Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 60 060. The "Savior" of the Salamanders

Chapter 60 060. The "Savior" of the Salamanders

The subject of this Fantastic Beasts lesson is salamanders.

On the teaching site next to the forbidden forest, a bonfire formed by piles of firewood and leaves is burning, and small bright red lizards are crawling around in the fire.

Professor Kettleburn had each group gather around a bonfire and handed them a few small glass bottles.

"Salamanders are small lizards that live in flames, and they usually feed on the flames. As long as the flames don't go out, it will continue to live."

Professor Keitelborn will introduce you to this amazing animal, the salamander.

"However, salamanders can live up to six hours if they are given regular pepper feedings as they leave the flames."

Scott and the others crouched by the fire.

"Is it sick?" Fred poked a salamander lying still in the fire with a stick.

At this time, Professor Kettleburn clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Salamander blood has strong healing and healing properties, and it can also be used to make a variety of potions, the most famous of which are enhancers," he exclaimed.

He picked up a glass bottle, "In today's class, we're going to learn how to draw blood from these little guys. This will be the material for your potions class!"

"Why do we have to do things for old bats in the conservation of magical creatures class!" George complained to Scott and the others very unhappily.

"Everyone come here." Professor Kettleburn crouched beside a bonfire. "Look carefully at my demonstration of movements! I have to make sure that I won't cause serious damage to it."

Although Professor Kettleburn has only one arm left, it does not seem to affect his movements.He was obviously very skilled in taking blood.

After watching the professor's demonstration, Scott and the others also acted, imitating his movements to draw blood from the salamander and put it into a glass bottle.

Scott noticed that George and Fred exchanged a few glances, and then sighed in a pretentious manner.

"Oh, these little guys are so pathetic."

"We have to save them."

At the end of the class, they secretly hid a salamander in their pockets when Professor Kettleburn was not paying attention.

On the way back to the castle, Scott asked the twins, "Where are you two going to keep this poor salamander? It's only going to live up to six hours off the fire."

Fred patted his pocket lightly and said proudly, "Of course we will take good care of this little guy!"

George continued: "We'll keep him in the common room fireplace and feed him with a good streak!"

"Fireworks?" Roger laughed. "Hope you don't burn down the Gryffindor common room."

"Of course! We are experienced troublemakers!" Fred raised his head proudly.

George also raised his head at the same time, "We will not stop making mistakes, but we will never make big mistakes!"

After lunch, Scott came to the empty classroom on the third floor alone.

He sat at the old desk by the window and looked out the window with his head on his hands.

Before long, the sound of wings flapping sounded, and a dark raven flew in from the window.

It flew to the old desk and dropped the film it was holding in its claws.

As the morning passed, there were already many negatives for him to check.

Scott checked the film and pulled out a few new ones for the raven to deliver.

Then he closed the curtains, took the film, stepped aside, and started developing the film with the tools he had prepared.

In order to facilitate his own hands, he prepared the most convenient black and white film for processing.

Soaked on the film in developer solution, as the image slowly emerged, Scott began to make a careful identification.

An hour later, he walked out of the empty classroom.

There was no image he wanted in the film shot in the morning, but he also accidentally captured an interesting picture.

Dumbledore stopped briefly in that corridor.

Only one piece of film accurately captured the back of him standing in the corridor looking at the "Shocked Body".

Only one.

After Scott saw this film, he suddenly felt that the interval of 3 minutes seemed a bit too long.

If Ginny, manipulated by Tom Riddle, can quickly destroy that message, there's a good chance the camera will miss that frame.

Thinking of this, he came to that corridor again.

He had seen from the footage on the film just now that Filch had been sitting in a chair almost all morning staring suspiciously at the passing students.

He doesn't seem to have given up his idea of ​​finding the murderer.

Scott walked past him non-stop, confirming that the message was intact, and turning a blind eye to Filch's staring eyes.

He didn't stop at this place, but went straight up the stairs to the fourth floor.

He quickly came to the window at the same position on the fourth floor, quickly stretched out his hand holding the wand from the window, and changed the instructions of the two puppets in the air, changing the frequency of pressing the shutter to once a minute.

Although the consumption of film is a bit large, fortunately, he released enough to be foolproof.

He felt that he could estimate the time and let the raven replenish it on time.

On the way back to Ravenclaw Tower, Scott was stopped by the "Savior" who took the initiative to find him when he passed the central courtyard.

"Hello, Trollope."

This "Boy Who Lived" still had the shyness of facing a stranger in front of Scott.

"Can I talk to you?" he begged.

"Okay, Potter."

Scott nodded.

"This way."

The boy took Scott to the flower bed in the corner of the courtyard, where his two friends were waiting.

Scott took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, Weasley, Granger."

"Hello, Trollope."

Granger didn't wait for Weasley to speak, but started talking impatiently.

"Do you remember last time? You said the voice Harry heard was an eight-eyed spider, but according to the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the eight-eyed spider couldn't petrify Filch's cat."

Scott was about to speak when the girl continued to speak very fast.

"Did you see it last night, the cat looked like it was dead. Dumbledore examined the cat and said it was the result of extremely advanced black magic."

After confirming that the girl had finished speaking, Scott began to answer slowly, "Sorry, the eight-eyed spider is just my guess, Miss Granger. Because there are not many magical beasts who can speak English. Now it seems that I guessed wrong. ?"

He turned to look at Potter.

"Potter, so you got there first yesterday because you heard that strange noise again?"

"Yes." Potter's expression was very helpless. "I came out of the basement where Nick, who was almost headless, held a dinner party, and ran to the third floor after the voice."

"But Hermione and I didn't hear anything!" Weasley said exaggeratedly.

Scott nodded and asked again, "So have you told Dumbledore about this?"

Potter shook his head and said a little embarrassedly, "I didn't tell him."

He took another look at Weasley and explained, "Ron told me that it's often not a good thing to hear voices in the wizarding world that no one else can hear."

Scott smiled, he didn't expect the three little wizards to come to him.

Was it because he had bumped into Potter hearing strange noises, so it didn't matter?

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 Thanks to the three readers, During, unbekanntes, and Nomi, for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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