Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 064. Scott's Story Time

Chapter 64 064. Scott's Story Time
It was not until Dumbledore left that George and Fred recovered.

"How is this going……"

Fred stared blankly at the surroundings and said in a dreamy tone.

"Are we sleepwalking?"

George crawled out of the sleeping bag and shivered suddenly when the cold wind blew.

"Hey! What's going on here, Scott!" He walked up to Scott with a comical expression. " the Astronomy Tower?"

"That's right." Scott grinned. "Congratulations, Fred and George! You guys are geniuses! You learned to Apparate yourself in your sleep!"

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hands and gave a few fake palms.

George widened his eyes and stared at Scott.After a few seconds, he slowly turned his head to look at Fred who was approaching.

He said indignantly: "Fred, this gentleman is fooling us for fools! But obviously, even Ron wouldn't believe such a fool!"

Fred shrugged. "Maybe Mr. Trollope thinks he has a good sense of humor?"

"What the hell is going on?" George asked in a threatening tone, wrapping his arms around Scott's shoulders, gripping his neck tightly, "How did we come to the Astronomy Tower after falling asleep? Deng Why is Bridor here?"

Fred coughed and looked at him seriously. "You'd better be honest, Mr. Trollope."

"I said, I said."

Scott broke free from George's arm, sat down on the ground, and took out the crumpled Marauder's map from his arms.

He scratched the map, spread it on the ground, and motioned for the twins to watch it with him.

The twins also sat on the ground and moved closer.

George took out his wand and cast a lighting spell, then exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" he asked in confusion, "Not only Dumbledore, but also Professor Flitwick and that old bat Snape, they are all in the headmaster's office!"

"Professor McGonagall went to the Gryffindor common room!" Fred said.

Then, his tone changed immediately, "No! How come, Ginny and Professor McGonagall are together!"

"Could it be that our little sister also learned to swim at night and was caught by Professor McGonagall?" George looked at Scott with questioning eyes, but his expression was a little disturbed.

"Good job, Ginny! As expected of our little sister!"

Fred didn't think much of it, he looked happy.

"It's just a shame to get caught. But that's okay, the first time isn't always perfect. We got caught by Filch in first grade too!"

"Shut up, idiot!" George reached out and nudged him, looking at Scott again. "That's not right! What do you know, Scott?"

"Don't worry, George. Don't forget Dumbledore," Scott said. "Ginny will be fine."

"What are you talking about?" Fred looked at George's sinking face.

"what happened?"

George's face turned pale, and he suddenly raised his voice.

"Who brought us here from the third floor, why didn't we feel at all during the process?"

"It's me," Scott said.

George became very serious. He seemed to notice something, stared into Scott's eyes and asked, "Why do this? Scott."

Scott chose to be blunt, "If you wake up, I think you will rush over to find Ginny, it's too dangerous."


George and Fred were anxious at the same time.

"I have to find Ginny!"

George stood up hastily.

"What the hell happened to Ginny!"

Fred also stood up.

"Ginny's all right," Scott said reassuringly.

He clapped his hands, motioned them to sit down, and pointed to the Marauder's map.

"Ginny is all right now, she's in the principal's office. It's safe there, isn't it? Sit down and I'll tell you what I know."

Anyway, these two guys will always know about this, and he has no reason to hide it from them.

"You're a bastard!" George hesitated for two seconds, said dissatisfied, and sat down again.

Fred could only sit down and asked eagerly, "Could it be that Ginny was kidnapped by the heir while walking at night and was later rescued by Dumbledore?"

"No." He said again, "She was clearly in the bedroom just now!"

"Listen to me." Scott waved his hand.

He sorted out the language, and after thinking about how to talk to the twins, he started talking slowly.

"...When I first saw Ginny on the Marauder's map, I thought she was just learning from you, and ran out for night tours when she couldn't sleep."

"There's only her name on the map, no one else, so I don't care. I think she might want to enjoy a late night tour of Hogwarts."

"You're mistaken, Scott." Fred frowned. "Ginny isn't like us. I don't think she's that keen on night tours."

"Don't interrupt!" George glared at him, and Fred closed his mouth immediately.

Scott went on to tell the story.

"It wasn't until she came to the corridor on the third floor that I started to feel that something was wrong."

"Just when I was about to wake you up, she went into the women's bathroom again. So I dismissed it again."

"After she came out of the women's bathroom, she walked directly to the classroom where we were staying. I thought at that time, maybe I could open the door and say hello to her when she came to the door."

"But I noticed something was wrong before I opened the door."

Having said that, he lowered his voice.

Both George and Fred stared at him, subconsciously holding their breath.

"There's a big guy next to Ginny!"

Scott said in the tone of a horror novel.

"I heard the big guy crawling on the floor and she and it were talking in strange voices, hissing, it sounded like snake tongue."

"Are you kidding?" Fred exclaimed reflexively.

"That's impossible." George's face paled even more. "She... Ginny is just an 11-year-old little witch who just entered school, and she's a Gryffindor!"

Scott continued to take care of himself: "I hesitated! Guys! I felt danger, especially when the big guy started banging on the door."

Here he slightly reversed the actual sequence of events.

"Fortunately, the spell I cast on the door can withstand it for a while." He said happily.

Then, he talked about how he brought the two to the Astronomical Tower.

Fred couldn't help but shouted, "Ginny is the 'heir'? We were taken to the sky by an eagle transformed by Transfiguration after being knocked out by you? Merlin, this is crazy!"

"It's a cool thing to fly like that, but I'm not in the mood to get excited about it right now." George said worriedly, "Ginny...what the hell is going on with her?"

"I think she may have inadvertently touched some bad person or something dark magic," Scott said. "You also said that she was an 11-year-old Gryffindor witch, and I suspect she was taken by Man is controlled by magic."

The twins started fidgeting.

"Anyway, do you think there's anything wrong with her lately?" Scott asked again.

"Oh Merlin's stinky socks!" Fred said angrily, "Ginny...she's been unhappy and in a bad mood lately, and we...and Percy and Ron, we all thought she was just sick! "

George nodded, "We even turned into feathers to tease her, we just wanted her to laugh."

Fred said in horror: "Fortunately, Ginny was found and is now at Dumbledore's! Otherwise, if something happens to her, Mom and Dad will definitely beat our ass!"

Scott said: "With this happening, I think Dumbledore will be calling your parents to the academy soon."

Having said that, he glanced at the Marauder's map again.

"Oh! I don't think we can stay here any longer. Professor McGonagall comes over."

"Very well, Mr. Trollope, the two Mr. Weasleys. You've broken a lot of school rules in total!"

Professor McGonagall's stern voice contained anger.

"Professor Dumbledore said he told you to go back to sleep, but obviously, you didn't obey!"


The three quickly stood up, and George hid the Marauder's Map behind him.

"My sister!" he said eagerly, "Ginny she..."

"Miss Weasley is all right, of course, Dumbledore will take care of her."

Professor McGonagall's face softened for a moment, then he turned his face up and looked at them sternly.

"This is the end of the matter for you, come with me! You should go to my office and reflect on it!"


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(End of this chapter)

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