, this matter is indeed that he did not do it properly, and he can only admit it when he is stunned...

After breakfast, Scott opened the letter curiously.

He had no idea that Bill Weasley would take the initiative to write to communicate with him.

This is indeed rare.

After all, the other party is already an adult wizard, so taking the initiative to write a letter to him, a little wizard in the fourth grade, to discuss magic will be a little eager.

Scott thought that ordinary wizards would be more reserved when facing young people asking for advice.

He unfolded the letter and read it carefully.

Bill greeted him first, then wrote his paper.

Although the paper was published in the journal Transfiguration Today, it failed to generate much discussion and approval.

Most wizards who saw the paper just found Bill's point of view interesting and novel, but they also thought the paper was worthless beyond that.

After all, in the eyes of those wizards, a conjecture that is impossible to achieve and only has a certain possibility in theory is indeed worthless for research.

This made Bill a little discouraged.

Originally, he was very confident in the paper. He wanted to find some wizards who were interested in his conjecture by publishing the paper and discuss the research with him.

But the results clearly disappointed him.

No wizard wanted to work with him on that seemingly impossible conjecture.

Until Percy mentioned Scott in the letter.

Percy apparently wrote in the letter what Scott said that day at the Transfiguration Club.

Bill was very happy about this, so he wrote a letter without hesitation.

He thanked Scott for appreciating the paper, and was pleased that Scott had made the same conjecture.

However, after reading the letter, Scott was not very happy.

Because at the end of the letter, Bill said he himself had given up on that conjecture—

[I researched on my own for a while, and even ventured deep into the pyramids a few times for it.

Later, I gave up.

In fact, as long as there is the slightest hope of success, I will not give up.

But that's too hard.

Also, my sanity tells me that I shouldn't waste too much time on things that are hopeless.

So are you.

Fred and George both praised you as a genius, and I guess you are great friends.

I don't want my paper to affect the future of a Ravenclaw genius...]
Seeing this, Scott knew that maybe Fred and George also wrote to Bill about that.

The real reason Bill wrote this letter was to persuade him to give up testing that conjecture.

Scott sighed slowly.

He was in a really bad mood at the moment.

Because he knew very well that his Transfiguration research had reached a bottleneck.

The attempt to make him pass out the day before could be called a success, but it could also be called a failure.

With his current magic power, it is obviously impossible to "create" the raven Rimbaud in his setting with Transfiguration smoothly.

Maybe it would only take two years for his magic power to grow naturally and then he would be able to successfully complete this Transfiguration, but it still brought him some frustration.

There is also the combination of transfiguration, ancient rune and magic spell. Although he can combine the simplest transfiguration with the most basic ancient rune, it is nothing more than that.

Although such a level of results can effectively enrich his means, it does not have much effect on the improvement of hard power.

And he has no way to make this achievement further for the time being.

He had certain expectations for communicating with Bill.

But Bill's giving up was like throwing a bucket of cold water on him.

Breathing out again, Scott slowly put away the letter, while at the same time suppressing the negative emotions in his heart little by little, and discarding the distracting thoughts in his mind little by little.

He began to concentrate on thinking about how to cut down some of the complex settings of Raven Rimbaud, so that it could be "born" earlier than the full version.

Yes, of course he didn't want to give up like that.

After thinking about Rimbaud for a while, he began to think about how to reply to Bill.

He was considering whether to show his achievements to the other party.

He believed that as long as he showed his results, Bill would change his mind.

At this time, the familiar magic power approached, and Scott recovered from his thoughts.

He turned his head and watched as Jacob came to sit beside him.


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(End of this chapter)

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