Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 480. Clues about Voldemort

Chapter 480. Clues about Voldemort
Facing Scott's exclamation, Dumbledore did not make a sound.

Scott glanced at him.Did not talk about this topic again.

In fact, he didn't understand that the Ministry of Magic wanted to maintain its rule, and the necessary compromises were impossible.

Most Death Eaters come from pure-blood families, and their influence is too great.

While not all pure-blood families are on the same page, Death Eaters are just one of them.

No one would object to putting those people in Azkaban, or even life imprisonment.

But if they wanted to execute them, or turn them into squibs, they would definitely encounter firm opposition from all the pure-blood families.

Unless the magic world is ruled by absolute force, no one can do whatever they want.

These are things that Scott has gradually understood in the past few years after entering the magic world.

Thinking of this, Scott also felt bored.

He asked Dumbledore, "If there is no way to execute the death sentence, can we find a way to make them lose their ability to cast spells? Even temporarily."

Dumbledore smiled and told him more of the truth.

"You're not the first to have this idea, Scott."

"But we don't have an absolutely effective solution."

"Even if this effect can be achieved, it can be easily cracked."

"So, it doesn't make sense to do that."

"That's why the Ministry of Magic chose to cooperate with dementors in the past."

"This is also an effective method they can think of to continue to weaken the strength of criminals."

Scott was surprised to hear him say that.

Not surprised someone thinks like him.

He is not the only smart guy in the wizarding world.

Such thoughts are unacceptable.

To his surprise—

"Potions, alchemy, spells, there are so many to become a wizard, can't you find an effective method?"

"Even if it is a pair of shackles that cannot be broken?"

"A pair of shackles that cannot be broken by Voldemort?" Dumbledore shook his head. "At least I can't do that."

Scott immediately thought of the door of Roselle's alchemy classroom.

He told Dumbledore.

"I heard from Lucio that the material used to cast that door is an alloy transformed by alchemy, known as Rossel Alloy. It is said that no wizard can break it, nor can it cast any magic on it."

Of course, that could also be an exaggeration.

Maybe that kind of alloy is just something ordinary wizards can't break.

But it's okay to try.

Dumbledore also became interested after hearing about it.

"I will talk to Professor Russell. If the Russell alloy really has that strength, then the Ministry of Magic can introduce it."

"If you can really make shackles that even Voldemort can't break, it will be considered a big problem."

Afterwards, Scott chatted with him about the next round of the Triwizard Tournament, and then left.

Scott spent the next few days peacefully.

Classes, alchemy experiments, painting, practicing apparition, making "summoned beasts", all his time was already filled with these things.

When his paintings could almost be made into a picture book, Rimbaud finally got news.

"The crows do see Death Eaters everywhere, but they never stay in one place."

Rimbaud in [Magic Mirror] said to Scott.

"But we were obviously lucky and found some clues in the end."

Rimbaud gradually became complacent.

"I'm 80.00% sure that Voldemort is hiding in that seaside cliff castle of the Yaxley family on the Isle of Man."

"I went to watch it myself for a few days, and several Death Eaters have quietly appeared there."

"Although their actions were very covert and they left quickly, they were still discovered by me."

"The most important thing is that I saw Mrs. Roll."

"You showed me her picture, and I won't admit it wrong."

"The Yaxleys?" Scott laughed.

This is also an old friend who has dealt with him.

Of course, the other party didn't know it.

He said: "If I remember correctly, the family is left with only their Patriarch, and the only Yaxley who used to serve in the Ministry of Magic."

They then tried to hedge their bets, which ended badly, and even Mr. Yaxley, who was in the Ministry of Magic, lost his position.

"Maybe that's why."

Rimbaud still said proudly.

"No one would have guessed that Voldemort was there, after all, logically, he wouldn't trust Yaxley any more."

Scott sarcastically said: "This has nothing to do with trust. As long as Voldemort stands there, Yaxley can only kneel at his feet and kiss the corner of his robe."

Rimbaud added: "Because of your order, I didn't approach the castle, so I'm not [-]% sure."

"This is enough." Scott said, "Let the crow bring a few 'eyes' over, without entering the castle, as long as it is installed on the cliff, it can see the location of the castle from a distance."

Rimbaud took up the task.

"I'm only responsible for inquiring information, and the rest will be handed over to Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic."

After Scott finished speaking, he hung up the communication.

Afterwards, he compiled the clues that Rimbaud found and his next action of installing the "eye" into a text message and sent it to Dumbledore.

If only the final battle could be held at Yaxley Castle.

Scott couldn't help thinking that.

In this way, Hogwarts can be prevented from being invaded.

The showdown in the "Original Books" took place in May 1998, in Harry's seventh grade.

But the situation is different in reality. Scott believes that it should not be delayed until then.

Scott looked through the surveillance video at Edinburgh Castle again, but still found nothing new.

Speaking of it, it may be that he was lucky. He saw the appearance of Medea on the first night of monitoring, but there was no movement there after that.

The speed of the crows was very fast, and just five hours after Scott ordered them, they had placed their "eyes" on the cliffs around Yaxley Castle.

That night, Scott took the [Magic Mirror] to visit Dumbledore's room again.

"Oh, Scott, I've already talked to Professor Russell and the Ministry of Magic separately."

Dumbledore first talked about the shackles Scott had envisioned.

"With the consent of Professor Roselle, I tested the Roselle alloy produced by their family. It is indeed a good thing that even I cannot destroy."

Scott immediately cheered up.

"In this way, the part of Voldemort's 'reserved' combat power in Azkaban can be abolished. Even if he saves them again, they will not be able to wave their wands again!"

"If all goes well." Dumbledore said, "Professor Russell agreed to try to make a shackle. If the test passes again, the Ministry of Magic will also agree to buy it in large quantities at a high price."

"That's really good news," Scott said.

"However, the speed of making items with Roselle alloy is extremely difficult. Even the Roselle family has only a limited number of alchemists who can make them."

Dumbledore pointed out the disadvantages of Russell alloy.

"In short, even if the shackles are really useful, it will take a lot of time to control all the Death Eaters in Azkaban."

"After all, there is hope." Scott took out the [magic mirror], "By the way, Professor, the crows have installed 'eyes' around Yaxley Castle, let's take a look together."

Dumbledore nodded.

Scott opened the [Magic Mirror], took out his wand, and used the method he learned from Dumbledore to project the image in the mirror on the white wall.

In the night, the castle standing on a cliff by the sea has no lights, just like a black shadow.

"'s hard for us to see what's going on inside the castle." Scott said angrily.

Monitoring from the outside seems somewhat unreliable.

There is no doubt that the castle has protective magic, and what is seen from the outside is not necessarily the real scene.

Of course, this is also a helpless move.

The risk of entering the interior to install the "eye" is too great, and Voldemort may evacuate after being discovered.

Unlike Medea's side here, Voldemort did not fall asleep because of the curse.

"You've done a good job, Scott, and we haven't gotten nothing." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Where?" Scott narrowed his eyes, carefully staring at the picture on the wall.

Soon, he also found out.

On the other side of the pier under the cliff, where he had ambushed and attacked the Yaxley brothers, several figures appeared.

Because the environment there was pitch black, it would be easily overlooked if one didn't look carefully, so he didn't notice it just now.

Dumbledore said: "If you want to protect the castle in all directions, the anti-apparition spell is essential, which also means that they must come and go outside the castle."

"That's their loophole."

Scott got it.

Although the restrictions of the Anti-Apparition Charm can be circumvented by using Portkeys, if there is no special method, the production of Portkeys is monitored by the Department of Magical Transport of the Ministry of Magic.

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, it is an illegal act to make a Portkey without permission.

Scott was able to get a Portkey that was not monitored, thanks to Medea's generosity at the time.

Although Medea had bad intentions from the beginning.

All she did was to make Scott, the [Non-Existing Man], change the established fate recorded in [History Volume] more quickly and more drastically.

At this time, several black shadows in the picture were walking on the path, slowly climbing up the cliff.

When they came to the castle, the gate of that castle opened for a little while.

Light came through the crack in the door.

Scott quickly switched the angle of view and magnified the picture many times.

He and Dumbledore finally caught sight of their faces before they entered the door.

The blond, most conspicuous old Malfoy.

Barty Crouch Jr. with a fierce look like a desperado.

And what Scott has seen, Mr. Parkinson.

The last Scott didn't know. He was tall and strong, half a head taller than the others, like a beast.

"That's Fenrir Greyback, a werewolf leader who has done many evil things." Dumbledore said solemnly, "Voldemort has indeed begun to win over these dark creatures."

The four entered the castle, the gate was closed, and the picture returned to darkness.

"Fenrir Greyback, the notorious werewolf?"

Scott also remembered the identity of the werewolf at this time.

Fenrir Greyback is the cruelest and most vicious werewolf in the British wizarding world.

He has completely lost his humanity, and his only goal in life is to bite and infect as many people as possible.

Rumor has it that he wants to create enough werewolves to conquer wizards and rule the wizarding world.

So he has always liked to attack young children and wantonly spread the werewolf virus.

His intentions are obvious.

Let those children be infected at a young age, and then grow up far away from their parents, with a hatred of normal wizards, and become a member of his werewolf army.

Remus Lupine turned into a werewolf when he was bitten by him when he was young, only because Professor Lupine's father offended him.

Thinking of this, Scott, who had always been a little indifferent, couldn't help feeling a strong disgust in his heart.

Such a guy is really not a pity to die.

He took a deep breath and said, "Perhaps those dementors evacuated from Azkaban are also hiding around here?"

Dumbledore said: "The dementors have never been seen since they left Azkaban, and no one knows where they went."

Scott couldn't help asking, "Apart from the Patronus Charm, which can expel them, is there any way to completely eliminate them?"

Dumbledore shook his head slightly.

"Wizards have no good way to kill dementors directly."

"Unless they are isolated in a place where no humans appear, so that they cannot absorb any emotions, they can be slowly starved to death."

"But as long as humans still have negative emotions such as depression, new dementors will naturally be born."

Scott said: "Voldemort has recruited werewolves and dementors, so other dark creatures, such as vampires, giants, hags and banshees, may have joined him."

Dumbledore said: "Vampires and giants are already rare in Britain, but it does not rule out that Voldemort will recruit dark biomes outside Britain."

Scott frowned.

Voldemort seems to be recruiting, and his power may be growing.

The side of justice is weak. The older generation has sacrificed a lot more than ten years ago, but the new generation has not had time to grow up.

This is a grim trend of ebb and flow.

In the "Original Book", although the righteous side won and Voldemort was completely wiped out, the price paid was undoubtedly tragic.

Most of the underage wizards at Hogwarts were forced to take up their wands to defend the school and fight against dark wizards and dark creatures. Many wizards sacrificed their young lives for this.

Among them is Scott's good friend Fred, and many people he knows or knows.

Scott certainly does not want to see such a thing repeated in reality.

"Do you have any plans?"

He turned to Dumbledore.

"If it's a battle, I can also contribute. I mean, I can ask my 'summoned beast' to help."

(End of this chapter)

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