Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 61 061. Another way to escape Potter

Chapter 61 061. Another way to escape Potter

"You should tell Dumbledore about this," Scott said to Potter. "It's an important clue."

Potter immediately shook his head reflexively, "No!"

At this time, Granger pursed his lips.

Her expression was very similar to Professor McGonagall's, and she looked sideways at Potter, "Harry, maybe you should listen to Trollope's advice and tell Dumbledore about it!"

"It's not a big deal, maybe I got it wrong." Potter showed great resistance.

"I don't understand what you're worried about, Potter," Scott said flatly. "It's not a big deal. You may not know that some wizards are born with some unusual talents."

He deliberately looked at Potter with incomprehensible eyes.

"You can only understand the language of a certain animal. You know, Slytherin is famous in history for Parseltongue. If so, why don't there be cat and dog tongues?"

"Indeed, Harry!" Weasley said. "Slytherin is a Parseltongue, he can talk to snakes. It's famous, but I forgot to tell you."

He was obviously excited, the freckles on his face turned red, and he kept patting Potter on the shoulder.

"Of course, you can't be Parseltongue! Parseltongue is the hallmark of the Dark Wizard!"

He grinned as if he had amused himself before telling a joke, and laughed a little funny.

"You're Harry Potter! The Boy Who Lived!"

It's just that he didn't notice, Potter's expression instantly became panic, and his eyes were full of unease.

Although he immediately lowered his head to cover it up, he still did not escape Scott's sight.

"Harry?" Granger also sensed something was wrong with him.

"By the way, Wood has something to do with me...about the Quidditch match...I have to go to him!"

Potter suddenly panicked a few words, and without even saying hello to Scott, turned around and hurried away.

"Harry?" Weasley looked dumbfounded, staring at Granger. "What's wrong with him?"

"How do I know!" Granger frowned tightly.

"I have to go and see!" Weasley said, chasing after him.

"Harry! Ron!"

Granger shouted twice, but the two boys ran away without looking back.

Scott looked at Potter's back and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

At this time, Granger, who was left alone by the two friends, seemed to be out of breath. She blushed and took a few deep breaths before turning her head to apologize to Scott.

"I'm sorry, Trollope! Oh! They didn't mean it, oh! I mean, that's what they usually do."

Scott said calmly, "It's okay. But I still want to remind you, or tell Potter, that it's not a good idea to hide that from Dumbledore."

Granger said quickly, "Yes, I think so too, but..."

Scott continued: "There are many things that may be difficult for you, but if it is the professors, they can often solve the trouble easily. Maybe Dumbledore is short of this clue to solve the problem that happened last night. What's the matter?"

The girl nodded in approval, "And this morning! I think, maybe there are two tit-for-tat people hiding in the school. One of them thinks he is the heir of Slytherin, and the other is dismissive of him and sneered."

Scott affirmed her statement and said goodbye to her.

He wanted Potter to confess to Dumbledore himself.

If Potter didn't do that, he didn't mind doing it for him.

After the dinner that day, Scott did not return to the dormitory. He greeted his roommates and went directly to the empty classroom on the third floor to start developing the film accumulated during the afternoon.

It didn't take long for the Weasley twins to sneak over.

Scott used several spells to completely seal the classroom, and the three of them got busy together.

A few hours passed quickly.

"I don't think the 'Heir to Slytherin' will appear." Fred complained, lying on the old desk.

George, also paralyzed with exhaustion, said to Scott: "It seems that we are facing a cunning opponent, and this temptation may be lost."

The three of them had been constantly developing the film just now, and then they carefully identified the not-so-clear images on the small film one by one.

It's a pretty exhausting job, and even Scott is a little tired.

In short, they still did not get useful clues from the film accumulated in the afternoon.

"It's hard work," he said to the twins. "We'll do it a different way tonight."

He took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, then to the Marauder's map spread out on the table.

Fred also leaned in to take a look, "Oh! Filch's starting to stand there again!"

Scott smiled and said, "Then we'll just stare at the Marauder's map, and I'll get the camera to work only when someone other than Filch is around there."

"Can this kind of thing be done?" George looked at him curiously. "Now your two puppets who are in charge of operating the camera are just working rigidly according to the time."

Scott smiled confidently, "I set up two modes for the puppets to give commands. Now it's the commands I gave with my wand before, and they will act according to the time interval. The other is to completely play with the wizard. The chess pieces are the same."

Fred was also very curious, "Like wizard chess? Talk to them to give orders? Are you going to shout out here?"

"Of course not, don't forget, I have a little helper."

Scott raised his hand and touched the black raven standing on his shoulder.

"This raven can talk?"

Fred was instantly refreshed.

He walked over to Scott and grabbed the raven to examine it carefully. The curiosity in his eyes almost overflowed, "How did you do it?"

"Oh, you overestimate me, of course it can't speak." Scott looked at Fred amusingly, "I just set its bark as a command."

Fred was disappointed. "Is that so? I thought you could conjure something that could talk, like the stone statue at the entrance of the principal's office."

"Thank you for looking up to me, Fred." Scott spread his hands, "I'm not that good at Transfiguration. Also, I think that statue might be the same as the knocker in our Ravenclaw common room. Like, an alchemical work."

He walked to the old desk and sat down again, and tapped the map on the desk with his finger, "Anyway, we can take turns taking breaks, as long as we make sure that someone is always staring at the Marauder's map."

Having said that, he stretched out his hand to take the raven that Fred handed over.

"Of course, please remember to wake me up if you see anyone's name appearing around there."


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(End of this chapter)

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