Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 63 063. Scott's startled behavior

Chapter 63 063. Scott's startled behavior
On the Marauder's map, Ginny's name is still walking back and forth in the empty classroom where Scott escaped.

Scott took a few breaths and sat down against the railing on the edge of the top floor.

Now he can only wait.

See if Tom Riddle finds out there is someone in the empty classroom just now.

If it was Riddle himself, there would no doubt be some clues.

At the very least, the magic power left when Scott cast the spell just now should not dissipate.

But Scott can only hope that Riddle, who controls Ginny, ignores these because he can't exert his own strength.

At the same time, he also expected basilisks and ordinary snakes to be completely different creatures.

You must know that ordinary snakes can detect the location of their prey through subtle vibrations on the ground, and some snakes even have the ability to sense thermal energy.

If the basilisk had this ability, it would have sensed the heat left by Scott and the twins in the classroom.

Fortunately, luck always seems to be on Scott's side.

On the Marauder's map, Ginny's name went around the empty classroom for several times and finally walked out and returned to the corridor.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief again.

It seems that his arrangement has not been in vain!
Thinking of this, even though his character has always been calm, he couldn't help but clenched his fist and waved it.

His eyes were still fixed on Ginny's name on the Marauder's map.

Next, she stopped in the corridor for a while, then went into the women's bathroom where the entrance to the secret room was, and then started walking slowly towards Gryffindor Tower.

has it ended?

Scott, who was sitting on the ground, stretched his legs and leaned against the railing relaxedly, looking up at the stars in the night sky.

After the extreme tension passed, his tense body relaxed and he felt a little out of strength.

The cool night wind blew through the Astronomy Tower, bringing waves of cold waves that ruffled Scott's hair, but he only felt comfortable.

Breathing in the icy air that belongs to November, the cold stimulates his lungs and clears his mind a lot.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a "squeak" sound.

The wooden door leading to the top floor was pushed open!
This realization instantly made Scott's hair stand up and his spine shivered.

Without even thinking about it, he rolled in a circle on the spot, while clenching the wand in his hand, he quickly performed a Transfiguration on the old desk.


The desk turned into a bull in an instant, and rammed in the direction of the door arrogantly.

Scott didn't look that way. He was lying beside George and Fred, shoving the Marauder's Map into his arms with one hand, and performed two more Transfigurations with the other.

The other two old desks turned into two giant eagles again, flapping their wings and flying, claws out and grabbing the sleeping bags with George and Fred into the air.

And Scott got up, turned around, jumped over the railing without looking back, and jumped downstairs.

A gust of wind blew up and slapped his face, and Scott, who was falling so fast, could barely keep his eyes open.

At this moment, a long rope came out from the top of the tower, wrapped tightly around his waist, and quickly pulled him back.

However, Scott was not one to sit still, and since the rope didn't tie his arm, he pointed his wand at the rope around his waist with difficulty.


The rope snapped, and Scott fell down again.

However, in the next second, the rope that was stretched again tied him up again.

Scott was about to repeat his old tricks when Dumbledore's voice was heard in the wind.

"Relax, Scott."

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Scott couldn't help exclaiming, and took several gulps of cold wind.

"it's me."

Dumbledore's voice came, and the rope pulled Scott towards the top of the tower again.

Scott obediently didn't resist this time, and let the rope pull him back to the top of the tower and gently landed on the ground.

Footsteps sounded.

"You've broken quite a few school rules, Scott."

Scott sat up and looked at Dumbledore in a nightgown.

"Sorry, Professor." He apologized obediently.

He was a little annoyed. He was so focused on Ginny's name just now that he ignored Dumbledore's movements.

Moreover, because he was too nervous at that moment, he didn't even carefully perceive the magic power of the incoming person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have reacted that much.

Like a frightened bird.

Dumbledore smiled at him, raised his head to look at the two shadows in the air, "I think you need to put the two Mr. Weasleys down first, and they will most likely catch a cold."

With a casual wave, he untied Scott's rope.

Scott stood up and smiled sheepishly.

Two eagle chirps came from afar, and two giant eagles descended from the sky and landed on the top of the tower again.

Their broad wings flapped vigorously, creating a whirlwind.

Scott waved his wand twice as soon as they put the twins down, turning them into old desks again.

At the same time he turned his head and looked at the other old desk that had just been turned into a bull at the door.

"Excellent Transfiguration, Scott." Dumbledore said in a tone of admiration, "I have never seen a little wizard at your age who can use Transfiguration so well."

"Thank you for your compliment, Professor."

Scott tidied up his messy clothes, and then said to Dumbledore in a solemn tone: "I don't know if you already know what we have done these days, Professor. I want to say, we may have found 'Heir to Slytherin'."

"I gotta say, very creative approach, Scott."

Dumbledore praised again.

"I've been paying attention to this matter for the past two days, about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets."

The blue eyes behind the half-moon glasses looked at Scott curiously.

"The method you used is beyond my imagination."

He winked playfully.

"Or, most wizards can't think of such a simple, interesting and useful way."

Scott shook his head. "It's just a little clever."

He looked down at the twins, his face a little tangled.

It was impossible for Dumbledore not to see that he had cast a Stunning Charm on the twins.

But the premise of what he thought was a reasonable move was that he found out that the target they were looking for was the Weasleys' youngest daughter, the twin's little sister.

To illustrate the point, he would have to reveal the Marauder's Map to Dumbledore.

Although it doesn't matter to him, the Marauder's Map is a twin thing after all.

Although the origin is not so legitimate.

At this point Dumbledore waved his hand, awakening the twins.

The twins who opened their eyes immediately went dumbfounded.



The two of them stared at Dumbledore, unable to say a word.

"Three gentlemen." Dumbledore said kindly: "I think what you need most now is to go back and get a good night's sleep."

Scott looked at him in surprise.

"You don't have to participate in the rest. Of course, the professors and I will solve those troubles."

Dumbledore looked at them with a smile.

"When this matter is resolved, I will invite you to have afternoon tea together, and then we will have a good chat."

After speaking, he waved his hand, turned and walked towards the wooden door.

"Professor!" Scott said. "Those negatives..."

"Oh, don't worry, Scott." Dumbledore turned his head and blinked, "Although I am over 100 years old, I still maintain a strong curiosity about new things."


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(End of this chapter)

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