Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 551. This is a family dispute

Chapter 551. This is a family dispute
For two months after Christmas, Scott had a quieter time.

The confirmed members of the All Witches are very quiet.

Medea didn't go out and force her way into Graves' house to take the magic item.

The druids are still not ready to open the passage.

Nothing happened.

Scott paid attention to it from time to time at first, and later devoted more energy to study and research.

For a long time, he has never stopped making progress in various magical skills.

In the stage of transformation, which he is best at, he can finally transform matter to a certain extent.

Reaching this stage, if Scott's special transformation technique wants to go further, it must rely on the progress of magic spells and alchemy to prove it together.

In terms of alchemy, his progress is also not small.

Theoretically, even Ravenclaw doesn't have much to teach him. What he needs is long-term practice and research accumulation.

As for the spells, he focused on the two super magics inherited from the "Asgard" school.

Whether it is the space super magic "Yuktra Hill" or the attack super magic "Gungnir", there is a lot of potential to be tapped.

These two kinds of super magic are not two simple powerful spells, but each represent a knowledge system researched by those ancient wizards.

As long as Scott continues his in-depth research, he will be able to benefit endlessly, and even be able to achieve "one trick, eat all over the world."

"The materials consumed this time are a bit too much."

In the alchemy workshop in the Room of Requirement, Scott takes back the [Odin's Eye] space of the "summoned beast" that has been transformed beyond recognition by him.

"Blessed to get those collections that belong in 'Asgard'."

Helena, who was watching from the sidelines, said softly: "In the modern magic world, no wizard has such a luxury as you."

Scott laughed. "But it's worth it."

This is the guarantee of one's own life.

He raised his head and said to the Ravenclaw portrait in the frame on the wall, "Dear mentor, I'm ready."

Ravenclaw said: "In a short period of time, you really can't increase your strength."

Helena asked curiously, "So, what if the current Scott fights against Slytherin?"

Ravenclaw's answer was not so optimistic.

"If Slytherin still has the strength of the peak period, or even goes a step further, then Scott's chances of winning are actually not great."

"How could it be?" Helena couldn't believe it, "I thought he was well prepared."

Ravenclaw said: "The odds are not great, but they are not impossible."

"don’t worry."

By this time, Scott had confidence in himself.

"What I'm going to do is not head-to-head with Slytherin."


Ravenclaw smiled.

"If I am against Salazar, even though I am not as powerful as Salazar, I can guarantee my invincibility."

Helena looked at Ravenclaw in the painting, "You want to say that wisdom is the most important thing?"

"That's right," Ravenclaw said matter-of-factly.

But Helena said: "I don't think Slytherin is lacking in wisdom."

"Of course, a wizard who can go this far, who would lack wisdom."

Ravenclaw spoke calmly.

"But I know Salazar well enough. Even if he changes after leaving Hogwarts, his weakness of character will not disappear. This is Scott's advantage."

After spending almost half of the collection materials to upgrade "Summoned Beast", Scott's study life has entered a relatively peaceful stage.

In the future, if he wants to make progress, he can only rely on the accumulation of time, so he is no longer so urgent, but let his study and life proceed step by step.

At the same time, the "Tower of Babel" organization is also developing step by step.

Over time, the members of the organization are no longer just the few people in the past, but more and more students joined them.

Of course, the "Tower of Babel" has always been in the stage of accumulating strength, and it is still very far away from the goal of creating a new world.

With the gradual deepening of the research on space magic, Scott has become more aware of the difficulty of this goal.

In order to better accomplish his goals, Scott did not cherish his own broom, but shared the information of "Uktra Hill" with every member who had signed a confidentiality contract.

It's a pity that space super magic is too difficult to learn.

For other members of the organization, learning to master the initial runes is an extremely difficult hurdle.

Moreover, not everyone is interested in this almost academic method of mastering magic.

All in all, progress so far has been little progress for all but Scott.

But Scott is in no rush.

He has already decided that after getting over the difficulty of Salazar Slytherin, he will start traveling around the world to find more like-minded partners.

The time came to a certain day in March, and finally, Scott's [Magic Mirror] sent a warning, and at the same time, he also received a message from Mr. Graves.

[They are coming! ]

It was afternoon when the message was received, and Scott was in Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Looking at Snape who was in class, Scott stood up directly.

Without waiting for Snape to sarcastically, he took the initiative to say, "Sorry, Professor, I have something urgent."


Milton, who was sitting next to Scott, seemed to sense something, and quickly reached out to hold his arm.

Then, the two disappeared into the classroom in full view.

"You are here!"

In a blink of an eye, they saw Mr. Graves standing anxiously in front of them.

He held a wand in one hand and a black feather in the other.

"How's the situation?" Milton asked anxiously.

"They surrounded the house," Mr Graves said, "but so far there has been no attack."

Scott looked around and found that they were on the second floor of the house at this time, so he took a few steps to the window and looked downstairs.

As Mr. Graves said, a group of people surrounded the two-story building on the top of the hill.

Each of them was dressed in green robes and hoods to hide their features.

Strangely, they just stood quietly, showing no signs of making a move.

"I've looked around the house through the windowsills in every direction," said Mr. Graves. "There were twenty wizards, but Ms. Slytherin didn't come."

"Have you notified Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic?" Scott turned his head and asked.

Mr. Graves said: "I only informed you and Dumbledore."

"Then Dumbledore will notify Ms. Burns," Scott said.

"Where's grandfather?" Milton asked.

"He's downstairs."

Mr. Graves said with a wry smile.

"He acted dismissive of my caution."

Milton asked, "Is he confident in the safehouse he built?"

"Who knows?"

Mr. Graves was a little helpless.

"Although he is my father, I have never understood him."

Scott said: "Since I am a guest, I still have to go and say hello to the host."

"Come with me."

Mr. Graves led the two downstairs.

Old Mr. Graves was sitting on the sofa in the hall directly opposite the door.

He was neatly dressed and had a serious expression, but he didn't panic.

"Father," called Mr. Graves.

Old Mr. Graves did not turn his head, nor did he answer.

"Grandfather." Milton also called out respectfully.

At last old Mr. Graves turned his head.

"What are you doing back here?"

He looked at Milton as if he were looking at a stranger.

As for the real stranger Scott, his attitude was to completely ignore him.


Milton was clearly terrified of his grandfather.

It was almost a conditioned reflex. After being stared at by the old Mr. Graves, he couldn't speak well.

"This...this is my good friend Scott, my father asked him to help, I came back with him."

Old Mr. Graves finally looked at Scott with an appraising look.

"Hello, Mr. Graves."

As soon as he was acting unfriendly, Scott remained polite.

"I told you a long time ago, you can all go."

Old Mr. Graves turned his head and continued to look at the closed door.

"I don't need any help."

Scott said: "Regardless of what they want to do, it's illegal to break into a wizard's home, the Ministry of Magic knows about it, and they won't let it go."

The old Mr. Graves didn't take his words seriously, "Hmph, there are too many things that the Ministry of Magic wants to take care of. When will they be able to take care of it?"

Just then, there was an explosion outside.

"They're attacking!"

Mr. Graves hurried to the window.

Scott and Milton also leaned over.

Just in time, outside the courtyard, a man in green robe cast another explosion spell on the courtyard door.

But the wooden courtyard door, which looked very crude, was not damaged in the slightest.

Witnessing this scene, Mr. Graves also looked back at his father in surprise.

Old Mr. Graves was still sitting on the sofa without any movement.


There was another series of explosions.

The green-robed men began to attack the courtyard gate and the low wall from all directions, but the seemingly fragile courtyard gate and wall remained standing.

"It's amazing..."

Scott narrowed his eyes.

Following the opponent's attack, he could see clearly that there were traces of ancient runes on the seemingly simple courtyard gate and wall, as well as every floor tile in the courtyard.

From Scott's point of view, the old Mr. Graves's grasp of ancient runes is not very good, and even a little rough.

But as Medea commented, this is a "safety fortress" that he has spent his whole life building, and he uses the method of winning by quantity——

Every inconspicuous brick and wooden board is filled with layers of ancient runes, the number of which is simply innumerable.

Scott couldn't help admiring the old gentleman's perseverance and care.

"Professor Dumbledore and they are here," Milton said.

Mr. Scott and Mr. Graves also saw a group of people appearing outside the courtyard gate.

In addition to Dumbledore, there is a team of Aurors headed by Moody.

Seeing them approaching, the green-robed people all stopped attacking.

"Let's go, let's go out too."

While Mr. Graves was speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the old Mr. Graves.

But old Mr. Graves drooped his eyelids and made no reply.

Mr. Graves seemed to take him as acquiescence, opened the door of the house, and walked into the courtyard.

"……Feel sorry."

After walking out of the house, they heard a charming female voice.

A woman with her back to them faced Dumbledore and the others and raised her hood.

"This is a family dispute in the Graves family."

"It's Zabini!"

Mr. Graves looked at that figure with a very ugly expression on his face.

"Oh, here you are at last, Charles Graves."

Mrs. Zabini glanced back at Mr. Graves, then turned to Dumbledore and the Auror team.

"I think neither the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic nor the headmaster of Hogwarts have the right to intervene in family disputes."

Dumbledore didn't speak, but Moody didn't want to give Mrs. Zabini any face.

He asked disdainfully, "What family dispute? This is old Graves's home, not yours."

"But my husband is hiding here and won't go home, and won't see me."

Madame Zabini said in a plaintive tone.

"I got some friends to help, just to get him in front of me, what's wrong with that?"

Moody kept turning his magic eyes, as if observing everyone present.

He said bluntly, "You attacked old Graves' house. He has the right to seek help from the Aurors."

"You're right, Mr. Moody."

Madame Zabini smiled coquettishly.

"I didn't think about this matter. It's all because I was too angry. I will apologize to my father later."

Scott couldn't see Mrs. Zabini's face, but he could see that the young Aurors behind Moody were blushing.

Only Nymphadora Tonks was rolling her eyes wildly.

"Don't cover it with nonsense like that, Zabini."

Mr. Graves took a few steps forward.

"We all know what you want."

"What do you think I want, Charles?"

Mrs. Zabini turned and looked at Mr. Graves with tender eyes.

"I'm nothing more than a poor woman desperate to get her husband back."


Mr. Graves couldn't help taking a step back, the expression on his face was as ugly as eating a fly.

"It's no use saying anything, Zabini."

Moody was getting impatient.

"No matter what the purpose is, it is true that you attacked old Graves' house. In short, all of you must go to the Ministry of Magic."

Mrs. Zabini seemed very cooperative, "Of course I am willing to go to the Ministry of Magic to explain the matter clearly, and I am also willing to compensate my father for the loss, but my friends are just here to help, so there is no need to go?"

"There is no room for bargaining in this matter," Moody insisted.


Madame Zabini suddenly cried out.

"This is a private matter of the Graves family. Are you sure you want the Ministry of Magic involved? I am a member of the Graves family!"

Scott watched in amazement as old Mr. Graves came out of the house.

"Sorry, Moody, I didn't ask the Aurors for help."

The old gentleman said to Moody with a straight face.

(End of this chapter)

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