Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 78 078. Professor Trollope's Small Classroom

Chapter 78 078. Professor Trollope's Small Classroom
"Good morning, Scott."

Jacob picked up a sandwich with a natural attitude.

"Is your body okay?"

"It's all right." Scott still looked at him, "Is something wrong?"

He knew very well that this kid Jacob knew that he had a strong perception of magic, and would not join him if he was okay.

"Okay." Jacob raised his hand. "I'm applying for a Transfiguration teaching, Professor Trollope."

"no problem."

Scott agreed very readily.

It was impossible for him to go back on his promise of three Transfiguration counseling, so he wished Jacob had used up those three opportunities earlier.

After Jacob finished breakfast, the two found an empty classroom in the castle.

Scott sat in a chair casually and said to Jacob: "To be honest, I don't know how to counsel, so you can ask questions, and I will try my best to answer them."

Jacob nodded, agreeing with Scott's proposal.

He also found a chair and sat down. After thinking about it, he said, "I want to know how to learn Transfiguration better. I need a detailed learning method that suits me."

Scott raised his eyebrows at him.

"I thought you would ask specific questions." He sighed, "You are really smart."

Jacob smiled.

"I just knew exactly what I needed," he said.

Scott nodded approvingly, "Cognition may be more important than intelligence."

"Then will you answer? My question." Jacob looked at him expectantly.

"Of course," Scott said.

He asked Jacob about his mastery of Transfiguration, and found that he was about the average level of a first-year wizard.

Then he taught Jacob the method he had told Cedric.

After that, he took out several pieces of wood and metal of different materials from the deformed lizard leather bag around his waist.

It also led Jacob to throw away the cognition of scientific materialism and simply use magic to feel their difference.

By the way, he also emphasized the importance of changing the way of thinking into magical thinking.

Since Jacob was also of Muggle origin, he was better able to understand the feeling of the conflict between scientific and magical thinking.

It's just that he is still young, and the inertia of scientific thinking has not affected him as much as Scott's.


"Although you are very smart, your magical talent is really not very good." Scott bluntly commented.

"I know this very well." Jacob smiled indifferently, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have endured Jasmine Travers for so long just to gain some knowledge."

Speaking of Travers, Scott suddenly thought of a question.

He asked Jacob directly, "Has the house-elf that Professor Flitwick sent to protect your house ever returned?"

Jacob nodded, "Lulu has never met another house elf in my house, and now it has returned to Hogwarts."

"What do you think is the reason?" Scott asked again.

"The reason? Travers' threats are all real. She really wants the house-elves to attack my family!"

Jacob sneered.

"There is no attack now, the only reason is that she knows that she has been exposed to the eyes of the professors, and she dare not leave evidence of the crime, otherwise she will have to go to Azkaban to share a room with her father!"

Scott raised his lips, "It seems that even though Travers is already lying in St. Mungo's bed, someone is still delivering news of Hogwarts for her."

"That's normal," Jacob said. "You saw Dupin that day, too, and if it wasn't for Professor Flitwick's assurances, she still wouldn't believe her Miss Travers was a hypocrite and vicious fellow!"

"So, your family is still in danger." Scott looked at Jacob.

Jacob looked at him without flinching, "I know very well that Travers will not give up revenge on us. I have already moved my family, under the protection of Lulu."

"Am I really the target of revenge?" Scott put his head on his hands, "Just because of a look?"

Jacob's expression changed slightly, and he shrugged again.

"Maybe she's just such a lunatic."

Although he said so, Scott knew that Jacob had doubts about the reason why the three girls were hospitalized.

There is even some suspicion that Scott did it.

Scott also knew that Travers would have the same suspicions.

So Jacob said that Travers would definitely take revenge on Scott, and Scott agreed.

For the girl who couldn't bear even a single look, being suspicious was enough to make her act.

At this time, Jacob said to Scott seriously: "So I still make the same proposal as last time."

[Make that girl lose her ability to take revenge on us. ]
He lip-mouthed.

Scott still shook his head.

"St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries," he said. "I don't know."

If you get caught, it might be a dead end.

To settle for a Travers, it wasn't worth the risk he took.

"Is it just letting... go back to Hogwarts?" Jacob couldn't help clenching his fists.

"You should take it easy, Jacob."

Scott spoke slowly.

He leaned forward and leaned closer, lowering his voice.

"This is Hogwarts."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the puzzled look on Jacob's face and stood up directly.

"That's it for this class," he said. "Those pieces of materials will be given to you, and you will need to collect the rest yourself."

"it is good."

Jacob finally came to his senses.

"Thank you," he said.

Scott waved his hand and walked out of the classroom.

He looked at a group of students in the castle walking towards the Quidditch pitch, and then suddenly realized that it was a match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff today.

So he hurried to the Quidditch pitch.

Fortunately, the game hadn't even started when he got to the court.The Quidditch players on both sides had just left the locker room and were flying in the air.

He boarded the Ravenclaw stands and found Eddie standing in the front row smoothly.

"Oh! Scott! I thought you weren't coming!"

Eddie said aloud.

"Roger was looking for you just now! Someone saw you having breakfast in the auditorium, but didn't know where you went..."

Before the game started, the students watching Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had begun to compete with each other for their voices.

So while Eddie was talking all the time, Scott wasn't listening.

He waved at Roger, who was flying in the air.

The guy has been looking at this just now, obviously to confirm whether Scott has breached the contract.

When Mrs. Hooch, the referee, took off on a broomstick, it meant that the game was about to begin.

The field suddenly became quiet.

Scott also heard Eddie's voice.

"...Milton didn't show up again!" he said. "I have to admit that Roger is right. Milton has become abnormal lately. You must go see him after the game!"


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(End of this chapter)

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