Chapter 550

Outside the tenth courtroom, Scott broke the different space that wrapped the courtroom.

Auror strikers stormed the courtroom and formally arrested the subdued four.

Scott also took advantage of the opportunity to put away the silver puppet, allowing the phantom clone to dissipate.

At this moment, the other three people had their hoods lifted, but except for Williamson who had already shown his face, Scott didn't know him.

Ms. Burns said to Scrimgeour: "Put them in the dungeon first, and make sure they are guarded by trustworthy men."

Scrimgeour nodded, and directed the strikers to escort the four of them away.

"Don't worry, we just made some small mistakes, and there is no need to do some redundant things to add to the mistakes."

said a thin-cheeked wizard, smiling as he passed Ms. Burns.

"I believe the minister will deal with it fairly."

Among the four, except for Williamson, the other three didn't seem to care about their arrest, instead they all put on a confident posture.

Only the youngest, Williamson, still had a look of displeasure, always staring at Scott with vicious eyes.

Seeing the four being escorted away, Scott smiled, "It's really arrogant."

"They really didn't commit a major crime."

Ms. Burns said very calmly.

"None of these four are alone. Even if we want to deal with it seriously, we will encounter a lot of resistance."

Scott said: "But it's a good thing, at least they have been exposed, and we can keep an eye on them in the future."

These four are all wizards who did not participate in the activities of the All Witches in the past.

The members of the All Witches who appeared in the battle of Azkaban in the past have all been recorded by Ms. Burns who was there at that time, and these people have not made any moves until now.

"I really didn't expect that the Ministry of Magic has become a place where they gather."

Ms. Burns frowned.

"It seems that the security measures of the Ministry of Magic will be strengthened in the future."

Ms. Burns looked quite distressed. Although she is now the Minister of Magic, she will fully obey her orders. It is still only the group of wizards who stood on the same side as her before.

But Scott didn't have much interest in these matters, and Dumbledore didn't say much. After exchanging a few words with Ms. Burns, they left the Ministry of Magic and returned directly to Hogwarts.

"You can relax a little bit."

Dumbledore said to Scott.

"I will also always be in touch with Mr. Graves."

Scott was also relieved that Dumbledore hadn't stopped taking charge just because Voldemort disappeared.

After thanking Dumbledore, he left the headmaster's office.

After returning straight to the dormitory, Scott released Milton from the [Odin's Eye] space.

"It's a pity." He said to Milton, "Medea was too cautious. Not only did she not find her current residence, but she also failed to catch her."

He told the story in detail.

Milton couldn't help thanking Scott again, and comforted him not to be too disappointed.

In fact, Scott was not too disappointed.

Although his original intention was to trick Medea by surprise, he didn't expect to succeed once.


Thinking about what Medea said when she left, Scott was a little unsure of what she was thinking.

"Maybe, she didn't really have one heart with her father?"

This is Helena's guess.

"Back then, Medea didn't marry Gunter voluntarily."

At this time, Scott and Helena are in Helena's study, talking about what happened before Ravenclaw's portrait.

"So, what's the point of what she did before?"

Scott thought, trying to sort out logic.

"Obviously, Slytherin himself is not aware of my existence."

"After all, I am [a person who does not exist], and I have not been observed by [Clairvoyance Eye], nor have I been recorded in [History Volume]."

"The existence of Medea is the backhand for Slytherin to fight against fate."

"He arranged for Medea to be revived in modern times, disturbing the future he observed through [Clairvoyance], disturbing the established destiny."

"If you think about it, [the volume of history] must be in Medea's hands."

"After Medea came back to life, she found me [the one who didn't exist]."

"My existence will make the future that Slytherin originally observed go into the unknown, and allow Medea to better complete the tasks Slytherin entrusted to her."

"That's why she tried to win me over and offered me gifts."

"Medea was always trying to impress the Slytherins."

Helena has a new guess.

"Or . . . she wants to take the fruits of Slytherin."

When she said this guess, even she herself was surprised and her eyes widened.

But she was convinced by her guess.

"That makes sense!"

She was a little excited and spoke extremely fast.

"Why would she want the Graves' magic item?"

"Because she wants to use the power of that item to break magic to enter Avalon, or she wants to break the arrangement of Slytherin in Avalon."

"Why doesn't she care so much about Voldemort's soul disappearing?"

"Because she has a better goal!"

"Why is she so calm about you knowing the truth through the prophecy, and even expecting you to do something?"

"Because she wants you to weaken Slytherin's power first, and it's best to let both you and Slytherin lose, so that she can seize the greatest benefit!"

As Helena asked and answered each sentence, both Scott and Ravenclaw in the painting looked at her in surprise.

Scott and Ravenclaw were not surprised by what she said, but were surprised that Helena, a "silly, white and sweet", would have such a "deep and cruel" guess.

It's quite a surprise.

Helena felt a little embarrassed when she saw it.

"It's just because I still know Medea. After all, she and I used to be friends...Of course, this is just my random guess, and I can't take it seriously."

"I don't think your guess is impossible." Scott said, "I remember Medea once said that she loved her father, but she hated him more."

Ravenclaw said to Scott: "If this is the case, you have a lot more room to maneuver."

Scott nodded, "You are right, if Medea is not completely obedient, then I have a lot of room for maneuver."

Ravenclaw smiled slightly, "Since this possibility is not impossible, then we must plan in advance."

Scott also laughed, "I would also like to ask you to help me with more staff."

Scott and Ravenclaw talked it over and had some charter for what to do next.

After leaving Helena's study, he returned to the bedroom again and contacted Mr. Graves in front of Milton.

Milton had already told his father what happened before, so after the communication connection, Mr. Graves kept thanking Scott again.

Scott said a few polite words, and then asked him directly: "Is your father willing to give up that magic item?"


Mr. Graves in the mirror turned his head in embarrassment.


A cold voice sounded.

Afterwards, old Mr. Graves appeared on the communication screen.

He doesn't seem to have anything to do with adjectives like "kind" and "kind", rather, on the contrary, this is an old wizard who looks very old-fashioned and even a bit mean.

"Don't think about anything, boy!"

He said to Scott bluntly.

"That thing belongs to the Graves family, and it is the foundation of protecting the Graves family's existence! No matter who it is, I will not let it out!"

"You are mistaken, Mr. Graves."

Scott remained polite.

"It's not that I want your magic item, I just think it's not impossible to give the magic item to Medea just in case. After all, the safety of your family is more important than a magic item."


Old Mr. Graves snorted coldly.

"This is about the Graves family!"

It means not wanting to listen to Scott's dictates.

Listening to the conversation between the two, both Mr. Graves in the communication screen and Milton beside Scott looked embarrassed.


Mr Graves also tried to persuade.

"What Scott said is not unreasonable. Since we can't resist, handing over things is also a way to protect the family."

"To shut up!"

The old Mr. Graves's attitude is obviously not salty.

"I don't have a weak son like you! If you are afraid, you can go now, and you can hide away!"

Mr. Graves asked, "Is the life of the family less important than a magic item?"

"I didn't send you to die!" said old Mr. Graves. "I told you to go!"

"Why does father say that now?"

Mr. Graves said a little angrily.

"When you secretly sent away my brother and his family, you didn't think of me and Milton."

"It's you who caused the trouble! You deserve it!"

Old Mr. Graves said something mercilessly, then turned around and walked away.

"Feel sorry……"

The quarrel between the father and son caused Scott to be a little stunned at this time, and quickly apologized to Mr. Graves.

"none of your business."

Mr. Graves looked tired.

"To be honest, I have persuaded my father before that, but unfortunately, he would rather die with that magic item than hand it over."

Scott said a few words of relief.

In the end, he urged, "If there is any accident, please inform me. Apart from me, Dumbledore should also pay attention. If Medea wants to rob Medea by force, we will stop her."

"Thank you."

After finishing the call, Scott let out a long sigh of relief.

Milton started to thank him again, but he quickly raised his hand to stop him.

"My real intention is not just to keep your father and your grandfather safe just in case, but on the other hand, it might be good for me if Medea gets that magic item..."

He wanted to verify Helena's guess and see what Medea wanted to do after getting the magic item.

If Medea entered "Avalon" first, it would not be unacceptable to Scott.

Anyway, Scott has reached a cooperation with the druids guarding the entrance of "Avalon", so he can keep abreast of the movements there.

Scott could even try to switch from light to dark on Medea's side.

After hearing Scott's thoughts, Milton asked with some concern, "What if she uses that magic item to deal with you?"

Scott wasn't worried.

"Don't forget, that magic item needs to accumulate strength for a long time in exchange for a blow that can break any magic."

In other words, the power that can be called super magic is actually only one blow.

As long as he is prepared, he will not pose much threat to him.

"Unfortunately, my grandfather was unwilling to give up."

Milton said very guilty.

"I'm sorry, Scott, I couldn't be of more help. Grandpa couldn't possibly listen to me."

"It's ok."

Scott waved his hand.

"I can also verify the guess in other ways."

After that, he deliberately didn't mention it again.

They belonged to returning to school a day early, and the others did not return to Hogwarts until the next night.

Before dinner started, all the students looked at Snape sitting on the teacher's table in amazement.

"what happened?"

Eddie put on the pain mask in an instant.

"Why is Snape back?"

Roger looked at Professor Slughorn who was also sitting on the teacher's seat, "Professor Slughorn is still here!"

"Didn't see Professor Moody."

Scott glanced over at the teacher's desk.

"It appears that Snape took over the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Oh..." Roger looked unhappy, "He finally got his wish."

Eddie rubbed his chin, "Snape and Slughorn, who will be the Head of Slytherin House?"

They were not the only ones discussing Snape in the auditorium at the moment.

Almost all students are curious about it.

Until Dumbledore stood up.

"Due to the busy work of the Ministry of Magic, Professor Moody has accepted the invitation of the Ministry of Magic and resigned as a professor."

He announced it loudly in public.

"Let us welcome Professor Snape back to Hogwarts as Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

As he spoke, he took the lead in applauding.

But Snape was not a popular professor at all, which led to the sparse applause from the other three colleges except for the warm applause from Slytherin House.

Snape obviously didn't care about this, he just nodded his head very slightly, the expression on his face didn't change at all.


said Dumbledore again.

"Because Professor Sgrahorn wants to devote more energy to the teaching of Potions, next, the post of head of Slytherin House will also be held by Professor Snape."

This time it was Professor Sgrahorn who led the applause.

Snape was quite polite to the old professor, and even raised his wine glass to signal to him.

"Oh, now Snape has another reason to favor Slytherin." Eddie complained dissatisfied.

Scott felt it didn't matter, "Even if he didn't serve as head of Slytherin, he would favor Slytherin."

Roger smiled and said, "It's okay, we will graduate in half a year."


Milton's tone was a little sad.

"This is our last term at Hogwarts."

(End of this chapter)

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