Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 65 065. The last puzzle piece of the event

Chapter 65 065. The last piece of the puzzle

The three of Scott followed Professor McGonagall to her office.

Before long, the fireplace in the office burst into flames, and the Weasleys walked out of it.

Scott could tell that the couple had been temporarily awakened from their sleep.They didn't even have time to change their clothes, they just hurried over with a robe over their pajamas.

"Oh! Dear Professor McGonagall! My daughter!" Mrs. Weasley asked hastily. "Is Ginny all right? That house-elf who woke us up can't even speak!"

Professor McGonagall quickly reassured her, "She's all right, she's safe, Molly. She's at Dumbledore's now."

"She's fine! Arthur, she's fine!"

Mrs. Weasley turned to her husband, and Mr. Weasley nodded quickly.

Mrs Weasley looked close to tears.

She breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest with her hand, "She's still so young, she just came to Hogwarts to study, I'm really worried..."

While speaking, she saw George and Fred sitting in the corner of the office.

"George! Fred!" She immediately widened her eyes and almost roared, "It's still dark, why are you here? Did you two do something good again?"

Scott saw the twins around him shrink their necks at the same time.

"Sorry, Mrs Weasley."

Scott patted George on the shoulder and took the initiative to stand up.

Then he saw Mrs Weasley's face change instantly and smiled kindly at him, "Oh! Honey, who are you?"

"My name is Scott Trollope, Mrs. Ravenclaw fourth grade."

Scott introduced himself and said, "I'm very sorry, this time George and Fred violated school rules by accepting my invitation."

"Oh dear, you don't have to excuse them."

Mrs. Weasley smiled kindly at Scott and gave the twins a hard look.

"No one knows these two troublemakers better than I do!" she said. "I don't think they have to accept anyone's invitation for breaking school rules."

"Mom! You can't keep looking at us the same way!" Fred looked aggrieved.

"We did a great thing this time!" George said proudly, "We discovered Ginny's abnormality, which means saving Ginny!"

"Really? Did you discover her abnormality?" Mrs. Weasley hesitated.

"Yes, it's us!"

The twins met her gaze and nodded with absolute certainty.

"Oh! George, Fred..."

Mrs Weasley's attitude softened immediately, and she opened her arms to embrace them.

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and Dumbledore walked in with Ginny.

"Ginny! My daughter!"

Mrs. Weasley immediately changed her target, rushed over and hugged Ginny tightly, then took her in her arms and looked at her carefully.

This made the twins who were about to receive the hug froze for a few seconds before regaining their senses.

"If this was at home, she would have stripped off Ginny's clothes and checked them out," Fred told George.

George shrugged and looked up at Mr. Weasley with a mischievous smile.

Mr. Weasley winked at him and kept thanking Dumbledore.

"It's my headmaster's responsibility to protect the students. Fortunately, Miss Weasley is fine," Dumbledore said to Mr. Weasley.

He looked at the others again, "Then you'll stay with Minerva, while Filius and Severus have to deal with a bigger problem together."

Scott asked him, "Professor, are you going to deal with that monster in the back room?"

"Yes, Scott." Dumbleley nodded. "If you want to participate too..."

"Albus!" Professor McGonagall said suddenly and solemnly, interrupting Dumbledore's words.

"Oh, of course, that's not something you can get involved in, Scott, it's too dangerous," Dumbledore continued.

"No, I didn't mean to participate." Scott said quickly.

He will not go to die.

He said hesitantly, "I mean, about that monster... I know one more thing, and that might be a useful clue."

"I trust your judgment, Scott, please," said Dumbledore kindly.

"This is about Harry Potter, Professor."

Scott's mention of the name Harry Potter immediately caught everyone's attention in the office.

"I overheard Potter discussing with two of his friends and Potter said he had heard strange noises in the castle several times during the school year."

Scott sold "Savior" without hesitation, and he was here to provide Dumbledore with the final piece of the puzzle.

"Strange sound?" Dumbledore began to think.

"Yes, Professor," Scott said. "I've talked to them about it, and Potter has heard a voice in the wall screaming 'kill' a few times."

"We talked again yesterday. The reason they first found Mrs. Norris on Halloween was because they chased the voice to the third floor."

Scott said the point, "Only Harry Potter could hear that voice, not Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger."

"It is indeed a clue."

Dumbledore nodded in approval, and asked curiously, "Can you draw any conclusions about this? Scott."

Scott didn't know why Dumbledore asked him, but he still came to the conclusion he had told Potter and the others.

"I think Potter has a special gift for magical language, like Slytherin's Parseltongue, maybe he has a Rattonk or a Spiderman?"

"Interesting statement." Dumbledore nodded with a smile, "Magic, it's so magical, anything can happen."

He said to Professor McGonagall, "Minerva, please call Harry, I may need his help."

"No, students shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing, Albus!" said Professor McGonagall disapprovingly.

Mrs. Weasley, who was holding Ginny, also raised her head and said to Dumbledore: "Yes, poor Harry, he is too young to follow you on adventures!"

Dumbledore just smiled, "Don't worry, Minerva, Molly, of course I can protect Harry."

As they spoke, Scott walked back to George and Fred and sat down.

"Hey, man," George whispered to him. "Why didn't you tell us about it!"

"You should have told us earlier," Fred said.

"I thought it didn't matter," Scott told them in a low voice, "I thought it was some kind of small animal running down the drain into the pipe in the wall, and Potter could understand the language of that animal. "

"I don't know what that monster is?" Fred was extremely curious.

George said hopefully: "If only we could watch Dumbledore and the monster fight with our own eyes."

"Don't even think about it," Scott said.


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(End of this chapter)

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