Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 552 552. Graves' Lies

Chapter 552 552. Graves' Lies
Mrs. Zabini smiled at Moody at the words of old Mr. Graves.

"Since my father has already said so, it's not easy for Aurors to meddle in other people's family disputes, Mr. Moody."

Moody frowned tightly, staring at her with magic eyes, without speaking.

Inside the courtyard gate, Mr. Graves looked at his father puzzled.


The old Mr. Graves ignored him, but said to Mrs. Zabini: "Forget it this time, don't involve my old man in the matter of your husband and wife in the future."

"Okay, father."

Mrs. Zabini agreed with a smile.

"You and your friends may go," said old Mr. Graves.

Madame Zabini did not move.

The other men in green robes didn't move or speak.

"No, father."

Madame Zabini's full red lips curled up.

"I'm here to take Charles home with me."

Her eyes were fixed on Mr. Graves.

"Honey, let's go."


Mr. Graves' expression was instantly ugly.

"What's wrong with me?"

Mrs. Zabini looked puzzled.

Mr. Graves took two deep breaths, "Stop pretending, Zabini, I won't go with you."


Mrs. Zabini's eyes were naturally red, and she looked affectionate.

"Do you want to abandon me?"

Mr. Graves turned his eyes away, "In short, your purpose will not succeed."

"Are you sure, Charles? Are you sure you want to leave me?"


In short, whatever Mr. Graves said, Mrs. Zabini pretended not to understand and continued her performance.

At last Mr. Graves fell silent altogether.

Looking at this scene, Scott didn't know what to say.

Milton standing next to Scott was even more embarrassed.

Dumbledore and Moody, who were also outside the courtyard, were also too embarrassed to speak.


Old Mr. Graves snorted coldly, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Don't argue with the old man about your business!"

He glared at Mr. Graves.

"And you, get out of here as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked back to the room, and closed the door hard with a "bang".

"Charles, my father has said so, which means that he will no longer take you in, and you should leave here."

Mrs. Zabini spoke softly to Mr. Graves.

"No matter what you think about our relationship and marriage, I think we need to deal with our private affairs in private, what do you think?"

Mr. Graves ignored her.

He lowered his head, holding the wand tightly in his hand.

"not good!"

At this moment, Scott suddenly turned and ran towards the door of the house.


He waved the magic wand in his hand while running, and the invisible magic power turned into a sharp knife and slashed towards the wooden gate.

But his attack was blocked.

Dense ancient runes emerged on the gate.

"what happened?"

Mr. Graves and Milton also came running.

"It's Medea's magic wave."

Scott frowned tightly.

"Suddenly appeared in the house."

"Impossible!" Mr. Graves couldn't believe it. "Apparition is forbidden here!"

"Don't forget how I got in here."

Scott waved his wand again.


The golden light converged to form a spear, which pierced through the gate directly.

Scott handed over the wand to his left hand, held the spear in his right hand, and with a sharp swing, the door collapsed.

They saw the old Mr. Graves still sitting on the sofa facing the door, with his head down, unable to see his expression clearly.

And Medea was standing behind the sofa.


Mr. Graves gave an exclamation.

Old Mr. Graves remained motionless and unresponsive.

"What did you do?" Mr. Graves asked Medea.

"It's nothing."

Medea seemed to be in a bad mood, and her tone was a little impatient.

"Just saw a joke."

Mr. Graves asked again, "What have you done to my father?"

Medea at this moment is extremely cold, "Let him suffer the punishment he deserves."

Hearing this, Scott shot directly.

The spear got out of his hand and stabbed directly towards Medea.

The golden light flashed away, and Medea's body was directly torn apart, turning into ceramic fragments and falling to the ground.

"Already escaped early."

Scott felt a little regretful.



The Miltons rushed up to old Mr. Graves and lifted his drooping shoulders.

Mr. Graves held out his hand and sniffed at him.

"Fortunately...he's just unconscious!"

He was relieved.

"Quick, we must get to St. Mungo's as soon as possible!"

He squatted down, trying to carry old Mr. Graves on his back.

"It's useless."

A voice belonging to old Mr. Graves came.


Mr. Graves turned his head,

Scott also looked at the landscape painting on the wall. At this moment, the figure of Mr. Graves appeared in the painting.

"It's useless."

said the portrait of old Mr Graves.

"I'm beyond help."

"Father? What do you mean?" asked Mr. Graves.

The portrait said: "She shattered my soul, and that body has become an empty shell."

Mr. Graves' eyes widened, "But...he is still breathing."

The portrait said: "That is just an illusion, because the soul is only broken, but it has not left the body."

"What did she do to you?" Mr. Graves asked.

"She just killed me."

When mentioning his own death, the tone of the portrait is very calm, and the expression is also very calm.

"The one who imprisons the soul is myself."


Mr. Graves looked at the portrait in a daze.

But soon, he became angry again.

He asked loudly, "Why! Why are you unwilling to give her that damned magic item? Is that thing more important than your life?"

At this moment, the portrait of the old Mr. Graves does not look as cold and unreasonable as he himself. Hearing Mr. Graves' questioning, his old face showed a smile instead.

"Because there are no magic items," he said.


Both Mr. Graves and Milton looked shocked.

"It's really stupid." The portrait laughed. "So far, our family has only passed down three generations. How could there be such a powerful magic item."

Mr. Graves said: "But . . . everybody says . . . "

"Because that's what I spread on purpose." The portrait said proudly.

"You are..." Mr. Graves' tone was uncertain.

The portrait nods.

"Yes, in order to frighten others, and for the better development of the Graves family in the magic world, I intentionally and inadvertently mentioned that I own a powerful magic item."


Mr. Graves looked at the portrait incomprehensibly.

"No wonder Slytherin said she just saw a joke, and you died because of a magic item that didn't exist? What the hell were you thinking?"

The portrait replied, "I said it was for the Graves family."

"Why didn't you want to tell us? Why didn't you just admit that you were lying, why didn't you publicly state that we didn't have that damn magic item in our house?"

Mr. Graves gasped.

"You actually lost your life for such a ridiculous reason!"

"It's worth it." The portrait said, "We must let others know that the Graves family is not without cards."

Mr. Graves roared, "But now Slytherin knows! She knows your lie, and she will tell his men! Those people may even spread you around like a joke!"

Faced with his anger, the portrait sighed.

"There's no way around it. My original plan was to bring this secret into the grave, so that everyone would think that magic item really existed."

"Are you ready?" Milton asked tremblingly, "Aren't you ready to survive?"

"That's it."

The way the portrait looks at Milton is also different from that of the real old Mr. Graves, with kindness.

"I know my house can't withstand Slytherin, and if I die protecting magic items, she won't know the truth, what a pity..."

Scott couldn't help asking, "Do you know how she got in?"

"I don't know." The portrait shook his head. "She suddenly appeared behind me and attacked me with the Imperius Curse. When she asked the truth, she directly took my life."

Scott asked again, "Even if this is the case, you must have been prepared."

"What a sharp kid."

The expression on the portrait is somewhat helpless.

"It seems that you have seen my arrangement."


Scott looked at the unconscious corpse on the sofa with complicated eyes.

"You made two-handed preparations."

"What do you mean?"

Mr. Graves and Milton looked at Scott in puzzlement.

Scott looked at the portrait inquiringly.

"There's nothing we can't say." The portrait said, "I still need your help."

Scott then told Milton and his son.

"Old Mr. Graves has long been prepared. He used his body and soul as alchemy materials, and wanted to leave a real trump card for the Graves family."


Both Mr. Graves' and Milton's mouths fell open.

Scott walked over to the body of old Mr. Graves.

As he pulled it with magic power, red lines immediately appeared on the skin of the corpse.

"It seems that old Mr. Graves hasn't used his magic power for a long time."

he whispered.

"He engraved the rune on his skin, and stored all the magic power in his body. Of course, there is also a rune circuit that imprisons the soul."

"I've been preparing for three years," said the portrait.

"But it's not done," Scott said.

The portrait said: "Now there is only one last step left, Charles, take my body to the basement, I have prepared everything, it is up to you to complete the last step."


Mr. Graves clearly had a hard time accepting it.

"Such a thing... I can't agree..."

"It's really stupid!" The portrait scolded, "Are you going to let my hard work go to waste?"

Mr. Graves still shook his head.

Milton has been staring blankly at the old Mr. Graves' body, tears streaming silently.

Scott silently exited the room.

It's really not convenient for him to get involved in the next thing.

Whatever choice Mr. Graves makes is a private matter of the Graves family.

He looked out of the courtyard door.

There was apparently a fight just outside the courtyard gate.

At this point the battle was over, and Dumbledore and Moody captured several people in green robes, including Mrs. Zabini.

Scott walked to the gate of the courtyard and activated the runes on the door with magic power. After observing for a while, Scott reached out and clicked on several nodes of the runes circuit, pushed open the door and walked out.

"Professor, Mr. Moody, Tonks..."

He took the initiative to say hello to a few people he knew.

"How's it going inside?" Tonks asked.

Scott shook his head, "After I entered the door, old Mr. Graves had been killed by Medea. Medea was still attached to the ceramic doll, and she left before I could do anything."

Tonks patted him on the shoulder, "It's not your fault."

"I know."

Scott didn't think it was his fault.

He looked at the restrained Mrs. Zabini.

"Excuse me, do you know how Medea appeared in the house?"

Mrs. Zabini smiled and said, "You can take a guess, boy."

"We asked her, too, but she wouldn't tell," Tonks said. "And, she's very powerful in Occlumency."

"Can I use Veritaserum?" Scott asked.

Tonks shrugged, "This needs to be approved by the superiors."

Mrs Zabini said: "I haven't committed any crime, Veritaserum is illegal."

Everyone looked at her.

"What's wrong?"

Madame Zabini was confident.

"I just came to deal with family disputes. I just happened to encounter the incident where my father was unfortunately killed. All of this obviously has nothing to do with me."

Her gaze flicked across the crowd.

"You can all testify against me, can't you, I didn't do anything..."

Moody directly sealed her mouth with his hands.

"We need to go in and see."

He beckoned and led the two Aurors into the courtyard.

But it didn't take long for them to come out.

Afterwards, Moody led the Aurors to escort the green-robed man away.

Scott and Dumbledore stayed.

Apart from the death of old Mr. Graves, Scott did not tell Dumbledore about non-existent magic items and old Mr. Graves' plans.

Of course, he didn't ask Mr. Graves if he planned to follow the old Mr. Graves's order and turn his corpse into the hole card of the Graves family.

Both he and Dumbledore just said a few words of comfort.

After Mr. Graves removed his father's body, Scott began to inspect the house inch by inch, trying to figure out how Medea got in.

In order to prevent Milton from being too sad, he asked him to look for it together and talk to him smoothly.

"Thinking about it now, Mrs. Zabini's performance just now was obviously a delay."

"We all thought she was just trying to get away with being questioned by the Aurors."

"And she knew your grandfather's character very well, and used his temper to make him close the door by himself."

(End of this chapter)

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