Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 059. Waiting for this matter to slowly ferment

Chapter 59 059. Waiting for this matter to slowly ferment


Malfoy raised his wand angrily and fired a cutting spell at the "Shocked Body" on the wall.

The spell collided with the wall, and a "pop" sounded, but the line of letters made of iron wire that was clinging to the wall was not damaged at all.

Seeing this, the Gryffindor students laughed loudly.

Malfoy flushed with anger and waved his wand.




He cast several cutting spells in a frenzy, but still didn't see any effect.

This time, the surrounding students laughed even louder, and even the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students laughed.

Malfoy's pale face turned even paler, and his eyes glared at the people around him.

But no one is afraid of him, and many people are looking at him with mocking eyes.

Scott heard Fred from the crowd shouting, "Would you like your dad to help? Oh! Poor baby Malfoy!"

His words immediately sparked a roar of laughter.

"damn it!"

Malfoy squeezed his wand and raised his hand again.

"Go away, Malfoy!"

A senior Slytherin male student stepped forward and pulled Malfoy away violently.

He gave Malfoy a cold look and pulled out his wand, "Reducto!"

He simply cast a smashing spell that was more lethal than the cutting spell.

The spell collided with the wall again, but still had no effect.

The face of that Slytherin senior male student suddenly became very ugly.

"What's the matter, Stryner?" his classmate asked him.

"It's a permanent adhesive spell." Stryner said coldly, "after this thing is glued to the wall by the permanent adhesive spell, it will be regarded as a portrait-like thing by Hogwarts Castle, and it will be protected. "

At this moment, Scott heard two Ravenclaw seniors talking in low voices.

"Ha, Stryner finally found out."

"I thought no one in Slytherin would find this out."

Scott's lips curled up.

That's why he uses this method.

Of course, there is also a limit to the protection the castle automatically imposes on things like the portraits attached to it.

He remembered that Sirius had destroyed the portrait in the Gryffindor common room in the "Original".

But he also believed that as long as the professor didn't do anything, ordinary students' magic would not be able to achieve this level.

At this moment, Filch's angry scolding came from the other end of the corridor, "You little bastards! What are you doing! No class! Around here to make trouble!"

The Gryffindor student standing in front of him had already made way, just in time for him to see Stryner raising his wand against the wall.

"Caught you! Enchanted bastard in the hallway!" Filch trotted over with a set of cleaning kits and a bucket.

It was too late for Stryner to withdraw his wand, Filch put what was in his hand on the ground and glared at him fiercely.

"It's all because of you disobedient bad people..." He scolded and stretched out his dirty hand to grab Stryerner's wrist.

"And you!" Filch glared at the students around him, "I remember it's almost time for class!"

"Look at the wall, Mr. Filch."

A student in the crowd reminded him.

"What good things have you done..." Filch turned his head and was stunned the moment he saw the "Shocked Body".

"This...this is..." he stammered, "if it's the damned heir who hurt my Mrs Norris, he's probably a hundred times more evil than the Dementor who gave birth to him. ."

At this time, Scott forcibly held back his smile and looked away.


Eddie squeezed in from the other side and waved to Scott.

The two came to the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Felch is here, and the professors will know about it soon," Eddie said quietly. "Sorry, it's impossible to hide the news from the students."

Scott just laughed lightly when he heard the words, "Don't worry, Eddie. You've done a great job. Next, just wait for this to ferment."

Eddie looked at him incomprehensibly. "Is that enough? What if a professor destroys that message?"

Scott smiled meaningfully at him, "But now the professors aren't here."

He tapped Eddie on the shoulder, turned and walked up the stairs, calling out to Roger.

"Roger, let's go, it's time to go to class."

The first class of the morning was Conservation of Fantastic Beasts, and the Weasley twins quickly caught up after Scott and Roger walked out of the castle.

"I thought Stryner would fight Filch!" Fred said regretfully.

Roger asked curiously: "Oh! After we left, Stryrner and Filch had a conflict?"

George said: "Felch wanted Stryrner to join him in clearing the glowing words on the walls, but Stryrner disagreed and said he had to go to Potions class."

"Filch didn't stop him!" Fred said indignantly, "Damn old Filch wouldn't 'open the door' to the two of us like this."


George put his hand on Scott's shoulder and took him aside.

Scott turned his head and saw that Fred was putting his hand on Roger's shoulder in a pretentious manner, preventing him from coming over.

"Scott, will our arrangement be ruined by the professor?" George asked worriedly.

"Don't worry," Scott whispered. "Since the professor didn't come over just now, it means they won't care about it."

George didn't understand. "You mean?"

Scott said jokingly, "Maybe Headmaster Dumbledore also wants to see if our bait catches fish?"

"Are you kidding?" George looked in disbelief.

Scott lowered his voice, "Remember? A student was killed 50 years ago. Dumbledore was the school's Transfiguration professor at that time. I think he should pay attention to the incident related to the rumor of the Chamber of Secrets. "

"But if it's Dumbledore, he should be able to find out who the ghost is soon." George said with some confusion.

Possibly due to family influence, both George and Fred strongly believed that Dumbledore was omnipotent.

Scott smiled, "Maybe...if our method works, it's also a fun thing for Mr. Principal?"

George immediately became proud.

"If our method works," he said longingly, "then we're doing Dumbledore a favor? Oh! That way Mom can't criticize me and Fred any more!"

Scott laughed silently.

He really hadn't thought that he could hide it from the professors, especially Dumbledore.

Whether it was writing on the wall, or was it a shock, the sensation was too great.

But he was also betting that Dumbledore wouldn't stop them from doing so, and maybe even "cooperate" in secret.

Now it looks like he made the right bet.

Not a single professor appeared in the corridor on the third floor just now, which is evidence.

As for Scott having previously told Eddie to find a way to delay the professors when he spread the word, that was just a necessary step to hide himself.

After all, he didn't want Dumbledore to know that he knew a little too much, and he was betting on his reaction.


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(End of this chapter)

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