Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 76 076. Is this the price of so-called magic?

Chapter 76 076. Is this the price of so-called magic?

That night, Roger and Milton got into an argument over disagreements.

Roger has always believed that Milton should not indulge in music of unknown origin, and he believes that members of the classical music club have lost their basic vigilance.

Milton accused Roger of delaying their schedule by deliberately dragging Cacini Strozzi to a date while the classical music club was busy rehearsing.

The result, of course, was that neither of them could convince the other.

Scott and Eddie tried a few words, but nothing seemed to work.

Roger and Milton start a cold war.

Scott woke up early the next day.

He left the dormitory before his roommates were awake, climbed Ravenclaw Tower and took a walk in the morning light at Hogwarts.

When he passed the corridor downstairs of the school hospital, he immediately heard the voice of the doll [Harry Potter] in his ears.

The doll repeated the conversation between Dobby and Harry that night in a slightly mechanical voice.

It's true that Dobby doesn't know that the journal thing has been resolved.

It was busy serving the Malfoys and had no news.

It had always thought that the "Savior" was still in the danger it imagined, and it wanted to get Harry out of Hogwarts in its own way.

In the end Harry had to repeat the facts angrily enough to convince Dobby that the matter had been resolved.The diary also fell into the hands of the most powerful wizard of the century.

And Hogwarts is safe now.

Scott smiled after listening to Potter's report, and walked away from the area.

At the same time, the restlessness and anxiety in his heart also subsided.

Scott lived peacefully for the next few days, except that Roger and Milton didn't talk to each other, which made the atmosphere in the bedroom a little awkward, and no other accident happened to disturb his Transfiguration research.

Scott has thoroughly perfected Raven Rimbaud's character over the past few days.

Unlike the little Potter dolls with monotonous functions, Rimbaud's settings are many times more detailed.

Scott has developed feelings for his raven even in the process of writing the setting.

On Friday afternoon, when the dormitory was empty, he embarked on this important attempt at Transfiguration.

The deformation material he chose was still the material he was most familiar with, and the material he used for the wand in his hand, a piece of ebony wood.

When he uses this wood to perform polymorphism, he will be particularly handy.

Scott placed a piece of ebony about the size of a raven on the table and waved his wand.

The wooden block becomes a raven woodcarving.

Then, he reviewed his virtual life for Rimbaud again in his mind, and raised the wand in his hand.

He recited the incantation loudly in his mouth, and waved his arms firmly according to a specific trajectory.

Then his eyes went black and he instantly lost consciousness.

When Scott opened his eyes again, he saw the ceiling of the school hospital ward.

He first felt the state of his own body, only to feel that his whole body was soft, and he couldn't lift his energy at all.

Is this what Dumbledore said, the price of using magic?
Obviously, it didn't feel hard when using Transfiguration to conjure the common raven and little Potter that flew to the Forbidden Forest...

"Scott, what the hell did you do?" a familiar voice asked next to you, "Mrs. Pomfrey said you were exhausted and almost affected your body."

Scott turned his head to see Roger sitting beside the hospital bed.

"Eddie's got you some food," he said to Scott.

"Thank you."

Scott blinked, back to his senses.

He asked, "Who was the first to find me fainted in my bedroom?"

"It's me," Roger said. "You scared me, man! I didn't go to Quidditch training today because of you."

"I want to ask, was there anything by my side when you found me?" Scott asked again.

He wondered if his Transfiguration had ever worked.

"You mean this crow?"

Roger reached out and placed a woodcarving of a crow beside Scott's pillow.

Has it failed?

Scott felt a burst of disappointment.

"When I got back to the bedroom, this raven was still calling your name, in English!"

Roger said again.

"But it quickly turned into a wood carving."

It appears to be a success.

Scott twitched his lips.

At this time, Eddie entered the ward with a covered plate.

"Scott, you're awake!"

He walked over to the bed and put the plate in his hand on the small table, then turned to him and asked, "Is there anything to be happy about?"

"Of course," Scott said happily. "My Transfiguration has progressed."

"That counts?"

Roger showed a big puzzled expression.

"Oh, Scott. You drained all your strength just to get a wooden raven to speak a few words of English?"


Scott was speechless.

It was really like that when Roger said that.

Forget it.

Scott sighed secretly, he didn't want to explain the specific situation about Raven Rimbaud for the time being.

Fortunately, Roger did not say more, but turned to Milton.

"You two should admit that Milton is really wrong now." He said dissatisfiedly, "If it was before, he wouldn't have come here to see Scott."

"Milton also knew about my coma?" Scott asked him.

Eddie, who was standing on the side, first told Scott a cruel truth, "All the students in the school know, Scott, Roger brought you here with a levitating spell."

"You mean..." Scott couldn't imagine it, his face even changed instantly, "I floated through most of the castle when I was in a coma?"

Eddie shrugged at him.

"Roger!" Scott turned his head and stared at Roger.

"Sorry, man, I have no other choice." Roger said with a smile.


Scott was in a mixed mood.

"Okay, don't worry, everyone will soon forget about this!"

Roger reassured dryly, and took the initiative to set up the small table beside the hospital bed.

"Let's have something to eat first." He handed the cutlery to Scott. "Mrs. Pomfrey said you need to replenish your strength!"


Scott did feel hungry, so he thanked him casually, sat up without pretense and started eating.

Just then, Harry and his two friends entered the ward.

"How are you, Scott?"

Harry asked, placing a box of candy in his hand on the table.

"I heard that you entered the school doctor's office. This is a visit gift." He said with a smile.

"Thank you, I'm fine."

Scott's mood is a little complicated.

In the words of his previous life, it was like a feng shui turn...

But Harry's arrival seems to be just the beginning.

Not long after, Fred and George came.


"Are you okay, I heard that you were attacked by Slytherin!"

The two of them heard a rumor from nowhere, and they hurried over. .

Scott was about to explain the truth when Jacob came in.

As soon as he came in he asked, "Scott, I heard you were injured in a duel?"


Scott suddenly didn't want to answer the question.

Fortunately, there is Roger to help him explain.

For a while... Anyway, it became very lively around Scott's hospital bed.

Until Madam Pomfrey rushed in and forcefully drove away everyone except Scott.


Ask for a recommendation ticket
 Thanks for the warm and cold reward.

(End of this chapter)

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